Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Transform(Uri StyleSheet, String Input,Encoding Encoding,out String Output)
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(Input)));

            processor.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/preferJaxpParser", "true");

            XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();

            XsltExecutable executable = compiler.Compile(StyleSheet);

            XsltTransformer transformer = executable.Load();

            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);



            Output = Encoding.GetString(stream.ToArray());


Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String s1 = @"<xsl:stylesheet version='2.0' xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'><xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/><xsl:template match='/'>";
            String s2 = "This is running an XSLT engine by <xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:vendor')\" />  <a href=\"{system-property('xsl:vendor-url')}\"><xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:vendor-url')\" /></a> implementing XSLT v<xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:version')\" /> ";
            String s3 = @"\n<xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template><xsl:template match='@*|node()'> ";
            String s4 = @"<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select='@*|node()'/></xsl:copy></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>";

            String str = s1 + s2 + s3  + s4;

            //Run Saxon
            //new SaxonTransform().doTransform(args, "Transform");

            //Run Saxon s9 api
            // Create a Processor instance.
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            // Load the source document.
            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(str)));

            XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
            //although it is not required in this example, we need to set otherwise exception will be thrown
            compiler.BaseUri = new Uri("http://dummyurl.com");
            // Create a transformer for the stylesheet.
            XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(str))).Load();

            // BaseOutputUri is only necessary for xsl:result-document.
            //transformer.BaseOutputUri = new Uri("http://dummyurl.com");
            // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node.
            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

            transformer.SetParameter(new QName("", "", "maxmin"), new XdmAtomicValue("parm1"));
            transformer.SetParameter(new QName("", "", "pricestock"), new XdmAtomicValue("parm2"));

            // Create a serializer.
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();

            // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node
            //transformer.InitialTemplate = new QName("","","go");

            serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");

            // serializer.SetOutputFile(Server.MapPath("test.html")); //for file

            // Transform the source XML to System.out.

            //Call the SaxonMediator
            SaxonMediator mediator = new SaxonMediator();

            //mediator.Transform(null, Template template, Package package)

            //wait for user to exit
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Xsl2Processor()
     // Create a Processor instance.
     _processor = new Processor();
     _compiler = _processor.NewXsltCompiler();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Transform(String StylesheetFilename, String SourceFilename, String OutputFilename)
            if (StylesheetFilename.StartsWith(".\\"))
                StylesheetFilename = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\" + StylesheetFilename;

            Processor processor = new Processor();

            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(SourceFilename));

            processor.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/preferJaxpParser", "true");

            XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();

            XsltExecutable executable = compiler.Compile(new Uri(StylesheetFilename));

            XsltTransformer transformer = executable.Load();

            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();

            System.IO.StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(OutputFilename);



Exemplo n.º 5
        // internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method
        // on the Processor object

        internal XQueryCompiler(Processor processor)
            this.processor = processor;
            this.config = processor.config;
            this.env = config.newStaticQueryContext();
            env.setModuleURIResolver(new DotNetStandardModuleURIResolver(processor.XmlResolver));
Exemplo n.º 6
        // internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method
        // on the Processor object

        internal XsltCompiler(Processor processor)
            this.processor = processor;
            this.config = processor.config;
            this.factory = new TransformerFactoryImpl(config);
            this.info = new JCompilerInfo();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static string ImportSchematron(string baseDir, string schemaPath, string xsltPath)
            // Builds a new XSLT file from a schematron file.
            // This only needs to be done when the schematron file changes.
            var sxnProc = new Processor();

            var outPath = xsltPath;
            var baseXsltPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, @"Content\Saxon\");

            var schConverter = new string[]
                                       baseXsltPath + "iso_dsdl_include.xsl",
                                       baseXsltPath + "iso_abstract_expand.xsl",
                                       baseXsltPath + "iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl"
            var schemaUri = new Uri(schemaPath);
            var xslComp = sxnProc.NewXsltCompiler();

            var xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[0]);
            var xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri);
            var xslTrans = xslExec.Load();
            var domOut1 = new DomDestination(new XmlDocument());
            using(var fs = File.Open(schemaPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                xslTrans.SetInputStream(fs, schemaUri); // set baseUri

            xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[1]);
            xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri);
            xslTrans = xslExec.Load();
            var domOut2 = new DomDestination(new XmlDocument());
            var docBuilder = sxnProc.NewDocumentBuilder();
            docBuilder.BaseUri = schemaUri;
            var inputDoc2 = docBuilder.Wrap(domOut1.XmlDocument);
            xslTrans.InitialContextNode = inputDoc2;

            xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[2]);
            xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri);
            xslTrans = xslExec.Load();
            var inputDoc3 = docBuilder.Wrap(domOut2.XmlDocument);
            xslTrans.InitialContextNode = inputDoc3;
            var serializer = new Serializer();
            using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(outPath, false))
                serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "no");

            return outPath;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private XdmNode getLinkedDocument(XdmNode element, Processor processor, bool validate)
     String href = element.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref);
     DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
     Uri target = new Uri(element.BaseUri, href);
     builder.IsLineNumbering = true;
     if (validate) {
         builder.SchemaValidationMode = SchemaValidationMode.Strict;
     return builder.Build(target);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public SaxonDotNetTransform(string sTransformName, string sTargetLanguageCode)
            : base(sTargetLanguageCode)
            // Create a Processor instance.
            m_processor = new Processor();
            m_compiler = m_processor.NewXsltCompiler();

            // Load transform from file
            var uri = new Uri(sTransformName);
            var errorList = new List<StaticError>();
            m_compiler.ErrorList = errorList;
            var t = m_compiler.Compile(uri);
            m_transformer = t.Load();
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void Init (HttpContext context) {
            AppSettings baseXslt = new AppSettings();
            String xsltUri = context.Server.MapPath(baseXslt.GetSetting("baseTemplate"));
            Uri xUri = new Uri(xsltUri);

            this._Resolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
            this._Resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            this._TemplateStream = (Stream)this._Resolver.GetEntity(xUri, null, typeof(Stream));
            this._Processor = new Processor();
            this._Compiler = _Processor.NewXsltCompiler();
            this._Compiler.BaseUri = xUri;
            this._Template = this._Compiler.Compile(_TemplateStream);
            this._IS_INITIALIZED = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {

      _requestMethod = context.Request.HttpMethod;
      _writer = context.Response.Output;
      _context = context;
      _processor = (Processor)context.Application["processor"];
      _compiler = (XsltCompiler)context.Application["compiler"];
      _serializer = (Serializer)context.Application["serializer"];
      _resolver = (XmlUrlResolver)context.Application["resolver"];
      _globalXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["globalXsltParams"];
      _sessionXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["sessionXsltParams"];
      _requestXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["requestXsltParams"];
      Hashtable xsltParams = new Hashtable();
      foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _globalXsltParams) {
        xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value;
      foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _sessionXsltParams) {
        xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value;
      foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _requestXsltParams) {
        xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value;
      _transformContext = new Context(context, _processor, _compiler, _serializer, _resolver, xsltParams);

      switch (_requestMethod) {

        case "GET": {
            new Transform().Process(_transformContext);
        case "PUT": {
            new Transform().Process(_transformContext);
        case "POST": {
            new Transform().Process(_transformContext);
        case "DELETE": {
            new Transform().Process(_transformContext);
        default: {
            new Transform().Process(_transformContext);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private string xml2HtmlTree()
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
            StreamReader xsl = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/Areas/MSM/Resources/Stylesheets/xsd2htmlTree.xslt");

            Processor processor = new Processor();
            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(xml);
            XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(xsl).Load();
            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
            return writer.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string infile = @"c:\daisybooks\verysimplebook\verysimplebook.xml";
            string infile_dir = @"c:\daisybooks\verysimplebook\";
            string xsltfile = @"c:\devel\amis\trunk\amis\bin\xslt\dtbook\dtbook2xhtml.xsl";
            string outfile = @"c:\devel\amis\sandbox\dtbooktransformer_out.xml";

            // Create a Processor instance.
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            // Load the source document
            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(infile));

            // Create a transformer for the stylesheet.
            XsltTransformer transformer =
                processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(new Uri(xsltfile)).Load();

            QName basedir = new QName("", "baseDir");

            List<XdmAtomicValue> elementNames = new List<XdmAtomicValue>();
            elementNames.Add(new XdmAtomicValue(infile_dir));
            XdmValue basedir_value = new XdmValue(elementNames);

            transformer.SetParameter(basedir, basedir_value);

            // Set the user-written XmlResolver
            UserXmlResolver runTimeResolver = new UserXmlResolver();
            runTimeResolver.Message = "** Calling transformation-time XmlResolver: ";
            transformer.InputXmlResolver = runTimeResolver;

            // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node
            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

             *  String outfile = "OutputFromXsltSimple2.xml";
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
            serializer.SetOutputStream(new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
              // Create a serializer, with output to the standard output stream
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();

            // Transform the source XML and serialize the result document

Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if ( args.Length < 2)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Syntax: demo <path-to-xml-file> <xpath-expression> [<num-iterations(default={0})>]", numIters);

            var file = args[0];
            var xpath = args[1];

            if ( args.Length > 2)
                numIters = int.Parse(args[2]);

            Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}", file);

            var proc = new Processor();

            var ms_xp = System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile(xpath);

            var xpc = proc.NewXPathCompiler();
            var xpe = xpc.Compile(xpath);
            var sel = xpe.Load();

            var doc = XDocument.Load(file);
            var ctx = proc.Wrap(doc);
            sel.ContextItem = ctx;

            var nt = new NameTable();
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(nt);

            var ctxXmlDoc = proc.NewDocumentBuilder().Wrap(xd);

            Console.WriteLine("Evaluating {0}", xpath);

            Time(() => Saxon(sel), "XDoc (Saxon)");
            Time(() => Native(ms_xp, doc), "XDoc (Native)");

            sel.ContextItem = ctxXmlDoc;

            Time(() => Saxon(sel), "XmlDoc (Saxon)");
            Time(() => Native(ms_xp, xd), "XmlDoc (Native)");
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (_disposed)

            if (disposing)
                // free other managed objects that implement
                // IDisposable only

            // release any unmanaged objects set the object references to null
            _processor = null;
            _compiler = null;
            _transformer = null;

            _disposed = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the XSLT file
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(string filename, bool profilingEnabled = false)
            //register our eval() function
            processor = new Processor();
            processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new SaxonEvaluate(processor.NewXPathCompiler()));

            if (profilingEnabled)
                var profile = new TimingTraceListener();
                processor.Implementation.getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo().setCodeInjector(new TimingCodeInjector());
                profile.setOutputDestination(new java.io.PrintStream("profile.html"));

            //capture the error information
            var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
            compiler.ErrorList = errorList;

            //compile the stylesheet
            var relativeFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, filename);
                var exec = compiler.Compile(XmlTextReader.Create(relativeFilename));

                //capture xsl:message output
                transform = exec.Load();
                transform.MessageListener = new SaxonMessageListener();
            catch (Exception)
                foreach (StaticError err in compiler.ErrorList)
                    log.ErrorFormat("{0} ({1}, line {2})", err, err.ModuleUri, err.LineNumber);
Exemplo n.º 17
      void RegisterExtensionFunctions(Processor processor, SaxonItemFactory itemFactory) {

         IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> builtInFunctions = 
            new IEnumerable<Type>[] { 
               new modules.exslt.common.Index(),
               new modules.request.Index(),
               new modules.response.Index(),
               new modules.session.Index(),
               new modules.util.Index(),
               new modules.validation.Index(),
               new modules.smtpclient.Index(),
               new modules.expath.httpclient.Index(),

         IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> importedFunctions =
            (from m in XPathModules.GetModuleAdaptersForProcessor(this.GetType())
             let t = m.AdapterType
             let isCollection = typeof(IEnumerable<Type>).IsAssignableFrom(t)
             select (isCollection) ? 
               : new Type[] { t });

         Type itemFactoryType = itemFactory.GetType();

         foreach (var types in Enumerable.Concat(builtInFunctions, importedFunctions)) {

            var functions =
               from t in types
               let ctor = t.GetConstructors().First()
               let param = ctor.GetParameters()
               let args = param.Select(p => p.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(itemFactoryType) ? (object)itemFactory : null).ToArray()
               select (ExtensionFunctionDefinition)ctor.Invoke(args);

            if (functions.Select(f => f.FunctionName.Uri).Distinct().Count() > 1) 
               throw new InvalidOperationException("Functions in module must belog to the same namespace.");

            foreach (var fn in functions)
Exemplo n.º 18
        internal XmlDocument DoTransform()
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Wrap(_docToTransform);

            // Create a compiler
            XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();

            DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
            XdmNode xsltSheetNode = builder.Build(_xsltDocReader);

            // Compile the stylesheet
            XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(xsltSheetNode).Load();

            // Run the transformation
            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;
            DomDestination result = new DomDestination();

            return result.XmlDocument;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static XdmNode getXdmNode(String uri, String path) {
            try {

                SgmlReader sr = new SgmlReader();
                sr.Href = uri;

                XmlDocument htmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

                XmlNode html = htmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(path);
                Processor processor = new Processor();
                return processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(html);

            } catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void Main()
            using (FileStream streamXml = File.OpenRead(XmlPath))
                using (FileStream streamXsl = File.OpenRead(XsltPath))
                    Processor processor = new Processor();

                    DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
                    Uri uri = new Uri("urn:catalogue");
                    builder.BaseUri = uri;
                    XdmNode input = builder.Build(streamXml);
                    XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(streamXsl).Load();
                    transformer.InitialContextNode = input;
                    Serializer serializer = new Serializer();

            Console.WriteLine("catalogue.html created successfully");
Exemplo n.º 21
 public XsltTransformationManager
     Processor processor,
     Transform transform,
     XmlUrlResolver resolver,
     Serializer serializer,
     Hashtable xsltHashtable,
     Hashtable xmlSourceHashtable,
     Hashtable xdmNodeHashtable,
     Hashtable namedXsltHashtable,
     Hashtable namedXsltETagIndex,
     Hashtable xdmNodeETagIndex,
     Uri baseXsltUri,
     String baseXsltUriHash,
     String baseXsltName
     _baseXsltUri = baseXsltUri;
     _baseXsltUriHash = baseXsltUriHash;
     _baseXsltName = baseXsltName;
     _transform = transform;
     _xsltHashtable = xsltHashtable;
     _processor = processor;
     _compiler = _processor.NewXsltCompiler();
     _sourceHashtable = xmlSourceHashtable;
     _resolver = resolver;
     _compiler.XmlResolver = _resolver;
     _builder = _processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
     _serializer = serializer;
     _xdmNodeHashtable = xdmNodeHashtable;
     _xdmNodeETagIndex = xdmNodeETagIndex;
     _namedXsltHashtable = namedXsltHashtable;
     _namedXsltETagIndex = namedXsltETagIndex;
     _hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.SHA1;
     //NOTE: TransformEngine enum PLACEHOLDER FOR FUTURE USE
     _transformEngine = TransformEngine.SAXON;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public XsltTransformationManager
     Processor processor,
     Transform transform,
     XmlUrlResolver resolver,
     Serializer serializer,
     Dictionary<string, XsltTransformer> xsltHashtable,
     Hashtable xmlSourceHashtable,
     Hashtable xdmNodeHashtable,
     Hashtable namedXsltHashtable,
     Hashtable namedXsltETagIndex,
     Hashtable xdmNodeETagIndex,
     Uri baseXsltUri,
     String baseXsltUriHash,
     String baseXsltName
   ) {
     m_baseXsltUri = baseXsltUri;
     m_baseXsltUriHash = baseXsltUriHash;
     m_baseXsltName = baseXsltName;
     m_transform = transform;
     m_xsltHashtable = xsltHashtable;
     m_processor = processor;
     m_compiler = m_processor.NewXsltCompiler();
     m_sourceHashtable = xmlSourceHashtable;
     m_resolver = resolver;
     m_compiler.XmlResolver = m_resolver;
     m_builder = m_processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
     m_serializer = serializer;
     m_xdmNodeHashtable = xdmNodeHashtable;
     m_xdmNodeETagIndex = xdmNodeETagIndex;
     m_namedXsltHashtable = namedXsltHashtable;
     m_namedXsltETagIndex = namedXsltETagIndex;
     m_hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.MD5;
     //NOTE: TransformEngine enum PLACEHOLDER FOR FUTURE USE
     m_transformEngine = TransformEngine.SAXON;
Exemplo n.º 23
             * Run the tests
             * @param args command line arguments
             * @throws SAXException
             * @throws ParserConfigurationException
             * @throws XPathException
             * @throws IOException
             * @throws URISyntaxException

            public void go(String[] args) {
                if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "-?")
                    Console.WriteLine("SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-onwards] -c:contributor? -s:setName? -g:groupName?");
                Processor processor = new Processor(true);
                Console.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion);
                testSuiteDir = args[0];
                if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/"))
                    testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1);
                String testSetPattern = null;   // TODO use a regex
                String testGroupPattern = null;
                String contributor = null;
                Hashtable exceptions = new Hashtable();

                for (int i=1; i<args.Length; i++) {
                    if (args[i] == ("-w")) {
                        //showWarnings = true;
                    } else if (args[i] == ("-onwards")) {
                        onwards = true;
                    } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-c:")) {
                        contributor = args[i].Substring(3);
                    } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-s:")) {
                        testSetPattern = args[i].Substring(3);
                    } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-g:")) {
                        testGroupPattern = args[i].Substring(3);
                    } else if (args[i] == "-?") {
                        Console.WriteLine("Usage: SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-s:testSetPattern] [-g:testGroupPattern]");

                int total = 39700;
                int passed = 0;
                int failed = 0;

                try {

                    xlinkHref = new QName("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href");

                    QName testCaseNT = new QName("", "", "testcase");
                    QName commentNT = new QName("", "", "comment");

                    QName testSetRefNT = new QName(testNS, "testSetRef");
                    QName testGroupNT = new QName(testNS, "testGroup");
                    QName testSetNT = new QName(testNS, "testSet");
                    QName schemaTestNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaTest");
                    QName instanceTestNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceTest");
                    QName schemaDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaDocument");
                    QName instanceDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceDocument");
                    QName expectedNT = new QName(testNS, "expected");
                    QName currentNT = new QName(testNS, "current");

                    QName validityAtt = new QName("", "", "validity");
                    QName nameAtt = new QName("", "", "name");
                    QName contributorAtt = new QName("", "", "contributor");
                    QName setAtt = new QName("", "", "set");
                    QName groupAtt = new QName("", "", "group");
                    QName statusAtt = new QName("", "", "status");
                    QName bugzillaAtt = new QName("", "", "bugzilla");
                    QName targetNamespaceAtt = new QName("", "", "targetNamespace");
                    QName schemaVersion = new QName("saxon", "http://saxon.sf.net/", "schemaVersion");

                    DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
                    builder.BaseUri = new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/");
                    XdmNode catalog = builder.Build(
                            new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/suite.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

                    results = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/SaxonResults"
                                + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml");

                    results.Write("<testSuiteResults xmlns='" + testNS + "' xmlns:saxon='http://saxon.sf.net/' " +
                            "suite='TS_2006' " +
                            "processor='Saxon-SA (Java) 8.8++' submitDate='2007-01-05' publicationPermission='public'>\n");

                    XdmNode exceptionsDoc = builder.Build(
                            new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/exceptions.xml", 
                                FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

                    IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, new QName("", "testcase"));
                    while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext()) {
                        XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current;
                        String set = testCase.GetAttributeValue(setAtt);
                        String group = testCase.GetAttributeValue(groupAtt);
                        String comment = getChildElement(testCase, commentNT).StringValue;
                        exceptions[set + "#" + group] = comment;

                    IEnumerator testSets = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testSetRefNT);
                    while (testSets.MoveNext()) {

                        XdmNode testSetRef = (XdmNode)testSets.Current;
                        XdmNode testSetDoc = getLinkedDocument(testSetRef, processor, false);
                        XdmNode testSetElement = getChildElement(testSetDoc, testSetNT);

                        if (testSetElement == null) {
                            feedback.Message("test set doc has no TestSet child: " + testSetDoc.BaseUri, true);

                        String testSetName = testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                        if (testSetPattern != null && !testSetName.StartsWith(testSetPattern)) {
                        if (contributor != null && contributor != testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(contributorAtt)) {

                        bool needs11 = (testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(schemaVersion) == "1.1"); 

                        IEnumerator testGroups = testSetElement.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, testGroupNT);
                        while (testGroups.MoveNext()) {
                            XdmNode testGroup = (XdmNode)testGroups.Current;
                            String testGroupName = testGroup.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                            String exception = (String)exceptions[testSetName + "#" + testGroupName];

                            if (testGroupPattern != null && !testGroupName.StartsWith(testGroupPattern)) {
                            Console.WriteLine("TEST SET " + testSetName + " GROUP " + testGroupName, false);
                            if (onwards) {
                                testGroupPattern = null;
                                testSetPattern = null;
                            Processor testConfig = new Processor(true);
                            if (needs11)
                                testConfig.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/xsd-version", "1.1");
                            SchemaManager schemaManager = testConfig.SchemaManager;

                            testConfig.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/validation-warnings", "true");
                            IEnumerator schemaTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaTestNT);
                            bool schemaQueried = false;
                            String bugzillaRef = null;

                            while (schemaTests.MoveNext()) {
                                XdmNode schemaTest = (XdmNode)schemaTests.Current;
                                if (schemaTest == null) {
                                bugzillaRef = null;
                                String testName = schemaTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);
                                if (exception != null) {
                                    results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                            "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                            "' test='" + testName +
                                            "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception +
                                bool queried = false;
                                XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(schemaTest, currentNT);
                                if (statusElement != null) {
                                    String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt);
                                    queried = ("queried" == status);
                                    bugzillaRef = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt);
                                if (queried) {
                                    schemaQueried = true;
                                Console.WriteLine("TEST SCHEMA " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : ""));
                                bool success = true;
                                IEnumerator schemata = schemaTest.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaDocumentNT);
                                while (schemata.MoveNext()) {
                                    XdmNode schemaDocumentRef = (XdmNode)schemata.Current;
                                    if (schemaDocumentRef == null) {
                                    Console.WriteLine("Loading schema at " + schemaDocumentRef.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref));
                                    XdmNode schemaDoc = getLinkedDocument(schemaDocumentRef, testConfig, false);
                                    IEnumerator schemaDocKids = schemaDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child);
                                    XdmNode schemaElement = null;
                                    while (schemaDocKids.MoveNext())
                                        schemaElement = (XdmNode)schemaDocKids.Current;
                                        if (schemaElement.NodeKind == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    String targetNamespace = schemaElement.GetAttributeValue(targetNamespaceAtt);
                                    //if (targetNamespace != null && schemaManager. isSchemaAvailable(targetNamespace)) {
                                        // do nothing
                                        // TODO: this is the only way I can get MS additional test addB132 to work.
                                        // It's not ideal: addSchemaSource() ought to be a no-op if the schema components
                                        // are already loaded, but in fact recompiling the imported schema document on its
                                        // own is losing the substitution group membership that was defined in the
                                        // importing document.
                                    //} else {
                                    IList errorList = new ArrayList();
                                    schemaManager.ErrorList = errorList;
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        if (errorList.Count == 0)
                                            feedback.Message("In " + testName + ", exception thrown but no errors in ErrorList\n", true);
                                            results.Write("<!--" + e.Message + "-->");
                                            success = false;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < errorList.Count; i++)
                                        if (errorList[i] is StaticError)
                                            StaticError err = (StaticError)errorList[i];
                                            if (!err.IsWarning)
                                                success = false;
                                            feedback.Message("In " + testName + " wrong kind of error!" + errorList[i].GetType() + "\n", true);
                                XdmNode expected = getChildElement(schemaTest, expectedNT);
                                bool expectedSuccess = expected==null ||
                                        expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid";
                                if (success == expectedSuccess)
                                feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total);
                                results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                        "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                        "' test='" + testName +
                                        "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid" ) +
                                        (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") +
                                        "' saxon:outcome='" + (success==expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") +
                            IEnumerator instanceTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, instanceTestNT);
                            while (instanceTests.MoveNext()) {
                                XdmNode instanceTest = (XdmNode)instanceTests.Current;
                                String testName = instanceTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt);

                                if (exception != null) {
                                    results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                            "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                            "' test='" + testName +
                                            "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception +

                                bool queried = false;
                                XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(instanceTest, currentNT);
                                if (statusElement != null) {
                                    String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt);
                                    queried = ("queried" == status);
                                    String instanceBug = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt);
                                    if (instanceBug != null) {
                                        bugzillaRef = instanceBug;
                                queried |= schemaQueried;

                                Console.WriteLine("TEST INSTANCE " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : ""));

                                XdmNode instanceDocument = getChildElement(instanceTest, instanceDocumentNT);

                                bool success = true;
                                    XdmNode instanceDoc = getLinkedDocument(instanceDocument, testConfig, true);
                                catch (Exception)
                                    success = false;
                                XdmNode expected = getChildElement(instanceTest, expectedNT);
                                bool expectedSuccess = expected==null ||
                                        expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid";
                                if (success == expectedSuccess)
                                feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total);
                                results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName +
                                        "' group='" + testGroupName +
                                        "' test='" + testName +
                                        "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid" ) +
                                        (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") +
                                        "' saxon:outcome='" + (success==expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") +



                } catch (Exception e) {
                    feedback.Message("Test failed: " + e.Message, true);
Exemplo n.º 24
        // internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method
        // on the Processor object

        internal XPathCompiler(Processor processor, JXPathCompiler compiler)
            this.compiler  = compiler;
            this.processor = processor;
Exemplo n.º 25
        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //System.Web.HttpApplication application = (System.Web.HttpApplication)sender;

            m_useMemCached = false;
            m_DEBUG = false;
            m_memcachedClient = null;
            m_appSettings = new AppSettings();
            m_xameleonConfiguration = AspNetXameleonConfiguration.GetConfig();
            string hashkey = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.ObjectHashKey;
            Application["hashkey"] = hashkey;
            m_awsConfiguration = AspNetAwsConfiguration.GetConfig();
            m_transform = new Transform.Transform();
            m_processor = new Processor();
            m_serializer = new Serializer();
            m_resolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
            m_namedXsltHashtable = new Hashtable();
            m_globalXsltParams = new Hashtable();
            m_transformContextHashtable = new Hashtable();
            m_xmlServiceOperationManager = new XPathServiceOperationManager(new Dictionary<int, XPathNavigator>());
            m_geoIPLookup = new Dictionary<String, IPLocation>();
            m_requestXsltParams = null;
            m_encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
            m_pledgeCount = new PledgeCount(0, 0);
            m_pledgeQueue = new Queue<string>();

            string sdbAccessKey = String.Empty;
            string sdbSecretKey = String.Empty;
            string awsUriEndpoint = "https://sdb.amazonaws.com/";

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_URI_ENDPOINT", awsUriEndpoint);

            using (XmlReader configReader = XmlReader.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Config/aws.config")))
                while (configReader.Read())
                    if (configReader.IsStartElement())
                        switch (configReader.Name)
                            case "sdb-access-key":
                                    sdbAccessKey = configReader.ReadString();
                                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_PUBLIC_KEY", sdbAccessKey);
                                    Console.WriteLine("SDB_ACCESS_KEY: {0}", sdbAccessKey);
                            case "sdb-secret-key":
                                    sdbSecretKey = configReader.ReadString();
                                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_PRIVATE_KEY", sdbSecretKey);
                                    Console.WriteLine("SDB_PRIVATE_KEY: {0}", sdbSecretKey);

            if (m_xameleonConfiguration.DebugMode == "yes")
                m_DEBUG = true;

            if (m_xameleonConfiguration.UseMemcached == "yes")
                m_useMemCached = true;
                m_memcachedClient = new Client(new MemcachedClient(), AspNetMemcachedConfiguration.GetConfig());

            string baseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri;
            if (baseUri != String.Empty)
                baseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri;
                baseUri = "~";

            m_xsltTransformationManager = new XsltTransformationManager(m_processor, m_transform, m_resolver, m_serializer);
            m_xsltTransformationManager.HashAlgorithm = m_hashAlgorithm;
            m_resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            m_namedXsltHashtable = m_xsltTransformationManager.NamedXsltHashtable;

            foreach (PreCompiledXslt xslt in m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt)
                string localBaseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri;
                if (localBaseUri == String.Empty)
                    localBaseUri = baseUri;
                Uri xsltUri = new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(localBaseUri + xslt.Uri));
                m_xsltTransformationManager.Compiler.BaseUri = xsltUri;
                m_xsltTransformationManager.AddTransformer(xslt.Name, xsltUri, m_resolver, xslt.InitialMode, xslt.InitialTemplate);
                m_namedXsltHashtable.Add(xslt.Name, xsltUri);
                if (xslt.UseAsBaseXslt == "yes")
                    m_baseXsltContext = new BaseXsltContext(xsltUri, XsltTransformationManager.GenerateNamedETagKey(xslt.Name, xsltUri), xslt.Name);


            foreach (XsltParam xsltParam in m_xameleonConfiguration.GlobalXsltParam)
                m_globalXsltParams[xsltParam.Name] = (string)xsltParam.Select;

            if (m_memcachedClient != null)
                Application["as_memcached"] = m_memcachedClient;
            Application["as_usememcached"] = m_useMemCached;
            Application["as_xslTransformationManager"] = m_xsltTransformationManager;
            Application["as_xmlServiceOperationManager"] = m_xmlServiceOperationManager;
            Application["as_namedXsltHashtable"] = m_namedXsltHashtable;
            Application["as_globalXsltParams"] = m_globalXsltParams;
            Application["as_geoIPLookup"] = m_geoIPLookup;
            Application["as_debug"] = m_DEBUG;
            Application["as_hashkey"] = hashkey;
            Application["as_encoding"] = m_encoding;
            Application["as_pledgeCount"] = m_pledgeCount;
            Application["as_pledgeQueue"] = m_pledgeQueue;
Exemplo n.º 26
        // internal constructor

        internal SchemaValidator(JSchemaValidator validator, Processor processor)
            this.processor = processor;
            this.schemaValidator = validator;
            this.config = processor.Implementation;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public XsltTransformationManager (Processor processor, Transform transform, XmlUrlResolver resolver, Serializer serializer)
     : this(processor, transform, resolver, serializer, new Dictionary<string, XsltTransformer>(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), null, null, null) {
Exemplo n.º 28
 internal DocumentBuilder(Processor processor)
     this.processor   = processor;
     this.config      = processor.Implementation;
     this.xmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Show a query producing a Saxon tree as its input and producing a Saxon tree as its output
        /// </summary>
        public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            DocumentBuilder loader = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
            loader.BaseUri = new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml");
            XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri);

            XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
            XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<doc>{reverse(/*/*)}</doc>");
            XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
            eval.ContextItem = indoc;
            XdmDestination qout = new XdmDestination();
            XdmNode outdoc = qout.XdmNode;
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Show a query producing a document as its result and serializing this to a FileStream
 /// </summary>
 public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
     Processor processor = new Processor();
     XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
     compiler.BaseUri = samplesDir.ToString();
     compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "http://saxon.sf.net/");
     XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<saxon:example>{static-base-uri()}</saxon:example>");
     XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
     Serializer qout = new Serializer();
     qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
     qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
     qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.SAXON_INDENT_SPACES, "1");
     qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream("testoutput.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
     Console.WriteLine("Output written to testoutput.xml");
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Show a query producing a sequence as its result and returning the sequence
        /// to the C# application in the form of an iterator. The sequence is then
        /// output by serializing each item individually, with each item on a new line.
        /// </summary>
        public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
            Processor processor = new Processor();
            String inputFileName = new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml").ToString();
            //XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputFileName,
            //    new FileStream(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputFileName,
                UriConnection.getReadableUriStream(new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml")));
            reader.Normalization = true;

            // add a validating reader - not to perform validation, but to expand entity references
            XmlValidatingReader validator = new XmlValidatingReader(reader);
            validator.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;

            XdmNode doc = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(reader);

            XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
            XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("//ISBN");
            XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
            eval.ContextItem = doc;

            foreach (XdmNode node in eval)
 internal DocumentBuilder(Processor processor) {
     this.processor = processor;
     this.config = processor.Implementation;
Exemplo n.º 33
  * <summary>Set the Processor associated with this Serializer. This will be called automatically if the
  * serializer is created using one of the <c>Processor.NewSerializer()</c> methods.</summary>
  * <param name="processor"> processor the associated Processor</param>
 public void SetProcessor(Processor processor)
     this.config = processor.config;
Exemplo n.º 34
 private static XmlDocument Process (XmlReader funcSeq, XmlReader extTransform, Uri baseUri) {
   Processor processor = new Processor();
   XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(funcSeq);
   XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
   compiler.BaseUri = baseUri;
   XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(extTransform).Load();
   transformer.InitialContextNode = input;
   DomDestination result = new DomDestination();
   return result.XmlDocument;