void FixedUpdate()
        //Checks if the time sice this scritpt stated is greater that current_time
        if (Time.time > next_time)
            population_growth_factor = 0;

            //Changes the rate of population growth depending on the amount of food
            if (data_manager_script.Check_Resources(3) >= data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 10)
                population_growth_factor += 20;
            else if (data_manager_script.Check_Resources(3) >= data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 5)
                population_growth_factor += 10;
            else if (data_manager_script.Check_Resources(3) <= data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 3)
                population_growth_factor -= 20;

            if (data_manager_script.Check_Beds_Total() > data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 1.5)
                population_growth_factor += 20;
            else if (data_manager_script.Check_Beds_Total() > data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 1.1)
                population_growth_factor += 10;
            else if (data_manager_script.Check_Beds_Total() < data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() * 0.7)
                population_growth_factor -= 10;

            //Changes the population
            population_growth = Mathf.Ceil(data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() / 300 * population_growth_factor);

            //Add the current time to varible add_time
            next_time = Time.time + add_time;
        //If unemployment goes below zero run the method.
        if (data_manager_script.Get_Unemployed() < 0)

        //When all the citizens die end the game
        if (data_manager_script.Check_Pop_Total() <= 0)