Exemplo n.º 1
        private MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid BuildShipEntity()
            var entity = new MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid
                EntityId        = SpaceEngineersApi.GenerateEntityId(IDType.ENTITY),
                PersistentFlags = MyPersistentEntityFlags2.CastShadows | MyPersistentEntityFlags2.InScene,
                Skeleton        = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BoneInfo>(),
                LinearVelocity  = new VRageMath.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                AngularVelocity = new VRageMath.Vector3(0, 0, 0)

            var blockPrefix = "";

            switch (ClassType)
            case ImportModelClassType.SmallShip:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Small;
                blockPrefix        += "Small";
                entity.IsStatic     = false;

            case ImportModelClassType.LargeShip:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large;
                blockPrefix        += "Large";
                entity.IsStatic     = false;

            case ImportModelClassType.Station:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large;
                blockPrefix        += "Large";
                entity.IsStatic     = true;
                Position            = Position.RoundOff(MyCubeSize.Large.ToLength());
                Forward             = Forward.RoundToAxis();
                Up = Up.RoundToAxis();

            switch (ArmorType)
            case ImportArmorType.Heavy: blockPrefix += "HeavyBlockArmor"; break;

            case ImportArmorType.Light: blockPrefix += "BlockArmor"; break;

                // TODO: Rounded Armor.
                // Currently in development, and only specified as 'Light' on the 'Large' structures.
                //case ImportArmorType.Round: blockPrefix += "RoundArmor_"; break;

            // Large|BlockArmor|Corner
            // Large|RoundArmor_|Corner
            // Large|HeavyBlockArmor|Block,
            // Small|BlockArmor|Slope,
            // Small|HeavyBlockArmor|Corner,

            var blockType              = (SubtypeId)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubtypeId), blockPrefix + "Block");
            var slopeBlockType         = (SubtypeId)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubtypeId), blockPrefix + "Slope");
            var cornerBlockType        = (SubtypeId)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubtypeId), blockPrefix + "Corner");
            var inverseCornerBlockType = (SubtypeId)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubtypeId), blockPrefix + "CornerInv");

            entity.CubeBlocks = new System.Collections.Generic.List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock>();

            double multiplier;

            if (IsMultipleScale)
                multiplier = MultipleScale;
                multiplier = MaxLengthScale / Math.Max(Math.Max(OriginalModelSize.Height, OriginalModelSize.Width), OriginalModelSize.Depth);

            var ccubic = Modelling.ReadModelVolmetic(Filename, multiplier, null, TraceType, MainViewModel.ResetProgress, MainViewModel.IncrementProgress);

            Modelling.BuildStructureFromCubic(entity, ccubic, FillObject, blockType, slopeBlockType, cornerBlockType, inverseCornerBlockType);


            entity.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation
                // TODO: reposition based scale.
                Position = Position.ToVector3D(),
                Forward  = Forward.ToVector3(),
                Up       = Up.ToVector3()

            IsValidModel = entity.CubeBlocks.Count > 0;

Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Write(BinaryWriterEx output)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle)
     Direction = Direction.Rotate(axis, angle);
     Up        = Up.Rotate(axis, angle);
        // 处理COUT类型数据
        private void DealCOUT(string msg)
        //  private String DealCOUT(string msg)
            string result = null;

            InvokeMessage("通信输出  " + msg, "接收");
            SendBackTTCAString = msg;
            if (msg.Contains("COUT"))
                if (msg.Contains("COUT"))
                    num = num + 1;
                    FileStream   fs = new FileStream("numbd.txt", FileMode.Create);
                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
            // InvokeString(msg);
            var cout = BeidouHelper.GetCOUTInfo(msg);

            if (cout == null)

            //  return result;
            //  发送COSS指令
            //  必须在1秒内发送给卫星终端,否则会重新发送“通信输出”
            var coss = new CCOSSStruct();

            coss.SuccessStatus = true;          //  终端接收到外设通信申请,并校验成功
            //  发送CACA指令
            //  每隔一分钟发送回执$CACA
            //  65秒左右发一条
            var caca = new CCACAStruct();

            caca.SenderID              = "1";                 //  发信方ID为1,表示本机ID,默认
            caca.RecvType              = cout.SenderType;     //  回执的收信方类型  ==  通信输出中的发信方类型
            caca.RecvAddr              = cout.SenderAddr;     //  回执的收信方地址  ==  通信输出中的发信方地址
            caca.Requirements          = "1";                 //  不保密
            caca.ReceiptMsgSequenceNum = cout.MsgSequenceNum; // 回执的报文顺序号  ==  通信输出中的报文顺序号
            caca.ReceiptContent        = "1";

            //  解析通信输出中的内容
            string content = cout.MsgContent;

            //通信输出gm8  $60131G2201161111040003046112271367
                string rawMsg  = content;
                string sid     = null;
                string dealMsg = ProtocolHelpers.dealBCD(rawMsg);
                InvokeMessage("COUT数据  " + dealMsg, "接收");
                WriteToFileClass writeClass = new WriteToFileClass("ReceivedLog");
                Thread           t          = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(writeClass.WriteInfoToFile));
                t.Start("COUT Message: " + " " + dealMsg + "\r\n");
                string bdid = cout.SenderAddr;
                //InvokeMessage("gm3  " + content, "接收");
                    sid = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetStationByBDID(bdid);
                catch (Exception e)
                    sid = "5712";
                    Debug.WriteLine("获取站号失败" + e.Message);
                EMessageType type       = ProtocolMaps.MessageTypeMap.FindKey(dealMsg.Substring(0, 2));
                string       reportType = dealMsg.Substring(0, 2);
                if (reportType == "21" || reportType == "22")   //   定时报,加报
                    //  YAC设备的墒情协议:
                    string stationType = dealMsg.Substring(2, 2);
                    switch (stationType)
                    //  站类为04时墒情站 05墒情雨量站 06,16墒情水位站 07,17墒情水文站
                    case "04":
                    case "05":
                    case "06":
                    case "07":
                    case "17":
                        //    var station = FindStationByBeidouID(cout.SenderAddr);
                        //    string currentMsg = rawMsg.Insert(0, "$" + station.StationID + "1G");
                        //    CEntitySoilData soil = new CEntitySoilData();
                        //    CReportStruct soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                        //    if (Soil.Parse(currentMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                        //    {
                        //        soil.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;

                        //        if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                        //            this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs<CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                        //        if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                        //        {
                        //            soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                        //            soilReport.ListenPort = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                        //            this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs() { RawData = rawMsg, Value = soilReport });
                        //        }
                        //    }

                        string          newMsg     = dealMsg.Substring(1, dealMsg.Length - 1);
                        CEntitySoilData soil       = new CEntitySoilData();
                        CReportStruct   soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                        if (Soil.Parse(newMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                            soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                                this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs <CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                            if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                                soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.GPRS;
                                soilReport.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                                soilReport.flagId      = bdid;
                                this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                        RawData = newMsg, Value = soilReport

                    //  站类为01,02,03,12,13时,不是墒情站
                    case "01":
                    case "02":
                    case "03":
                    case "12":
                    case "13":
                        //string newMsg = dealMsg.Substring(1, dealMsg.Length - 1);
                        //CReportStruct report = new CReportStruct();
                        //if (Up.Parse(newMsg, out report))
                        //    //6013 $60131G2201161111040003046112271367
                        //    report.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                        //    report.ListenPort = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                        //    if (this.UpDataReceived != null)
                        //    {
                        //        this.UpDataReceived.Invoke(null, new UpEventArgs() { Value = report, RawData = newMsg });
                        //    }
                        CReportStruct report   = new CReportStruct();
                        string        protocol = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetProtocolBySId(sid);

                        if (protocol == "YNXY")
                            Up = new Data.YNXY.UpParser();
                        else if (protocol == "ZYJBX")
                            Up = new UpParser();
                        if (Up.Parse_beidou(sid, type, rawMsg, out report))
                            //InvokeMessage("gm6  " + rawMsg, "接收");
                            report.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            report.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                            report.flagId      = bdid;
                            if (this.UpDataReceived != null)
                                //InvokeMessage("gm7  " + rawMsg, "接收");
                                this.UpDataReceived.Invoke(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                        Value = report, RawData = rawMsg

                else if (reportType == "11")    //  人工水位
                else if (reportType == "23")    //  人工流量
                else if (reportType == "25")
                    var    station    = FindStationByBeidouID(cout.SenderAddr);
                    string currentMsg = dealMsg.Insert(0, "$" + station.StationID + "1G");

                    CEntitySoilData soil       = new CEntitySoilData();
                    CReportStruct   soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                    if (Soil.Parse(currentMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                        soil.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;

                        if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                            this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs <CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                        if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                            soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            soilReport.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                            soilReport.flagId      = bdid;
                            this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                RawData = dealMsg, Value = soilReport
            catch (Exception exp)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Beidou 数据解析出错 !" + content + "\r\n" + exp.Message);
            //result = msg;
            //return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid BuildEntity()
            var entity = new MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid
                EntityId        = SpaceEngineersApi.GenerateEntityId(IDType.ENTITY),
                PersistentFlags = MyPersistentEntityFlags2.CastShadows | MyPersistentEntityFlags2.InScene,
                Skeleton        = new System.Collections.Generic.List <BoneInfo>(),
                LinearVelocity  = new VRageMath.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                AngularVelocity = new VRageMath.Vector3(0, 0, 0)

            var blockPrefix = "";

            switch (ClassType)
            case ImportImageClassType.SmallShip:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Small;
                blockPrefix        += "Small";
                entity.IsStatic     = false;

            case ImportImageClassType.LargeShip:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large;
                blockPrefix        += "Large";
                entity.IsStatic     = false;

            case ImportImageClassType.Station:
                entity.GridSizeEnum = MyCubeSize.Large;
                blockPrefix        += "Large";
                entity.IsStatic     = true;
                Position            = Position.RoundOff(MyCubeSize.Large.ToLength());
                Forward             = Forward.RoundToAxis();
                Up = Up.RoundToAxis();

            switch (ArmorType)
            case ImportArmorType.Heavy: blockPrefix += "HeavyBlockArmor"; break;

            case ImportArmorType.Light: blockPrefix += "BlockArmor"; break;

            entity.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation
                // TODO: reposition based scale.
                Position = Position.ToVector3D(),
                Forward  = Forward.ToVector3(),
                Up       = Up.ToVector3()

            // Large|BlockArmor|Corner
            // Large|RoundArmor_|Corner
            // Large|HeavyBlockArmor|Block,
            // Small|BlockArmor|Slope,
            // Small|HeavyBlockArmor|Corner,

            entity.CubeBlocks = new System.Collections.Generic.List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock>();
            var image = ImageHelper.ResizeImage(_sourceImage, NewImageSize.Size);

            using (var palatteImage = new Bitmap(image))
                // Optimal order load. from grid coordinate (0,0,0) and up.
                for (var x = palatteImage.Width - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                    for (var y = palatteImage.Height - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                        const int z     = 0;
                        var       color = palatteImage.GetPixel(x, y);

                        // Specifically ignore anything with less than half "Transparent" Alpha.
                        if (IsAlphaLevel && color.A < AlphaLevel)

                        if (IsKeyColor && color.R == KeyColor.R && color.G == KeyColor.G && color.B == KeyColor.B)

                        // Parse the string through the Enumeration to check that the 'subtypeid' is still valid in the game engine.
                        var armor = (SubtypeId)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubtypeId), blockPrefix + "Block");

                        MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock newCube;
                        entity.CubeBlocks.Add(newCube = new MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock());
                        newCube.SubtypeName           = armor.ToString();
                        newCube.EntityId         = 0;
                        newCube.BlockOrientation = Modelling.GetCubeOrientation(CubeType.Cube);
                        newCube.Min          = new VRageMath.Vector3I(palatteImage.Width - x - 1, palatteImage.Height - y - 1, z);
                        newCube.ColorMaskHSV = color.ToSandboxHsvColor();

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Rotate(RotatingCoordinate coordinate, bool clockwise = true, int count = 1)
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var downCopy  = Down.Copy();
                var frontCopy = Front.Copy();
                var backCopy  = Back.Copy();
                var upCopy    = Up.Copy();
                var leftCopy  = Left.Copy();
                var rightCopy = Right.Copy();

                switch (coordinate)
                case RotatingCoordinate.X:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Front          = downCopy;
                        Front.TurnType = downCopy.TurnType;
                        Down           = backCopy;
                        Down.TurnType  = backCopy.TurnType;
                        Back           = upCopy;
                        Back.TurnType  = upCopy.TurnType;
                        Up             = frontCopy;
                        Up.TurnType    = frontCopy.TurnType;

                        Right[0, 0] = rightCopy[0, 2];
                        Right[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Right[0, 2] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[1, 2] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = rightCopy[2, 0];

                        Right[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];
                        Right[2, 0] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[1, 0] = rightCopy[0, 1];

                        Left[0, 0] = leftCopy[2, 0];
                        Left[1, 0] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 0] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Left[2, 2] = leftCopy[0, 2];

                        Left[1, 2] = leftCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[0, 2] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Front          = upCopy;
                        Front.TurnType = upCopy.TurnType;
                        Up             = backCopy;
                        Up.TurnType    = backCopy.TurnType;
                        Back           = downCopy;
                        Back.TurnType  = downCopy.TurnType;
                        Down           = frontCopy;
                        Down.TurnType  = frontCopy.TurnType;

                        Right[0, 0] = rightCopy[2, 0];
                        Right[1, 0] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 0] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Right[2, 2] = rightCopy[0, 2];

                        Right[1, 2] = rightCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[0, 2] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];

                        Left[0, 0] = leftCopy[0, 2];
                        Left[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Left[0, 2] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[1, 2] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = leftCopy[2, 0];

                        Left[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Left[2, 0] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[1, 0] = leftCopy[0, 1];


                case RotatingCoordinate.Y:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Front          = rightCopy;
                        Front.TurnType = rightCopy.TurnType;
                        Right          = backCopy;
                        Right.TurnType = backCopy.TurnType;
                        Left           = frontCopy;
                        Left.TurnType  = frontCopy.TurnType;
                        Back           = leftCopy;
                        Back.TurnType  = leftCopy.TurnType;

                        Up[0, 0] = upCopy[0, 2];
                        Up[0, 1] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[0, 2] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Up[1, 2] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Up[2, 2] = upCopy[2, 0];

                        Up[2, 1] = upCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[2, 0] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[1, 0] = upCopy[0, 1];

                        Down[0, 0] = downCopy[2, 0];
                        Down[1, 0] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Down[2, 0] = downCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[2, 1] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[2, 2] = downCopy[0, 2];

                        Down[1, 2] = downCopy[0, 1];
                        Down[0, 2] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Down[0, 1] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Front          = leftCopy;
                        Front.TurnType = leftCopy.TurnType;
                        Right          = frontCopy;
                        Right.TurnType = frontCopy.TurnType;
                        Back           = rightCopy;
                        Back.TurnType  = rightCopy.TurnType;
                        Left           = backCopy;
                        Left.TurnType  = backCopy.TurnType;

                        Up[0, 0] = upCopy[2, 0];
                        Up[1, 0] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Up[2, 0] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Up[2, 1] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[2, 2] = upCopy[0, 2];

                        Up[1, 2] = upCopy[0, 1];
                        Up[0, 2] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[0, 1] = upCopy[1, 0];

                        Down[0, 0] = downCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[0, 1] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[0, 2] = downCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[1, 2] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Down[2, 2] = downCopy[2, 0];

                        Down[2, 1] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[2, 0] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Down[1, 0] = downCopy[0, 1];


                case RotatingCoordinate.Z:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Left           = downCopy;
                        Left.TurnType  = downCopy.TurnType;
                        Down           = rightCopy;
                        Down.TurnType  = rightCopy.TurnType;
                        Right          = upCopy;
                        Right.TurnType = upCopy.TurnType;
                        Up             = leftCopy;
                        Up.TurnType    = leftCopy.TurnType;

                        Front[0, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[2, 1] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[2, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];

                        Front[1, 2] = frontCopy[0, 1];
                        Front[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[0, 1] = frontCopy[1, 0];

                        Back[0, 0] = backCopy[0, 2];
                        Back[0, 1] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[0, 2] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[1, 2] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 2] = backCopy[2, 0];

                        Back[2, 1] = backCopy[1, 0];
                        Back[2, 0] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[1, 0] = backCopy[0, 1];
                        Left           = upCopy;
                        Left.TurnType  = upCopy.TurnType;
                        Up             = rightCopy;
                        Up.TurnType    = rightCopy.TurnType;
                        Right          = downCopy;
                        Right.TurnType = downCopy.TurnType;
                        Down           = leftCopy;
                        Down.TurnType  = leftCopy.TurnType;

                        Front[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 2];
                        Front[0, 1] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[0, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[1, 2] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 0];

                        Front[2, 1] = frontCopy[1, 0];
                        Front[2, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = frontCopy[0, 1];

                        Back[0, 0] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[1, 0] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 0] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[2, 1] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[2, 2] = backCopy[0, 2];

                        Back[1, 2] = backCopy[0, 1];
                        Back[0, 2] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[0, 1] = backCopy[1, 0];

Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Normalize()
     Up = (Direction ^ Up) ^ Direction;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Populate values from the base palette.
 /// </summary>
 public void PopulateFromBase()
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void CalculateUvw()
     W = Direction;
     U = Up.Cross(W).Normalize();
     V = W.Cross(U).Normalize();
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void OnUp(KeyboardEventArgs value)
     Up?.Invoke(this, value, PushToThreadPool);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static void OnUp(Point p)
     _panJustBegun = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Strafe up with respect to camera
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amount"></param>
 public void StrafeVert(float amount)
     Position += Up * amount;
        // 处理通信输出 COUT类型数据
        public void DealCOUT(string msg)
            InvokeMessage("通信输出  " + msg, "接收");
            string str = msg.Trim();

            if (str.Contains("COUT"))
                if (str.Contains("COUT"))
                    num = num + 1;
                    FileStream   fs = new FileStream("numbd.txt", FileMode.Create);
                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);

            var cout = Beidou500Helper.GetCOUTInfo(msg);

            //InvokeMessage("gm1  " + "通过截取", "接收");
            if (cout == null)
                //InvokeMessage("gm2  " + "通过截取", "接收");

            //  解析通信输出中的内容
            string           content = cout.MsgContent;
            List <CUpReport> reports = new List <CUpReport>();


                string rawMsg  = content;
                string sid     = null;
                string dealMsg = ProtocolHelpers.dealBCD(rawMsg);
                InvokeMessage("COUT数据  " + dealMsg, "接收");
                WriteToFileClass writeClass = new WriteToFileClass("ReceivedLog");
                Thread           t          = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(writeClass.WriteInfoToFile));
                t.Start("COUT Message: " + " " + dealMsg + "\r\n");
                //InvokeMessage("gm3  " + content, "接收");
                    string bdid = cout.SenderAddr;
                    sid = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetStationByBDID(bdid);
                catch (Exception e)
                    sid = "5712";
                    Debug.WriteLine("获取站号失败" + e.Message);
                EMessageType type       = ProtocolMaps.MessageTypeMap.FindKey(dealMsg.Substring(0, 2));
                string       reportType = dealMsg.Substring(0, 2);
                //InvokeMessage("gm4  " + reportType, "接收");
                if (reportType == "21" || reportType == "22")   //   定时报,加报
                    //  YAC设备的墒情协议:
                    string stationType = dealMsg.Substring(2, 2);
                    //InvokeMessage("gm5  " + stationType, "接收");
                    switch (stationType)
                    //  站类为04时墒情站 05墒情雨量站 06,16墒情水位站 07,17墒情水文站
                    case "04":
                    case "05":
                    case "06":
                    case "07":
                    case "17":
                        //var station = FindStationByBeidouID(cout.SenderAddr);
                        //string currentMsg = rawMsg.Insert(0, "$" + station.StationID + "1G");
                        //CEntitySoilData soil = new CEntitySoilData();
                        //CReportStruct soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                        //if (Soil.Parse(currentMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                        //    soil.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;

                        //    if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                        //        this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs<CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                        //    if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                        //    {
                        //        soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                        //        soilReport.ListenPort = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                        //        this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs() { RawData = rawMsg, Value = soilReport });
                        //    }
                        // string newMsg = rawMsg.Substring(1, rawMsg.Length - 1);
                        CEntitySoilData soil       = new CEntitySoilData();
                        CReportStruct   soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                        if (Soil.Parse(rawMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                            soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                                this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs <CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                            if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                                soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.GPRS;
                                soilReport.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                                this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                        RawData = rawMsg, Value = soilReport

                    //  站类为01,02,03,12,13时,不是墒情站
                    case "01":
                    case "02":
                    case "03":
                    case "12":
                    case "13":
                        //var station = FindStationByBeidouID(cout.SenderAddr);
                        //rawMsg = rawMsg.Insert(0, station.StationID + "  ");

                        //CReportStruct report = new CReportStruct();
                        //if (Up.Parse(rawMsg, out report))
                        //    report.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                        //    report.ListenPort = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                        //    if (this.UpDataReceived != null)
                        //        this.UpDataReceived.Invoke(null, new UpEventArgs() { Value = report, RawData = msg });
                        //string newMsg = rawMsg.Substring(1, rawMsg.Length - 1);
                        CReportStruct report   = new CReportStruct();
                        string        protocol = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetProtocolBySId(sid);

                        if (protocol == "YNXY")
                            Up = new Data.YNXY.UpParser();
                        else if (protocol == "ZYJBX")
                            Up = new UpParser();
                        if (Up.Parse_beidou(sid, type, rawMsg, out report))
                            //InvokeMessage("gm6  " + rawMsg, "接收");
                            report.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            report.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                            if (this.UpDataReceived != null)
                                //InvokeMessage("gm7  " + rawMsg, "接收");
                                this.UpDataReceived.Invoke(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                        Value = report, RawData = rawMsg

                else if (reportType == "11")    //  人工水位
                else if (reportType == "23")    //  人工流量
                else if (reportType == "25")
                    var    station    = FindStationByBeidouID(cout.SenderAddr);
                    string currentMsg = rawMsg.Insert(0, "$" + station.StationID + "1G");

                    CEntitySoilData soil       = new CEntitySoilData();
                    CReportStruct   soilReport = new CReportStruct();
                    if (Soil.Parse(currentMsg, out soil, out soilReport))
                        soil.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;

                        if (null != this.SoilDataReceived)
                            this.SoilDataReceived(null, new CEventSingleArgs <CEntitySoilData>(soil));

                        if (null != soilReport && null != this.UpDataReceived)
                            soilReport.ChannelType = EChannelType.BeiDou;
                            soilReport.ListenPort  = "COM" + this.Port.PortName;
                            this.UpDataReceived(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                RawData = rawMsg, Value = soilReport
            catch (Exception exp)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("北斗卫星指挥机 数据解析出错 !" + content + "\r\n" + exp.Message);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void DealData()
            while (true)
                m_semaphoreData.WaitOne(); //阻塞当前线程,知道被其它线程唤醒
                // 获取对data内存缓存的访问权
                List <HDModemDataStruct> dataListTmp = m_listDatas;
                m_listDatas = new List <HDModemDataStruct>(); //开辟一快新的缓存区
                for (int i = 0; i < dataListTmp.Count; ++i)
                        HDModemDataStruct dat      = dataListTmp[i];
                        string            data     = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dat.m_data_buf).TrimEnd('\0');
                        string            recvData = data.Trim();

                        InvokeMessage(data, "原始数据");

                        string temp = data.Trim();

                        string gprs = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dat.m_modemId);
                        gprs = gprs.Replace("\0", "");
                        string sid = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetStationByGprsID(gprs);

                        string result = null;
                        if (temp.Contains("TRU"))
                            InvokeMessage("TRU " + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dat.m_modemId), "接收");
                            if (this.ErrorReceived != null)
                                this.ErrorReceived.Invoke(null, new ReceiveErrorEventArgs()
                                    //   Msg = "TRU " + dat.m_modemId
                                    Msg = "TRU " + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dat.m_modemId)
                        if (temp.Contains("ATE0"))
                            // InvokeMessage("ATE0", "接收");
                            if (this.ErrorReceived != null)
                                this.ErrorReceived.Invoke(null, new ReceiveErrorEventArgs()
                                    Msg = "ATE0"
                        if (temp.Contains("$"))
                            result = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("$"));
                            int length = int.Parse(result.Substring(11, 4));
                            if (length > MAX_BUFFER)

                            result = result.Substring(0, length);

                            if (!(result.StartsWith("$") && result.EndsWith("\r\n")))
                                InvokeMessage(result + "报文开始符结束符不合法", "接收");

                            String dataProtocol = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetProtocolBySId(sid);

                            CReportStruct report     = new CReportStruct();
                            CDownConf     downReport = new CDownConf();
                            if (dataProtocol == "RG30")
                                Up   = new Data.RG30.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.RG30.DownParser();

                            if (dataProtocol == "SM100H")
                                Up   = new Data.SM100H.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.SM100H.DownParser();
                            if (dataProtocol == "TDXY")
                                Up   = new Data.TDXY.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.TDXY.DownParser();

                            if (dataProtocol == "ZYJBX")
                                Up   = new Data.ZYJBX.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.ZYJBX.DownParser();

                            if (dataProtocol == "ZFXY")
                                Up   = new Data.ZFXY.UpParse();
                                Down = new Data.ZFXY.DownParse();

                            if (dataProtocol == "EN2B")
                                Up   = new Data.EN2B.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.EN2B.DownParser();
                            if (dataProtocol == "OBS")
                                Up   = new Protocol.Data.OBS.UpParser();
                                Down = new Protocol.Data.OBS.DownParser();
                            if (dataProtocol == "YNXY")
                                Up   = new Data.YNXY.UpParser();
                                Down = new Data.YNXY.DownParser();

                            if (temp.Contains("1K"))
                                var station = FindStationBySID(sid);
                                if (station == null)
                                    throw new Exception("批量传输,站点匹配错误");
                                CBatchStruct batch = new CBatchStruct();
                                InvokeMessage(String.Format("{0,-10}   ", "批量传输") + temp, "接收");

                                if (Down.Parse_Flash(result, EChannelType.GPRS, out batch))
                                    if (this.BatchDataReceived != null)
                                        this.BatchDataReceived.Invoke(null, new BatchEventArgs()
                                            Value = batch, RawData = temp
                                else if (Down.Parse_Batch(result, out batch))
                                    if (this.BatchDataReceived != null)
                                        this.BatchDataReceived.Invoke(null, new BatchEventArgs()
                                            Value = batch, RawData = temp
                            //+ 代表的是蒸发报文,需要特殊处理
                            if (result.Contains("1G21") || result.Contains("1G22") || result.Contains("1G23") ||
                                result.Contains("1G25") || result.Contains("1G29") || result.Contains("+"))
                                InvokeMessage("TRU " + gprs, "发送");
                                byte[] bts = new byte[] { 84, 82, 85, 13, 10 };
                                this.sendHex(gprs.Trim(), bts, (uint)bts.Length, null);


                                var lists = result.Split('$');
                                foreach (var msg in lists)
                                    if (msg.Length < 10)
                                    string plusMsg = "$" + msg.TrimEnd();
                                    bool   ret     = Up.Parse(plusMsg, out report);
                                    if (ret && report != null)
                                        report.ChannelType = EChannelType.GPRS;
                                        report.ListenPort  = this.GetListenPort().ToString();
                                        report.flagId      = gprs;
                                        string rtype = report.ReportType == EMessageType.EAdditional ? "加报" : "定时报";
                                        InvokeMessage("gprs号码:  " + gprs + "   " + String.Format("{0,-10}   ", rtype) + plusMsg, "接收");
                                        //TODO 重新定义事件
                                        if (this.UpDataReceived != null)
                                            this.UpDataReceived.Invoke(null, new UpEventArgs()
                                                Value = report, RawData = plusMsg
                                Down.Parse(result, out downReport);
                                if (downReport != null)
                                    InvokeMessage(String.Format("{0,-10}   ", "下行指令读取参数") + result, "接收");
                                    if (this.DownDataReceived != null)
                                        this.DownDataReceived.Invoke(null, new DownEventArgs()
                                            Value = downReport, RawData = result

                        if (temp.Contains("BEG"))
                            Data.ZYJBX.DownParser down1 = new Data.ZYJBX.DownParser();
                            CSDStruct             sd    = new CSDStruct();
                            string id = Manager.XmlStationData.Instance.GetStationByGprsID(gprs);
                            if (down1.Parse_SD(temp, id, out sd))
                                InvokeMessage(String.Format("{0,-10}   ", "批量SD传输") + temp, "接收");

                                if (this.BatchSDDataReceived != null)
                                    this.BatchSDDataReceived.Invoke(null, new BatchSDEventArgs()
                                        Value = sd, RawData = temp
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("" + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void Update(EvaluationContext context)

            LastObjectToWorld = context.ObjectToWorld;

            float fov         = MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(Fov.GetValue(context));
            float aspectRatio = AspectRatio.GetValue(context);

            if (aspectRatio < 0.0001f)
                aspectRatio = (float)context.RequestedResolution.Width / context.RequestedResolution.Height;
            System.Numerics.Vector2 clip = NearFarClip.GetValue(context);

            CameraToClipSpace = Matrix.PerspectiveFovRH(fov, aspectRatio, clip.X, clip.Y);

            Vector3 p                = new Vector3(0, 0, Radius.GetValue(context));
            var     seed             = Seed.GetValue(context);
            var     wobbleSpeed      = WobbleSpeed.GetValue(context);
            var     wobbleComplexity = (int)MathUtils.Clamp(WobbleComplexity.GetValue(context), 1, 8);

            var rotOffset = RotationOffset.GetValue(context);

            // Orbit rotation
            System.Numerics.Vector3 t = Center.GetValue(context);
            Vector3 target            = new Vector3(t.X, t.Y, t.Z);

            var rot = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(
                ComputeAngle(SpinAngleAndWobble, 1)
                + MathUtil.DegreesToRadians((float)(SpinRate.GetValue(context) * (context.LocalFxTime
                                                                                  + SpinOffset.GetValue(context)) * 360
                                                    + MathUtils.PerlinNoise(0, 1, 6, seed) * 360))
                -ComputeAngle(OrbitAngleAndWobble, 2),
            var p2  = Vector3.Transform(p, rot);
            var eye = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, p2.Z);

            // View rotation
            var viewDirection = target - eye;

            var rotateAim = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(
                ComputeAngle(AimYawAngleAndWobble, 3) + rotOffset.X * MathUtils.ToRad,
                ComputeAngle(AimPitchAngleAndWobble, 4) + rotOffset.Y * MathUtils.ToRad,
                rotOffset.Z * MathUtils.ToRad);

            var adjustedViewDirection = Vector3.TransformNormal(viewDirection, rotateAim);

            target = eye + adjustedViewDirection;

            // Computing matrix
            var     u  = Up.GetValue(context);
            Vector3 up = new Vector3(u.X, u.Y, u.Z);

            var roll = ComputeAngle(AimRollAngleAndWobble, 5);
            var rotateAroundViewDirection = Matrix.RotationAxis(adjustedViewDirection, roll);

            up = Vector3.TransformNormal(up, rotateAroundViewDirection);

            WorldToCamera = Matrix.LookAtRH(eye, target, up);

            if (context.BypassCameras)

            // Set properties and evaluate sub tree
            var prevCameraToClipSpace = context.CameraToClipSpace;
            var prevWorldToCamera     = context.WorldToCamera;

            context.CameraToClipSpace = CameraToClipSpace;
            context.WorldToCamera     = WorldToCamera;


            context.CameraToClipSpace = prevCameraToClipSpace;
            context.WorldToCamera     = prevWorldToCamera;

            float ComputeAngle(Slot <Vector2> angleAndWobbleInput, int seedIndex)
                var angleAndWobble = angleAndWobbleInput.GetValue(context);
                var wobble         = Math.Abs(angleAndWobble.Y) < 0.001f
                                 ? 0
                                 : (MathUtils.PerlinNoise((float)context.LocalFxTime * wobbleSpeed,
                                                          seed + 123 * seedIndex)
                                    - 0.5f) * 2 * angleAndWobble.Y;

                return(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angleAndWobble.X + wobble));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(Forward.GetHashCode() ^ Up.GetHashCode());
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Axis.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateFirst()

            LastX = X;
            LastY = Y;

            if (Locked)

            if (!Enabled)
                X = 0;
                Y = 0;

            if (ForcedInput)

            X = 0;
            Y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Joystick.Count; i++)
                foreach (JoyAxis axis in AxesX[i])
                    float a = Input.Instance.GetAxis(axis, i) * 0.01f;
                foreach (JoyAxis axis in AxesY[i])
                    float a = Input.Instance.GetAxis(axis, i) * 0.01f;

                foreach (JoyAxis axis in AxesX[i])
                    float a = Input.Instance.GetAxis(axis, i) * 0.01f;
                    if (Math.Abs(a) >= DeadZone)
                        if (RemapRange)
                            if (a > 0)
                                X += Util.ScaleClamp(a, 0, 1, 0, 1);
                                X += Util.ScaleClamp(a, -1, -0, -1, 0);
                            X += a;
                    if (RoundInput)
                        X = (float)Math.Round(X, 2);

                foreach (JoyAxis axis in AxesY[i])
                    float a = Input.Instance.GetAxis(axis, i) * 0.01f;
                    if (Math.Abs(a) >= DeadZone)
                        if (RemapRange)
                            if (a > 0)
                                Y += Util.ScaleClamp(a, 0, 1, 0, 1);
                                Y += Util.ScaleClamp(a, -1, -0, -1, 0);
                            Y += a;
                    if (RoundInput)
                        Y = (float)Math.Round(Y, 2);

            foreach (Key k in Keys[Direction.Up])
                if (Input.Instance.KeyDown(k))
                    Y -= 1;
            foreach (Key k in Keys[Direction.Down])
                if (Input.Instance.KeyDown(k))
                    Y += 1;
            foreach (Key k in Keys[Direction.Left])
                if (Input.Instance.KeyDown(k))
                    X -= 1;
            foreach (Key k in Keys[Direction.Right])
                if (Input.Instance.KeyDown(k))
                    X += 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Joystick.Count; i++)
                foreach (int b in JoyButtons[Direction.Up][i])
                    if (Input.Instance.ButtonDown(b, i))
                        Y -= 1;
                foreach (int b in JoyButtons[Direction.Down][i])
                    if (Input.Instance.ButtonDown(b, i))
                        Y += 1;
                foreach (int b in JoyButtons[Direction.Left][i])
                    if (Input.Instance.ButtonDown(b, i))
                        X -= 1;
                foreach (int b in JoyButtons[Direction.Right][i])
                    if (Input.Instance.ButtonDown(b, i))
                        X += 1;

            X = Util.Clamp(X, -1, 1);
            Y = Util.Clamp(Y, -1, 1);

            // Update the buttons.  This makes it easy to read the Axis as buttons for Up, Right, Left, Down.


            if (X > 0.5f)
            if (X < -0.5f)
            if (Y > 0.5f)
            if (Y < -0.5f)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public override string ToString()
     return(Up.ToString() + "/" + Down.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Move(TurnType turnType, bool clockwise = true, int count = 1)
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var downCopy  = Down.Copy();
                var frontCopy = Front.Copy();
                var backCopy  = Back.Copy();
                var upCopy    = Up.Copy();
                var leftCopy  = Left.Copy();
                var rightCopy = Right.Copy();

                switch (turnType)
                case TurnType.Left:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Down[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Down[1, 0] = frontCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];

                        Back[2, 2] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[1, 2] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Back[0, 2] = downCopy[2, 0];

                        Up[0, 0] = backCopy[2, 2];
                        Up[1, 0] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[2, 0] = backCopy[0, 2];

                        Front[0, 0] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = upCopy[1, 0];
                        Front[2, 0] = upCopy[2, 0];

                        Left[0, 0] = leftCopy[2, 0];
                        Left[1, 0] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 0] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Left[2, 2] = leftCopy[0, 2];

                        Left[1, 2] = leftCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[0, 2] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[1, 0] = frontCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];

                        Back[0, 2] = upCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[1, 2] = upCopy[1, 0];
                        Back[2, 2] = upCopy[0, 0];

                        Down[2, 0] = backCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[1, 0] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[0, 0] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[0, 0] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Front[2, 0] = downCopy[2, 0];

                        Left[0, 0] = leftCopy[0, 2];
                        Left[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Left[0, 2] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[1, 2] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = leftCopy[2, 0];

                        Left[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Left[2, 0] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[1, 0] = leftCopy[0, 1];


                case TurnType.Right:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Up[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];
                        Up[1, 2] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[2, 0] = upCopy[0, 2];
                        Back[1, 0] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[0, 0] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[0, 2] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Down[1, 2] = backCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[2, 2] = backCopy[0, 0];

                        Front[0, 2] = downCopy[0, 2];
                        Front[1, 2] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[2, 2] = downCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[0, 0] = rightCopy[2, 0];
                        Right[1, 0] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 0] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Right[2, 2] = rightCopy[0, 2];

                        Right[1, 2] = rightCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[0, 2] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[1, 2] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[0, 0] = downCopy[2, 2];
                        Back[1, 0] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[2, 0] = downCopy[0, 2];

                        Up[0, 2] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Up[1, 2] = backCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[2, 2] = backCopy[0, 0];

                        Front[0, 2] = upCopy[0, 2];
                        Front[1, 2] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[2, 2] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[0, 0] = rightCopy[0, 2];
                        Right[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Right[0, 2] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[1, 2] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = rightCopy[2, 0];

                        Right[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];
                        Right[2, 0] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[1, 0] = rightCopy[0, 1];


                case TurnType.Up:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Left[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[0, 1] = frontCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];

                        Back[0, 0] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[0, 1] = leftCopy[0, 1];
                        Back[0, 2] = leftCopy[0, 2];

                        Right[0, 0] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[0, 1] = backCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[0, 2] = backCopy[0, 2];

                        Front[0, 0] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[0, 1] = rightCopy[0, 1];
                        Front[0, 2] = rightCopy[0, 2];

                        Up[0, 0] = upCopy[2, 0];
                        Up[1, 0] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Up[2, 0] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Up[2, 1] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[2, 2] = upCopy[0, 2];

                        Up[1, 2] = upCopy[0, 1];
                        Up[0, 2] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[0, 1] = upCopy[1, 0];
                        Left[0, 0] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[0, 1] = backCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[0, 2] = backCopy[0, 2];

                        Front[0, 0] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[0, 1] = leftCopy[0, 1];
                        Front[0, 2] = leftCopy[0, 2];

                        Right[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[0, 1] = frontCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];

                        Back[0, 0] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[0, 1] = rightCopy[0, 1];
                        Back[0, 2] = rightCopy[0, 2];

                        Up[0, 0] = upCopy[0, 2];
                        Up[0, 1] = upCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[0, 2] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Up[1, 2] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Up[2, 2] = upCopy[2, 0];

                        Up[2, 1] = upCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[2, 0] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[1, 0] = upCopy[0, 1];


                case TurnType.Down:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Left[2, 0] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Left[2, 1] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[2, 0] = leftCopy[2, 0];
                        Front[2, 1] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 2] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];
                        Right[2, 1] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[2, 0] = rightCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[2, 1] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 2] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[0, 0] = downCopy[2, 0];
                        Down[1, 0] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Down[2, 0] = downCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[2, 1] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[2, 2] = downCopy[0, 2];

                        Down[1, 2] = downCopy[0, 1];
                        Down[0, 2] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Down[0, 1] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Left[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];
                        Left[2, 1] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[2, 0] = leftCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[2, 1] = leftCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 2] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Right[2, 0] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Right[2, 1] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[2, 0] = rightCopy[2, 0];
                        Front[2, 1] = rightCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 2] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[0, 0] = downCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[0, 1] = downCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[0, 2] = downCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[1, 2] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Down[2, 2] = downCopy[2, 0];

                        Down[2, 1] = downCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[2, 0] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Down[1, 0] = downCopy[0, 1];


                case TurnType.Front:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Front[0, 0] = frontCopy[2, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 0] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[2, 1] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[2, 2] = frontCopy[0, 2];

                        Front[1, 2] = frontCopy[0, 1];
                        Front[0, 2] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[0, 1] = frontCopy[1, 0];

                        Up[2, 0] = leftCopy[2, 2];
                        Up[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[2, 2] = leftCopy[0, 2];

                        Right[0, 0] = upCopy[2, 0];
                        Right[1, 0] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 0] = upCopy[2, 2];

                        Down[0, 0] = rightCopy[2, 0];
                        Down[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[0, 2] = rightCopy[0, 0];

                        Left[0, 2] = downCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[1, 2] = downCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = downCopy[0, 2];
                        Front[0, 0] = frontCopy[0, 2];
                        Front[0, 1] = frontCopy[1, 2];
                        Front[0, 2] = frontCopy[2, 2];

                        Front[1, 2] = frontCopy[2, 1];
                        Front[2, 2] = frontCopy[2, 0];

                        Front[2, 1] = frontCopy[1, 0];
                        Front[2, 0] = frontCopy[0, 0];
                        Front[1, 0] = frontCopy[0, 1];

                        Up[2, 0] = rightCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[2, 2] = rightCopy[2, 0];

                        Right[0, 0] = downCopy[0, 2];
                        Right[1, 0] = downCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[2, 0] = downCopy[0, 0];

                        Down[0, 0] = leftCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[0, 2] = leftCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[0, 2] = upCopy[2, 2];
                        Left[1, 2] = upCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[2, 2] = upCopy[2, 0];


                case TurnType.Back:
                    if (clockwise)
                        Back[0, 0] = backCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[1, 0] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 0] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[2, 1] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[2, 2] = backCopy[0, 2];

                        Back[1, 2] = backCopy[0, 1];
                        Back[0, 2] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[0, 1] = backCopy[1, 0];

                        Up[0, 0] = rightCopy[0, 2];
                        Up[0, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Up[0, 2] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[2, 0] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Left[1, 0] = upCopy[0, 1];
                        Left[0, 0] = upCopy[0, 2];

                        Down[2, 2] = leftCopy[2, 0];
                        Down[2, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Down[2, 0] = leftCopy[0, 0];

                        Right[0, 2] = downCopy[2, 2];
                        Right[1, 2] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = downCopy[2, 0];
                        Back[0, 0] = backCopy[0, 2];
                        Back[0, 1] = backCopy[1, 2];
                        Back[0, 2] = backCopy[2, 2];

                        Back[1, 2] = backCopy[2, 1];
                        Back[2, 2] = backCopy[2, 0];

                        Back[2, 1] = backCopy[1, 0];
                        Back[2, 0] = backCopy[0, 0];
                        Back[1, 0] = backCopy[0, 1];

                        Up[0, 2] = leftCopy[0, 0];
                        Up[0, 1] = leftCopy[1, 0];
                        Up[0, 0] = leftCopy[2, 0];

                        Right[0, 2] = upCopy[0, 0];
                        Right[1, 2] = upCopy[0, 1];
                        Right[2, 2] = upCopy[0, 2];

                        Down[2, 2] = rightCopy[0, 2];
                        Down[2, 1] = rightCopy[1, 2];
                        Down[2, 0] = rightCopy[2, 2];

                        Left[2, 0] = downCopy[2, 2];
                        Left[1, 0] = downCopy[2, 1];
                        Left[0, 0] = downCopy[2, 0];

        public async void getPaymentGateway_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                await Navigation.PushPopupAsync(new LoadingPopPage());

                MyNotificationPage myNotification = new MyNotificationPage();
                GetPaymentPayPal   _request       = new GetPaymentPayPal();
                string             _response;
                List <ProductList> _productList = new List <ProductList>();

                NotificationFriend notificationFriendList = new NotificationFriend();
                notificationFriendList = await getListofInvitedFrnd();

                Up uP = new Up();
                foreach (var item in notificationFriendList.Response.listofFriends)
                    if (item.PaymentDone == 0)
                        ProductList _product = new ProductList();
                        _product.ProductID   = 1;
                        _product.Name        = item.FriendsName;
                        _product.Description = item.DeliveryType + "," + item.TotalMonths + "," + item.SubcriptionType;
                        _product.UnitPrice   = item.Cost;
                        _product.SKU         = item.SKU;
                        _product.OrderQty    = 1;

                //_product.ProductID = 1;
                //_product.Name = Settings.FriendName;
                //_product.Description = Settings.DeliveryMethodName + "," + Settings.DurationName + "," + Settings.SubscriptionTypeName;
                //_product.UnitPrice = Settings.PriceName;
                //_product.SKU = "1";
                //_product.OrderQty = 1;

                _request.ProductList = _productList;
                uP.Cost                   = TotalCost;
                uP.DeliveryMethodId       = Settings.DeliveryMethodId;
                uP.DurationId             = Settings.DurationId;
                uP.SubscriptionTypeId     = Settings.SubscriptionTypeId;
                uP.UserId                 = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.UserID);
                _request.up               = uP;
                _request.SiteURL          = "null";
                _request.InvoiceNumber    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                _request.Currency         = "USD";
                _request.OrderDescription = Settings.UserID.ToString();
                _request.ShippingFee      = "0";
                _request.Tax              = "0";
                _request.PayerID          = (Settings.UserID).ToString();
                _request.PaymentID        = "null";
                _request.Count            = 1;
                _request.UserId           = (Settings.UserID).ToString();
                _request.StartID          = "null";
                _request.StartIndex       = 1;
                _request.StartTime        = "null";
                _request.EndTime          = "null";
                _request.StartDate        = "null";
                _request.PayeeEmail       = Settings.Email;
                _request.PayeeID          = (Settings.UserID).ToString();
                _request.SortBy           = "Ascending";
                _request.SortOrder        = "Albhabetical";

                string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_request);
                HttpResponseMessage response = null;
                string uri = "http://noti.fit:130/api/PayPal/GetPaymentPayPalURL";
                using (var stringContent = new StringContent(s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"))
                    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", Settings.TokenCode);

                    response = await client.PostAsync(uri, stringContent);

                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var SucessResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        _response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(SucessResponse);
                        await Navigation.PopAllPopupAsync();

                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new PaymentGateway(_response));

                        //Settings.PriceName = _response.Response.price;
                        //var res = _response.Price;
                        //Settings.PriceName = res;

                        //Cost.Text = "Total New Subscriptions: US $" + res;
                        //return _response;
                        var ErrorResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        _response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(ErrorResponse);
                        await Navigation.PopAllPopupAsync();

                        DependencyService.Get <IToast>().Show("Error");
                        //return _response;
                        //Settings.PriceName = _response.Response.price;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработать входное значение.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Входное значение.</param>
        /// <returns>Результирующее значение.</returns>
        protected override IIndicatorValue OnProcess(IIndicatorValue input)
            var candle = input.GetValue <Candle>();
            var buffer = input.IsFinal ? _buffer : _buffer.ToList();


            // если буфер стал достаточно большим (стал больше длины)
            if (buffer.Count > Length)
                // Запоминаем интересующие изменения свечек до буфера
                if (buffer[0].HighPrice > buffer[1].HighPrice)
                    _wasHighDown = true;
                else if (buffer[0].HighPrice < buffer[1].HighPrice)
                    _wasHighDown = false;

                if (buffer[0].LowPrice < buffer[1].LowPrice)
                    _wasLowUp = true;
                else if (buffer[0].LowPrice > buffer[1].LowPrice)
                    _wasLowUp = false;


            // Логика расчета: последующие/предыдущие значения должны быть меньше/больше центрального значения
            if (buffer.Count >= Length)
                // флаги для расчета фракталов (если флаг равен false, то на центральной свече нет фрактала)
                var isMax = true;
                var isMin = true;

                var centerHighPrice = buffer[_numCenter].HighPrice;
                var centerLowPrice  = buffer[_numCenter].LowPrice;

                for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
                    if (i == _numCenter)

                    // Все значения до и после центральной свечи должны быть
                    // больше для фрактала вверх и меньше для фрактала вниз
                    if (buffer[i].HighPrice > centerHighPrice)
                        isMax = false;

                    if (buffer[i].LowPrice < centerLowPrice)
                        isMin = false;

                // Фильтр для ситуаций где цена у экстремума одинакова за период больше длины буфера
                if (isMax && _wasHighDown && buffer.GetRange(0, _numCenter).Min(i => i.HighPrice) == centerHighPrice)
                    isMax = false;

                if (isMin && _wasLowUp && buffer.GetRange(0, _numCenter).Max(i => i.LowPrice) == centerLowPrice)
                    isMin = false;

                var shift = buffer.Count - _numCenter - 1;

                var upValue   = isMax ? new ShiftedIndicatorValue(this, shift, new DecimalIndicatorValue(this, centerHighPrice)) : new ShiftedIndicatorValue(this);
                var downValue = isMin ? new ShiftedIndicatorValue(this, shift, new DecimalIndicatorValue(this, centerLowPrice)) : new ShiftedIndicatorValue(this);

                upValue.IsFinal   = input.IsFinal;
                downValue.IsFinal = input.IsFinal;

                var complexValue = new ComplexIndicatorValue(this);
                complexValue.InnerValues.Add(Up, Up.Process(upValue));
                complexValue.InnerValues.Add(Down, Down.Process(downValue));


            return(base.OnProcess(new ShiftedIndicatorValue(this, 0, input.SetValue(this, 0))));
Exemplo n.º 23
    void Update()
        if (alive)
            timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (timeLeft < 0)
                if (Input.touchCount == 1)               // user is touching the screen with a single touch
                    Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);     // get the touch
                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) //check for the first touch
                        fp = touch.position;
                        lp = touch.position;
                    else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) // update the last position based on where they moved
                        lp = touch.position;
                    else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) //check if the finger is removed from the screen
                        lp = touch.position;                  //last touch position. Ommitted if you use list

                        //Check if drag distance is greater than 15% of the screen height
                        if (Mathf.Abs(lp.x - fp.x) > dragDistance || Mathf.Abs(lp.y - fp.y) > dragDistance)
                        {//It's a drag
                         //check if the drag is vertical or horizontal
                            if ((lp.x - fp.x) > 0 && (lp.y - fp.y) > 0)
                                if (transform.position.x < xR)//Right swipe
                                    this.transform.Translate(1 * movementScale, 0, 0);
                            if ((lp.x - fp.x) < 0 && (lp.y - fp.y) > 0)
                            {                                  //lewo
                                if (transform.position.y < yT) // Debug.Log("Up Swipe");
                                    this.transform.Translate(0, 1 * movementScale, 0);
                            if ((lp.x - fp.x) > 0 && (lp.y - fp.y) < 0)
                            {                                  //gora
                                if (transform.position.y > yB) // Debug.Log("Down Swipe");
                                    this.transform.Translate(0, -1 * movementScale, 0);
                            if ((lp.x - fp.x) < 0 && (lp.y - fp.y) < 0)
                            {                                  //dol
                                if (transform.position.x > xL) // Debug.Log("Left Swipe");
                                    this.transform.Translate(-1 * movementScale, 0, 0);
                        {   //It's a tap as the drag distance is less than 20% of the screen height
                            //Here we can make tap.postion as desiredPostion to move object rounded to the nearest block
            foreach (GameObject red in CubeRed)
                if (red.transform.position.x == transform.position.x && red.transform.position.y == transform.position.y)
                    alive = false;
            if (transform.position.y == yT && transform.position.x == xR)
                RightBottom.GetComponent <FinalGoindUp>().Colour();
                RightBottom.GetComponent <FinalGoindUp>().Metod();
                Up.GetComponent <MoveGoingUp>().Metod();
                Invoke("next", 2);