Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect the orientation of the head in the current video frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">The landmark points to use</param>
        /// <param name="cameraMatrix">The camera calibration matrix to use</param>
        /// <param name="rotationMatrix">The detected head rotation matrix</param>
        /// <param name="translationMatrix">The detected head translation matrix</param>
        /// <param name="coefficientMatrix">The detected coefficient matrix</param>
        public static void DetectHeadAngle(
            FullObjectDetection shape,
            MatOfDouble cameraMatrix,
            out Mat rotationMatrix,
            out Mat translationMatrix,
            out MatOfDouble coefficientMatrix)
            // build the 3d face model
            var model = Utility.GetFaceModel();

            // build the landmark point list
            var landmarks = new MatOfPoint2d(1, 6,
                                             (from i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 }
                                              let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                                      select new OpenCvSharp.Point2d(p.X, p.Y)).ToArray());

            // build the coefficient matrix
            var coeffs = new MatOfDouble(4, 1);


            // find head rotation and translation
            Mat rotation    = new MatOfDouble();
            Mat translation = new MatOfDouble();

            Cv2.SolvePnP(model, landmarks, cameraMatrix, coeffs, rotation, translation);

            // return results
            rotationMatrix    = rotation;
            translationMatrix = translation;
            coefficientMatrix = coeffs;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public double[] detectFaceLandmarks(Array2D <RgbPixel> frame)
            var img = frame;

            double[] headParams = new double[3];
            var      faces      = fd.Operator(img);

            foreach (var face in faces)
                var shape = sp.Detect(img, face);

                var eyesPoints =
                    (from i in new int[] { 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 }
                     let pt = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                              select new OpenCvSharp.Point2d(pt.X, pt.Y)).ToArray();

                headParams[2] = calculateEAR(eyesPoints);

                var model = Utility.GetFaceModel();

                var landmarks = new MatOfPoint2d(1, 6,
                                                 (from i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 }
                                                  let pt = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                                           select new OpenCvSharp.Point2d(pt.X, pt.Y)).ToArray());

                var cameraMatrix = Utility.GetCameraMatrix((int)img.Rect.Width, (int)img.Rect.Height);

                var coeffs = new MatOfDouble(4, 1);

                Mat rotation    = new MatOfDouble();
                Mat translation = new MatOfDouble();

                Cv2.SolvePnP(model, landmarks, cameraMatrix, coeffs, rotation, translation);

                /* var euler = Utility.GetEulerMatrix(rotation);
                 * var yaw = 180 * euler.At<double>(0, 2) / Math.PI;
                 * var pitch = 180 * euler.At<double>(0, 1) / Math.PI;
                 * var roll = 180 * euler.At<double>(0, 0) / Math.PI;
                 * pitch = Math.Sign(pitch) * 180 - pitch;
                var poseModel      = new MatOfPoint3d(1, 1, new Point3d(0, 0, 1000));
                var poseProjection = new MatOfPoint2d();
                Cv2.ProjectPoints(poseModel, rotation, translation, cameraMatrix, coeffs, poseProjection);
                var landmark = landmarks.At <Point2d>(0);
                var p        = poseProjection.At <Point2d>(0);
                headParams[0] = (double)p.X;
                headParams[1] = (double)p.Y;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect the orientation of the head in the current video frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The current video frame.</param>
        /// <param name="shape">The landmark points.</param>
        private void DetectHeadPose(System.Drawing.Bitmap image, FullObjectDetection shape)
            // build the 3d face model
            var model = Utility.GetFaceModel();

            // build the landmark point list
            var landmarks = new MatOfPoint2d(1, 6,
                                             (from i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 }
                                              let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                                      select new OpenCvSharp.Point2d(p.X, p.Y)).ToArray());

            // build the camera matrix
            var cameraMatrix = Utility.GetCameraMatrix(image.Width, image.Height);

            // build the coefficient matrix
            var coeffs = new MatOfDouble(4, 1);


            // find head rotation and translation
            Mat rotation    = new MatOfDouble();
            Mat translation = new MatOfDouble();

            Cv2.SolvePnP(model, landmarks, cameraMatrix, coeffs, rotation, translation);

            // find and store euler angles
            var euler = Utility.GetEulerMatrix(rotation);

            headRotation = euler;

            // create a new model point in front of the nose, and project it into 2d
            var poseModel      = new MatOfPoint3d(1, 1, new Point3d(0, 0, 1000));
            var poseProjection = new MatOfPoint2d();

            Cv2.ProjectPoints(poseModel, rotation, translation, cameraMatrix, coeffs, poseProjection);

            // draw the 6 landmark points
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                foreach (var i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 })
                    var point = shape.GetPart((uint)i);
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGreen, point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 10, 10);

                // draw a line from the tip of the nose pointing in the direction of head pose
                var landmark = landmarks.At <Point2d>(0);
                var p        = poseProjection.At <Point2d>(0);
                var pen      = new Pen(Brushes.LightGreen, 4);
                g.DrawLine(pen, (int)landmark.X, (int)landmark.Y, (int)p.X, (int)p.Y);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// The main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // set up Dlib facedetectors and shapedetectors
            using (var fd = Dlib.GetFrontalFaceDetector())
                using (var sp = ShapePredictor.Deserialize("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"))
                    // load input image
                    var img = Dlib.LoadImage <RgbPixel>(inputFilePath);

                    // find all faces in the image
                    var faces = fd.Operator(img);
                    foreach (var face in faces)
                        // find the landmark points for this face
                        var shape = sp.Detect(img, face);

                        // build the 3d face model
                        var model = Utility.GetFaceModel();

                        // get the landmark point we need
                        var landmarks = new MatOfPoint2d(1, 6,
                                                         (from i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 }
                                                          let pt = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                                                   select new OpenCvSharp.Point2d(pt.X, pt.Y)).ToArray());

                        // build the camera matrix
                        var cameraMatrix = Utility.GetCameraMatrix((int)img.Rect.Width, (int)img.Rect.Height);

                        // build the coefficient matrix
                        var coeffs = new MatOfDouble(4, 1);

                        // find head rotation and translation
                        Mat rotation    = new MatOfDouble();
                        Mat translation = new MatOfDouble();
                        Cv2.SolvePnP(model, landmarks, cameraMatrix, coeffs, rotation, translation);

                        // find euler angles
                        var euler = Utility.GetEulerMatrix(rotation);

                        // calculate head rotation in degrees
                        var yaw   = 180 * euler.At <double>(0, 2) / Math.PI;
                        var pitch = 180 * euler.At <double>(0, 1) / Math.PI;
                        var roll  = 180 * euler.At <double>(0, 0) / Math.PI;

                        // looking straight ahead wraps at -180/180, so make the range smooth
                        pitch = Math.Sign(pitch) * 180 - pitch;

                        // calculate if the driver is facing forward
                        // the left/right angle must be in the -25..25 range
                        // the up/down angle must be in the -10..10 range
                        var facingForward =
                            yaw >= -25 && yaw <= 25 &&
                            pitch >= -10 && pitch <= 10;

                        // create a new model point in front of the nose, and project it into 2d
                        var poseModel      = new MatOfPoint3d(1, 1, new Point3d(0, 0, 1000));
                        var poseProjection = new MatOfPoint2d();
                        Cv2.ProjectPoints(poseModel, rotation, translation, cameraMatrix, coeffs, poseProjection);

                        // draw the key landmark points in yellow on the image
                        foreach (var i in new int[] { 30, 8, 36, 45, 48, 54 })
                            var point = shape.GetPart((uint)i);
                            var rect  = new Rectangle(point);
                            Dlib.DrawRectangle(img, rect, color: new RgbPixel(255, 255, 0), thickness: 4);

                        // draw a line from the tip of the nose pointing in the direction of head pose
                        var landmark = landmarks.At <Point2d>(0);
                        var p        = poseProjection.At <Point2d>(0);
                            new DlibDotNet.Point((int)landmark.X, (int)landmark.Y),
                            new DlibDotNet.Point((int)p.X, (int)p.Y),
                            color: new RgbPixel(0, 255, 255));

                        // draw a box around the face if it's facing forward
                        if (facingForward)
                            Dlib.DrawRectangle(img, face, color: new RgbPixel(0, 255, 255), thickness: 4);

                    // export the modified image
                    Dlib.SaveJpeg(img, "output.jpg");