public static void Transform(Uri StyleSheet, String Input,Encoding Encoding,out String Output) { Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(Input))); processor.SetProperty("", "true"); XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); XsltExecutable executable = compiler.Compile(StyleSheet); XsltTransformer transformer = executable.Load(); transformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); serializer.SetOutputWriter(writer); transformer.Run(serializer); Output = Encoding.GetString(stream.ToArray()); writer.Close(); stream.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { String s1 = @"<xsl:stylesheet version='2.0' xmlns:xsl=''><xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/><xsl:template match='/'>"; String s2 = "This is running an XSLT engine by <xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:vendor')\" /> <a href=\"{system-property('xsl:vendor-url')}\"><xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:vendor-url')\" /></a> implementing XSLT v<xsl:value-of select=\"system-property('xsl:version')\" /> "; String s3 = @"\n<xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template><xsl:template match='@*|node()'> "; String s4 = @"<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select='@*|node()'/></xsl:copy></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>"; String str = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4; //Run Saxon //new SaxonTransform().doTransform(args, "Transform"); //Run Saxon s9 api // Create a Processor instance. Processor processor = new Processor(); // Load the source document. XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(str))); XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); //although it is not required in this example, we need to set otherwise exception will be thrown compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(""); // Create a transformer for the stylesheet. XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(str))).Load(); // BaseOutputUri is only necessary for xsl:result-document. //transformer.BaseOutputUri = new Uri(""); // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node. transformer.InitialContextNode = input; transformer.SetParameter(new QName("", "", "maxmin"), new XdmAtomicValue("parm1")); transformer.SetParameter(new QName("", "", "pricestock"), new XdmAtomicValue("parm2")); // Create a serializer. Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node //transformer.InitialTemplate = new QName("","","go"); serializer.SetOutputWriter(Console.Out); serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes"); // serializer.SetOutputFile(Server.MapPath("test.html")); //for file // Transform the source XML to System.out. transformer.Run(serializer); //Call the SaxonMediator SaxonMediator mediator = new SaxonMediator(); //mediator.Transform(null, Template template, Package package) //wait for user to exit Console.ReadLine(); }
public Xsl2Processor() { // Create a Processor instance. _processor = new Processor(); _compiler = _processor.NewXsltCompiler(); }
public static void Transform(String StylesheetFilename, String SourceFilename, String OutputFilename) { if (StylesheetFilename.StartsWith(".\\")) { StylesheetFilename = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\" + StylesheetFilename; } Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(SourceFilename)); processor.SetProperty("", "true"); XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); XsltExecutable executable = compiler.Compile(new Uri(StylesheetFilename)); XsltTransformer transformer = executable.Load(); transformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); System.IO.StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(OutputFilename); serializer.SetOutputWriter(stream); transformer.Run(serializer); stream.Close(); }
// internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method // on the Processor object internal XQueryCompiler(Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.config = processor.config; this.env = config.newStaticQueryContext(); env.setModuleURIResolver(new DotNetStandardModuleURIResolver(processor.XmlResolver)); }
// internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method // on the Processor object internal XsltCompiler(Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.config = processor.config; this.factory = new TransformerFactoryImpl(config); = new JCompilerInfo(); info.setURIResolver(config.getURIResolver()); info.setErrorListener(config.getErrorListener()); }
public static string ImportSchematron(string baseDir, string schemaPath, string xsltPath) { // Builds a new XSLT file from a schematron file. // This only needs to be done when the schematron file changes. var sxnProc = new Processor(); var outPath = xsltPath; var baseXsltPath = Path.Combine(baseDir, @"Content\Saxon\"); var schConverter = new string[] { baseXsltPath + "iso_dsdl_include.xsl", baseXsltPath + "iso_abstract_expand.xsl", baseXsltPath + "iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl" }; var schemaUri = new Uri(schemaPath); var xslComp = sxnProc.NewXsltCompiler(); //////transform-1///// var xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[0]); var xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri); var xslTrans = xslExec.Load(); var domOut1 = new DomDestination(new XmlDocument()); using(var fs = File.Open(schemaPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { xslTrans.SetInputStream(fs, schemaUri); // set baseUri xslTrans.Run(domOut1); } //////transform-2///// xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[1]); xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri); xslTrans = xslExec.Load(); var domOut2 = new DomDestination(new XmlDocument()); var docBuilder = sxnProc.NewDocumentBuilder(); docBuilder.BaseUri = schemaUri; var inputDoc2 = docBuilder.Wrap(domOut1.XmlDocument); xslTrans.InitialContextNode = inputDoc2; xslTrans.Run(domOut2); //////transform-3///// xslUri = new Uri(schConverter[2]); xslExec = xslComp.Compile(xslUri); xslTrans = xslExec.Load(); var inputDoc3 = docBuilder.Wrap(domOut2.XmlDocument); xslTrans.InitialContextNode = inputDoc3; var serializer = new Serializer(); using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(outPath, false)) { serializer.SetOutputWriter(tw); serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "no"); xslTrans.Run(serializer); } return outPath; }
private XdmNode getLinkedDocument(XdmNode element, Processor processor, bool validate) { String href = element.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref); DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); Uri target = new Uri(element.BaseUri, href); builder.IsLineNumbering = true; if (validate) { builder.SchemaValidationMode = SchemaValidationMode.Strict; } return builder.Build(target); }
public SaxonDotNetTransform(string sTransformName, string sTargetLanguageCode) : base(sTargetLanguageCode) { // Create a Processor instance. m_processor = new Processor(); m_compiler = m_processor.NewXsltCompiler(); // Load transform from file var uri = new Uri(sTransformName); var errorList = new List<StaticError>(); m_compiler.ErrorList = errorList; var t = m_compiler.Compile(uri); m_transformer = t.Load(); }
private void Init (HttpContext context) { AppSettings baseXslt = new AppSettings(); String xsltUri = context.Server.MapPath(baseXslt.GetSetting("baseTemplate")); Uri xUri = new Uri(xsltUri); this._Resolver = new XmlUrlResolver(); this._Resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; this._TemplateStream = (Stream)this._Resolver.GetEntity(xUri, null, typeof(Stream)); this._Processor = new Processor(); this._Compiler = _Processor.NewXsltCompiler(); this._Compiler.BaseUri = xUri; this._Template = this._Compiler.Compile(_TemplateStream); this._IS_INITIALIZED = true; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { _requestMethod = context.Request.HttpMethod; _writer = context.Response.Output; _context = context; _processor = (Processor)context.Application["processor"]; _compiler = (XsltCompiler)context.Application["compiler"]; _serializer = (Serializer)context.Application["serializer"]; _resolver = (XmlUrlResolver)context.Application["resolver"]; _globalXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["globalXsltParams"]; _sessionXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["sessionXsltParams"]; _requestXsltParams = (Hashtable)context.Application["requestXsltParams"]; Hashtable xsltParams = new Hashtable(); foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _globalXsltParams) { xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value; } foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _sessionXsltParams) { xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value; } foreach (DictionaryEntry param in _requestXsltParams) { xsltParams[param.Key] = param.Value; } _transformContext = new Context(context, _processor, _compiler, _serializer, _resolver, xsltParams); switch (_requestMethod) { case "GET": { new Transform().Process(_transformContext); break; } case "PUT": { new Transform().Process(_transformContext); break; } case "POST": { new Transform().Process(_transformContext); break; } case "DELETE": { new Transform().Process(_transformContext); break; } default: { new Transform().Process(_transformContext); break; } } }
private string xml2HtmlTree() { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(this.Xsd); StreamReader xsl = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/Areas/MSM/Resources/Stylesheets/xsd2htmlTree.xslt"); Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(xml); XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(xsl).Load(); transformer.InitialContextNode = input; StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputWriter(writer); transformer.Run(serializer); return writer.ToString(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string infile = @"c:\daisybooks\verysimplebook\verysimplebook.xml"; string infile_dir = @"c:\daisybooks\verysimplebook\"; string xsltfile = @"c:\devel\amis\trunk\amis\bin\xslt\dtbook\dtbook2xhtml.xsl"; string outfile = @"c:\devel\amis\sandbox\dtbooktransformer_out.xml"; // Create a Processor instance. Processor processor = new Processor(); // Load the source document XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(infile)); // Create a transformer for the stylesheet. XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(new Uri(xsltfile)).Load(); QName basedir = new QName("", "baseDir"); List<XdmAtomicValue> elementNames = new List<XdmAtomicValue>(); elementNames.Add(new XdmAtomicValue(infile_dir)); XdmValue basedir_value = new XdmValue(elementNames); transformer.SetParameter(basedir, basedir_value); // Set the user-written XmlResolver UserXmlResolver runTimeResolver = new UserXmlResolver(); runTimeResolver.Message = "** Calling transformation-time XmlResolver: "; transformer.InputXmlResolver = runTimeResolver; // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node transformer.InitialContextNode = input; /* * String outfile = "OutputFromXsltSimple2.xml"; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputStream(new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); */ // Create a serializer, with output to the standard output stream Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputWriter(Console.Out); // Transform the source XML and serialize the result document transformer.Run(serializer); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if ( args.Length < 2) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Syntax: demo <path-to-xml-file> <xpath-expression> [<num-iterations(default={0})>]", numIters); return; } var file = args[0]; var xpath = args[1]; if ( args.Length > 2) { numIters = int.Parse(args[2]); } Console.WriteLine("Loading {0}", file); var proc = new Processor(); var ms_xp = System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile(xpath); var xpc = proc.NewXPathCompiler(); var xpe = xpc.Compile(xpath); var sel = xpe.Load(); var doc = XDocument.Load(file); var ctx = proc.Wrap(doc); sel.ContextItem = ctx; var nt = new NameTable(); XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(nt); xd.Load(file); var ctxXmlDoc = proc.NewDocumentBuilder().Wrap(xd); Console.WriteLine("Evaluating {0}", xpath); Time(() => Saxon(sel), "XDoc (Saxon)"); Time(() => Native(ms_xp, doc), "XDoc (Native)"); sel.ContextItem = ctxXmlDoc; Time(() => Saxon(sel), "XmlDoc (Saxon)"); Time(() => Native(ms_xp, xd), "XmlDoc (Native)"); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) return; if (disposing) { // free other managed objects that implement // IDisposable only } // release any unmanaged objects set the object references to null _processor = null; _compiler = null; _transformer = null; _disposed = true; }
/// <summary> /// Load the XSLT file /// </summary> public void Load(string filename, bool profilingEnabled = false) { //register our eval() function processor = new Processor(); processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(new SaxonEvaluate(processor.NewXPathCompiler())); //tracing if (profilingEnabled) { var profile = new TimingTraceListener(); processor.Implementation.setTraceListener(profile); processor.Implementation.setLineNumbering(true); processor.Implementation.setCompileWithTracing(true); processor.Implementation.getDefaultXsltCompilerInfo().setCodeInjector(new TimingCodeInjector()); profile.setOutputDestination(new"profile.html")); } //capture the error information var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); compiler.ErrorList = errorList; //compile the stylesheet var relativeFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, filename); try { var exec = compiler.Compile(XmlTextReader.Create(relativeFilename)); //capture xsl:message output transform = exec.Load(); transform.MessageListener = new SaxonMessageListener(); } catch (Exception) { foreach (StaticError err in compiler.ErrorList) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} ({1}, line {2})", err, err.ModuleUri, err.LineNumber); } throw; } }
void RegisterExtensionFunctions(Processor processor, SaxonItemFactory itemFactory) { IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> builtInFunctions = new IEnumerable<Type>[] { new modules.exslt.common.Index(), new modules.request.Index(), new modules.response.Index(), new modules.session.Index(), new modules.util.Index(), new modules.validation.Index(), new modules.smtpclient.Index(), new modules.expath.httpclient.Index(), }; IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Type>> importedFunctions = (from m in XPathModules.GetModuleAdaptersForProcessor(this.GetType()) let t = m.AdapterType let isCollection = typeof(IEnumerable<Type>).IsAssignableFrom(t) select (isCollection) ? (IEnumerable<Type>)Activator.CreateInstance(t) : new Type[] { t }); Type itemFactoryType = itemFactory.GetType(); foreach (var types in Enumerable.Concat(builtInFunctions, importedFunctions)) { var functions = from t in types let ctor = t.GetConstructors().First() let param = ctor.GetParameters() let args = param.Select(p => p.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(itemFactoryType) ? (object)itemFactory : null).ToArray() select (ExtensionFunctionDefinition)ctor.Invoke(args); if (functions.Select(f => f.FunctionName.Uri).Distinct().Count() > 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Functions in module must belog to the same namespace."); foreach (var fn in functions) processor.RegisterExtensionFunction(fn); } }
internal XmlDocument DoTransform() { Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Wrap(_docToTransform); // Create a compiler XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); XdmNode xsltSheetNode = builder.Build(_xsltDocReader); // Compile the stylesheet XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(xsltSheetNode).Load(); // Run the transformation transformer.InitialContextNode = input; DomDestination result = new DomDestination(); transformer.Run(result); return result.XmlDocument; }
private static XdmNode getXdmNode(String uri, String path) { try { SgmlReader sr = new SgmlReader(); sr.Href = uri; XmlDocument htmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { htmlDoc.Load(sr); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } XmlNode html = htmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(path); Processor processor = new Processor(); return processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(html); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } }
public static void Main() { using (FileStream streamXml = File.OpenRead(XmlPath)) { using (FileStream streamXsl = File.OpenRead(XsltPath)) { Processor processor = new Processor(); DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); Uri uri = new Uri("urn:catalogue"); builder.BaseUri = uri; XdmNode input = builder.Build(streamXml); XsltTransformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(streamXsl).Load(); transformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); serializer.SetOutputFile(HtmlPath); transformer.Run(serializer); } } Console.WriteLine("catalogue.html created successfully"); }
public XsltTransformationManager ( Processor processor, Transform transform, XmlUrlResolver resolver, Serializer serializer, Hashtable xsltHashtable, Hashtable xmlSourceHashtable, Hashtable xdmNodeHashtable, Hashtable namedXsltHashtable, Hashtable namedXsltETagIndex, Hashtable xdmNodeETagIndex, Uri baseXsltUri, String baseXsltUriHash, String baseXsltName ) { _baseXsltUri = baseXsltUri; _baseXsltUriHash = baseXsltUriHash; _baseXsltName = baseXsltName; _transform = transform; _xsltHashtable = xsltHashtable; _processor = processor; _compiler = _processor.NewXsltCompiler(); _sourceHashtable = xmlSourceHashtable; _resolver = resolver; _compiler.XmlResolver = _resolver; _builder = _processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); _serializer = serializer; _xdmNodeHashtable = xdmNodeHashtable; _xdmNodeETagIndex = xdmNodeETagIndex; _namedXsltHashtable = namedXsltHashtable; _namedXsltETagIndex = namedXsltETagIndex; _hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.SHA1; //NOTE: TransformEngine enum PLACEHOLDER FOR FUTURE USE _transformEngine = TransformEngine.SAXON; }
public XsltTransformationManager ( Processor processor, Transform transform, XmlUrlResolver resolver, Serializer serializer, Dictionary<string, XsltTransformer> xsltHashtable, Hashtable xmlSourceHashtable, Hashtable xdmNodeHashtable, Hashtable namedXsltHashtable, Hashtable namedXsltETagIndex, Hashtable xdmNodeETagIndex, Uri baseXsltUri, String baseXsltUriHash, String baseXsltName ) { m_baseXsltUri = baseXsltUri; m_baseXsltUriHash = baseXsltUriHash; m_baseXsltName = baseXsltName; m_transform = transform; m_xsltHashtable = xsltHashtable; m_processor = processor; m_compiler = m_processor.NewXsltCompiler(); m_sourceHashtable = xmlSourceHashtable; m_resolver = resolver; m_compiler.XmlResolver = m_resolver; m_builder = m_processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); m_serializer = serializer; m_xdmNodeHashtable = xdmNodeHashtable; m_xdmNodeETagIndex = xdmNodeETagIndex; m_namedXsltHashtable = namedXsltHashtable; m_namedXsltETagIndex = namedXsltETagIndex; m_hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.MD5; //NOTE: TransformEngine enum PLACEHOLDER FOR FUTURE USE m_transformEngine = TransformEngine.SAXON; }
/** * Run the tests * @param args command line arguments * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws XPathException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public void go(String[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "-?") { Console.WriteLine("SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-onwards] -c:contributor? -s:setName? -g:groupName?"); } Processor processor = new Processor(true); Console.WriteLine("Testing Saxon " + processor.ProductVersion); testSuiteDir = args[0]; if (testSuiteDir.EndsWith("/")) { testSuiteDir = testSuiteDir.Substring(0, testSuiteDir.Length - 1); } String testSetPattern = null; // TODO use a regex String testGroupPattern = null; String contributor = null; Hashtable exceptions = new Hashtable(); for (int i=1; i<args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == ("-w")) { //showWarnings = true; } else if (args[i] == ("-onwards")) { onwards = true; } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-c:")) { contributor = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-s:")) { testSetPattern = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-g:")) { testGroupPattern = args[i].Substring(3); } else if (args[i] == "-?") { Console.WriteLine("Usage: SchemaTestSuiteDriver testDir [-w] [-s:testSetPattern] [-g:testGroupPattern]"); } } int total = 39700; int passed = 0; int failed = 0; try { xlinkHref = new QName("xlink", "", "href"); QName testCaseNT = new QName("", "", "testcase"); QName commentNT = new QName("", "", "comment"); QName testSetRefNT = new QName(testNS, "testSetRef"); QName testGroupNT = new QName(testNS, "testGroup"); QName testSetNT = new QName(testNS, "testSet"); QName schemaTestNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaTest"); QName instanceTestNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceTest"); QName schemaDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "schemaDocument"); QName instanceDocumentNT = new QName(testNS, "instanceDocument"); QName expectedNT = new QName(testNS, "expected"); QName currentNT = new QName(testNS, "current"); QName validityAtt = new QName("", "", "validity"); QName nameAtt = new QName("", "", "name"); QName contributorAtt = new QName("", "", "contributor"); QName setAtt = new QName("", "", "set"); QName groupAtt = new QName("", "", "group"); QName statusAtt = new QName("", "", "status"); QName bugzillaAtt = new QName("", "", "bugzilla"); QName targetNamespaceAtt = new QName("", "", "targetNamespace"); QName schemaVersion = new QName("saxon", "", "schemaVersion"); DocumentBuilder builder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); builder.BaseUri = new Uri(testSuiteDir + "/"); XdmNode catalog = builder.Build( new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/suite.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); results = new StreamWriter(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/SaxonResults" + processor.ProductVersion + "n.xml"); results.Write("<testSuiteResults xmlns='" + testNS + "' xmlns:saxon='' " + "suite='TS_2006' " + "processor='Saxon-SA (Java) 8.8++' submitDate='2007-01-05' publicationPermission='public'>\n"); XdmNode exceptionsDoc = builder.Build( new FileStream(testSuiteDir + "/saxon/exceptions.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); IEnumerator exceptionTestCases = exceptionsDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, new QName("", "testcase")); while (exceptionTestCases.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testCase = (XdmNode)exceptionTestCases.Current; String set = testCase.GetAttributeValue(setAtt); String group = testCase.GetAttributeValue(groupAtt); String comment = getChildElement(testCase, commentNT).StringValue; exceptions[set + "#" + group] = comment; } IEnumerator testSets = catalog.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Descendant, testSetRefNT); while (testSets.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testSetRef = (XdmNode)testSets.Current; XdmNode testSetDoc = getLinkedDocument(testSetRef, processor, false); XdmNode testSetElement = getChildElement(testSetDoc, testSetNT); if (testSetElement == null) { feedback.Message("test set doc has no TestSet child: " + testSetDoc.BaseUri, true); continue; } String testSetName = testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (testSetPattern != null && !testSetName.StartsWith(testSetPattern)) { continue; } if (contributor != null && contributor != testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(contributorAtt)) { continue; } bool needs11 = (testSetElement.GetAttributeValue(schemaVersion) == "1.1"); IEnumerator testGroups = testSetElement.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, testGroupNT); while (testGroups.MoveNext()) { XdmNode testGroup = (XdmNode)testGroups.Current; String testGroupName = testGroup.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); String exception = (String)exceptions[testSetName + "#" + testGroupName]; if (testGroupPattern != null && !testGroupName.StartsWith(testGroupPattern)) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("TEST SET " + testSetName + " GROUP " + testGroupName, false); if (onwards) { testGroupPattern = null; testSetPattern = null; } Processor testConfig = new Processor(true); if (needs11) { testConfig.SetProperty("", "1.1"); } SchemaManager schemaManager = testConfig.SchemaManager; //testConfig.setHostLanguage(Configuration.XML_SCHEMA); testConfig.SetProperty("", "true"); IEnumerator schemaTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaTestNT); bool schemaQueried = false; String bugzillaRef = null; while (schemaTests.MoveNext()) { XdmNode schemaTest = (XdmNode)schemaTests.Current; if (schemaTest == null) { break; } bugzillaRef = null; String testName = schemaTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (exception != null) { results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception + "'/>\n"); continue; } bool queried = false; XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(schemaTest, currentNT); if (statusElement != null) { String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt); queried = ("queried" == status); bugzillaRef = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt); } if (queried) { schemaQueried = true; } Console.WriteLine("TEST SCHEMA " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : "")); bool success = true; IEnumerator schemata = schemaTest.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, schemaDocumentNT); while (schemata.MoveNext()) { XdmNode schemaDocumentRef = (XdmNode)schemata.Current; if (schemaDocumentRef == null) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Loading schema at " + schemaDocumentRef.GetAttributeValue(xlinkHref)); XdmNode schemaDoc = getLinkedDocument(schemaDocumentRef, testConfig, false); IEnumerator schemaDocKids = schemaDoc.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child); XdmNode schemaElement = null; while (schemaDocKids.MoveNext()) { schemaElement = (XdmNode)schemaDocKids.Current; if (schemaElement.NodeKind == XmlNodeType.Element) { break; } } String targetNamespace = schemaElement.GetAttributeValue(targetNamespaceAtt); //if (targetNamespace != null && schemaManager. isSchemaAvailable(targetNamespace)) { // do nothing // TODO: this is the only way I can get MS additional test addB132 to work. // It's not ideal: addSchemaSource() ought to be a no-op if the schema components // are already loaded, but in fact recompiling the imported schema document on its // own is losing the substitution group membership that was defined in the // importing document. //} else { IList errorList = new ArrayList(); schemaManager.ErrorList = errorList; try { schemaManager.Compile(schemaDoc); } catch (Exception e) { if (errorList.Count == 0) { feedback.Message("In " + testName + ", exception thrown but no errors in ErrorList\n", true); results.Write("<!--" + e.Message + "-->"); success = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < errorList.Count; i++) { if (errorList[i] is StaticError) { StaticError err = (StaticError)errorList[i]; if (!err.IsWarning) { success = false; break; } } else { feedback.Message("In " + testName + " wrong kind of error!" + errorList[i].GetType() + "\n", true); } } } XdmNode expected = getChildElement(schemaTest, expectedNT); bool expectedSuccess = expected==null || expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid"; if (success == expectedSuccess) { passed++; } else { failed++; } feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total); results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid" ) + (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") + "' saxon:outcome='" + (success==expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") + "'/>\n"); } IEnumerator instanceTests = testGroup.EnumerateAxis(XdmAxis.Child, instanceTestNT); while (instanceTests.MoveNext()) { XdmNode instanceTest = (XdmNode)instanceTests.Current; String testName = instanceTest.GetAttributeValue(nameAtt); if (exception != null) { results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='notKnown' saxon:outcome='notRun' saxon:comment='" + exception + "'/>\n"); continue; } bool queried = false; XdmNode statusElement = getChildElement(instanceTest, currentNT); if (statusElement != null) { String status = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(statusAtt); queried = ("queried" == status); String instanceBug = statusElement.GetAttributeValue(bugzillaAtt); if (instanceBug != null) { bugzillaRef = instanceBug; } } queried |= schemaQueried; Console.WriteLine("TEST INSTANCE " + testName + (queried ? " (queried)" : "")); XdmNode instanceDocument = getChildElement(instanceTest, instanceDocumentNT); bool success = true; try { XdmNode instanceDoc = getLinkedDocument(instanceDocument, testConfig, true); } catch (Exception) { success = false; } XdmNode expected = getChildElement(instanceTest, expectedNT); bool expectedSuccess = expected==null || expected.GetAttributeValue(validityAtt) == "valid"; if (success == expectedSuccess) { passed++; } else { failed++; } feedback.Feedback(passed, failed, total); results.Write("<testResult set='" + testSetName + "' group='" + testGroupName + "' test='" + testName + "' validity='" + (success ? "valid" : "invalid" ) + (queried ? "' saxon:queried='true' saxon:bugzilla='" + bugzillaRef : "") + "' saxon:outcome='" + (success==expectedSuccess ? "same" : "different") + "'/>\n"); } } } results.Write("</testSuiteResults>"); results.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { feedback.Message("Test failed: " + e.Message, true); } }
// internal constructor: the public interface is a factory method // on the Processor object internal XPathCompiler(Processor processor, JXPathCompiler compiler) { this.compiler = compiler; this.processor = processor; }
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { //System.Web.HttpApplication application = (System.Web.HttpApplication)sender; m_useMemCached = false; m_DEBUG = false; m_memcachedClient = null; m_appSettings = new AppSettings(); m_xameleonConfiguration = AspNetXameleonConfiguration.GetConfig(); string hashkey = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.ObjectHashKey; Application["hashkey"] = hashkey; m_awsConfiguration = AspNetAwsConfiguration.GetConfig(); m_transform = new Transform.Transform(); m_processor = new Processor(); m_serializer = new Serializer(); m_resolver = new XmlUrlResolver(); m_namedXsltHashtable = new Hashtable(); m_globalXsltParams = new Hashtable(); m_transformContextHashtable = new Hashtable(); m_xmlServiceOperationManager = new XPathServiceOperationManager(new Dictionary<int, XPathNavigator>()); m_geoIPLookup = new Dictionary<String, IPLocation>(); m_requestXsltParams = null; m_encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); m_pledgeCount = new PledgeCount(0, 0); m_pledgeQueue = new Queue<string>(); string sdbAccessKey = String.Empty; string sdbSecretKey = String.Empty; string awsUriEndpoint = ""; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_URI_ENDPOINT", awsUriEndpoint); using (XmlReader configReader = XmlReader.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Config/aws.config"))) { while (configReader.Read()) { if (configReader.IsStartElement()) { switch (configReader.Name) { case "sdb-access-key": { sdbAccessKey = configReader.ReadString(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_PUBLIC_KEY", sdbAccessKey); Console.WriteLine("SDB_ACCESS_KEY: {0}", sdbAccessKey); break; } case "sdb-secret-key": { sdbSecretKey = configReader.ReadString(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_PRIVATE_KEY", sdbSecretKey); Console.WriteLine("SDB_PRIVATE_KEY: {0}", sdbSecretKey); break; } default: break; } } } } if (m_xameleonConfiguration.DebugMode == "yes") m_DEBUG = true; if (m_xameleonConfiguration.UseMemcached == "yes") { m_useMemCached = true; m_memcachedClient = new Client(new MemcachedClient(), AspNetMemcachedConfiguration.GetConfig()); } string baseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri; if (baseUri != String.Empty) baseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri; else baseUri = "~"; m_xsltTransformationManager = new XsltTransformationManager(m_processor, m_transform, m_resolver, m_serializer); m_xsltTransformationManager.HashAlgorithm = m_hashAlgorithm; m_resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; m_namedXsltHashtable = m_xsltTransformationManager.NamedXsltHashtable; foreach (PreCompiledXslt xslt in m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt) { string localBaseUri = (string)m_xameleonConfiguration.PreCompiledXslt.BaseUri; if (localBaseUri == String.Empty) localBaseUri = baseUri; Uri xsltUri = new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(localBaseUri + xslt.Uri)); m_xsltTransformationManager.Compiler.BaseUri = xsltUri; m_xsltTransformationManager.AddTransformer(xslt.Name, xsltUri, m_resolver, xslt.InitialMode, xslt.InitialTemplate); m_namedXsltHashtable.Add(xslt.Name, xsltUri); if (xslt.UseAsBaseXslt == "yes") { m_baseXsltContext = new BaseXsltContext(xsltUri, XsltTransformationManager.GenerateNamedETagKey(xslt.Name, xsltUri), xslt.Name); } } m_xsltTransformationManager.SetBaseXsltContext(m_baseXsltContext); foreach (XsltParam xsltParam in m_xameleonConfiguration.GlobalXsltParam) { m_globalXsltParams[xsltParam.Name] = (string)xsltParam.Select; } if (m_memcachedClient != null) Application["as_memcached"] = m_memcachedClient; Application["as_usememcached"] = m_useMemCached; Application["as_xslTransformationManager"] = m_xsltTransformationManager; Application["as_xmlServiceOperationManager"] = m_xmlServiceOperationManager; Application["as_namedXsltHashtable"] = m_namedXsltHashtable; Application["as_globalXsltParams"] = m_globalXsltParams; Application["as_geoIPLookup"] = m_geoIPLookup; Application["as_debug"] = m_DEBUG; Application["as_hashkey"] = hashkey; Application["as_encoding"] = m_encoding; Application["as_pledgeCount"] = m_pledgeCount; Application["as_pledgeQueue"] = m_pledgeQueue; }
// internal constructor internal SchemaValidator(JSchemaValidator validator, Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.schemaValidator = validator; this.config = processor.Implementation; }
public XsltTransformationManager (Processor processor, Transform transform, XmlUrlResolver resolver, Serializer serializer) : this(processor, transform, resolver, serializer, new Dictionary<string, XsltTransformer>(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), new Hashtable(), null, null, null) { }
internal DocumentBuilder(Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.config = processor.Implementation; this.xmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver(); }
/// <summary> /// Show a query producing a Saxon tree as its input and producing a Saxon tree as its output /// </summary> public override void run(Uri samplesDir) { Processor processor = new Processor(); DocumentBuilder loader = processor.NewDocumentBuilder(); loader.BaseUri = new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml"); XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri); XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler(); XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<doc>{reverse(/*/*)}</doc>"); XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load(); eval.ContextItem = indoc; XdmDestination qout = new XdmDestination(); eval.Run(qout); XdmNode outdoc = qout.XdmNode; Console.WriteLine(outdoc.OuterXml); }
/// <summary> /// Show a query producing a document as its result and serializing this to a FileStream /// </summary> public override void run(Uri samplesDir) { Processor processor = new Processor(); XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler(); compiler.BaseUri = samplesDir.ToString(); compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", ""); XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<saxon:example>{static-base-uri()}</saxon:example>"); XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load(); Serializer qout = new Serializer(); qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml"); qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes"); qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.SAXON_INDENT_SPACES, "1"); qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream("testoutput.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); Console.WriteLine("Output written to testoutput.xml"); eval.Run(qout); }
/// <summary> /// Show a query producing a sequence as its result and returning the sequence /// to the C# application in the form of an iterator. The sequence is then /// output by serializing each item individually, with each item on a new line. /// </summary> public override void run(Uri samplesDir) { Processor processor = new Processor(); String inputFileName = new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml").ToString(); //XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputFileName, // new FileStream(inputFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(inputFileName, UriConnection.getReadableUriStream(new Uri(samplesDir, "data/books.xml"))); reader.Normalization = true; // add a validating reader - not to perform validation, but to expand entity references XmlValidatingReader validator = new XmlValidatingReader(reader); validator.ValidationType = ValidationType.None; XdmNode doc = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(reader); XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler(); XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("//ISBN"); XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load(); eval.ContextItem = doc; foreach (XdmNode node in eval) { Console.WriteLine(node.OuterXml); } }
internal DocumentBuilder(Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.config = processor.Implementation; }
/** * <summary>Set the Processor associated with this Serializer. This will be called automatically if the * serializer is created using one of the <c>Processor.NewSerializer()</c> methods.</summary> * * <param name="processor"> processor the associated Processor</param> */ public void SetProcessor(Processor processor) { this.config = processor.config; }
private static XmlDocument Process (XmlReader funcSeq, XmlReader extTransform, Uri baseUri) { Processor processor = new Processor(); XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(funcSeq); XsltCompiler compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler(); compiler.BaseUri = baseUri; XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(extTransform).Load(); transformer.InitialContextNode = input; DomDestination result = new DomDestination(); transformer.Run(result); return result.XmlDocument; }