コード例 #1
ファイル: SphereFlake.cs プロジェクト: Vargol/PhotonPump
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            // intersect in local space
            float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;

            intersectFlake(r, state, level, qa, 1 / qa, 0, 0, 0, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, baseRadius);
コード例 #2
ファイル: SunSkyLight.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
     if (r.getMax() == float.PositiveInfinity)
         state.setIntersection(0, 0, 0);
コード例 #3
        private void computeSubPixel(ImageSample sample, IntersectionState istate)
            float  x  = sample.rx;
            float  y  = sample.ry;
            double q0 = QMC.halton(1, sample.i);
            double q1 = QMC.halton(2, sample.i);
            double q2 = QMC.halton(3, sample.i);

            if (superSampling > 1)
                // multiple sampling
                sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i));
                for (int i = 1; i < superSampling; i++)
                    double time  = QMC.mod1(q0 + i * invSuperSampling);
                    double lensU = QMC.mod1(q1 + QMC.halton(0, i));
                    double lensV = QMC.mod1(q2 + QMC.halton(1, i));
                    sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, lensU, lensV, time, sample.i + i));
                // single sample
                sample.set(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i));
コード例 #4
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            int   i3  = primID * 3;
            float ocx = r.ox - particles[i3 + 0];
            float ocy = r.oy - particles[i3 + 1];
            float ocz = r.oz - particles[i3 + 2];
            float qa  = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
            float qb  = 2 * ((r.dx * ocx) + (r.dy * ocy) + (r.dz * ocz));
            float qc  = ((ocx * ocx) + (ocy * ocy) + (ocz * ocz)) - r2;

            double[] t = Solvers.solveQuadric(qa, qb, qc);
            if (t != null)
                // early rejection
                if (t[0] >= r.getMax() || t[1] <= r.getMin())
                if (t[0] > r.getMin())
コード例 #5
            public void run()
                IntersectionState istate = new IntersectionState();

                while (true)
                    int bx, by;
                    lock (renderer)//synchronized (renderer) {
                        if (renderer.bucketCounter >= renderer.bucketCoords.Length)
                        bx = renderer.bucketCoords[renderer.bucketCounter + 0];
                        by = renderer.bucketCoords[renderer.bucketCounter + 1];
                        renderer.bucketCounter += 2;
                    renderer.renderBucket(renderer.display, bx, by, threadID, istate);
                    if (UI.taskCanceled())
コード例 #6
        private int progressiveRenderNext(IntersectionState istate)
            int         TASK_SIZE = 16;
            SmallBucket first     = smallBucketQueue.Count > 0 ? smallBucketQueue.Dequeue() : null;

            if (first == null)
            int  ds      = first.size / TASK_SIZE;
            bool useMask = smallBucketQueue.Count != 0;
            int  mask    = 2 * first.size / TASK_SIZE - 1;
            int  pixels  = 0;

            for (int i = 0, y = first.y; i < TASK_SIZE && y < imageHeight; i++, y += ds)
                for (int j = 0, x = first.x; j < TASK_SIZE && x < imageWidth; j++, x += ds)
                    // check to see if this is a pixel from a higher level tile
                    if (useMask && (x & mask) == 0 && (y & mask) == 0)
                    int          instance = (x & (sigma.Length - 1)) * sigma.Length + sigma[y & (sigma.Length - 1)];
                    double       time     = QMC.halton(1, instance);
                    double       lensU    = QMC.halton(2, instance);
                    double       lensV    = QMC.halton(3, instance);
                    ShadingState state    = scene.getRadiance(istate, x, imageHeight - 1 - y, lensU, lensV, time, instance);
                    Color        c        = state != null?state.getResult() : Color.BLACK;

                    // fill region
                    display.imageFill(x, y, Math.Min(ds, imageWidth - x), Math.Min(ds, imageHeight - y), c);
            if (first.size >= 2 * TASK_SIZE)
                // generate child buckets
                int size = (int)((uint)first.size >> 1);//>>>
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    if (first.y + i * size < imageHeight)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                            if (first.x + j * size < imageWidth)
                                SmallBucket b = new SmallBucket();
                                b.x         = first.x + j * size;
                                b.y         = first.y + i * size;
                                b.size      = size;
                                b.constrast = 1.0f / size;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Sphere.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
        public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
            // intersect in local space
            float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
            float qb = 2 * ((r.dx * r.ox) + (r.dy * r.oy) + (r.dz * r.oz));
            float qc = ((r.ox * r.ox) + (r.oy * r.oy) + (r.oz * r.oz)) - 1;

            double[] t = Solvers.solveQuadric(qa, qb, qc);
            if (t != null)
                // early rejection
                if (t[0] >= r.getMax() || t[1] <= r.getMin())
                if (t[0] > r.getMin())
                state.setIntersection(0, 0, 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: NullAccelerator.cs プロジェクト: rzel/sunflowsharp
 public void intersect(Ray r, IntersectionState state)
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         primitives.intersectPrimitive(r, i, state);
コード例 #9
        public void RefractedColorWithRay()
            var w = World.Default;
            var s = w.Objects[0];

            s.Material.Ambient = 1f;
            s.Material.Pattern = new TestPattern();
            var b = w.Objects[1];

            b.Material.Transparency = 1;
            b.Material.IOR          = 1.5f;
            var r  = new Ray(0, 0, .1f, 0, 1, 0);
            var xs = new List <Intersection>
                new(-.9899f, s),
                new(-.4899f, b),
                new(.4899f, b),
                new(.9899f, s)
            var hit   = xs[2];
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref hit, ref r, xs);
            var c     = w.RefractedColor(ref comps, 5);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(c, new Color(0, .99888f, .04725f), 1e-3f);
コード例 #10
        public void ShadeHitSchlick()
            var w     = World.Default;
            var floor = new Plane(Translation(0, -1, 0))
                Material = { Transparency = .5f, IOR = 1.5f, Reflectivity = .5f }

            var s = new Sphere(Translation(0, -3.5f, -.5f))
                Material =
                    BaseColor = new Color(1, 0, 0),
                    Ambient   = .5f

            var r     = new Ray(0, 0, -3, 0, -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f);
            var xs    = new Intersection(MathF.Sqrt(2f), floor);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref xs, ref r);
            var color = w.ShadeHit(ref comps, 5);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(color, new Color(.93391f, .69643f, .69243f), 1e-4f);
コード例 #11
    private void OnPlayersChanged(SnowmanControl[] players)
        // Regenerate the intersections state data
        // to reflect the new collection of players.
        IntersectionState[] newStates = new IntersectionState[players.Length];
        int i = 0;

        foreach (SnowmanControl controller in players)
            newStates[i] = new IntersectionState {
                player = controller
            // Check to see if this player had any previous state.
            // This ensures adds/drops cannot interrupt a collision state.
                foreach (IntersectionState priorState in intersectionStates)
                    if (priorState.player == controller)
                        // Ensure the new array contains the same collision state.
                        newStates[i].isIntersecting = priorState.isIntersecting;
                float e = 2;
        intersectionStates = newStates;
コード例 #12
        public void ChapterVI()
            const float wallZ     = 10f;
            const float wallSize  = 7f;
            const int   px        = 100;
            const float pxSize    = wallSize / px;
            const float half      = wallSize / 2f;
            var         canvas    = new Canvas(px, px);
            var         rayOrigin = Point(0f, 0f, -5f);
            var         shape     = new Sphere {
                Material = new PhongMaterial(new Color(1f, .2f, 1f))
            var l = new PointLight(Point(-10f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);

            Parallel.For(0, px, y =>
                var wY = half - pxSize * y;
                for (var x = 0; x < px; x++)
                    var wx  = -half + pxSize * x;
                    var pos = Point(wx, wY, wallZ);
                    var ray = new Ray(rayOrigin, Vector4.Normalize(pos - rayOrigin));
                    var hit = shape.Hit(ref ray);
                    if (hit == null)
                    var comps    = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref hit, ref ray);
                    canvas[x, y] = shape.Material.Shade(l, ref comps, 0);
コード例 #13
ファイル: BucketRenderer.cs プロジェクト: Vargol/PhotonPump
 public BucketThread(int threadID, BucketRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID       = threadID;
     istate              = new IntersectionState();
     this.renderer       = renderer;
     thread              = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
コード例 #14
        public void SchlickN2GreaterN1()
            var s     = Sphere.GlassSphere;
            var r     = new Ray(0, .99f, -2, 0, 0, 1);
            var xs    = new Intersection(1.8589f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref xs, ref r);

            Assert.That.FloatsAreEqual(comps.Schlick(), .48873f);
コード例 #15
        public void PrecomputingReflectionVector()
            var s     = new Plane();
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 1f, -1f, 0f, -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f);
            var i     = new Intersection(MathF.Sqrt(2f), s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

            Assert.AreEqual(comps.Reflect, Direction(0f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f, MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f));
コード例 #16
        public void HitOccursOutside()
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s     = new Sphere();
            var i     = new Intersection(4f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

コード例 #17
        public void The_hit_should_be_preserved_when_calculating_the_intersection_state()
            var hit           = new Intersection(1, _triangle, 0.45, 0.25);
            var ray           = new Ray(new Point(-0.2, 0.3, -2), Vector.UnitZ);
            var intersections = new IntersectionList(hit);
            var state         = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, intersections);

            state.Normal.Should().Be(new Vector(-0.5547, 0.83205, 0));
コード例 #18
        public void Precomputing_the_hit_when_an_intersection_occurs_on_the_outside()
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), new Vector(0, 0, 1));
            var shape = new Sphere();
            var hit   = new Intersection(4, shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

コード例 #19
        public void Precomputing_the_reflection_vector()
            var shape = new Plane();
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 1, -1), new Vector(0, -Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            var hit   = new Intersection(Math.Sqrt(2), shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

            state.Reflection.Should().Be(new Vector(0, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
コード例 #20
        public void LightingWithSurfinShadow()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 0f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 0);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(.1f, .1f, .1f));
コード例 #21
        public void EyeBeweenLightAndSurf()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 0f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(1.9f, 1.9f, 1.9f));
コード例 #22
        public void LightOffset45()
            var eye    = Direction(0f, 0, -1f);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(.7364f, .7364f, .7364f));
コード例 #23
        public void Precomputing_the_hit_should_offset_the_point()
            var ray   = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            var shape = new Sphere(transform: Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 1));
            var hit   = new Intersection(5, shape);
            var state = IntersectionState.Create(hit, ray, new IntersectionList(hit));

            state.OverPoint.Z.Should().BeLessThan(-NumberExtensions.Epsilon / 2);
コード例 #24
 public BucketThread(int threadID, MultipassRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID       = threadID;
     istate              = new IntersectionState();
     cache               = renderer.shadingCache ? new ShadingCache() : null;
     this.renderer       = renderer;
     thread              = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
     this.renderer       = renderer;
コード例 #25
        public void HitOffsetsPoint()
            var r = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s = new Sphere(Translation(0f, 0f, 1f));
            var i = new Intersection(5f, s);
            var c = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);

            Assert.IsTrue(c.OverPoint.Z < -Constants.Epsilon / 2f);
            Assert.IsTrue(c.Point.Z > c.OverPoint.Z);
コード例 #26
        public void RefractedColor_should_return_the_refracted_color_at_the_maximum_recursive_depth()
            var   world         = World.CreateDefaultWorld();
            var   shape         = world.Shapes[0].ChangeMaterial(m => m.WithTransparency(1.0).WithRefractiveIndex(1.5));
            var   ray           = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            var   intersections = new IntersectionList((4, shape), (6, shape));
            var   state         = IntersectionState.Create(intersections[0], ray, intersections);
            Color color         = world.RefractedColor(state, 0);

コード例 #27
        public void EyeInPath()
            var val    = -MathF.Sqrt(2f) / 2f;
            var eye    = Direction(0f, val, val);
            var normal = Direction(0f, 0f, -1f);
            var l      = new PointLight(Point(0f, 10f, -10f), Color.White);
            var comps  = new IntersectionState(_position, eye, normal);
            var res    = _m.Shade(l, ref comps, 1);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(res, new Color(1.6364f, 1.6364f, 1.6364f), 1e-4f);
コード例 #28
        public void ShadingIntersection()
            var w     = World.Default;
            var r     = new Ray(0f, 0f, -5f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            var s     = w.Objects[0];
            var i     = new Intersection(4f, s);
            var comps = IntersectionState.Prepare(ref i, ref r);
            var c     = w.ShadeHit(ref comps);

            Assert.That.VectorsAreEqual(c, new Color(.38066f, .47583f, .2855f));
コード例 #29
        public void ShadeHit_should_shade_an_intersection_from_the_inside()
            var   world        = World.CreateDefaultWorld().ChangeLights(new PointLight(new Point(0, 0.25, 0), Colors.White));
            var   ray          = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, 0), Vector.UnitZ);
            Shape shape        = world.Shapes[1];
            var   intersection = new Intersection(0.5, shape);
            var   state        = IntersectionState.Create(intersection, ray, new IntersectionList(intersection));
            Color color        = world.ShadeHit(state);

            color.Should().Be(new Color(0.90498, 0.90498, 0.90498));
コード例 #30
        public void ShadeHit_should_shade_an_intersection()
            var   world        = World.CreateDefaultWorld();
            var   ray          = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), Vector.UnitZ);
            Shape shape        = world.Shapes[0];
            var   intersection = new Intersection(4, shape);
            var   state        = IntersectionState.Create(intersection, ray, new IntersectionList(intersection));
            Color color        = world.ShadeHit(state);

            color.Should().Be(new Color(0.38066, 0.47583, 0.2855));
コード例 #31
	void Update() {
		if (State == IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar) {
			if (cars.Count == 0) {
				State = IntersectionState.Empty;
			else {
				WaitingCar waitingCar = cars.Dequeue();
                m_waitingOnCar = waitingCar;
                CarController car = waitingCar.car;

				car.StartTurn ();
                State = IntersectionState.WaitingForCar;
コード例 #32
        private void intersectFlake(Ray r, IntersectionState state, int level, float qa, float qaInv, float cx, float cy, float cz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float radius)
            if (level <= 0) {
                // we reached the bottom - intersect sphere and bail out
                float vcx = cx - r.ox;
                float vcy = cy - r.oy;
                float vcz = cz - r.oz;
                float b = r.dx * vcx + r.dy * vcy + r.dz * vcz;
                float disc = b * b - qa * ((vcx * vcx + vcy * vcy + vcz * vcz) - radius * radius);
                if (disc > 0) {
                    // intersects - check t values
                    float d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                    float t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                    float t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                    if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin())
                    if (t1 > r.getMin())
                    state.setIntersection(0, cx, cy, cz);
            } else {
                float boundRadius = radius * (1 + boundingRadiusOffset[level]);
                float vcx = cx - r.ox;
                float vcy = cy - r.oy;
                float vcz = cz - r.oz;
                float b = r.dx * vcx + r.dy * vcy + r.dz * vcz;
                float vcd = (vcx * vcx + vcy * vcy + vcz * vcz);
                float disc = b * b - qa * (vcd - boundRadius * boundRadius);
                if (disc > 0) {
                    // intersects - check t values
                    float d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                    float t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                    float t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                    if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin())

                    // we hit the bounds, now compute intersection with the actual
                    // leaf sphere
                    disc = b * b - qa * (vcd - radius * radius);
                    if (disc > 0) {
                        d = (float) Math.Sqrt(disc);
                        t1 = (b - d) * qaInv;
                        t2 = (b + d) * qaInv;
                        if (t1 >= r.getMax() || t2 <= r.getMin()) {
                            // no hit
                        } else {
                            if (t1 > r.getMin())
                            state.setIntersection(0, cx, cy, cz);

                    // recursively intersect 9 other spheres
                    // step1: compute basis around displacement vector
                    float b1x, b1y, b1z;
                    if (dx * dx < dy * dy && dx * dx < dz * dz) {
                        b1x = 0;
                        b1y = dz;
                        b1z = -dy;
                    else if (dy * dy < dz * dz)
                        b1x = dz;
                        b1y = 0;
                        b1z = -dx;
                        b1x = dy;
                        b1y = -dx;
                        b1z = 0;

                    float n = 1 / (float) Math.Sqrt(b1x * b1x + b1y * b1y + b1z * b1z);
                    b1x *= n;
                    b1y *= n;
                    b1z *= n;
                    float b2x = dy * b1z - dz * b1y;
                    float b2y = dz * b1x - dx * b1z;
                    float b2z = dx * b1y - dy * b1x;
                    b1x = dy * b2z - dz * b2y;
                    b1y = dz * b2x - dx * b2z;
                    b1z = dx * b2y - dy * b2x;
                    // step2: generate 9 children recursively
                    float nr = radius * (1 / 3.0f), scale = radius + nr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9 * 3; i += 3) {
                        // transform by basis
                        float ndx = recursivePattern[i] * dx + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1x + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2x;
                        float ndy = recursivePattern[i] * dy + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1y + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2y;
                        float ndz = recursivePattern[i] * dz + recursivePattern[i + 1] * b1z + recursivePattern[i + 2] * b2z;
                        // recurse !
                        intersectFlake(r, state, level - 1, qa, qaInv, cx + scale * ndx, cy + scale * ndy, cz + scale * ndz, ndx, ndy, ndz, nr);
コード例 #33
	public void SignalCarFinished() {
		if (State == IntersectionState.WaitingForCar) {
			State = IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar;
コード例 #34
	public void Enqueue(CarController car, StopLine stopLine) {
		cars.Enqueue(new WaitingCar(car, stopLine));

        if (State == IntersectionState.Empty)
            State = IntersectionState.ReleaseNextCar;
コード例 #35
 public void ResetIntersection()
     State = IntersectionState.Empty;
コード例 #36
 public void intersectPrimitive(Ray r, int primID, IntersectionState state)
     // intersect in local space
     float qa = r.dx * r.dx + r.dy * r.dy + r.dz * r.dz;
     intersectFlake(r, state, level, qa, 1 / qa, 0, 0, 0, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, baseRadius);
コード例 #37
        private void renderBucket(IDisplay display, int bx, int by, int threadID, IntersectionState istate, ShadingCache cache)
            // pixel sized extents
            int x0 = bx * bucketSize;
            int y0 = by * bucketSize;
            int bw = Math.Min(bucketSize, imageWidth - x0);
            int bh = Math.Min(bucketSize, imageHeight - y0);

            // prepare bucket
            display.imagePrepare(x0, y0, bw, bh, threadID);

            Color[] bucketRGB = new Color[bw * bh];
            float[] bucketAlpha = new float[bw * bh];

            for (int y = 0, i = 0, cy = imageHeight - 1 - y0; y < bh; y++, cy--) {
                for (int x = 0, cx = x0; x < bw; x++, i++, cx++) {
                    // sample pixel
                    Color c = Color.black();
                    float a = 0;
                    int instance = ((cx & ((1 << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) - 1)) << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) + QMC.sigma(cy & ((1 << QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER) - 1), QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER);
                    double jitterX = QMC.halton(0, instance);
                    double jitterY = QMC.halton(1, instance);
                    double jitterT = QMC.halton(2, instance);
                    double jitterU = QMC.halton(3, instance);
                    double jitterV = QMC.halton(4, instance);
                    for (int s = 0; s < numSamples; s++) {
                        float rx = cx + 0.5f + (float) warpCubic(QMC.mod1(jitterX + s * invNumSamples));
                        float ry = cy + 0.5f + (float) warpCubic(QMC.mod1(jitterY + QMC.halton(0, s)));
                        double time = QMC.mod1(jitterT + QMC.halton(1, s));
                        double lensU = QMC.mod1(jitterU + QMC.halton(2, s));
                        double lensV = QMC.mod1(jitterV + QMC.halton(3, s));
                        ShadingState state = scene.getRadiance(istate, rx, ry, lensU, lensV, time, instance + s, 5, cache);
                        if (state != null) {
                    bucketRGB[i] = c.mul(invNumSamples);
                    bucketAlpha[i] = a * invNumSamples;
                    if (cache != null)
            // update pixels
            display.imageUpdate(x0, y0, bw, bh, bucketRGB, bucketAlpha);
コード例 #38
 public BucketThread(int threadID,  MultipassRenderer renderer)
     this.threadID = threadID;
     istate = new IntersectionState();
     cache = renderer.shadingCache ? new ShadingCache() : null;
     this.renderer = renderer;
     thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
     thread.IsBackground = true;
     this.renderer = renderer;