/// <summary>
        /// Load the XSLT file
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(string filename, bool profilingEnabled = false)
            //register our eval() function
            processor = new Processor();
            processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new SaxonEvaluate(processor.NewXPathCompiler()));

            if (profilingEnabled)
                var profile = new TimingTraceListener();
                processor.Implementation.getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo().setCodeInjector(new TimingCodeInjector());
                profile.setOutputDestination(new java.io.PrintStream("profile.html"));

            //capture the error information
            var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
            compiler.ErrorList = errorList;

            //compile the stylesheet
            var relativeFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, filename);
                var exec = compiler.Compile(XmlTextReader.Create(relativeFilename));

                //capture xsl:message output
                transform = exec.Load();
                transform.MessageListener = new SaxonMessageListener();
            catch (Exception)
                foreach (StaticError err in compiler.ErrorList)
                    log.ErrorFormat("{0} ({1}, line {2})", err, err.ModuleUri, err.LineNumber);
Exemplo n.º 2
      void RegisterExtensionFunctions(Processor processor, SaxonItemFactory itemFactory) {

         IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> builtInFunctions = 
            new IEnumerable<Type>[] { 
               new modules.exslt.common.Index(),
               new modules.request.Index(),
               new modules.response.Index(),
               new modules.session.Index(),
               new modules.util.Index(),
               new modules.validation.Index(),
               new modules.smtpclient.Index(),
               new modules.expath.httpclient.Index(),

         IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> importedFunctions =
            (from m in XPathModules.GetModuleAdaptersForProcessor(this.GetType())
             let t = m.AdapterType
             let isCollection = typeof(IEnumerable<Type>).IsAssignableFrom(t)
             select (isCollection) ? 
               : new Type[] { t });

         Type itemFactoryType = itemFactory.GetType();

         foreach (var types in Enumerable.Concat(builtInFunctions, importedFunctions)) {

            var functions =
               from t in types
               let ctor = t.GetConstructors().First()
               let param = ctor.GetParameters()
               let args = param.Select(p => p.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(itemFactoryType) ? (object)itemFactory : null).ToArray()
               select (ExtensionFunctionDefinition)ctor.Invoke(args);

            if (functions.Select(f => f.FunctionName.Uri).Distinct().Count() > 1) 
               throw new InvalidOperationException("Functions in module must belog to the same namespace.");

            foreach (var fn in functions)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Show a transformation using calls to extension functions
        /// </summary>
        public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
            // Create a Processor instance.
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            // Identify the Processor version

            // Set diagnostics
            //processor.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/trace-external-functions", "true");

            // Create the stylesheet
            String s = @"<xsl:transform version='2.0' xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'" +
                @" xmlns:math='http://example.math.co.uk/demo'> " +
                @" <xsl:template name='go'> " +
                @" <out sqrt2='{math:sqrt(2.0e0)}' " +
                @" sqrtEmpty='{math:sqrt(())}'/> " +
                @" </xsl:template></xsl:transform>";

            // Register the integrated extension function math:sqrt

            processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new Sqrt());

            // Create a transformer for the stylesheet.
            XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(new StringReader(s)).Load();

            // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node
            transformer.InitialTemplate = new QName("go");

            // Create a serializer
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
            serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");

            // Transform the source XML to System.out.
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrate XSLT extensibility using user-written extension functions
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Note: If SamplesExtensions is compiled to a different assembly than ExamplesPE, use 
        /// the namespace URI clitype:SampleExtensions.SampleExtensions?asm=ASSEMBLY_NAME_HERE
        /// </remarks>
        public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
            // Create a Processor instance.
            Processor processor = new Processor();

            // Identify the Processor version

            // Set diagnostics
            //processor.SetProperty("http://saxon.sf.net/feature/trace-external-functions", "true");

            // Create the stylesheet
            String s = @"<xsl:transform version='2.0' xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'" +
                @" xmlns:ext='clitype:SampleExtensions.SampleExtensions?asm=ExamplesPE' " +
                @" xmlns:tz='clitype:System.TimeZone' " +
                @" xmlns:math='http://example.math.co.uk/demo' " +
                @" xmlns:env='http://example.env.co.uk/demo' " +
                @" exclude-result-prefixes='ext math env tz'> " +
                @" <xsl:param name='timezone' required='yes'/> " +
                @" <xsl:template match='/'> " +
                @" <out addition='{ext:add(2,2)}' " +
                @" average='{ext:average((1,2,3,4,5,6))}' " +
                @" firstchild='{ext:nameOfFirstChild(.)}' " +
                @" timezone='{tz:StandardName($timezone)}' " +
                @" sqrt2='{math:sqrt(2.0e0)}' " +
                @" defaultNamespace='{env:defaultNamespace()}' " +
                @" sqrtEmpty='{math:sqrt(())}'> " +
                @" <xsl:copy-of select='ext:FirstChild((//ITEM)[1])'/> " +
                @" <defaultNS value='{env:defaultNamespace()}' xsl:xpath-default-namespace='http://default.namespace.com/' /> " +
                @" <combine1><xsl:sequence select='ext:combine(ext:FirstChild((//ITEM)[1]), count(*))'/></combine1> " +
                @" <combine2><xsl:sequence select='ext:combine((//TITLE)[1], (//AUTHOR)[1])'/></combine2> " +
                @" </out> " +
                @" </xsl:template></xsl:transform>";

            // Register the integrated extension functions math:sqrt and env:defaultNamespace

            processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new Sqrt());
            processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new DefaultNamespace());

            // Create a transformer for the stylesheet.
            XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(new StringReader(s)).Load();

            // Load the source document (must be a wrapper around an XmlDocument for this test)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new XmlTextReader(samplesDir.AbsolutePath + "data/books.xml"));
            XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Wrap(doc);

            // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node
            transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

            // Supply a parameter
            transformer.SetParameter(new QName("", "timezone"),

            // Create a serializer
            Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
            serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");

            // Transform the source XML to System.out.
Exemplo n.º 5
      static void Main(string[] args) {

         var proc = new Processor();
         proc.RegisterExtensionFunction(new MakeRelativeUriExtensionFunction());

         var compiler = proc.NewXsltCompiler();

         string currentDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
         string inputDir = args[0];
         string outputDir = args[1];

         if (currentDir.Last() != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) {
            currentDir += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

         if (inputDir.Last() != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) {
            inputDir += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

         if (outputDir.Last() != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) {
            outputDir += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

         var baseUri = new Uri(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, UriKind.Absolute);
         var callerBaseUri = new Uri(currentDir, UriKind.Absolute);
         var sourceUri = new Uri(callerBaseUri, inputDir);
         var outputUri = new Uri(callerBaseUri, outputDir);

         var exec = compiler.Compile(new Uri(baseUri, "sandcastle-md-all.xsl"));

         var transformer = exec.Load();
         transformer.InitialTemplate = new QName("main");
         transformer.SetParameter(new QName("source-dir"), new XdmAtomicValue(sourceUri));

         if (args.Length > 1) {
            transformer.SetParameter(new QName("output-dir"), new XdmAtomicValue(outputUri));

         var serializer = new Serializer();


         var iconsSourceUri = new Uri(sourceUri, "icons");
         var iconsDestUri = new Uri(outputUri, "_icons");

         DirectoryInfo iconsSourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(iconsSourceUri.LocalPath);
         DirectoryInfo iconsDestDir;

         if (!Directory.Exists(iconsDestUri.LocalPath)) {
            iconsDestDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(iconsDestUri.LocalPath);
         } else{
            iconsDestDir = new DirectoryInfo(iconsDestUri.LocalPath);

         var icons = new HashSet<string>(File.ReadAllLines(new Uri(baseUri, "icons.txt").LocalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

         foreach (FileInfo iconFile in iconsSourceDir.GetFiles()) {

            if (icons.Contains(iconFile.Name)) {
               iconFile.CopyTo(Path.Combine(iconsDestDir.FullName, iconFile.Name), overwrite: true);
Exemplo n.º 6
        void RegisterExtensionFunctions(Processor processor, SaxonItemFactory itemFactory)
            ExtensionFunctionDefinition[] precompiledFunctions =

             bool[] funcAvailable = FunctionsAvailable(precompiledFunctions.Select(d => d.FunctionName).ToArray(), processor, itemFactory);

             for (int i = 0; i < precompiledFunctions.Length; i++) {

            if (!funcAvailable[i]) {

             Type itemFactoryType = itemFactory.GetType();

             var fnGen = new IntegratedExtensionFunctionGenerator();

             foreach (Type t in fnGen.Generate(XPathModules.Modules)) {

            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructors().First();

            object[] args = ctor.GetParameters().Select(p =>
               p.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(SaxonProcessor)) ? (object)this
               : p.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(itemFactoryType) ? (object)itemFactory
               : null

            var def = (ExtensionFunctionDefinition)ctor.Invoke(args);
