Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Fills tooltip with appropriate data.
    /// </summary>
    private string FillTooltipData(DataTable dt, string fieldName, string fieldValue, string dataType)
        var output = String.Empty;

        // Insert header into tooltip with parent value
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
            output += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> ";

            // Datetime values
            if (dataType == FieldDataType.DateTime)
                output += "<strong>" + ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(fieldValue, DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) + "</strong>";
                // Country
                if (fieldName == "AccountCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (country != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(country.CountryDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                // State
                else if (fieldName == "AccountStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (state != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(state.StateDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                // Status
                else if (fieldName == "AccountStatusID")
                    AccountStatusInfo status = AccountStatusInfoProvider.GetAccountStatusInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (status != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(status.AccountStatusDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                // Otherwise
                    output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(fieldValue) + "</strong>";
            output += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> " + GetString("general.na");
        output += "<br /><br /><em>" + GetString("om.account.mergedvalues") + "</em><br />";

        // Display N/A for empty merged records
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dt))
            output += "<br /> " + GetString("general.na");
        // Display values of merged records
            // Loop through all distinct values of given column
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                output += "<br />";

                // Sort accounts by full name
                var accountsView = mMergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                accountsView.Sort = "AccountName";

                mMergedAccounts.CaseSensitive = true;

                var value = dr[fieldName];

                // Need to transform status ID to displayname
                if (fieldName == "AccountStatusID")
                    AccountStatusInfo status = AccountStatusInfoProvider.GetAccountStatusInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(ResHelper.LocalizeString(status.AccountStatusDisplayName));
                    accountsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + status.AccountStatusID + "'";
                // Need to transform country ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "AccountCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(country.CountryDisplayName);
                    accountsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + country.CountryID + "'";
                // Need to transform state ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "AccountStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(state.StateDisplayName);
                    accountsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + state.StateID + "'";
                // Other fields, process based on field type
                    output += GetTooltipItem(ValidationHelper.GetString(value, null));
                    accountsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + ContactHelper.EscapeString((string)value) + "'";

                // Display all accounts
                var accounts = accountsView.ToTable(false, "AccountName");
                foreach (DataRow row in accounts.Rows)
                    output += "&nbsp;-&nbsp;" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(((string)row["AccountName"]).Trim()) + "<br />";

Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Fills tooltip with appropriate data.
    /// </summary>
    private void FillTooltipData(Image image, DataTable dt, string fieldName, string fieldValue, FormFieldDataTypeEnum dataType)
        // Insert header into tooltip with parent value
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
            // Datetime values
            if (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.DateTime)
                image.ToolTip += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(fieldValue, DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) + "</strong>";
                // Country
                image.ToolTip += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> ";
                if (fieldName == "AccountCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (country != null)
                        image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(country.CountryDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        image.ToolTip += GetString("general.na");
                // State
                else if (fieldName == "AccountStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (state != null)
                        image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(state.StateDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        image.ToolTip += GetString("general.na");
                // Otherwise
                    image.ToolTip += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(fieldValue) + "</strong>";
            image.ToolTip += "<em>" + GetString("om.account.parentvalue") + "</em> " + GetString("general.na");
        image.ToolTip += "<br /><br /><em>" + GetString("om.account.mergedvalues") + "</em><br />";

        // Display N/A for empty merged records
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dt))
            image.ToolTip += "<br /> " + GetString("general.na");
        // Display values of merged records
            DataTable accounts;
            // Loop through all distinct values of given column
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                image.ToolTip += "<br />";
                // Sort accounts by full name
                mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = "AccountName";
                mergedAccounts.CaseSensitive = true;

                // Need to transform status ID to displayname
                if (fieldName == "AccountStatusID")
                    AccountStatusInfo status = AccountStatusInfoProvider.GetAccountStatusInfo((int)dr[fieldName]);
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(status.AccountStatusDisplayName) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + status.AccountStatusID.ToString() + "'";
                // Need to transform country ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "AccountCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo((int)dr[fieldName]);
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(country.CountryDisplayName) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + country.CountryID.ToString() + "'";
                // Need to transform state ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "AccountStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo((int)dr[fieldName]);
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(state.StateDisplayName) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + state.StateID.ToString() + "'";
                // Date time type
                else if (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.DateTime)
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(dr[fieldName], DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + dr[fieldName] + "'";
                // Integer data type and boolean
                else if ((dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Integer) || (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Boolean) || (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Decimal) || (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.GUID) || (dataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.LongInteger))
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr[fieldName], null)) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + dr[fieldName] + "'";
                // Get all contacts which have same string value
                    image.ToolTip += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr[fieldName], null)) + "</strong><br />";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = fieldName + " LIKE '" + ContactHelper.EscapeString((string)dr[fieldName]) + "'";

                // Display all accounts
                accounts = mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.ToTable(false, "AccountName");
                foreach (DataRow row in accounts.Rows)
                    image.ToolTip += "&nbsp;-&nbsp;" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(((string)row["AccountName"]).Trim()) + "<br />";
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Fills tooltip with appropriate data.
    /// </summary>
    private string FillTooltipData(DataTable dt, string fieldName, string fieldValue, string dataType)
        var output = String.Empty;

        // Insert header into tooltip with parent value
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
            // Display birthday
            if (fieldName == "ContactBirthday")
                output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(fieldValue, DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME).ToShortDateString()) + "</strong>";
            // Display gender
            else if (fieldName == "ContactGender")
                int gender = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0);
                if (gender == (int)UserGenderEnum.Male)
                    output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + GetString("general.male") + "</strong>";
                else if (gender == (int)UserGenderEnum.Female)
                    output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + GetString("general.female") + "</strong>";
                    output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + GetString("general.unknown") + "</strong>";
            // Datetime values
            else if (dataType == FieldDataType.DateTime)
                output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> <strong>" + ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(fieldValue, DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME) + "</strong>";
            // Get all contacts which have same string value
                output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> ";
                if (fieldName == "ContactCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (country != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(country.CountryDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                else if (fieldName == "ContactStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (state != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(state.StateDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                else if (fieldName == "ContactStatusID")
                    ContactStatusInfo status = ContactStatusInfoProvider.GetContactStatusInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(fieldValue, 0));
                    if (status != null)
                        output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(status.ContactStatusDisplayName) + "</strong>";
                        output += GetString("general.na");
                    output += "<strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(fieldValue) + "</strong>";
            output += "<em>" + GetString("om.contact.parentvalue") + "</em> " + GetString("general.na");
        output += "<div><em>" + GetString("om.contact.mergedvalues") + "</em></div>";

        // Display N/A for empty merged records
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dt))
            output += "<div>" + GetString("general.na") + "</div>";
        // Display values of merged records
            // Loop through all distinct values of given column
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                output += "<div>";

                // Sort contacts by full name
                var contactsView = mMergedContacts.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                contactsView.Sort = "ContactFullNameJoined";

                mMergedContacts.CaseSensitive = true;

                var value = dr[fieldName];

                if (fieldName == "ContactBirthday")
                    // Get all contacts which have same ContactBirthday value
                    output += "<div><strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(value, DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME).ToShortDateString()) + "</strong></div>";
                    contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + value + "'";
                // Display gender
                else if (fieldName == "ContactGender")
                    int gender = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(value, 0);
                    if (gender == (int)UserGenderEnum.Male)
                        output += GetTooltipItem(GetString("general.male"));
                    else if (gender == (int)UserGenderEnum.Female)
                        output += GetTooltipItem(GetString("general.female"));
                        output += GetTooltipItem(GetString("general.unknown"));

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(value, null)))
                        contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " IS NULL";
                        contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = " + value;
                // Need to transform status ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "ContactStatusID")
                    ContactStatusInfo status = ContactStatusInfoProvider.GetContactStatusInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(ResHelper.LocalizeString(status.ContactStatusDisplayName));
                    contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + status.ContactStatusID + "'";
                // Need to transform country ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "ContactCountryID")
                    CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(country.CountryDisplayName);
                    contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + country.CountryID + "'";
                // Need to transform state ID to displayname
                else if (fieldName == "ContactStateID")
                    StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo((int)value);
                    output += GetTooltipItem(state.StateDisplayName);
                    contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + state.StateID + "'";
                // Other fields, process based on field type
                    output += GetTooltipItem(ValidationHelper.GetString(value, null));
                    contactsView.RowFilter = fieldName + " = '" + ContactHelper.EscapeString(ValidationHelper.GetString(value, "")) + "'";

                // Display all contact
                DataTable contacts = contactsView.ToTable(false, "ContactFullNameJoined");
                foreach (DataRow contactRow in contacts.Rows)
                    output += "<div>&nbsp;-&nbsp;" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(contactRow["ContactFullNameJoined"], "").Trim()) + "</div>";
                output += "</div>";
