public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The value that should be present to discard/keep the corresponding row."
         (new Parameters(new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the filtering should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 50,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new SingleChoiceParam("Mode")
         Values = new[] { "Remove matching columns", "Keep matching columns" },
         Help =
             "If 'Remove matching columns' is selected, rows having the values specified above will be removed while " +
             "all other rows will be kept. If 'Keep matching columns' is selected, the opposite will happen."
     }, PerseusPluginUtils.CreateFilterModeParam(false)));
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("NGS samples", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups of NGS data that should be used as reference for normalization.",
             }, new MultiChoiceParam("MS samples", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups of MS data that should be normalized."
         (new Parameters(new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Group")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the analysis should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 70,
         TotalWidth = 731
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The value that should be present to discard/keep the corresponding row."
         (new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
         new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row")
             Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
             SubParams = subParams,
             Help = "The categorical row that the filtering should be based on.",
             ParamNameWidth = 50,
             TotalWidth = 731
         new StringParam("New term")
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            ParameterWithSubParams <int> p = param.GetParamWithSubParams <int>("Row");
            int colInd = p.Value;

            if (colInd < 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "No categorical rows available.";
            Parameter <int[]> mcp = p.GetSubParameters().GetParam <int[]>("Values");

            int[] inds = mcp.Value;
            if (inds.Length == 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select at least one term for filtering.";
            string[] values = new string[inds.Length];
            string[] v      = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(colInd);
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = v[inds[i]];
            HashSet <string> value  = new HashSet <string>(values);
            bool             remove = param.GetParam <int>("Mode").Value == 0;

            string[][] cats      = mdata.GetCategoryRowAt(colInd);
            List <int> valids    = new List <int>();
            List <int> notvalids = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cats.Length; i++)
                bool valid = true;
                foreach (string w in cats[i])
                    if (value.Contains(w))
                        valid = false;
                if (valid && remove || !valid && !remove)
                else if (!valid)
            if (param.GetParam <int>("Filter mode").Value == 2)
                supplTables = new[] { PerseusPluginUtils.CreateSupplTabSplitColumns(mdata, notvalids.ToArray()) };
            PerseusPluginUtils.FilterColumnsNew(mdata, param, valids.ToArray());
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            ParameterWithSubParams <int> p = param.GetParamWithSubParams <int>("Row");
            int colInd = p.Value;

            if (colInd < 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "No categorical rows available.";
            Parameter <int[]> mcp = p.GetSubParameters().GetParam <int[]>("Values");

            int[] inds = mcp.Value;
            if (inds.Length < 1)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select at least two terms for merging.";
            string newTerm = param.GetParam <string>("New term").Value;

            if (newTerm.Length == 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please specify a new term.";
            string[] values = new string[inds.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(colInd)[inds[i]];
            HashSet <string> value = new HashSet <string>(values);

            string[][] cats   = mdata.GetCategoryRowAt(colInd);
            string[][] newCat = new string[cats.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < cats.Length; i++)
                string[] w       = cats[i];
                bool     changed = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < w.Length; j++)
                    if (value.Contains(w[j]))
                        w[j]    = newTerm;
                        changed = true;
                if (changed)
                newCat[i] = w;
            mdata.SetCategoryRowAt(newCat, colInd);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values1", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups that should be present to compute differential expression analysis.",
             }, new MultiChoiceParam("Values2", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups that should be present to compute differential expression analysis."
         (new Parameters(new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Group")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the analysis should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 70,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new BoolWithSubParams("Log2 Fold Change")
         Help = "The Log2 Fold Change threshold of the significant features.",
         Value = true,
         SubParamsTrue = new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Up-regluation", 1.5),
                                        new DoubleParam("Down-regluation", -1.5)),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new BoolWithSubParams("FDR")
         Help = "The FDR threshold of the significant features.",
         Value = true,
         SubParamsTrue = new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Max. FDR", 0.05)),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new BoolWithSubParams("P-value")
         Help = "The p-value threshold of the significant features.",
         Value = false,
         SubParamsTrue = new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Max. p-value", 0.05)),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
Exemplo n.º 7
        public string[] ExtractGroup(IMatrixData mdata, ParameterWithSubParams <int> p, ProcessInfo processInfo,
                                     string value, int colInd)
            string[]          errors = new string[0];
            Parameter <int[]> mcp    = p.GetSubParameters().GetParam <int[]>(value);

            int[] inds = mcp.Value;
            if (inds.Length == 0)
            string[] values   = new string[inds.Length];
            string[] groupids = new string[inds.Length];
            string[] v        = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(colInd);
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                groupids[i] = v[inds[i]];
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The group that should be performed the filtering of low expression values."
         (new Parameters(
              new StringParam("Min. expression value")
         Help = "The minimum expression value for filtering the rows of the table. " +
                "At least one entry of a row needs to be higher than this given value.",
         Value = "20",
     }, new SingleChoiceParam("Mode")
         Values = new[] { "At least one group", "All groups" },
         Help =
             "If 'At least one group' is selected, the row will be kept if at least one selected group can fit the 'Min. expression value.'" +
             "If 'All groups' is selected, the row will be kept if all selected groups can fit the 'Min. expression value.'.",
         Value = 0
     }, new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Group")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the analysis should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 50,
         TotalWidth = 731
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values1", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups that should be present to compute differential expression analysis.",
             }, new MultiChoiceParam("Values2", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The groups that should be present to compute differential expression analysis."
         (new Parameters(new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Program")
         Values = new[] { "DESeq2", "EdgeR" },
         SubParams = new[] {
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] { new SingleChoiceParam("FitType")
                                                  Values = new[] { "parametric", "local", "mean" },
                                                  Help = "This fitType for running DESeq2. If your dataset without replicates, please use local or mean.",
                                              } }),
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] { new DoubleParam("Dispersion (without replicates)", 0.04)
                                                  Help = "This dispersion value of EdgeR for the dataset without replicates."
                                              new SingleChoiceParam("Test method")
                                                  Values = new[] { "Generalized linear model", "Exact Test" },
                                                  Help = "This test method for running EdgeR."
                                              } })
         Help = "The program for doing differential expression analysis.",
         ParamNameWidth = 170,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Group")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the analysis should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 70,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Log2 Fold Change")
         Help = "The Log2 Fold Change threshold of the significant features.",
         Values = new[] { "Number", "Percentile", "None" },
         SubParams = new[] {
             new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Up-regluation", 2)
                 Help = "The minimum value of logFC for up-regulation. " +
                        "If the expressed values are higher than this value, " +
                        "it would be considered as up-regulated genes/proteins."
                            new DoubleParam("Down-regluation", -2)
                 Help = "The maximum value of logFC for down-regulation. " +
                        "If the expressed values are lower than this value, " +
                        "it would be considered as down-regulated genes/proteins."
             new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Up-regluation", 95)
                 Help = "The cutoff of logFC for up-regulation. " +
                        "If the expressed values are located at higher percentile of the assigned value, " +
                        "it would be considered as up-regulated genes/proteins."
                            new DoubleParam("Down-regluation", 5)
                 Help = "The cutoff of logFC for down-regulation. " +
                        "If the expressed values are located at lower percentile of the assigned value, " +
                        "it would be considered as down-regulated genes/proteins."
             new Parameters(),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new BoolWithSubParams("Adjusted p-value (FDR)")
         Help = "The Adjusted p-value (FDR) threshold of the significant features.",
         Value = true,
         SubParamsTrue = new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Max. Adjusted p-value (FDR)", 0.05)),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new BoolWithSubParams("P-value")
         Help = "The p-value threshold of the significant features.",
         Value = false,
         SubParamsTrue = new Parameters(new DoubleParam("Max. p-value", 0.05)),
         ParamNameWidth = 90,
         TotalWidth = 731
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
			ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            SingleChoiceWithSubParams p = param.GetSingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row");
            int colInd = p.Value;
            if (colInd < 0) {
                processInfo.ErrString = "No categorical rows available.";
            MultiChoiceParam mcp = p.GetSubParameters().GetMultiChoiceParam("Values");
            int[] inds = mcp.Value;
            if (inds.Length < 1) {
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select at least two terms for merging.";
            string newTerm = param.GetStringParam("New term").Value;
            if (newTerm.Length == 0){
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please specify a new term.";

            string[] values = new string[inds.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
                values[i] = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(colInd)[inds[i]];
            HashSet<string> value = new HashSet<string>(values);
            string[][] cats = mdata.GetCategoryRowAt(colInd);
            string[][] newCat = new string[cats.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < cats.Length; i++){
                string[] w = cats[i];
                bool changed = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < w.Length; j++){
                    if (value.Contains(w[j])){
                        w[j] = newTerm;
                        changed = true;
                if (changed){
                newCat[i] = w;
            mdata.SetCategoryRowAt(newCat, colInd);
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++) {
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[] sel = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[]{
                 new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 {Values = values, Help = "The value that should be present to discard/keep the corresponding row."}
         new Parameters(new Parameter[]{
             new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row"){
                 Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames, SubParams = subParams,
                 Help = "The categorical row that the filtering should be based on.", ParamNameWidth = 50, TotalWidth = 731
             new StringParam("New term")
Exemplo n.º 12
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++)
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[]    sel    = values.Length == 1 ? new[] { 0 } : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[] {
             new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 Values = values,
                 Help   = "The group that should be performed the filtering of low expression values."
         (new Parameters(
              new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Min. expression value")
         Help = "The minimum expression value for filtering the rows of the table. ",
         Values = new[] { "Raw counts", "cpm" },
         SubParams = new[] {
             new Parameters(new IntParam("Min. raw counts", Math.Min(mdata.RowCount, 20))
                 Help =
                     "The minimum value of raw count for filtering the low expressed genes/proteins.",
             new Parameters(new IntParam("Min. cpm", 1)
                 Help =
                     "The minimum value of cpm for filtering the low expressed genes/proteins."
         ParamNameWidth = 50,
         TotalWidth = 731
     }, new SingleChoiceParam("Mode")
         Values = new[] { "At least one group", "All groups", "Total" },
         Help =
             "If 'At least one group' is selected, the row will be kept if at least one selected group can fit the " +
             "'Min. expression value' with the number of 'Min.valid samples in a group'." +
             "If 'All groups' is selected, the row will be kept if all selected groups can fit the " +
             "'Min. expression value' with the number of 'Min.valid samples in a group'." +
             "If 'Total' is selected, the row will be kept if the samples (without considering group) can fit the " +
             "'Min. expression value' with the number of 'Min.valid samples in a group'.",
         Value = 0
              new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Min. valid samples in a group")
         Help = "The minimum number of values in one row are higher than minimum expression value. ",
         Values = new[] { "Number", "Percentage" },
         SubParams = new[] {
             new Parameters(new IntParam("Min. number of samples", Math.Min(mdata.RowCount, 1))
                 Help =
                     "If a row has less than the specified number of valid values it will be discarded in the output.",
             new Parameters(new IntParam("Min. percentage of samples", 25)
                 Help =
                     "If a row has less than the specified percentage of valid values it will be discarded in the output."
         ParamNameWidth = 50,
         TotalWidth = 731
              new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Group")
         Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames,
         SubParams = subParams,
         Help = "The categorical row that the analysis should be based on.",
         ParamNameWidth = 50,
         TotalWidth = 731
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
			ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            SingleChoiceWithSubParams p = param.GetSingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row");
            int colInd = p.Value;
            if (colInd < 0){
                processInfo.ErrString = "No categorical rows available.";
            MultiChoiceParam mcp = p.GetSubParameters().GetMultiChoiceParam("Values");
            int[] inds = mcp.Value;
            if (inds.Length == 0){
                processInfo.ErrString = "Please select at least one term for filtering.";
            string[] values = new string[inds.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++){
                values[i] = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(colInd)[inds[i]];
            HashSet<string> value = new HashSet<string>(values);
            bool remove = param.GetSingleChoiceParam("Mode").Value == 0;
            string[][] cats = mdata.GetCategoryRowAt(colInd);
            List<int> valids = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < cats.Length; i++){
                bool valid = true;
                foreach (string w in cats[i]){
                    if (value.Contains(w)){
                        valid = false;
                if ((valid && remove) || (!valid && !remove)){
            PerseusPluginUtils.FilterColumns(mdata, param, valids.ToArray());
 public Parameters GetParameters(IMatrixData mdata, ref string errorString)
     Parameters[] subParams = new Parameters[mdata.CategoryRowCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < mdata.CategoryRowCount; i++) {
         string[] values = mdata.GetCategoryRowValuesAt(i);
         int[] sel = values.Length == 1 ? new[]{0} : new int[0];
         subParams[i] =
             new Parameters(new Parameter[]{
                 new MultiChoiceParam("Values", sel)
                 {Values = values, Help = "The value that should be present to discard/keep the corresponding row."}
         new Parameters(new Parameter[]{
             new SingleChoiceWithSubParams("Row"){
                 Values = mdata.CategoryRowNames, SubParams = subParams,
                 Help = "The categorical row that the filtering should be based on.", ParamNameWidth = 50, TotalWidth = 731
             new SingleChoiceParam("Mode"){
                 Values = new[]{"Remove matching columns", "Keep matching columns"},
                 Help =
                     "If 'Remove matching columns' is selected, rows having the values specified above will be removed while " +
                         "all other rows will be kept. If 'Keep matching columns' is selected, the opposite will happen."