Exemplo n.º 1
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            // intersect in local space
            float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;

            intersectFlake(r, state, level, qa, 1 / qa, 0, 0, 0, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, baseRadius);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
     if (r.getMax() == float.PositiveInfinity)
         state.setIntersection(0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void computeSubPixel(ImageSample sample, IntersectionState istate)
            float  x  = sample.rx;
            float  y  = sample.ry;
            double q0 = QMC.halton(1, sample.i);
            double q1 = QMC.halton(2, sample.i);
            double q2 = QMC.halton(3, sample.i);

            if (superSampling > 1)
                // multiple sampling
                sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i));
                for (int i = 1; i < superSampling; i++)
                    double time  = QMC.mod1(q0 + i * invSuperSampling);
                    double lensU = QMC.mod1(q1 + QMC.halton(0, i));
                    double lensV = QMC.mod1(q2 + QMC.halton(1, i));
                    sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, lensU, lensV, time, sample.i + i));
                // single sample
                sample.set(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            int   i3  = primID * 3;
            float ocx = r.ox - particles[i3 + 0];
            float ocy = r.oy - particles[i3 + 1];
            float ocz = r.oz - particles[i3 + 2];
            float qa  = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
            float qb  = 2 * ((r.dx * ocx) + (r.dy * ocy) + (r.dz * ocz));
            float qc  = ((ocx * ocx) + (ocy * ocy) + (ocz * ocz)) - r2;

            double[] t = Solvers.solveQuadric(qa, qb, qc);
            if (t != null)
                // early rejection
                if (t[0] >= r.getMax() || t[1] <= r.getMin())
                if (t[0] > r.getMin())
Exemplo n.º 5
            public void run()
                IntersectionState istate = new IntersectionState();

                while (true)
                    int bx, by;
                    lock (renderer)//synchronized (renderer) {
                        if (renderer.bucketCounter >= renderer.bucketCoords.Length)
                        bx = renderer.bucketCoords[renderer.bucketCounter + 0];
                        by = renderer.bucketCoords[renderer.bucketCounter + 1];
                        renderer.bucketCounter += 2;
                    renderer.renderBucket(renderer.display, bx, by, threadID, istate);
                    if (UI.taskCanceled())
Exemplo n.º 6
        private int progressiveRenderNext(IntersectionState istate)
            int         TASK_SIZE = 16;
            SmallBucket first     = smallBucketQueue.Count > 0 ? smallBucketQueue.Dequeue() : null;

            if (first == null)
            int  ds      = first.size / TASK_SIZE;
            bool useMask = smallBucketQueue.Count != 0;
            int  mask    = 2 * first.size / TASK_SIZE - 1;
            int  pixels  = 0;

            for (int i = 0, y = first.y; i < TASK_SIZE && y < imageHeight; i++, y += ds)
                for (int j = 0, x = first.x; j < TASK_SIZE && x < imageWidth; j++, x += ds)
                    // check to see if this is a pixel from a higher level tile
                    if (useMask && (x & mask) == 0 && (y & mask) == 0)
                    int          instance = (x & (sigma.Length - 1)) * sigma.Length + sigma[y & (sigma.Length - 1)];
                    double       time     = QMC.halton(1, instance);
                    double       lensU    = QMC.halton(2, instance);
                    double       lensV    = QMC.halton(3, instance);
                    ShadingState state    = scene.getRadiance(istate, x, imageHeight - 1 - y, lensU, lensV, time, instance);
                    Color        c        = state != null?state.getResult() : Color.BLACK;

                    // fill region
                    display.imageFill(x, y, Math.Min(ds, imageWidth - x), Math.Min(ds, imageHeight - y), c);
            if (first.size >= 2 * TASK_SIZE)
                // generate child buckets
                int size = (int)((uint)first.size >> 1);//>>>
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    if (first.y + i * size < imageHeight)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                            if (first.x + j * size < imageWidth)
                                SmallBucket b = new SmallBucket();
                                b.x         = first.x + j * size;
                                b.y         = first.y + i * size;
                                b.size      = size;
                                b.constrast = 1.0f / size;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            // intersect in local space
            float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
            float qb = 2 * ((r.dx * r.ox) + (r.dy * r.oy) + (r.dz * r.oz));
            float qc = ((r.ox * r.ox) + (r.oy * r.oy) + (r.oz * r.oz)) - 1;

            double[] t = Solvers.solveQuadric(qa, qb, qc);
            if (t != null)
                // early rejection
                if (t[0] >= r.getMax() || t[1] <= r.getMin())
                if (t[0] > r.getMin())
                state.setIntersection(0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void intersect(Ray r, IntersectionState state)
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         primitives.intersectPrimitive(r, i, state);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void RefractedColorWithRay()
            var w = World.Default;
            var s = w.Objects[0];

            s.Material.Ambient = 1f;
            s.Material.Pattern = new TestPattern();
            var b = w.Objects[1];

            b.Material.Transparency = 1;
            b.Material.IOR          = 1.5f;
            var r  = new Ray(0, 0, .1f, 0, 1, 0);
            var xs = new List <Intersection>
                new(-.9899f, s),
                new(-.4899f, b),
                new(.4899f, b),
                new(.9899f, s)
            var hit   = xs[2];
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref hit, ref r, xs);
            var c     = w.RefractedColor(ref comps, 5);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(c, new Color(0, .99888f, .04725f), 1e-3f);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ShadeHitSchlick()
            var w     = World.Default;
            var floor = new Plane(Translation(0, -1, 0))
                Material = { Transparency = .5f, IOR = 1.5f, Reflectivity = .5f }

            var s = new Sphere(Translation(0, -3.5f, -.5f))
                Material =
                    BaseColor = new Color(1, 0, 0),
                    Ambient   = .5f

            var r     = new Ray(0, 0, -3, 0, -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f);
            var xs    = new Intersection(MathF.Sqrt(2f), floor);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref xs, ref r);
            var color = w.ShadeHit(ref comps, 5);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(color, new Color(.93391f, .69643f, .69243f), 1e-4f);
Exemplo n.º 11
    private void OnPlayersChanged(SnowmanControl[] players)
        // Regenerate the intersections state data
        // to reflect the new collection of players.
        IntersectionState[] newStates = new IntersectionState[players.Length];
        int i = 0;

        foreach (SnowmanControl controller in players)
            newStates[i] = new IntersectionState {
                player = controller
            // Check to see if this player had any previous state.
            // This ensures adds/drops cannot interrupt a collision state.
                foreach (IntersectionState priorState in intersectionStates)
                    if (priorState.player == controller)
                        // Ensure the new array contains the same collision state.
                        newStates[i].isIntersecting = priorState.isIntersecting;
                float e = 2;
        intersectionStates = newStates;
        public void ChapterVI()
            const float wallZ     = 10f;
            const float wallSize  = 7f;
            const int   px        = 100;
            const float pxSize    = wallSize / px;
            const float half      = wallSize / 2f;
            var         canvas    = new Canvas(px, px);
            var         rayOrigin = Point(0f, 0f, -5f);
            var         shape     = new Sphere {
                Material = new PhongMaterial(new Color(1f, .2f, 1f))
            var l = new PointLight(Point(-10f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);

            Parallel.For(0, px, y =>
                var wY = half - pxSize * y;
                for (var x = 0; x < px; x++)
                    var wx  = -half + pxSize * x;
                    var pos = Point(wx, wY, wallZ);
                    var ray = new Ray(rayOrigin, Vector4.Normalize(pos - rayOrigin));
                    var hit = shape.Hit(ref ray);
                    if (hit == null)
                    var comps    = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref hit, ref ray);
                    canvas[x, y] = shape.Material.Shade(l, ref comps, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public BucketThread(int threadID, BucketRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID       = threadID;
     istate              = new IntersectionState();
     this.renderer       = renderer;
     thread              = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
        public void SchlickN2GreaterN1()
            var s     = Sphere.GlassSphere;
            var r     = new Ray(0, .99f, -2, 0, 0, 1);
            var xs    = new Intersection(1.8589f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref xs, ref r);

            Assert.That.FloatsAreEqual(comps.Schlick(), .48873f);
        public void PrecomputingReflectionVector()
            var s     = new Plane();
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 1f, -1f, 0f, -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f);
            var i     = new Intersection(MathF.Sqrt(2f), s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

            Assert.AreEqual(comps.Reflect, Direction(0f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f));
        public void HitOccursOutside()
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s     = new Sphere();
            var i     = new Intersection(4f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

        public void The_hit_should_be_preserved_when_calculating_the_intersection_state()
            var hit           = new Intersection(1, _triangle, 0.45, 0.25);
            var ray           = new Ray(new Point(-0.2, 0.3, -2), Vector.UnitZ);
            var intersections = new IntersectionList(hit);
            var state         = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, intersections);

            state.Normal.Should().Be(new Vector(-0.5547, 0.83205, 0));
        public void Precomputing_the_hit_when_an_intersection_occurs_on_the_outside()
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), new Vector(0, 0, 1));
            var shape = new Sphere();
            var hit   = new Intersection(4, shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

        public void Precomputing_the_reflection_vector()
            var shape = new Plane();
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 1, -1), new Vector(0, -Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            var hit   = new Intersection(Math.Sqrt(2), shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

            state.Reflection.Should().Be(new Vector(0, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void LightingWithSurfinShadow()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 0f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 0);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(.1f, .1f, .1f));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void EyeBeweenLightAndSurf()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 0f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(1.9f, 1.9f, 1.9f));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void LightOffset45()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(.7364f, .7364f, .7364f));
        public void Precomputing_the_hit_should_offset_the_point()
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            var shape = new Sphere(transform: Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 1));
            var hit   = new Intersection(5, shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

            state.OverPoint.Z.Should().BeLessThan(-NumberExtensions.Epsilon / 2);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public BucketThread(int threadID, MultipassRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID       = threadID;
     istate              = new IntersectionState();
     cache               = renderer.shadingCache ? new ShadingCache() : null;
     this.renderer       = renderer;
     thread              = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
     this.renderer       = renderer;
        public void HitOffsetsPoint()
            var r = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s = new Sphere(Translation(0f, 0f, 1f));
            var i = new Intersection(5f, s);
            var c = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

            Assert.IsTrue(c.OverPoint.Z < -Constants.Epsilon / 2f);
            Assert.IsTrue(c.Point.Z > c.OverPoint.Z);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void RefractedColor_should_return_the_refracted_color_at_the_maximum_recursive_depth()
            var   world         = World.CreateDefaultWorld();
            var   shape         = world.Shapes[0].ChangeMaterial(m => m.WithTransparency(1.0).WithRefractiveIndex(1.5));
            var   ray           = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            var   intersections = new IntersectionList((4, shape), (6, shape));
            var   state         = IntersectionState.Create(intersections[0], ray, intersections);
            Color color         = world.RefractedColor(state, 0);

Exemplo n.º 27
        public void EyeInPath()
            var val    = -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f;
            var eye    = Direction(0f, val, val);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(1.6364f, 1.6364f, 1.6364f), 1e-4f);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ShadingIntersection()
            var w     = World.Default;
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s     = w.Objects[0];
            var i     = new Intersection(4f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);
            var c     = w.ShadeHit(ref comps);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(c, new Color(.38066f, .47583f, .2855f));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void ShadeHit_should_shade_an_intersection_from_the_inside()
            var   world        = World.CreateDefaultWorld().ChangeLights(new PointLight(new Point(0, 0.25, 0), Colors.White));
            var   ray          = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, 0), Vector.UnitZ);
            Shape shape        = world.Shapes[1];
            var   intersection = new Intersection(0.5, shape);
            var   state        = IntersectionState.Create(intersection, ray, new IntersectionList(intersection));
            Color color        = world.ShadeHit(state);

            color.Should().Be(new Color(0.90498, 0.90498, 0.90498));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void ShadeHit_should_shade_an_intersection()
            var   world        = World.CreateDefaultWorld();
            var   ray          = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            Shape shape        = world.Shapes[0];
            var   intersection = new Intersection(4, shape);
            var   state        = IntersectionState.Create(intersection, ray, new IntersectionList(intersection));
            Color color        = world.ShadeHit(state);

            color.Should().Be(new Color(0.38066, 0.47583, 0.2855));
	void Update() {
		if (State == IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar) {
			if (cars.Count == 0) {
				State = IntersectionState.Empty;
			else {
				WaitingCar waitingCar = cars.Dequeue();
                m_waitingOnCar = waitingCar;
                CarController car = waitingCar.car;

				car.StartTurn ();
                State = IntersectionState.WaitingForCar;
Exemplo n.º 32
        private void intersectFlake(Ray r, IntersectionState state, int level, float qa, float qaInv, float cx, float cy, float cz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float radius)
            if (level <= 0) {
                // we reached the bottom - intersect sphere and bail out
                float vcx = cx - r.ox;
                float vcy = cy - r.oy;
                float vcz = cz - r.oz;
                float b = r.dx * vcx + r.dy * vcy + r.dz * vcz;
                float disc = b * b - qa * ((vcx * vcx + vcy * vcy + vcz * vcz) - radius * radius);
                if (disc > 0) {
                    // intersects - check t values
                    float d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                    float t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                    float t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                    if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin())
                    if (t1 > r.getMin())
                    state.setIntersection(0, cx, cy, cz);
            } else {
                float boundRadius = radius * (1 + boundingRadiusOffset[level]);
                float vcx = cx - r.ox;
                float vcy = cy - r.oy;
                float vcz = cz - r.oz;
                float b = r.dx * vcx + r.dy * vcy + r.dz * vcz;
                float vcd = (vcx * vcx + vcy * vcy + vcz * vcz);
                float disc = b * b - qa * (vcd - boundRadius * boundRadius);
                if (disc > 0) {
                    // intersects - check t values
                    float d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                    float t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                    float t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                    if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin())

                    // we hit the bounds, now compute intersection with the actual
                    // leaf sphere
                    disc = b * b - qa * (vcd - radius * radius);
                    if (disc > 0) {
                        d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                        t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                        t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                        if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin()) {
                            // no hit
                        } else {
                            if (t1 > r.getMin())
                            state.setIntersection(0, cx, cy, cz);

                    // recursively intersect 9 other spheres
                    // step1: compute basis around displacement vector
                    float b1x, b1y, b1z;
                    if (dx * dx < dy * dy && dx * dx < dz * dz) {
                        b1x = 0;
                        b1y = dz;
                        b1z = -dy;
                    else if (dy * dy < dz * dz)
                        b1x = dz;
                        b1y = 0;
                        b1z = -dx;
                        b1x = dy;
                        b1y = -dx;
                        b1z = 0;

                    float n = 1 / (float) Math.Sqrt(b1x * b1x + b1y * b1y + b1z * b1z);
                    b1x *= n;
                    b1y *= n;
                    b1z *= n;
                    float b2x = dy * b1z - dz * b1y;
                    float b2y = dz * b1x - dx * b1z;
                    float b2z = dx * b1y - dy * b1x;
                    b1x = dy * b2z - dz * b2y;
                    b1y = dz * b2x - dx * b2z;
                    b1z = dx * b2y - dy * b2x;
                    // step2: generate 9 children recursively
                    float nr = radius * (1 / 3.0f), scale = radius + nr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9 * 3; i += 3) {
                        // transform by basis
                        float ndx = recursivePattern[i] * dx + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1x + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2x;
                        float ndy = recursivePattern[i] * dy + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1y + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2y;
                        float ndz = recursivePattern[i] * dz + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1z + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2z;
                        // recurse !
                        intersectFlake(r, state, level - 1, qa, qaInv, cx + scale * ndx, cy + scale * ndy, cz + scale * ndz, ndx, ndy, ndz, nr);
	public void SignalCarFinished() {
		if (State == IntersectionState.WaitingForCar) {
			State = IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar;
	public void Enqueue(CarController car, StopLine stopLine) {
		cars.Enqueue(new WaitingCar(car, stopLine));

        if (State == IntersectionState.Empty)
            State = IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar;
 public void ResetIntersection()
     State = IntersectionState.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
     // intersect in local space
     float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
     intersectFlake(r, state, level, qa, 1 / qa, 0, 0, 0, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, baseRadius);
Exemplo n.º 37
        private void renderBucket(IDisplay display, int bx, int by, int threadID, IntersectionState istate, ShadingCache cache)
            // pixel sized extents
            int x0 = bx * bucketSize;
            int y0 = by * bucketSize;
            int bw = Math.Min(bucketSize, imageWidth - x0);
            int bh = Math.Min(bucketSize, imageHeight - y0);

            // prepare bucket
            display.imagePrepare(x0, y0, bw, bh, threadID);

            Color[] bucketRGB = new Color[bw * bh];
            float[] bucketAlpha = new float[bw * bh];

            for (int y = 0, i = 0, cy = imageHeight - 1 - y0; y < bh; y++, cy--) {
                for (int x = 0, cx = x0; x < bw; x++, i++, cx++) {
                    // sample pixel
                    Color c = Color.black();
                    float a = 0;
                    int instance = ((cx & ((1 << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) - 1)) << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) + QMC.sigma(cy & ((1 << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) - 1), QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER);
                    double jitterX = QMC.halton(0, instance);
                    double jitterY = QMC.halton(1, instance);
                    double jitterT = QMC.halton(2, instance);
                    double jitterU = QMC.halton(3, instance);
                    double jitterV = QMC.halton(4, instance);
                    for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) {
                        float rx = cx + 0.5f + (float) warpCubic(QMC.mod1(jitterX + s * invNumSamples));
                        float ry = cy + 0.5f + (float) warpCubic(QMC.mod1(jitterY + QMC.halton(0, s)));
                        double time = QMC.mod1(jitterT + QMC.halton(1, s));
                        double lensU = QMC.mod1(jitterU + QMC.halton(2, s));
                        double lensV = QMC.mod1(jitterV + QMC.halton(3, s));
                        ShadingState state = scene.getRadiance(istate, rx, ry, lensU, lensV, time, instance + s, 5, cache);
                        if (state != null) {
                    bucketRGB[i] = c.mul(invNumSamples);
                    bucketAlpha[i] = a * invNumSamples;
                    if (cache != null)
            // update pixels
            display.imageUpdate(x0, y0, bw, bh, bucketRGB, bucketAlpha);
Exemplo n.º 38
 public BucketThread(int threadID,  MultipassRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID = threadID;
     istate = new IntersectionState();
     cache = renderer.shadingCache ? new ShadingCache() : null;
     this.renderer = renderer;
     thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
     this.renderer = renderer;