Exemplo n.º 1
        // Adds a contact to the contact set.
        private void AddContact(ref Vector3 vertex, ref Plane planeWorld, float penetrationDepth, bool swapped, ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            Vector3 position = vertex + planeWorld.Normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
            Vector3 normal   = (swapped) ? -planeWorld.Normal : planeWorld.Normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateContacts()
            CollisionObject a = new CollisionObject {
                GeometricObject = new GeometricObject {
                    Shape = new SphereShape(1)
            CollisionObject b = new CollisionObject(new GeometricObject(new SphereShape(2), new Pose(new Vector3F(2, 0, 0))));

            a.Changed = false;
            b.Changed = false;
            ContactSet set = ContactSet.Create(a, b);

            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.1f);

            set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), 0, false));
            set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3F(1, 1, 0), new Vector3F(0, 0, 1), 0, false));
            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.1f);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.01f, set[0].Lifetime);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.01f, set[1].Lifetime);

            ((GeometricObject)b.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(1.8f, 0.1f, -0.1f));
            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.3f);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.02f, set[0].Lifetime);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.02f, set[1].Lifetime);
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0.2f, set[0].PenetrationDepth));
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0.1f, set[1].PenetrationDepth));

            // Remove first contact because it separates.
            ((GeometricObject)b.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(2.1f, 0, -0.1f));
            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.4f);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.03f, set[0].Lifetime);
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0.1f, set[0].PenetrationDepth));

            // Remove second contact because of horizontal drift.
            ((GeometricObject)b.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(2.2f, 0.0f, -0.1f));
            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.1f);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, set.Count);

            // Test surface contacts (ray casts).
            ((GeometricObject)b.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(2, 0, 0));
            set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), 0, true));
            set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), 0, false));

            ((GeometricObject)b.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(1.9f, 0, 0));
            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.2f);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, set.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0f, set[0].PenetrationDepth));
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0.1f, set[1].PenetrationDepth));

            ContactHelper.UpdateContacts(set, 0.01f, 0.1f);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(0.1f, set[0].PenetrationDepth));
Exemplo n.º 3
            public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
                contactSet.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, new Vector3(1, 2, 3), Vector3.UnitZ, 1, false));

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                    contactSet.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, new Vector3(2, 2, 3), Vector3.UnitZ, 1.2f, false));

                contactSet.HaveContact = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateContact()
            Contact c = ContactHelper.CreateContact(
                new CollisionObject {
                GeometricObject = new GeometricObject {
                    Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3))
                new CollisionObject {
                GeometricObject = new GeometricObject {
                    Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(4, 5, 6))
                new Vector3F(10, 10, 10),
                new Vector3F(0, 0, 1),

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(10, 10, 10), c.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0, 0, 1), c.Normal);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, c.PenetrationDepth);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, c.IsRayHit);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(9, 8, 12), c.PositionALocal);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(6, 5, -1), c.PositionBLocal);

            Contact surfaceC = ContactHelper.CreateContact(
                new CollisionObject {
                GeometricObject = new GeometricObject {
                    Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(1, 2, 3))
                new CollisionObject {
                GeometricObject = new GeometricObject {
                    Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(4, 5, 6))
                new Vector3F(10, 10, 10),
                new Vector3F(0, 0, 1),

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(10, 10, 10), surfaceC.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(0, 0, 1), surfaceC.Normal);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, surfaceC.PenetrationDepth);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, surfaceC.IsRayHit);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(9, 8, 7), surfaceC.PositionALocal);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3F(6, 5, 4), surfaceC.PositionBLocal);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void Swapped()
      CollisionObject a = new CollisionObject();
      CollisionObject b = new CollisionObject();

      ContactSet set = ContactSet.Create(a, b);
      set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3(1, 2, 3), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 10, false));
      set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3(4, 5, 6), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 10, false));
      set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3(7, 8, 9), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 10, false));

      ContactSet swapped = set.Swapped;
      Assert.AreEqual(set.ObjectA, swapped.ObjectB);
      Assert.AreEqual(set.ObjectB, swapped.ObjectA);
      Assert.AreEqual(set[0].PositionALocal, swapped[0].PositionBLocal);
      Assert.AreEqual(set[1].Normal, -swapped[1].Normal);
        public void TestNoContact()
            SphereSphereAlgorithm algo = new SphereSphereAlgorithm(new CollisionDetection());

            CollisionObject objectA = new CollisionObject();

            ((GeometricObject)objectA.GeometricObject).Shape = new SphereShape(1);
            CollisionObject objectB = new CollisionObject();

            ((GeometricObject)objectB.GeometricObject).Shape = new SphereShape(0.5f);

            ((GeometricObject)objectA.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 0, 0));
            ((GeometricObject)objectB.GeometricObject).Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(1.6f, 0, 0));

            ContactSet cs = ContactSet.Create(objectA, objectB);

            cs.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(cs, Vector3F.Zero, Vector3F.UnitX, 0, false));

            algo.UpdateContacts(cs, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(objectA, cs.ObjectA);
            Assert.AreEqual(objectB, cs.ObjectB);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, cs.Count);
        public void UpdateClosestPoints()
            ContactSet set = ContactSet.Create(_objectA, _objectB);

            _collisionDetection.UpdateClosestPoints(set, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectA, set.ObjectA);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectB, set.ObjectB);

            set = ContactSet.Create(_objectA, _objectC);
            set.Add(ContactHelper.CreateContact(set, new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), new Vector3F(1, 0, 0), -10, false));
            _collisionDetection.UpdateClosestPoints(set, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectA, set.ObjectA);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectC, set.ObjectB);

            _collisionDetection.CollisionFilter = new CollisionFilter();
            ((CollisionFilter)_collisionDetection.CollisionFilter).Set(_objectA, _objectB, false);
            set = ContactSet.Create(_objectA, _objectB);
            _collisionDetection.UpdateClosestPoints(set, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, set.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectA, set.ObjectA);
            Assert.AreEqual(_objectB, set.ObjectB);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the plane.
            // Object B should be the other object.
            IGeometricObject planeObject  = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject convexObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (convexObject.Shape is PlaneShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref planeObject, ref convexObject);

            PlaneShape  planeShape  = planeObject.Shape as PlaneShape;
            ConvexShape convexShape = convexObject.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (planeShape == null || convexShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a plane and a convex shape.", "contactSet");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F scalePlane = planeObject.Scale;
            Vector3F scaleB     = convexObject.Scale;
            Pose     planePose  = planeObject.Pose;
            Pose     poseB      = convexObject.Pose;

            // Apply scale to plane and transform plane into world space.
            Plane planeWorld = new Plane(planeShape);

            planeWorld.Scale(ref scalePlane);   // Scale plane.
            planeWorld.ToWorld(ref planePose);  // Transform plane to world space.

            // Transform plane normal to local space of convex.
            Vector3F planeNormalLocalB = poseB.ToLocalDirection(planeWorld.Normal);

            // Get support vertex nearest to the plane.
            Vector3F supportVertexBLocal = convexShape.GetSupportPoint(-planeNormalLocalB, scaleB);

            // Transform support vertex into world space.
            Vector3F supportVertexBWorld = poseB.ToWorldPosition(supportVertexBLocal);

            // Project vertex onto separating axis (given by plane normal).
            float distance = Vector3F.Dot(supportVertexBWorld, planeWorld.Normal);

            // Check for collision.
            float penetrationDepth = planeWorld.DistanceFromOrigin - distance;

            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // Position is between support vertex and plane.
            Vector3F position = supportVertexBWorld + planeWorld.Normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
            Vector3F normal   = (swapped) ? -planeWorld.Normal : planeWorld.Normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            if (CollisionDetection.FullContactSetPerFrame &&
                type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts &&
                contactSet.Count > 0 &&
                contactSet.Count < 4)
                // Special treatment for tetrahedra: Test all vertices against plane.
                IList <Vector3F> vertices = null;
                if (convexShape is ConvexHullOfPoints)
                    var convexHullOfPoints = (ConvexHullOfPoints)convexShape;
                    vertices = convexHullOfPoints.Points;
                else if (convexShape is ConvexPolyhedron)
                    var convexPolyhedron = (ConvexPolyhedron)convexShape;
                    vertices = convexPolyhedron.Vertices;

                if (vertices != null && vertices.Count <= 8)
                    // Convex has 8 or less vertices. Explicitly test all vertices against the plane.
                    int numberOfVertices = vertices.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++)
                        // Test is the same as above.
                        var      vertex       = vertices[i];
                        Vector3F scaledVertex = vertex * scaleB;
                        if (scaledVertex != supportVertexBLocal) // supportVertexBLocal has already been added.
                            Vector3F vertexWorld = poseB.ToWorldPosition(scaledVertex);
                            distance         = Vector3F.Dot(vertexWorld, planeWorld.Normal);
                            penetrationDepth = planeWorld.DistanceFromOrigin - distance;
                            if (penetrationDepth >= 0)
                                position = vertexWorld + planeWorld.Normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
                                normal   = (swapped) ? -planeWorld.Normal : planeWorld.Normal;
                                contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
                    // Convex is a complex shape with more than 4 vertices.
                        !swapped, // Perturb the convex object, not the plane.
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the collision between line vs. line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactSet">The contact set.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of collision query.</param>
        private void ComputeLineVsLine(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            Debug.Assert(objectA.Shape is LineShape && objectB.Shape is LineShape, "LineAlgorithm.ComputeLineVsLine should only be called for 2 line shapes.");
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1, "Two lines should have at max 1 contact point.");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F scaleA = objectA.Scale;
            Vector3F scaleB = objectB.Scale;
            Pose     poseA  = objectA.Pose;
            Pose     poseB  = objectB.Pose;

            // Create two line objects in world space.
            var lineA = new Line((LineShape)objectA.Shape);

            lineA.Scale(ref scaleA);
            lineA.ToWorld(ref poseA);

            var lineB = new Line((LineShape)objectB.Shape);

            lineB.Scale(ref scaleB);
            lineB.ToWorld(ref poseB);

            // Get closest points.
            Vector3F pointA;
            Vector3F pointB;

            contactSet.HaveContact = GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoints(lineA, lineB, out pointA, out pointB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // Create contact information.
            Vector3F position = (pointA + pointB) / 2;
            Vector3F normal   = pointB - pointA;
            float    length   = normal.Length;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(length))
                // Create normal from cross product of both lines.
                normal = Vector3F.Cross(lineA.Direction, lineB.Direction);
                if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                    normal = Vector3F.UnitY;
                // Normalize vector
                normal = normal / length;

            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, -length, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the plane.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject planeObject  = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // A should be the plane, swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is PlaneShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref planeObject, ref sphereObject);

            PlaneShape  planeShape  = planeObject.Shape as PlaneShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision object shapes are correct.
            if (planeShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a plane and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            // Get scalings.
            Vector3F planeScale  = planeObject.Scale;
            Vector3F sphereScale = Vector3F.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (sphereScale.X != sphereScale.Y || sphereScale.Y != sphereScale.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(PlaneShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Get poses.
            Pose planePose  = planeObject.Pose;
            Pose spherePose = sphereObject.Pose;

            // Apply scaling to plane and transform plane to world space.
            Plane plane = new Plane(planeShape);

            plane.Scale(ref planeScale);     // Scale plane.
            plane.ToWorld(ref planePose);    // Transform plane to world space.

            // Calculate distance from plane to sphere surface.
            float    sphereRadius          = sphereShape.Radius * sphereScale.X;
            Vector3F sphereCenter          = spherePose.Position;
            float    planeToSphereDistance = Vector3F.Dot(sphereCenter, plane.Normal) - sphereRadius - plane.DistanceFromOrigin;

            float penetrationDepth = -planeToSphereDistance;

            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // Compute contact details.
            Vector3F position = sphereCenter - plane.Normal * (sphereRadius - penetrationDepth / 2);
            Vector3F normal   = (swapped) ? -plane.Normal : plane.Normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
        // The parameters 'testXxx' are initialized objects which are re-used to avoid a lot of GC garbage.
        private void AddTriangleTriangleContacts(
            ContactSet contactSet, int triangleIndexA, int triangleIndexB, CollisionQueryType type,
            ContactSet testContactSet, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectA, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectA,
            TriangleShape testTriangleA, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectB, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectB,
            TriangleShape testTriangleB)
            CollisionObject   collisionObjectA   = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject   collisionObjectB   = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject  geometricObjectA   = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject  geometricObjectB   = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeA = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
            Triangle          triangleA          = triangleMeshShapeA.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexA);
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeB = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
            Triangle          triangleB          = triangleMeshShapeB.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexB);
            Pose     poseA  = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose     poseB  = geometricObjectB.Pose;
            Vector3F scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Vector3F scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

            // Apply SRT.
            Triangle transformedTriangleA;

            transformedTriangleA.Vertex0 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex0 * scaleA);
            transformedTriangleA.Vertex1 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex1 * scaleA);
            transformedTriangleA.Vertex2 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex2 * scaleA);
            Triangle transformedTriangleB;

            transformedTriangleB.Vertex0 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex0 * scaleB);
            transformedTriangleB.Vertex1 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex1 * scaleB);
            transformedTriangleB.Vertex2 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex2 * scaleB);

            // Make super-fast boolean check first. This is redundant if we have to compute
            // a contact with SAT below. But in stochastic benchmarks it seems to be 10% faster.
            bool haveContact = GeometryHelper.HaveContact(ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || haveContact);

            if (haveContact)
                // Make sure the scaled triangles have the correct normal.
                // (A negative scale changes the normal/winding order. See unit test in TriangleTest.cs.)
                if (scaleA.X * scaleA.Y * scaleA.Z < 0)
                    MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex1);
                if (scaleB.X * scaleB.Y * scaleB.Z < 0)
                    MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex1);

                // Compute contact.
                Vector3F position, normal;
                float    penetrationDepth;
                haveContact = TriangleTriangleAlgorithm.GetContact(
                    ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB,
                    !triangleMeshShapeA.IsTwoSided, !triangleMeshShapeB.IsTwoSided,
                    out position, out normal, out penetrationDepth);

                if (haveContact)
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                    // In deep interpenetrations we might get no contact (penDepth = NaN).
                    if (!Numeric.IsNaN(penetrationDepth))
                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                        contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
                        contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


                // We might come here if the boolean test reports contact but the SAT test
                // does not because of numerical errors.


            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)

            Debug.Assert(type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints);

            if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                // These triangles are separated but other parts of the meshes touches.
                // --> Abort.

            // We do not have a specialized triangle-triangle closest points algorithm.
            // Fall back to the default algorithm (GJK).

            // Initialize temporary test contact set and test objects.
            // Note: We assume the triangle-triangle does not care about front/back faces.
            testTriangleA.Vertex0      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex0;
            testTriangleA.Vertex1      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex1;
            testTriangleA.Vertex2      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex2;
            testGeometricObjectA.Shape = testTriangleA;
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Scale == Vector3F.One);
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Pose == Pose.Identity);
            testCollisionObjectA.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObjectA);

            testTriangleB.Vertex0      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex0;
            testTriangleB.Vertex1      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex1;
            testTriangleB.Vertex2      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex2;
            testGeometricObjectB.Shape = testTriangleB;
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Scale == Vector3F.One);
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Pose == Pose.Identity);
            testCollisionObjectB.SetInternal(collisionObjectB, testGeometricObjectB);

            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
            testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);

            testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;
            _triangleTriangleAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, type);

            // Note: We expect no contact but because of numerical differences the triangle-triangle
            // algorithm could find a shallow surface contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);

            #region ----- Merge testContactSet into contactSet -----

            if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
                int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                    Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
                    //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, this check is not necessary because triangleSet does not contain old contacts.
                    contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
                    contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;

                // Merge the contact info.
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. sphere has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject rayObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref sphereObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3 rayScale    = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3 sphereScale = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);
            Pose    rayPose     = rayObject.Pose;
            Pose    spherePose  = sphereObject.Pose;

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (sphereScale.X != sphereScale.Y || sphereScale.Y != sphereScale.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(RayShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Scale ray and transform ray to world space.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose);

            // Scale sphere.
            float sphereRadius        = sphereShape.Radius * sphereScale.X;
            float sphereRadiusSquared = sphereRadius * sphereRadius;

            // Call line segment vs. sphere for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints || type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                // ----- Find point on ray closest to the sphere.
                // Make a line segment vs. point (sphere center) check.
                Debug.Assert(rayWorld.Direction.IsNumericallyNormalized, "The ray direction should be normalized.");
                LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(rayWorld.Origin, rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * rayWorld.Length);

                Vector3 segmentPoint;
                Vector3 sphereCenter = spherePose.Position;
                GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoints(segment, sphereCenter, out segmentPoint);

                Vector3 normal                  = sphereCenter - segmentPoint;
                float   distanceSquared         = normal.LengthSquared();
                float   penetrationDepthSquared = sphereRadiusSquared - distanceSquared;
                contactSet.HaveContact = penetrationDepthSquared >= 0;

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                if (penetrationDepthSquared <= 0)
                    // Separated or touching objects.
                    Vector3 position;
                    if (normal.TryNormalize())
                        Vector3 spherePoint = sphereCenter - normal * sphereRadius;
                        position = (spherePoint + segmentPoint) / 2;
                        position = segmentPoint;
                        normal   = Vector3.UnitY;

                    if (swapped)
                        normal = -normal;

                    float penetrationDepth = -((float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared) - sphereRadius);

                    // Update contact set.
                    Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, contactSet.HaveContact);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                // Otherwise, we have a penetrating contact.
                // Compute 1 contact ...

            // First assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // See SOLID and Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments", pp. 70.
            // Compute in sphere local space.

            // Transform ray to local space of sphere.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref spherePose);

            Vector3 s = ray.Origin;                             // ray source
            Vector3 d = ray.Direction;                          // ray direction

            Vector3 r = d * ray.Length;                         // ray
            float   rayLengthSquared = ray.Length * ray.Length; // ||r||²
            float   δ = -Vector3.Dot(s, r);                     // -s∙r
            float   σ = δ * δ - rayLengthSquared * (s.LengthSquared() - sphereRadiusSquared);

            if (σ >= 0)
                // The infinite ray intersects.
                float sqrtσ = (float)Math.Sqrt(σ);

                float λ2 = (δ + sqrtσ) /* / rayLengthSquared */; // Division can be ignored. Only sign is relevant.
                if (λ2 >= 0)
                    // Ray shoots to sphere.
                    float λ1 = (δ - sqrtσ) / rayLengthSquared;

                    if (λ1 <= 1)
                        // Ray hits sphere.
                        contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                        Debug.Assert(type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean); // Was handled before.

                        float   penetrationDepth;
                        Vector3 normal;
                        if (λ1 > 0)
                            // λ1 shows the entry point. λ2 shows the exit point.
                            penetrationDepth = λ1 * ray.Length; // Distance from ray origin to entry point (hit).
                            normal           = -(s + r * λ1);   // Entry point (hit).
                            // Ray origin is in the sphere.
                            penetrationDepth = 0;
                            normal           = -s;

                        Vector3 position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;

                        normal = spherePose.ToWorldDirection(normal);

                        if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                            normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                        if (swapped)
                            normal = -normal;

                        // Update contact set.
                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, true);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the triangle.
            IGeometricObject rayObject      = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject triangleObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap if necessary.
            bool swapped = (triangleObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref triangleObject);

            RayShape      rayShape      = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            TriangleShape triangleShape = triangleObject.Shape as TriangleShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || triangleShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a triangle.", "contactSet");

            // See SOLID and Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments", pp. 84.
            // Note: All computations are done in triangle local space.

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F rayScale      = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3F triangleScale = triangleObject.Scale;
            Pose     rayPose       = rayObject.Pose;
            Pose     trianglePose  = triangleObject.Pose;

            // Scale triangle.
            Vector3F v0 = triangleShape.Vertex0 * triangleScale;
            Vector3F v1 = triangleShape.Vertex1 * triangleScale;
            Vector3F v2 = triangleShape.Vertex2 * triangleScale;

            // Scale ray and transform ray to local space of triangle.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);  // Scale ray.
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose); // Transform to world space.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref trianglePose); // Transform to local space of triangle.

            Vector3F d1 = (v1 - v0);
            Vector3F d2 = (v2 - v0);
            Vector3F n  = Vector3F.Cross(d1, d2);

            // Tolerance value, see SOLID, Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments".
            float ε = n.Length * Numeric.EpsilonFSquared;

            Vector3F r = ray.Direction * ray.Length;

            float δ = -Vector3F.Dot(r, n);

            if (ε == 0.0f || Numeric.IsZero(δ, ε))
                // The triangle is degenerate or the ray is parallel to triangle.
                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts || type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                    contactSet.HaveContact = false;
                else if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                    GetClosestPoints(contactSet, rayWorld.Origin);


            Vector3F triangleToRayOrigin = ray.Origin - v0;
            float    λ = Vector3F.Dot(triangleToRayOrigin, n) / δ;

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            if (λ < 0 || λ > 1)
                // The ray does not hit.
                if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                    GetClosestPoints(contactSet, rayWorld.Origin);
                Vector3F u  = Vector3F.Cross(triangleToRayOrigin, r);
                float    μ1 = Vector3F.Dot(d2, u) / δ;
                float    μ2 = Vector3F.Dot(-d1, u) / δ;
                if (μ1 + μ2 <= 1 + ε && μ1 >= -ε && μ2 >= -ε)
                    // Hit!
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                    float penetrationDepth = λ * ray.Length;

                    // Create contact info.
                    Vector3F position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                    n = trianglePose.ToWorldDirection(n);

                    Debug.Assert(!n.IsNumericallyZero, "Degenerate cases of ray vs. triangle should be treated above.");

                    if (δ > 0)
                        n = -n;

                    if (swapped)
                        n = -n;

                    Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, n, penetrationDepth, true);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
                    // No Hit!
                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                        GetClosestPoints(contactSet, rayWorld.Origin);
        // Returns true if a contact was added.
        private bool AddContact(ContactSet contactSet,
                                bool swapped,
                                CollisionQueryType type,
                                ref Ray rayWorld,         // The ray in world space.
                                ref Ray rayInField,       // The ray in the scaled height field space.
                                ref Triangle triangle,    // The unscaled triangle in the mesh space.
                                int triangleIndex,
                                ref Pose trianglePose,
                                ref Vector3F triangleScale)
            // This code is from GeometryHelper_Triangles.cs. Sync changes!

            Vector3F v0 = triangle.Vertex0 * triangleScale;
            Vector3F v1 = triangle.Vertex1 * triangleScale;
            Vector3F v2 = triangle.Vertex2 * triangleScale;

            Vector3F d1 = (v1 - v0);
            Vector3F d2 = (v2 - v0);
            Vector3F n  = Vector3F.Cross(d1, d2);

            // Tolerance value, see SOLID, Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments".
            float ε = n.Length * Numeric.EpsilonFSquared;

            Vector3F r = rayInField.Direction * rayInField.Length;

            float δ = -Vector3F.Dot(r, n);

            // Degenerate triangle --> No hit.
            if (ε == 0.0f || Numeric.IsZero(δ, ε))

            Vector3F triangleToRayOrigin = rayInField.Origin - v0;
            float    λ = Vector3F.Dot(triangleToRayOrigin, n) / δ;

            if (λ < 0 || λ > 1)

            // The ray hit the triangle plane.
            Vector3F u  = Vector3F.Cross(triangleToRayOrigin, r);
            float    μ1 = Vector3F.Dot(d2, u) / δ;
            float    μ2 = Vector3F.Dot(-d1, u) / δ;

            if (μ1 + μ2 <= 1 + ε && μ1 >= -ε && μ2 >= -ε)
                // Hit!
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                if (δ < 0)
                    return(false); // Shooting into the back of a one-sided triangle - no contact.
                float penetrationDepth = λ * rayInField.Length;

                // Create contact info.
                Vector3F position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                n = trianglePose.ToWorldDirection(n);

                Debug.Assert(!n.IsNumericallyZero, "Degenerate cases of ray vs. triangle should be treated above.");

                if (δ < 0)
                    n = -n;

                if (swapped)
                    n = -n;

                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, n, penetrationDepth, true);

                if (swapped)
                    contact.FeatureB = triangleIndex;
                    contact.FeatureA = triangleIndex;

                    contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Shape is RayShape && contact.FeatureA == -1 ||
                    contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Shape is RayShape && contact.FeatureB == -1,
                    "RayHeightFieldAlgorithm has set the wrong feature property.");

                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                throw new GeometryException("GJK cannot handle contact queries. Use MPR instead.");

            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA  = objectA.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3F         scaleA  = objectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA   = objectA.Pose;

            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB  = objectB.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3F         scaleB  = objectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB   = objectB.Pose;

            if (shapeA == null || shapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain two convex shapes.", "contactSet");

            // GJK builds a simplex of the CSO (A-B). This simplex is managed in a GjkSimplexSolver.
            var  simplex             = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();
            bool foundSeparatingAxis = false;

                // v is the separating axis or the CSO point nearest to the origin.
                // We start with last known separating axis or with an arbitrary CSO point.
                Vector3F v;
                if (contactSet.Count > 0)
                    // Use last separating axis.
                    // The contact normal points from A to B. This is the direction we want to sample first.
                    // If the frame-to-frame coherence is high we should get a point close to the origin.
                    // Note: To sample in the normal direction, we need to initialize the CSO point v with
                    // -normal.
                    v = -contactSet[0].Normal;
                    // Use difference of inner points.
                    Vector3F vA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                    Vector3F vB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                    v = vA - vB;

                // If the inner points overlap, then we have already found a contact.
                // We don't expect this case to happen often, so we simply choose an arbitrary separating
                // axis to continue with the normal GJK code.
                if (v.IsNumericallyZero)
                    v = Vector3F.UnitZ;

                // Cache inverted rotations.
                var orientationAInverse = poseA.Orientation.Transposed;
                var orientationBInverse = poseB.Orientation.Transposed;

                int   iterationCount  = 0;
                float distanceSquared = float.MaxValue;
                float distanceEpsilon;

                // Assume we have no contact.
                contactSet.HaveContact = false;

                    // TODO: Translate A and B close to the origin to avoid numerical problems.
                    // This optimization is done in Bullet: The offset (a.Pose.Position + b.Pose.Position) / 2
                    // is subtracted from a.Pose and b.Pose. This offset is added when the Contact info is
                    // computed (also in EPA if the poses are still translated).

                    // Compute a new point w on the simplex. We seek for the point that is closest to the origin.
                    // Therefore, we get the support points on the current separating axis v.
                    Vector3F p = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -v, scaleA));
                    Vector3F q = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * v, scaleB));
                    Vector3F w = p - q;

                    // w projected onto the separating axis.
                    float delta = Vector3F.Dot(w, v);

                    // If v∙w > 0 then the objects do not overlap.
                    if (delta > 0)
                        // We have found a separating axis.
                        foundSeparatingAxis = true;

                        // Early exit for boolean and contact queries.
                        if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                            // TODO: We could cache the separating axis n in ContactSet for future collision checks.

                        // We continue for closest point queries because we don't know if there are other
                        // points closer than p and q.

                    // If the new w is already part of the simplex. We cannot improve any further.
                    if (simplex.Contains(w))

                    // If the new w is not closer to the origin (within numerical tolerance), we stop.
                    if (distanceSquared - delta <= distanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF) // SOLID uses Epsilon = 10^-6

                    // Add the new point to the simplex.
                    simplex.Add(w, p, q);

                    // Update the simplex. (Unneeded simplex points are removed).

                    // Get new point of simplex closest to the origin.
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;

                    float previousDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
                    distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared;

                    if (previousDistanceSquared < distanceSquared)
                        // If the result got worse, we use the previous result. This happens for
                        // degenerate cases for example when the simplex is a tetrahedron with all
                        // 4 vertices in a plane.
                        distanceSquared = previousDistanceSquared;

                    // If the new simplex is invalid, we stop.
                    // Example: A simplex gets invalid if a fourth vertex is added to create a tetrahedron
                    // simplex but all vertices are in a plane. This can happen if a box corner nearly touches a
                    // face of another box.
                    if (!simplex.IsValid)

                    // Compare the distance of v to the origin with the distance of the last iteration.
                    // We stop if the improvement is less than the numerical tolerance.
                    if (previousDistanceSquared - distanceSquared <= previousDistanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF)

                    // If we reach the iteration limit, we stop.
                    if (iterationCount > MaxNumberOfIterations)
                        Debug.Assert(false, "GJK reached the iteration limit.");

                    // Compute a scaled epsilon.
                    distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);

                    // Loop until the simplex is full (i.e. it contains the origin) or we have come
                    // sufficiently close to the origin.
                } while (!simplex.IsFull && distanceSquared > distanceEpsilon);

                Debug.Assert(simplex.IsEmpty == false, "The GJK simplex must contain at least 1 point.");

                // Compute contact normal and separation.
                Vector3F normal = -simplex.ClosestPoint; // simplex.ClosestPoint = ClosestPointA-ClosestPointB
                float    distance;
                distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);
                if (distanceSquared <= distanceEpsilon)
                    // Distance is approximately 0.
                    // --> Objects are in contact.
                    if (simplex.IsValid && normal.TryNormalize())
                        // Normal can be used but we have to invert it because for contact we
                        // have to compute normal as pointOnA - pointOnB.
                        normal = -normal;
                        // No useful normal. Use direction between inner points as a fallback.
                        Vector3F innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                        normal = simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA;
                        if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                            Vector3F innerB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                            normal = innerB - innerA;
                            if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                                normal = Vector3F.UnitY;
                                // TODO: We could use better normal: e.g. normal of old contact or PreferredNormal?

                    distance = 0;
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    // Distance is greater than 0.
                    distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                    normal  /= distance;

                    // If the simplex is valid and full, then we have a contact.
                    if (simplex.IsFull && simplex.IsValid)
                        // Let's use the current result as an estimated contact info for
                        // shallow contacts.

                        // TODO: The following IF was added because this can occur for valid
                        // triangle vs. triangle separation. Check this.
                        if (!foundSeparatingAxis)
                            contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                            // Distance is a penetration depth
                            distance = -distance;

                            // Since the simplex tetrahedron can have any position in the Minkowsky difference,
                            // we do not know the real normal. Let's use the current normal and make
                            // sure that it points away from A. - This is only a heuristic...
                            Vector3F innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                            if (Vector3F.Dot(simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA, normal) < 0)
                                normal = -normal;

                Debug.Assert(normal.IsNumericallyZero == false);

                if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                    Vector3F position = (simplex.ClosestPointOnA + simplex.ClosestPointOnB) / 2;
                    Contact  contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, -distance, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void ComputeCollisionFast(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type,
                                          IGeometricObject heightFieldGeometricObject, IGeometricObject convexGeometricObject,
                                          HeightField heightField, ConvexShape convex, bool swapped)
            Debug.Assert(type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints);

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get scales and poses
            Pose     heightFieldPose  = heightFieldGeometricObject.Pose;
            Vector3F heightFieldScale = heightFieldGeometricObject.Scale;

            if (heightFieldScale.X < 0 || heightFieldScale.Y < 0 || heightFieldScale.Z < 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Computing collisions for height fields with a negative scaling is not supported.");

            Pose     convexPose  = convexGeometricObject.Pose;
            Vector3F convexScale = convexGeometricObject.Scale;

            // Get a point in the convex. (Could also use center of AABB.)
            var convexPoint = convexPose.ToWorldPosition(convex.InnerPoint * convexScale);

            // Get height field coordinates.
            convexPoint = heightFieldPose.ToLocalPosition(convexPoint);
            float xUnscaled = convexPoint.X / heightFieldScale.X;
            float zUnscaled = convexPoint.Z / heightFieldScale.Z;

            // If convex point is outside height field, abort.
            var originX = heightField.OriginX;
            var originZ = heightField.OriginZ;

            if (xUnscaled < originX || xUnscaled > originX + heightField.WidthX ||
                zUnscaled < originZ || zUnscaled > originZ + heightField.WidthZ)

            // Get height and normal.
            float    height;
            Vector3F normal;
            int      featureIndex;

            GetHeight(heightField, xUnscaled, zUnscaled, out height, out normal, out featureIndex);

            // Check for holes.
            if (Numeric.IsNaN(height))

            // Apply scaling.
            height *= heightFieldScale.Y;
            // Normals are transformed with the inverse transposed matrix --> 1 / scale.
            normal = normal / heightFieldScale;

            // ----- Now we test convex vs. plane.
            // Convert normal to convex space.
            normal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(normal);
            var normalInConvex = convexPose.ToLocalDirection(normal);

            // Convert plane point to convex space.
            Vector3F planePoint = new Vector3F(convexPoint.X, height, convexPoint.Z);

            planePoint = heightFieldPose.ToWorldPosition(planePoint);
            planePoint = convexPose.ToLocalPosition(planePoint);

            // Get convex support point in plane normal direction.
            Vector3F supportPoint = convex.GetSupportPoint(-normalInConvex, convexScale);

            // Get penetration depth.
            float penetrationDepth = Vector3F.Dot((planePoint - supportPoint), normalInConvex);

            // Abort if there is no contact.
            if (penetrationDepth < 0)

            // Abort if object is too deep under the height field.
            // This is important for height fields with holes/caves. Without this check
            // no objects could enter the cave.
            if (penetrationDepth > heightField.Depth)

            // We have contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = true;

            // Return for boolean queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

            // Contact position is in the "middle of the penetration".
            Vector3F position = convexPose.ToWorldPosition(supportPoint + normalInConvex * (penetrationDepth / 2));

            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            // Add contact
            var contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            if (swapped)
                contact.FeatureB = featureIndex;
                contact.FeatureA = featureIndex;

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            if (CollisionDetection.FullContactSetPerFrame &&
                contactSet.Count < 3)
                // Trying to create a full contact set.

                // We use arbitrary orthonormal values to perturb the normal direction.
                var ortho1 = normalInConvex.Orthonormal1;
                var ortho2 = normalInConvex.Orthonormal2;

                // Test 4 perturbed support directions.
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Vector3F direction;
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        direction = -normalInConvex + ortho1;

                    case 1:
                        direction = -normalInConvex - ortho1;

                    case 2:
                        direction = -normalInConvex + ortho2;

                        direction = -normalInConvex - ortho2;

                    // Support point vs. plane test as above:
                    supportPoint     = convex.GetSupportPoint(direction, convexScale);
                    penetrationDepth = Vector3F.Dot((planePoint - supportPoint), normalInConvex);
                    if (penetrationDepth >= 0)
                        position = convexPose.ToWorldPosition(supportPoint + normalInConvex * (penetrationDepth / 2));
                        contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1, "Ray vs. plane should have at max 1 contact.");

            // Object A should be the plane.
            // Object B should be the ray.
            IGeometricObject planeObject = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject rayObject   = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (rayObject.Shape is PlaneShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref planeObject, ref rayObject);

            PlaneShape planeShape = planeObject.Shape as PlaneShape;
            RayShape   rayShape   = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;

            // Check if A is really a plane and B is a ray.
            if (planeShape == null || rayShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a plane and a ray.", "contactSet");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F planeScale = planeObject.Scale;
            Vector3F rayScale   = rayObject.Scale;
            Pose     rayPose    = rayObject.Pose;
            Pose     planePose  = planeObject.Pose;

            // Apply scale to plane.
            Plane plane = new Plane(planeShape);

            plane.Scale(ref planeScale);

            // Apply scale to ray and transform ray into local space of plane.
            Ray ray = new Ray(rayShape);

            ray.Scale(ref rayScale);    // Scale ray.
            ray.ToWorld(ref rayPose);   // Transform ray to world space.
            ray.ToLocal(ref planePose); // Transform ray to local space of plane.

            // Convert ray into a line segment.
            LineSegment segment = new LineSegment {
                Start = ray.Origin, End = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * ray.Length

            // Check if ray origin is inside the plane. Otherwise call plane vs. ray query.
            Vector3F linePoint;
            Vector3F planePoint = Vector3F.Zero;

            if (Vector3F.Dot(segment.Start, plane.Normal) <= plane.DistanceFromOrigin)
                // The origin of the ray is below the plane.
                linePoint = segment.Start;
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                // The origin of the ray is above the plane.
                contactSet.HaveContact = GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoints(plane, segment, out linePoint, out planePoint);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // ----- Create contact info.
            Vector3F position;
            float    penetrationDepth;

            if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                // We have a contact.
                position         = planePose.ToWorldPosition(linePoint);
                penetrationDepth = (linePoint - segment.Start).Length;
                // Closest points, but separated.
                position         = planePose.ToWorldPosition((planePoint + linePoint) / 2);
                penetrationDepth = -(linePoint - planePoint).Length;

            Vector3F normal = planePose.ToWorldDirection(plane.Normal);

            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, contactSet.HaveContact);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Guesses the closest pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactSet">The contact set.</param>
        /// <param name="swapped">
        /// Object A in <paramref name="contactSet"/> should be the height field. This parameter
        /// indicates whether object A and object B in the contact set are swapped.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isOverHole">
        /// <see langword="true"/> if the guessed contact is over a hole and probably shouldn't be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Guess for closest pair.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For general shapes: Inner point of B to height field point "under" inner point of B.
        /// For convex shapes: Support point of B in the "down" direction to height field point "under"
        /// this support point.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Contact GuessClosestPair(ContactSet contactSet, bool swapped, out bool isOverHole)
            // Object A should be the height field.
            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap if necessary.
            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref objectA, ref objectB);

            HeightField heightFieldA = (HeightField)objectA.Shape;
            Shape       shapeB       = objectB.Shape;

            Vector3 scaleA = objectA.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleB = objectB.Scale;
            Pose    poseA  = objectA.Pose;
            Pose    poseB  = objectB.Pose;

            // Get the height field up-axis in world space.
            Vector3 heightFieldUpAxis = poseA.ToWorldDirection(Vector3.UnitY);

            // Get point on other object.
            Vector3     positionBLocal;
            ConvexShape shapeBAsConvex = shapeB as ConvexShape;

            if (shapeBAsConvex != null)
                // Use support point for convex shapes.
                positionBLocal = shapeBAsConvex.GetSupportPoint(poseB.ToLocalDirection(-heightFieldUpAxis), scaleB);
                // Use inner point for general shapes.
                positionBLocal = shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB;

            // Convert point (object B) into height field space (object A).
            Vector3 positionB    = poseB.ToWorldPosition(positionBLocal);
            Vector3 positionBInA = poseA.ToLocalPosition(positionB);

            // Get point on the surface of the height field (object A):
            // Clamp x and z coordinate to height field widths.
            // For y coordinate get the height of the height field at the x-z position.
            float originX = heightFieldA.OriginX;
            float originZ = heightFieldA.OriginZ;
            float x       = MathHelper.Clamp(positionBInA.X, originX * scaleA.X, (originX + heightFieldA.WidthX) * scaleA.X);
            float z       = MathHelper.Clamp(positionBInA.Z, originZ * scaleA.Z, (originZ + heightFieldA.WidthZ) * scaleA.Z);
            float y       = heightFieldA.GetHeight(x / scaleA.X, z / scaleA.Z) * scaleA.Y; // Inverse scale applied in GetHeight() parameters.

            Vector3 positionALocal = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            // Special handling of holes.
            isOverHole = Numeric.IsNaN(y);
            if (isOverHole)
                positionALocal = heightFieldA.InnerPoint * scaleA;

            // Convert point on height field to world space.
            Vector3 positionA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(positionALocal);

            // Use the world positions (positionA, positionB) as our closest-pair/contact guess.

            // Compute contact information.
            Vector3 position         = (positionA + positionB) / 2;
            float   penetrationDepth = (positionA - positionB).Length;
            bool    haveContact      = (positionALocal.Y >= positionBInA.Y);

            Vector3 normal = positionA - positionB;

            if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                normal = heightFieldUpAxis;

            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            bool isRayHit = haveContact && shapeB is RayShape;

            if (!haveContact)
                // For separation: Switch the normal and make the penetration depth negative to indicate
                // separation.
                normal           = -normal;
                penetrationDepth = -penetrationDepth;

            return(ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, isRayHit));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // From Coutinho: "Dynamic Simulations of Multibody Systems" and
            // Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments".

            // Object A should be the box.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject boxObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is BoxShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref boxObject, ref sphereObject);

            BoxShape    boxShape    = boxObject.Shape as BoxShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (boxShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a box and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            Vector3F scaleBox    = Vector3F.Absolute(boxObject.Scale);
            Vector3F scaleSphere = Vector3F.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (scaleSphere.X != scaleSphere.Y || scaleSphere.Y != scaleSphere.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(BoxShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Apply scale.
            Vector3F boxExtent    = boxShape.Extent * scaleBox;
            float    sphereRadius = sphereShape.Radius * scaleSphere.X;

            // ----- First transform sphere center into the local space of the box.
            Pose     boxPose           = boxObject.Pose;
            Vector3F sphereCenterWorld = sphereObject.Pose.Position;
            Vector3F sphereCenter      = boxPose.ToLocalPosition(sphereCenterWorld);

            Vector3F p = Vector3F.Zero;
            bool     sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = true;

            // When sphere center is on a box surface we have to choose a suitable normal.
            // otherwise the normal will be computed later.
            Vector3F normal = Vector3F.Zero;

            #region ----- Look for the point p of the box that is closest to center of the sphere. -----
            Vector3F boxHalfExtent = 0.5f * boxExtent;

            // x component
            if (sphereCenter.X < -boxHalfExtent.X)
                p.X = -boxHalfExtent.X;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.X > boxHalfExtent.X)
                p.X = boxHalfExtent.X;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.X = sphereCenter.X;

            // y component
            if (sphereCenter.Y < -boxHalfExtent.Y)
                p.Y = -boxHalfExtent.Y;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.Y > boxHalfExtent.Y)
                p.Y = boxHalfExtent.Y;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.Y = sphereCenter.Y;

            // z component
            if (sphereCenter.Z < -boxHalfExtent.Z)
                p.Z = -boxHalfExtent.Z;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.Z > boxHalfExtent.Z)
                p.Z = boxHalfExtent.Z;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.Z = sphereCenter.Z;

            if (sphereCenterIsContainedInBox || (sphereCenter - p).IsNumericallyZero)
                // Special case: Sphere center is within box. In this case p == center.
                // Lets return a point on the surface of the box.
                // Lets find the axis with the smallest way out (penetration depth).
                Vector3F diff = boxHalfExtent - Vector3F.Absolute(sphereCenter);
                if (diff.X <= diff.Y && diff.X <= diff.Z)
                    // Point on one of the x surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.X > 0);
                    p.X = positive ? boxHalfExtent.X : -boxHalfExtent.X;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.X))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3F.UnitX : -Vector3F.UnitX;
                else if (diff.Y <= diff.X && diff.Y <= diff.Z)
                    // Point on one of the y surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.Y > 0);
                    p.Y = positive ? boxHalfExtent.Y : -boxHalfExtent.Y;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.Y))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3F.UnitY : -Vector3F.UnitY;
                    // Point on one of the z surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.Z > 0);
                    p.Z = positive ? boxHalfExtent.Z : -boxHalfExtent.Z;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.Z))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3F.UnitZ : -Vector3F.UnitZ;

            // ----- Convert back to world space
            p = boxPose.ToWorldPosition(p);
            Vector3F sphereCenterToP = p - sphereCenterWorld;

            // Compute penetration depth.
            float penetrationDepth = sphereCenterIsContainedInBox
                                 ? sphereRadius + sphereCenterToP.Length
                                 : sphereRadius - sphereCenterToP.Length;
            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // ----- Create collision info.
            // Compute normal if we haven't set one yet.
            if (normal == Vector3F.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(!sphereCenterToP.IsNumericallyZero, "When the center of the sphere lies on the box surface a normal should be have been set explicitly.");
                normal = sphereCenterIsContainedInBox ? sphereCenterToP : -sphereCenterToP;
                normal = boxPose.ToWorldDirection(normal);

            // Position = point between sphere and box surface.
            Vector3F position = p - normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);
            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private Vector3 DoMpr(CollisionQueryType type, ContactSet contactSet, Vector3 v0)
            int       iterationCount = 0;
            const int iterationLimit = 100;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA           = (ConvexShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
            Vector3          scaleA           = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA            = geometricObjectA.Pose;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB           = (ConvexShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
            Vector3          scaleB           = geometricObjectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB            = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            // Cache inverted rotations.
            var orientationAInverse = poseA.Orientation.Transposed;
            var orientationBInverse = poseB.Orientation.Transposed;

            Vector3 n   = -v0; // Shoot from v0 to the origin.
            Vector3 v1A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
            Vector3 v1B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
            Vector3 v1  = v1B - v1A;

            // Separating axis test:
            if (Vector3.Dot(v1, n) < 0)
                // TODO: We could cache the separating axis n in ContactSet for future collision checks.
                //       Also in the separating axis tests below.

            // Second support direction = perpendicular to plane of origin, v0 and v1.
            n = Vector3.Cross(v1, v0);

            // If n is a zero vector, then origin, v0 and v1 are on a line with the origin inside the support plane.
            if (n.IsNumericallyZero)
                // Contact found.
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // Compute contact information.
                // (v0 is an inner point. v1 is a support point on the CSO. => The contact normal is -v1.
                // However, v1 could be close to the origin. To avoid numerical
                // problems we use v0 - v1, which is the same direction.)
                Vector3 normal = v0 - v1;
                if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                    // This happens for Point vs. flat object when they are on the same position.
                    // Maybe we could even find a better normal.
                    normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                Vector3 position         = (v1A + v1B) / 2;
                float   penetrationDepth = v1.Length;
                Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


            Vector3 v2A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
            Vector3 v2B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
            Vector3 v2  = v2B - v2A;

            // Separating axis test:
            if (Vector3.Dot(v2, n) < 0)

            // Third support direction = perpendicular to plane of v0, v1 and v2.
            n = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0);

            // If the origin is on the negative side of the plane, then reverse the plane direction.
            // n must point into the origin direction and not away...
            if (Vector3.Dot(n, v0) > 0)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1, ref v2);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1A, ref v2A);
                MathHelper.Swap(ref v1B, ref v2B);
                n = -n;

            if (n.IsNumericallyZero)
                // Degenerate case:
                // Interpretation (HelmutG): v2 is on the line with v0 and v1. I think this can only happen
                // if the CSO is flat and in the plane of (origin, v0, v1).
                // This happens for example in Point vs. Line Segment, or triangle vs. triangle when both
                // triangles are in the same plane.
                // Simply ignore this case (Infinite small/flat objects do not touch).

            // Search for a valid portal.
            Vector3 v3, v3A, v3B;

            while (true)

                // Abort if we cannot find a valid portal.
                if (iterationCount > iterationLimit)

                // Get next support point.
                //v3A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
                //v3B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
                //v3 = v3B - v3A;

                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 supportDirectionA;
                supportDirectionA.X = -(orientationAInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M02 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Y = -(orientationAInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M12 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Z = -(orientationAInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M22 * n.Z);
                Vector3 supportPointA = shapeA.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionA, scaleA);
                v3A.X = poseA.Orientation.M00 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M01 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M02 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.X;
                v3A.Y = poseA.Orientation.M10 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M11 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M12 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Y;
                v3A.Z = poseA.Orientation.M20 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M21 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M22 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Z;
                Vector3 supportDirectionB;
                supportDirectionB.X = orientationBInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M02 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Y = orientationBInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M12 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Z = orientationBInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M22 * n.Z;
                Vector3 supportPointB = shapeB.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionB, scaleB);
                v3B.X = poseB.Orientation.M00 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M01 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M02 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.X;
                v3B.Y = poseB.Orientation.M10 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M11 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M12 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Y;
                v3B.Z = poseB.Orientation.M20 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M21 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M22 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Z;
                v3    = v3B - v3A;

                // Separating axis test:
                //if (Vector3.Dot(v3, n) < 0)
                if (v3.X * n.X + v3.Y * n.Y + v3.Z * n.Z < 0)

                // v0, v1, v2, v3 form a tetrahedron.
                // v0 is an inner point of the CSO and v1, v2, v3 are support points.
                // v1, v2, v3 should form a valid portal.

                // If origin is outside the plane of v0, v1, v3 then the portal is invalid and we choose a new n.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v3), v0) < 0) // ORIENT3D test, see Ericson: "Real-Time Collision Detection"
                if ((v1.Y * v3.Z - v1.Z * v3.Y) * v0.X
                    + (v1.Z * v3.X - v1.X * v3.Z) * v0.Y
                    + (v1.X * v3.Y - v1.Y * v3.X) * v0.Z < 0)
                    v2  = v3; // Get rid of v2. A new v3 will be chosen in the next iteration.
                    v2A = v3A;
                    v2B = v3B;
                    //n = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v3 - v0);
                    // ----- Optimized version:
                    Vector3 v1MinusV0;
                    v1MinusV0.X = v1.X - v0.X;
                    v1MinusV0.Y = v1.Y - v0.Y;
                    v1MinusV0.Z = v1.Z - v0.Z;
                    Vector3 v3MinusV0;
                    v3MinusV0.X = v3.X - v0.X;
                    v3MinusV0.Y = v3.Y - v0.Y;
                    v3MinusV0.Z = v3.Z - v0.Z;
                    n.X         = v1MinusV0.Y * v3MinusV0.Z - v1MinusV0.Z * v3MinusV0.Y;
                    n.Y         = v1MinusV0.Z * v3MinusV0.X - v1MinusV0.X * v3MinusV0.Z;
                    n.Z         = v1MinusV0.X * v3MinusV0.Y - v1MinusV0.Y * v3MinusV0.X;

                // If origin is outside the plane of v0, v2, v3 then the portal is invalid and we choose a new n.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v3, v2), v0) < 0)
                if ((v3.Y * v2.Z - v3.Z * v2.Y) * v0.X
                    + (v3.Z * v2.X - v3.X * v2.Z) * v0.Y
                    + (v3.X * v2.Y - v3.Y * v2.X) * v0.Z < 0)
                    v1  = v3; // Get rid of v1. A new v3 will be chosen in the next iteration.
                    v1A = v3A;
                    v1B = v3B;
                    //n = Vector3.Cross(v3 - v0, v2 - v0);
                    // ----- Optimized version:
                    Vector3 v3MinusV0;
                    v3MinusV0.X = v3.X - v0.X;
                    v3MinusV0.Y = v3.Y - v0.Y;
                    v3MinusV0.Z = v3.Z - v0.Z;
                    Vector3 v2MinusV0;
                    v2MinusV0.X = v2.X - v0.X;
                    v2MinusV0.Y = v2.Y - v0.Y;
                    v2MinusV0.Z = v2.Z - v0.Z;
                    n.X         = v3MinusV0.Y * v2MinusV0.Z - v3MinusV0.Z * v2MinusV0.Y;
                    n.Y         = v3MinusV0.Z * v2MinusV0.X - v3MinusV0.X * v2MinusV0.Z;
                    n.Z         = v3MinusV0.X * v2MinusV0.Y - v3MinusV0.Y * v2MinusV0.X;

                // If come to here, then we have found a valid portal to begin with.
                // (We have a tetrahedron that contains the ray (v0 to origin)).

            // Refine the portal
            while (true)

                // Store old n. Numerical inaccuracy can lead to endless loops where n is constant.
                Vector3 oldN = n;

                // Compute outward pointing normal of the portal
                //n = Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                Vector3 v2MinusV1;
                v2MinusV1.X = v2.X - v1.X;
                v2MinusV1.Y = v2.Y - v1.Y;
                v2MinusV1.Z = v2.Z - v1.Z;
                Vector3 v3MinusV1;
                v3MinusV1.X = v3.X - v1.X;
                v3MinusV1.Y = v3.Y - v1.Y;
                v3MinusV1.Z = v3.Z - v1.Z;
                n.X         = v2MinusV1.Y * v3MinusV1.Z - v2MinusV1.Z * v3MinusV1.Y;
                n.Y         = v2MinusV1.Z * v3MinusV1.X - v2MinusV1.X * v3MinusV1.Z;
                n.Z         = v2MinusV1.X * v3MinusV1.Y - v2MinusV1.Y * v3MinusV1.X;

                //if (!n.TryNormalize())
                // ----- Optimized version:
                float nLengthSquared = n.LengthSquared();
                if (nLengthSquared < Numeric.EpsilonFSquared)
                    // The portal is degenerate (some vertices of v1, v2, v3 are identical).
                    // This can happen for coplanar shapes, e.g. long thin triangles in the
                    // same plane. The portal (v1, v2, v3) is a line segment.
                    // This might be a contact or not. We use the GJK as a fallback to check this case.

                    if (_gjk == null)
                        _gjk = new Gjk(CollisionDetection);

                    _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                    if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                    // GJK reports a contact - but it cannot compute contact positions.
                    // We use the best point on the current portal as the contact point.

                    // Find the point closest to the origin.
                    float u, v, w;
                    GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoint(new Triangle(v1, v2, v3), Vector3.Zero, out u, out v, out w);
                    Vector3 vClosest = u * v1 + v * v2 + w * v3;

                    // We have not found a separating axis so far. --> Contact.
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                    // The points on the objects have the same barycentric coordinates.
                    Vector3 pointOnA = u * v1A + v * v2A + w * v3A;
                    Vector3 pointOnB = u * v1B + v * v2B + w * v3B;

                    Vector3 normal = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                        if (contactSet.IsPreferredNormalAvailable)
                            normal = contactSet.PreferredNormal;
                            normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                    Vector3 position         = (pointOnA + pointOnB) / 2;
                    float   penetrationDepth = vClosest.Length;
                    Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


                // ----- Optimized version: Rest of n.TryNormalize():
                float nLength = (float)Math.Sqrt(nLengthSquared);
                float scale   = 1.0f / nLength;
                n.X *= scale;
                n.Y *= scale;
                n.Z *= scale;

                // Separating axis test:
                // Testing > instead of >= is important otherwise coplanar triangles may report false contacts
                // because the portal is in the same plane as the origin.
                if (!contactSet.HaveContact &&
                    v1.X * n.X + v1.Y * n.Y + v1.Z * n.Z > 0) // Optimized version of && Vector3.Dot(v1, n) > 0)
                    // Portal points aways from origin --> Origin is in the tetrahedron.
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // Find new support point.
                //Vector3 v4A = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -n, scaleA));
                //Vector3 v4B = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * n, scaleB));
                //Vector3 v4 = v4B - v4A;

                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 supportDirectionA;
                supportDirectionA.X = -(orientationAInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M02 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Y = -(orientationAInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M12 * n.Z);
                supportDirectionA.Z = -(orientationAInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationAInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationAInverse.M22 * n.Z);
                Vector3 supportPointA = shapeA.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionA, scaleA);
                Vector3 v4A;
                v4A.X = poseA.Orientation.M00 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M01 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M02 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.X;
                v4A.Y = poseA.Orientation.M10 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M11 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M12 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Y;
                v4A.Z = poseA.Orientation.M20 * supportPointA.X + poseA.Orientation.M21 * supportPointA.Y + poseA.Orientation.M22 * supportPointA.Z + poseA.Position.Z;
                Vector3 supportDirectionB;
                supportDirectionB.X = orientationBInverse.M00 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M01 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M02 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Y = orientationBInverse.M10 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M11 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M12 * n.Z;
                supportDirectionB.Z = orientationBInverse.M20 * n.X + orientationBInverse.M21 * n.Y + orientationBInverse.M22 * n.Z;
                Vector3 supportPointB = shapeB.GetSupportPoint(supportDirectionB, scaleB);
                Vector3 v4B;
                v4B.X = poseB.Orientation.M00 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M01 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M02 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.X;
                v4B.Y = poseB.Orientation.M10 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M11 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M12 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Y;
                v4B.Z = poseB.Orientation.M20 * supportPointB.X + poseB.Orientation.M21 * supportPointB.Y + poseB.Orientation.M22 * supportPointB.Z + poseB.Position.Z;
                Vector3 v4 = v4B - v4A;

                // Separating axis test:
                if (!contactSet.HaveContact &&                // <--- New (see below).
                    v4.X * n.X + v4.Y * n.Y + v4.Z * n.Z < 0) // Optimized version of && Vector3.Dot(v4, n) < 0)
                    // Following assert can fail. For example if the above dot product returns -0.000000001
                    // for nearly perfectly touching objects. Therefore I have added the condition
                    // hit == false to the condition.

                // Test if we have refined more than the collision epsilon.
                // Condition 1: Project the point difference v4-v3 onto normal n and check whether we have
                // improved in this direction.
                // Condition 2: If n has not changed, then we couldn't improve anymore. This is caused
                // by numerical problems, e.g. when a large object (>10000) is checked.
                //if (Vector3.Dot(v4 - v3, n) <= CollisionDetection.Epsilon
                // ----- Optimized version:
                if ((v4.X - v3.X) * n.X + (v4.Y - v3.Y) * n.Y + (v4.Z - v3.Z) * n.Z <= CollisionDetection.Epsilon ||
                    Vector3.AreNumericallyEqual(n, oldN) ||
                    iterationCount >= iterationLimit)
                    // We have the final portal.
                    if (!contactSet.HaveContact)

                    if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                    // Find the point closest to the origin.
                    float u, v, w;
                    GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoint(new Triangle(v1, v2, v3), Vector3.Zero, out u, out v, out w);

                    // Note: If u, v or w is 0 or 1, then the point was probably outside portal triangle.
                    // We can use the returned data, but re-running MPR will give us a better contact.

                    Vector3 closest = u * v1 + v * v2 + w * v3;

                    // The points on the objects have the same barycentric coordinates.
                    Vector3 pointOnA = u * v1A + v * v2A + w * v3A;
                    Vector3 pointOnB = u * v1B + v * v2B + w * v3B;

                    // Use difference between points as normal direction, only if it can be normalized.
                    Vector3 normal = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                        normal = -n; // Else use the inverted normal of the portal.
                    Vector3 position         = (pointOnA + pointOnB) / 2;
                    float   penetrationDepth = closest.Length;
                    Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                    // If real closest point is outside the portal triangle, then one of u, v, w will
                    // be exactly 0 or 1. In this case we should run a new MPR with the portal ray n.
                    if (u == 0 || v == 0 || w == 0 || u == 1 || v == 1 || w == 1)


                // Now we have a new point v4 and have to make a new portal by eliminating v1, v2 or v3.
                // The possible new tetrahedron faces are: (v0, v1, v4), (v0, v4, v2), (v0, v4, v3)
                // We don't know the orientation yet.
                // Test with the ORIENT3D test.
                //Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(v4, v0);
                // ----- Optimized version:
                Vector3 cross;
                cross.X = v4.Y * v0.Z - v4.Z * v0.Y;
                cross.Y = v4.Z * v0.X - v4.X * v0.Z;
                cross.Z = v4.X * v0.Y - v4.Y * v0.X;

                //if (Vector3.Dot(v1, cross) > 0)
                if (v1.X * cross.X + v1.Y * cross.Y + v1.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                    // Eliminate v3 or v1.
                    //if (Vector3.Dot(v2, cross) > 0)
                    if (v2.X * cross.X + v2.Y * cross.Y + v2.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                        v1  = v4;
                        v1A = v4A;
                        v1B = v4B;
                        v3  = v4;
                        v3A = v4A;
                        v3B = v4B;
                    // Eliminate v1 or v2.
                    //if (Vector3.Dot(v3, cross) > 0)
                    if (v3.X * cross.X + v3.Y * cross.Y + v3.Z * cross.Z > 0)
                        v2  = v4;
                        v2A = v4A;
                        v2B = v4B;
                        v1  = v4;
                        v1A = v4A;
                        v1B = v4B;
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Just use normal height field shape algorithm.
                _heightFieldAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            Debug.Assert(type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints, "Closest point queries should have already been handled!");

            // HeightField = A, Ray = B
            IGeometricObject heightFieldObject = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject rayObject         = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Object A should be the height field, swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (heightFieldObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref heightFieldObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            HeightField heightField = heightFieldObject.Shape as HeightField;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || heightField == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a height field.", "contactSet");

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F rayScale         = rayObject.Scale;
            Pose     rayPose          = rayObject.Pose;
            Vector3F heightFieldScale = heightFieldObject.Scale;
            Pose     heightFieldPose  = heightFieldObject.Pose;

            // We do not support negative scaling. It is not clear what should happen when y is
            // scaled with a negative factor and triangle orders would be wrong... Not worth the trouble.
            if (heightFieldScale.X < 0 || heightFieldScale.Y < 0 || heightFieldScale.Z < 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Computing collisions for height fields with a negative scaling is not supported.");

            // Ray in world space.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose);

            // Ray in local scaled space of the height field.
            Ray rayScaled = rayWorld;

            rayScaled.ToLocal(ref heightFieldPose);

            // Ray in local unscaled space of the mesh.
            Ray rayUnscaled           = rayScaled;
            var inverseCompositeScale = Vector3F.One / heightFieldScale;

            rayUnscaled.Scale(ref inverseCompositeScale);

            // Get height field and basic info.
            int arrayLengthX   = heightField.NumberOfSamplesX;
            int arrayLengthZ   = heightField.NumberOfSamplesZ;
            int numberOfCellsX = arrayLengthX - 1;
            int numberOfCellsZ = arrayLengthZ - 1;

            Debug.Assert(arrayLengthX > 1 && arrayLengthZ > 1, "A height field should contain at least 2 x 2 elements (= 1 cell).");
            float cellWidthX = heightField.WidthX / numberOfCellsX; // Unscaled!
            float cellWidthZ = heightField.WidthZ / numberOfCellsZ; // Unscaled!

            // We use a 2D-DDA traversal of the height field cells. In other words: Look at it from
            // above. The height field is our screen and we will select the cells as if we draw
            // a pixel line. This could be made more efficient when we do not recompute values and
            // reuse values and make incremental steps Bresenham-style.
            // See GeometryHelper_Casts.cs method HaveContact(Aabb, ray) for explanation of the
            // ray parameter formula.

            var rayUnscaledDirectionInverse = new Vector3F(
                1 / rayUnscaled.Direction.X,
                1 / rayUnscaled.Direction.Y,
                1 / rayUnscaled.Direction.Z);

            // The position where the ray enters the current cell.
            var cellEnter = rayUnscaled.Origin; // Unscaled!!!

            var originX = heightField.OriginX;
            var originZ = heightField.OriginZ;

            // ----- Find first cell.
            int indexX = (cellEnter.X >= originX) ? (int)((cellEnter.X - originX) / cellWidthX) : -1; // (int)(...) does not return the desired result for negative values!

            if (indexX < 0)
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.X <= 0)

                float parameter = (originX - rayUnscaled.Origin.X) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.X;
                if (parameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                    return; // The ray does not reach the height field.
                cellEnter = rayUnscaled.Origin + parameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;
                indexX    = 0;
            else if (indexX >= numberOfCellsX)
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.X >= 0)

                float parameter = (originX + heightField.WidthX - rayUnscaled.Origin.X) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.X;
                if (parameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                    return; // The ray does not reach the height field.
                cellEnter = rayUnscaled.Origin + parameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;
                indexX    = numberOfCellsX - 1;

            int indexZ = (cellEnter.Z >= originZ) ? (int)((cellEnter.Z - originZ) / cellWidthZ) : -1;

            if (indexZ < 0)
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.Z <= 0)

                float parameter = (originZ - rayUnscaled.Origin.Z) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.Z;
                if (parameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                    return; // The ray does not reach the next height field.
                cellEnter = rayUnscaled.Origin + parameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;
                // We also have to correct the indexX!
                indexX = (cellEnter.X >= originX) ? (int)((cellEnter.X - originX) / cellWidthX) : -1;
                indexZ = 0;
            else if (indexZ >= numberOfCellsZ)
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.Z >= 0)

                float parameter = (originZ + heightField.WidthZ - rayUnscaled.Origin.Z) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.Z;
                if (parameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                    return; // The ray does not reach the next height field.
                cellEnter = rayUnscaled.Origin + parameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;
                indexX    = (cellEnter.X >= originX) ? (int)((cellEnter.X - originX) / cellWidthX) : -1;
                indexZ    = numberOfCellsZ - 1;

            if (indexX < 0 || indexX >= numberOfCellsX || indexZ < 0 || indexZ >= numberOfCellsZ)

            while (true)
                // ----- Get triangles of current cell.
                var triangle0 = heightField.GetTriangle(indexX, indexZ, false);
                var triangle1 = heightField.GetTriangle(indexX, indexZ, true);

                // Index of first triangle.
                var triangleIndex = (indexZ * numberOfCellsX + indexX) * 2;

                float xRelative           = (cellEnter.X - originX) / cellWidthX - indexX;
                float zRelative           = (cellEnter.Z - originZ) / cellWidthZ - indexZ;
                bool  enterSecondTriangle = (xRelative + zRelative) > 1; // The diagonal is where xRel + zRel == 1.

                // ----- Find cell exit and move indices to next cell.
                // The position where the ray leaves the current cell.
                Vector3F cellExit;
                float    nextXParameter = float.PositiveInfinity;
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.X > 0)
                    nextXParameter = (originX + (indexX + 1) * cellWidthX - rayUnscaled.Origin.X) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.X;
                else if (rayUnscaled.Direction.X < 0)
                    nextXParameter = (originX + indexX * cellWidthX - rayUnscaled.Origin.X) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.X;

                float nextZParameter = float.PositiveInfinity;
                if (rayUnscaled.Direction.Z > 0)
                    nextZParameter = (originZ + (indexZ + 1) * cellWidthZ - rayUnscaled.Origin.Z) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.Z;
                else if (rayUnscaled.Direction.Z < 0)
                    nextZParameter = (originZ + indexZ * cellWidthZ - rayUnscaled.Origin.Z) * rayUnscaledDirectionInverse.Z;

                bool isLastCell = false;
                if (nextXParameter < nextZParameter)
                    if (rayUnscaled.Direction.X > 0)
                        if (indexX >= numberOfCellsX) // Abort if we have left the height field.
                            isLastCell = true;
                        if (indexX < 0)
                            isLastCell = true;

                    if (nextXParameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                        isLastCell     = true; // The ray does not reach the next cell.
                        nextXParameter = rayUnscaled.Length;

                    cellExit = rayUnscaled.Origin + nextXParameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;
                    if (rayUnscaled.Direction.Z > 0)
                        if (indexZ >= numberOfCellsZ)
                            isLastCell = true;
                        if (indexZ < 0)
                            isLastCell = true;

                    if (nextZParameter > rayUnscaled.Length)
                        isLastCell     = true;
                        nextZParameter = rayUnscaled.Length;

                    cellExit = rayUnscaled.Origin + nextZParameter * rayUnscaled.Direction;

                // ----- We can skip cell if cell AABB is below the ray.
                var rayMinY = Math.Min(cellEnter.Y, cellExit.Y) - CollisionDetection.Epsilon; // Apply to avoid missing collisions when ray hits a cell border.

                // The ray is above if no height field height is higher the ray height.
                // (This check handles NaN height values (holes) correctly.)
                bool rayIsAbove = !(triangle0.Vertex0.Y >= rayMinY ||
                                    triangle0.Vertex1.Y >= rayMinY ||
                                    triangle0.Vertex2.Y >= rayMinY ||
                                    triangle1.Vertex1.Y >= rayMinY); // Vertex1 of triangle1 is the fourth quad vertex!

                // ----- Test ray against the 2 triangles of the cell.
                bool triangle0IsHole = false;
                bool triangle1IsHole = false;
                if (!rayIsAbove)
                    // Abort if a height value is NaN (hole).
                    triangle0IsHole = Numeric.IsNaN(triangle0.Vertex0.Y * triangle0.Vertex1.Y * triangle0.Vertex2.Y);
                    triangle1IsHole = Numeric.IsNaN(triangle1.Vertex0.Y * triangle1.Vertex1.Y * triangle1.Vertex2.Y);

                    bool contactAdded = false;
                    if (enterSecondTriangle)
                        // Test second triangle first.
                        if (!triangle1IsHole)
                            contactAdded = AddContact(contactSet, swapped, type, ref rayWorld, ref rayScaled, ref triangle1, triangleIndex + 1, ref heightFieldPose, ref heightFieldScale);
                        if (!contactAdded && !triangle0IsHole)
                            contactAdded = AddContact(contactSet, swapped, type, ref rayWorld, ref rayScaled, ref triangle0, triangleIndex, ref heightFieldPose, ref heightFieldScale);
                        // Test first triangle first.
                        if (!triangle0IsHole)
                            contactAdded = AddContact(contactSet, swapped, type, ref rayWorld, ref rayScaled, ref triangle0, triangleIndex, ref heightFieldPose, ref heightFieldScale);
                        if (!contactAdded && !triangle1IsHole)
                            contactAdded = AddContact(contactSet, swapped, type, ref rayWorld, ref rayScaled, ref triangle1, triangleIndex + 1, ref heightFieldPose, ref heightFieldScale);

                    if (contactAdded)

                    // We have contact and stop for boolean queries.
                    if (contactSet.HaveContact && type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                // ----- Return simplified contact if cellEnter is below the cell.
                if (!rayIsAbove)
                    if (!enterSecondTriangle && !triangle0IsHole && GeometryHelper.IsInFront(triangle0, cellEnter) < 0 ||
                        enterSecondTriangle && !triangle1IsHole && GeometryHelper.IsInFront(triangle1, cellEnter) < 0)
                        contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                        if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                        var position = heightFieldPose.ToWorldPosition(cellEnter * heightFieldScale);
                        var normal   = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(Vector3F.UnitY);
                        if (swapped)
                            normal = -normal;

                        float   penetrationDepth = (position - rayWorld.Origin).Length;
                        Contact contact          = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, true);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                // ----- Move to next cell.
                if (isLastCell)

                cellEnter = cellExit;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. box has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the box.
            IGeometricObject rayObject = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject boxObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (boxObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref boxObject);

            RayShape rayShape = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            BoxShape boxShape = boxObject.Shape as BoxShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || boxShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a box.", "contactSet");

            // Call line segment vs. box for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Find point on ray closest to the box.

                // Call GJK.
                _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
                if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                // Otherwise compute 1 contact ...
                // GJK result is invalid for penetration.
                foreach (var contact in contactSet)


            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3F rayScale = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3F boxScale = Vector3F.Absolute(boxObject.Scale);
            Pose     rayPose  = rayObject.Pose;
            Pose     boxPose  = boxObject.Pose;

            // Apply scale to box.
            Vector3F boxExtent = boxShape.Extent * boxScale;

            // See SOLID and Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments", p. 75.
            // Note: Compute in box local space.

            // Apply scale to ray and transform to local space of box.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);  // Apply scale to ray.
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose); // Transform ray to world space.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref boxPose);     // Transform ray from world to local space.

            uint startOutcode = GeometryHelper.GetOutcode(boxExtent, ray.Origin);
            uint endOutcode   = GeometryHelper.GetOutcode(boxExtent, ray.Origin + ray.Direction * ray.Length);

            if ((startOutcode & endOutcode) != 0)
                // A face of the box is a separating plane.

            // Assertion: The ray can intersect with the box but may not...
            float    λEnter     = 0;                          // ray parameter where ray enters box
            float    λExit      = 1;                          // ray parameter where ray exits box
            uint     bit        = 1;
            Vector3F r          = ray.Direction * ray.Length; // ray vector
            Vector3F halfExtent = 0.5f * boxExtent;           // Box half-extent vector.
            Vector3F normal     = Vector3F.Zero;              // normal vector

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if ((startOutcode & bit) != 0)
                    // Intersection is an entering point.
                    float λ = (-ray.Origin[i] - halfExtent[i]) / r[i];
                    if (λEnter < λ)
                        λEnter    = λ;
                        normal    = new Vector3F();
                        normal[i] = 1;
                else if ((endOutcode & bit) != 0)
                    // Intersection is an exciting point.
                    float λ = (-ray.Origin[i] - halfExtent[i]) / r[i];
                    if (λExit > λ)
                        λExit = λ;
                bit <<= 1;
                if ((startOutcode & bit) != 0)
                    // Intersection is an entering point.
                    float λ = (-ray.Origin[i] + halfExtent[i]) / r[i];
                    if (λEnter < λ)
                        λEnter    = λ;
                        normal    = new Vector3F();
                        normal[i] = -1;
                else if ((endOutcode & bit) != 0)
                    // Intersection is an exciting point.
                    float λ = (-ray.Origin[i] + halfExtent[i]) / r[i];
                    if (λExit > λ)
                        λExit = λ;
                bit <<= 1;

            if (λEnter <= λExit)
                // The ray intersects the box.
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                float penetrationDepth = λEnter * ray.Length;

                if (normal == Vector3F.Zero)
                    normal = Vector3F.UnitX;

                // Create contact info.
                Vector3F position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                normal = boxPose.ToWorldDirection(normal);
                if (swapped)
                    normal = -normal;

                // Update contact set.
                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, true);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Invoke GJK for closest points.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                throw new GeometryException("This collision algorithm cannot handle closest-point queries. Use GJK instead.");

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            BoxShape         boxA             = geometricObjectA.Shape as BoxShape;
            BoxShape         boxB             = geometricObjectB.Shape as BoxShape;

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (boxA == null || boxB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain box shapes.", "contactSet");

            Vector3F scaleA = Vector3F.Absolute(geometricObjectA.Scale);
            Vector3F scaleB = Vector3F.Absolute(geometricObjectB.Scale);
            Pose     poseA  = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose     poseB  = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            // We perform the separating axis test in the local space of A.
            // The following variables are in local space of A.

            // Center of box B.
            Vector3F cB = poseA.ToLocalPosition(poseB.Position);
            // Orientation matrix of box B
            Matrix33F mB = poseA.Orientation.Transposed * poseB.Orientation;
            // Absolute of mB.
            Matrix33F aMB = Matrix33F.Absolute(mB);

            // Half extent vectors of the boxes.
            Vector3F eA = 0.5f * boxA.Extent * scaleA;
            Vector3F eB = 0.5f * boxB.Extent * scaleB;

            // ----- Separating Axis tests
            // If the boxes are separated, we immediately return.
            // For the case of interpenetration, we store the smallest penetration depth.
            float    smallestPenetrationDepth = float.PositiveInfinity;
            int      separatingAxisNumber     = 0;
            Vector3F normal           = Vector3F.UnitX;
            bool     isNormalInverted = false;

            contactSet.HaveContact = false;   // Assume no contact.

            #region ----- Case 1: Separating Axis: (1, 0, 0) -----
            float separation = Math.Abs(cB.X) - (eA.X + eB.X * aMB.M00 + eB.Y * aMB.M01 + eB.Z * aMB.M02);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = Vector3F.UnitX;
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = cB.X < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 1;

            #region ----- Case 2: Separating Axis: (0, 1, 0) -----
            separation = Math.Abs(cB.Y) - (eA.Y + eB.X * aMB.M10 + eB.Y * aMB.M11 + eB.Z * aMB.M12);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = Vector3F.UnitY;
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = cB.Y < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 2;

            #region ----- Case 3: Separating Axis: (0, 0, 1) -----
            separation = Math.Abs(cB.Z) - (eA.Z + eB.X * aMB.M20 + eB.Y * aMB.M21 + eB.Z * aMB.M22);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = Vector3F.UnitZ;
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = cB.Z < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 3;

            #region ----- Case 4: Separating Axis: OrientationB * (1, 0, 0) -----
            float expression = cB.X * mB.M00 + cB.Y * mB.M10 + cB.Z * mB.M20;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eB.X + eA.X * aMB.M00 + eA.Y * aMB.M10 + eA.Z * aMB.M20);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = mB.GetColumn(0);
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 4;

            #region ----- Case 5: Separating Axis: OrientationB * (0, 1, 0) -----
            expression = cB.X * mB.M01 + cB.Y * mB.M11 + cB.Z * mB.M21;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eB.Y + eA.X * aMB.M01 + eA.Y * aMB.M11 + eA.Z * aMB.M21);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = mB.GetColumn(1);
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 5;

            #region ----- Case 6: Separating Axis: OrientationB * (0, 0, 1) -----
            expression = cB.X * mB.M02 + cB.Y * mB.M12 + cB.Z * mB.M22;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eB.Z + eA.X * aMB.M02 + eA.Y * aMB.M12 + eA.Z * aMB.M22);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean && -separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                normal = mB.GetColumn(2);
                smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                separatingAxisNumber     = 6;

            // The next 9 tests are edge-edge cases. The normal vector has to be normalized
            // to get the right penetration depth.
            // normal = Normalize(edgeA x edgeB)
            Vector3F separatingAxis;
            float    length;

            #region ----- Case 7: Separating Axis: (1, 0, 0) x (OrientationB * (1, 0, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.Z * mB.M10 - cB.Y * mB.M20;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.Y * aMB.M20 + eA.Z * aMB.M10 + eB.Y * aMB.M02 + eB.Z * aMB.M01);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(0, -mB.M20, mB.M10);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 7;

            #region ----- Case 8: Separating Axis: (1, 0, 0) x (OrientationB * (0, 1, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.Z * mB.M11 - cB.Y * mB.M21;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.Y * aMB.M21 + eA.Z * aMB.M11 + eB.X * aMB.M02 + eB.Z * aMB.M00);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(0, -mB.M21, mB.M11);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 8;

            #region ----- Case 9: Separating Axis: (1, 0, 0) x (OrientationB * (0, 0, 1)) -----
            expression = cB.Z * mB.M12 - cB.Y * mB.M22;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.Y * aMB.M22 + eA.Z * aMB.M12 + eB.X * aMB.M01 + eB.Y * aMB.M00);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(0, -mB.M22, mB.M12);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 9;

            #region ----- Case 10: Separating Axis: (0, 1, 0) x (OrientationB * (1, 0, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.X * mB.M20 - cB.Z * mB.M00;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M20 + eA.Z * aMB.M00 + eB.Y * aMB.M12 + eB.Z * aMB.M11);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(mB.M20, 0, -mB.M00);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 10;

            #region ----- Case 11: Separating Axis: (0, 1, 0) x (OrientationB * (0, 1, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.X * mB.M21 - cB.Z * mB.M01;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M21 + eA.Z * aMB.M01 + eB.X * aMB.M12 + eB.Z * aMB.M10);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(mB.M21, 0, -mB.M01);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 11;

            #region ----- Case 12: Separating Axis: (0, 1, 0) x (OrientationB * (0, 0, 1)) -----
            expression = cB.X * mB.M22 - cB.Z * mB.M02;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M22 + eA.Z * aMB.M02 + eB.X * aMB.M11 + eB.Y * aMB.M10);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(mB.M22, 0, -mB.M02);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 12;

            #region ----- Case 13: Separating Axis: (0, 0, 1) x (OrientationB * (1, 0, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.Y * mB.M00 - cB.X * mB.M10;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M10 + eA.Y * aMB.M00 + eB.Y * aMB.M22 + eB.Z * aMB.M21);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(-mB.M10, mB.M00, 0);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 13;

            #region ----- Case 14: Separating Axis: (0, 0, 1) x (OrientationB * (0, 1, 0)) -----
            expression = cB.Y * mB.M01 - cB.X * mB.M11;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M11 + eA.Y * aMB.M01 + eB.X * aMB.M22 + eB.Z * aMB.M20);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(-mB.M11, mB.M01, 0);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 14;

            #region ----- Case 15: Separating Axis: (0, 0, 1) x (OrientationB * (0, 0, 1)) -----
            expression = cB.Y * mB.M02 - cB.X * mB.M12;
            separation = Math.Abs(expression) - (eA.X * aMB.M12 + eA.Y * aMB.M02 + eB.X * aMB.M21 + eB.Y * aMB.M20);
            if (separation > 0)

            if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                separatingAxis = new Vector3F(-mB.M12, mB.M02, 0);
                length         = separatingAxis.Length;
                separation    /= length;
                if (-separation < smallestPenetrationDepth)
                    normal = separatingAxis / length;
                    smallestPenetrationDepth = -separation;
                    isNormalInverted         = expression < 0;
                    separatingAxisNumber     = 15;

            // We have a contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = true;

            // HaveContact queries can exit here.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

            // Lets find the contact info.
            Debug.Assert(smallestPenetrationDepth >= 0, "The smallest penetration depth should be greater than or equal to 0.");

            if (isNormalInverted)
                normal = -normal;

            // Transform normal from local space of A to world space.
            Vector3F normalWorld = poseA.ToWorldDirection(normal);

            if (separatingAxisNumber > 6)
                // The intersection was detected by an edge-edge test.
                // Get the intersecting edges.
                // Separating axes:
                //  7 = x edge on A, x edge on B
                //  8 = x edge on A, y edge on B
                //  9 = x edge on A, Z edge on B
                // 10 = y edge on A, x edge on B
                // ...
                // 15 = z edge on A, z edge on B
                var edgeA = boxA.GetEdge((separatingAxisNumber - 7) / 3, normal, scaleA);
                var edgeB = boxB.GetEdge((separatingAxisNumber - 7) % 3, Matrix33F.MultiplyTransposed(mB, -normal), scaleB);
                edgeB.Start = mB * edgeB.Start + cB;
                edgeB.End   = mB * edgeB.End + cB;

                Vector3F position;
                Vector3F dummy;
                GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoints(edgeA, edgeB, out position, out dummy);
                position = position - normal * (smallestPenetrationDepth / 2); // Position is between the positions of the box surfaces.

                // Convert back position from local space of A to world space;
                position = poseA.ToWorldPosition(position);

                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normalWorld, smallestPenetrationDepth, false);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
            else if (1 <= separatingAxisNumber && separatingAxisNumber <= 6)
                // The intersection was detected by a face vs. * test.
                // The separating axis is perpendicular to a face.

                #region ----- Credits -----
                // The face vs. * test is based on the algorithm of the Bullet Continuous Collision
                // Detection and Physics Library. DigitalRune Geometry contains a new and improved
                // implementation of the original algorithm.
                // The box-box detector in Bullet contains the following remarks:
                //    Box-Box collision detection re-distributed under the ZLib license with permission from Russell L. Smith
                //    Original version is from Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith.
                //    All rights reserved.  Email: [email protected]   Web: www.q12.org
                //    Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
                //    Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans  http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/
                //    This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
                //    In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
                //    Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
                //    including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
                //    subject to the following restrictions:
                //    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the
                //       original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
                //       documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
                //    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being
                //       the original software.
                //    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

                // We define the face perpendicular to the separating axis to be the "reference face".
                // The face of the other box closest to the reference face is called the "incident face".
                // Accordingly, we will call the box containing the reference face the "reference box" and
                // the box containing the incident face the "incident box".
                // We will transform the incident face into the 2D space of reference face. Then we will
                // clip the incident face against the reference face. The polygon resulting from the
                // intersection will be transformed back into world space and the points of the polygon will
                // be the candidates for the contact points.

                Pose     poseR;      // Pose of reference box.
                Pose     poseI;      // Pose of incident box.
                Vector3F boxExtentR; // Half extent of reference box.
                Vector3F boxExtentI; // Half extent of incident box.

                // Contact normal (= normal of reference face) in world space.
                if (separatingAxisNumber <= 3)
                    poseR            = poseA;
                    poseI            = poseB;
                    boxExtentR       = eA;
                    boxExtentI       = eB;
                    isNormalInverted = false;
                    poseR            = poseB;
                    poseI            = poseA;
                    boxExtentR       = eB;
                    boxExtentI       = eA;
                    normalWorld      = -normalWorld;
                    isNormalInverted = true;

                // Contact normal in local space of incident box.
                Vector3F normalI = poseI.ToLocalDirection(normalWorld);

                Vector3F absNormal = normalI;

                Vector3F xAxisInc, yAxisInc; // The basis of the incident-face space.
                float    absFaceOffsetI;     // The offset of the incident face to the center of the box.
                Vector2F faceExtentI;        // The half extent of the incident face.
                Vector3F faceNormal;         // The normal of the incident face in world space.
                float    faceDirection;      // A value indicating the direction of the incident face.

                // Find the largest component of the normal. The largest component indicates which face is
                // the incident face.
                switch (Vector3F.Absolute(normalI).IndexOfLargestComponent)
                case 0:
                    faceExtentI.X  = boxExtentI.Y;
                    faceExtentI.Y  = boxExtentI.Z;
                    absFaceOffsetI = boxExtentI.X;
                    faceNormal     = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(0);
                    xAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(1);
                    yAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(2);
                    faceDirection  = normalI.X;

                case 1:
                    faceExtentI.X  = boxExtentI.X;
                    faceExtentI.Y  = boxExtentI.Z;
                    absFaceOffsetI = boxExtentI.Y;
                    faceNormal     = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(1);
                    xAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(0);
                    yAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(2);
                    faceDirection  = normalI.Y;

                // case 2:
                    faceExtentI.X  = boxExtentI.X;
                    faceExtentI.Y  = boxExtentI.Y;
                    absFaceOffsetI = boxExtentI.Z;
                    faceNormal     = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(2);
                    xAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(0);
                    yAxisInc       = poseI.Orientation.GetColumn(1);
                    faceDirection  = normalI.Z;

                // Compute center of incident face relative to the center of the reference box in world space.
                float    faceOffset    = (faceDirection < 0) ? absFaceOffsetI : -absFaceOffsetI;
                Vector3F centerOfFaceI = faceNormal * faceOffset + poseI.Position - poseR.Position;

                // (Note: We will use the center of the incident face to compute the points of the incident
                // face and transform the points into the reference-face frame. The center of the incident
                // face is relative to the center of the reference box. We could also get center of the
                // incident face relative to the center of the reference face. But since we are projecting
                // the points from 3D to 2D this does not matter.)

                Vector3F xAxisR, yAxisR; // The basis of the reference-face space.
                float    faceOffsetR;    // The offset of the reference face to the center of the box.
                Vector2F faceExtentR;    // The half extent of the reference face.
                switch (separatingAxisNumber)
                case 1:
                case 4:
                    faceExtentR.X = boxExtentR.Y;
                    faceExtentR.Y = boxExtentR.Z;
                    faceOffsetR   = boxExtentR.X;
                    xAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(1);
                    yAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(2);

                case 2:
                case 5:
                    faceExtentR.X = boxExtentR.X;
                    faceExtentR.Y = boxExtentR.Z;
                    faceOffsetR   = boxExtentR.Y;
                    xAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(0);
                    yAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(2);

                // case 3:
                // case 6:
                    faceExtentR.X = boxExtentR.X;
                    faceExtentR.Y = boxExtentR.Y;
                    faceOffsetR   = boxExtentR.Z;
                    xAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(0);
                    yAxisR        = poseR.Orientation.GetColumn(1);

                // Compute the center of the incident face in the reference-face frame.
                // We can simply project centerOfFaceI onto the x- and y-axis of the reference
                // face.
                Vector2F centerOfFaceIInR;

                //centerOfFaceIInR.X = Vector3F.Dot(centerOfFaceI, xAxisR);
                // ----- Optimized version:
                centerOfFaceIInR.X = centerOfFaceI.X * xAxisR.X + centerOfFaceI.Y * xAxisR.Y + centerOfFaceI.Z * xAxisR.Z;

                //centerOfFaceIInR.Y = Vector3F.Dot(centerOfFaceI, yAxisR);
                // ----- Optimized version:
                centerOfFaceIInR.Y = centerOfFaceI.X * yAxisR.X + centerOfFaceI.Y * yAxisR.Y + centerOfFaceI.Z * yAxisR.Z;

                // Now, we have the center of the incident face in reference-face coordinates.
                // To compute the corners of the incident face in reference-face coordinates, we need
                // transform faceExtentI (the half extent vector of the incident face) from the incident-
                // face frame to the reference-face frame to compute the corners.
                // The reference-face frame has the basis
                //   mR = (xAxisR, yAxisR, ?)
                // The incident-face frame has the basis
                //   mI = (xAxisI, yAxisI, ?)
                // Rotation from incident-face frame to reference-face frame is
                //   mIToR = mR^-1 * mI
                // The corner offsets in incident-face space is are vectors (x, y, 0). To transform these
                // vectors from incident-face space to reference-face space we need to calculate:
                //   mIToR * v
                // Since the z-components are 0 and we are only interested in the resulting x, y coordinates
                // in reference-space when can reduce the rotation to a 2 x 2 matrix. (The other components
                // are not needed.)

                // ----- Optimized version: (Original on the right)
                Matrix22F mIToR;
                mIToR.M00 = xAxisR.X * xAxisInc.X + xAxisR.Y * xAxisInc.Y + xAxisR.Z * xAxisInc.Z; // mIToR.M00 = Vector3F.Dot(xAxisR, xAxisInc);
                mIToR.M01 = xAxisR.X * yAxisInc.X + xAxisR.Y * yAxisInc.Y + xAxisR.Z * yAxisInc.Z; // mIToR.M01 = Vector3F.Dot(xAxisR, yAxisInc);
                mIToR.M10 = yAxisR.X * xAxisInc.X + yAxisR.Y * xAxisInc.Y + yAxisR.Z * xAxisInc.Z; // mIToR.M10 = Vector3F.Dot(yAxisR, xAxisInc);
                mIToR.M11 = yAxisR.X * yAxisInc.X + yAxisR.Y * yAxisInc.Y + yAxisR.Z * yAxisInc.Z; // mIToR.M11 = Vector3F.Dot(yAxisR, yAxisInc);

                // The corner offsets in incident-face space are:
                //  (-faceExtentI.X, -faceExtentI.Y) ... left, bottom corner
                //  ( faceExtentI.X, -faceExtentI.Y) ... right, bottom corner
                //  ( faceExtentI.X,  faceExtentI.Y) ... right, top corner
                //  (-faceExtentI.X,  faceExtentI.Y) ... left, top corner
                // Instead of transforming each corner offset, we can optimize the computation: Do the
                // matrix-vector multiplication once, keep the intermediate products, apply the sign
                // of the components when adding the intermediate results.

                float           k1   = mIToR.M00 * faceExtentI.X; // Products of matrix-vector multiplication.
                float           k2   = mIToR.M01 * faceExtentI.Y;
                float           k3   = mIToR.M10 * faceExtentI.X;
                float           k4   = mIToR.M11 * faceExtentI.Y;
                List <Vector2F> quad = DigitalRune.ResourcePools <Vector2F> .Lists.Obtain();

                quad.Add(new Vector2F(centerOfFaceIInR.X - k1 - k2, centerOfFaceIInR.Y - k3 - k4));
                quad.Add(new Vector2F(centerOfFaceIInR.X + k1 - k2, centerOfFaceIInR.Y + k3 - k4));
                quad.Add(new Vector2F(centerOfFaceIInR.X + k1 + k2, centerOfFaceIInR.Y + k3 + k4));
                quad.Add(new Vector2F(centerOfFaceIInR.X - k1 + k2, centerOfFaceIInR.Y - k3 + k4));

                // Clip incident face (quadrilateral) against reference face (rectangle).
                List <Vector2F> contacts2D = ClipQuadrilateralAgainstRectangle(faceExtentR, quad);

                // Transform contact points back to world space and compute penetration depths.
                int             numberOfContacts = contacts2D.Count;
                List <Vector3F> contacts3D       = DigitalRune.ResourcePools <Vector3F> .Lists.Obtain();

                List <float> penetrationDepths = DigitalRune.ResourcePools <float> .Lists.Obtain();

                Matrix22F mRToI = mIToR.Inverse;
                for (int i = numberOfContacts - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Vector2F contact2DR = contacts2D[i];                           // Contact in reference-face space.
                    Vector2F contact2DI = mRToI * (contact2DR - centerOfFaceIInR); // Contact in incident-face space.

                    // Transform point in incident-face space to world (relative to center of reference box).
                    // contact3D = mI * (x, y, 0) + centerOfFaceI
                    Vector3F contact3D;
                    contact3D.X = xAxisInc.X * contact2DI.X + yAxisInc.X * contact2DI.Y + centerOfFaceI.X;
                    contact3D.Y = xAxisInc.Y * contact2DI.X + yAxisInc.Y * contact2DI.Y + centerOfFaceI.Y;
                    contact3D.Z = xAxisInc.Z * contact2DI.X + yAxisInc.Z * contact2DI.Y + centerOfFaceI.Z;

                    // Compute penetration depth.

                    //float penetrationDepth = faceOffsetR - Vector3F.Dot(normalWorld, contact3D);
                    // ----- Optimized version:
                    float penetrationDepth = faceOffsetR - (normalWorld.X * contact3D.X + normalWorld.Y * contact3D.Y + normalWorld.Z * contact3D.Z);

                    if (penetrationDepth >= 0)
                        // Valid contact.
                        // Remove bad contacts from the 2D contacts.
                        // (We might still need the 2D contacts, if we need to reduce the contacts.)

                numberOfContacts = contacts3D.Count;
                if (numberOfContacts == 0)
                    return; // Should never happen.
                // Revert normal back to original direction.
                normal = (isNormalInverted) ? -normalWorld : normalWorld;

                // Note: normal ........ contact normal pointing from box A to B.
                //       normalWorld ... contact normal pointing from reference box to incident box.

                if (numberOfContacts <= MaxNumberOfContacts)
                    // Add all contacts to contact set.
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                        float penetrationDepth = penetrationDepths[i];

                        // Position is between the positions of the box surfaces.
                        Vector3F position = contacts3D[i] + poseR.Position + normalWorld * (penetrationDepth / 2);

                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
                    // Reduce number of contacts, keep the contact with the max penetration depth.
                    int   indexOfDeepest      = 0;
                    float maxPenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                        float penetrationDepth = penetrationDepths[i];
                        if (penetrationDepth > maxPenetrationDepth)
                            maxPenetrationDepth = penetrationDepth;
                            indexOfDeepest      = i;

                    List <int> indicesOfContacts = ReduceContacts(contacts2D, indexOfDeepest, MaxNumberOfContacts);

                    // Add selected contacts to contact set.
                    numberOfContacts = indicesOfContacts.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                        int   index            = indicesOfContacts[i];
                        float penetrationDepth = penetrationDepths[index];

                        // Position is between the positions of the box surfaces.
                        Vector3F position = contacts3D[index] + poseR.Position + normalWorld * (penetrationDepth / 2);

                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepths[index], false);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                    DigitalRune.ResourcePools <int> .Lists.Recycle(indicesOfContacts);

                DigitalRune.ResourcePools <Vector2F> .Lists.Recycle(contacts2D);

                DigitalRune.ResourcePools <Vector3F> .Lists.Recycle(contacts3D);

                DigitalRune.ResourcePools <float> .Lists.Recycle(penetrationDepths);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            IGeometricObject sphereObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;
            SphereShape      sphereShapeA  = sphereObjectA.Shape as SphereShape;
            SphereShape      sphereShapeB  = sphereObjectB.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision objects are spheres.
            if (sphereShapeA == null || sphereShapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain sphere shapes.", "contactSet");

            Vector3F scaleA = Vector3F.Absolute(sphereObjectA.Scale);
            Vector3F scaleB = Vector3F.Absolute(sphereObjectB.Scale);

            // Call MPR for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (scaleA.X != scaleA.Y || scaleA.Y != scaleA.Z ||
                scaleB.X != scaleB.Y || scaleB.Y != scaleB.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(ConvexShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Apply uniform scale.
            float radiusA = sphereShapeA.Radius * scaleA.X;
            float radiusB = sphereShapeB.Radius * scaleB.X;

            // Vector from center of A to center of B.
            Vector3F centerA    = sphereObjectA.Pose.Position;
            Vector3F centerB    = sphereObjectB.Pose.Position;
            Vector3F aToB       = centerB - centerA;
            float    lengthAToB = aToB.Length;

            // Check radius of spheres.
            float penetrationDepth = radiusA + radiusB - lengthAToB;

            contactSet.HaveContact = penetrationDepth >= 0;

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // ----- Create contact information.
            Vector3F normal;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(lengthAToB))
                // Spheres are on the same position, we can choose any normal vector.
                // Possibly it would be better to consider the object movement (velocities), but
                // it is not important since this case should be VERY rare.
                normal = Vector3F.UnitY;
                normal = aToB.Normalized;

            // The contact point lies in the middle of the intersecting volume.
            Vector3F position = centerA + normal * (radiusA - penetrationDepth / 2);

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. convex has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the convex.
            IGeometricObject rayObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject convexObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap object if necessary.
            bool swapped = (convexObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref convexObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            ConvexShape convexShape = convexObject.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || convexShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a convex shape.", "contactSet");

            // Call line segment vs. convex for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Find point on ray closest to the convex shape.

                // Call GJK.
                _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
                if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                // Otherwise compute 1 contact ...
                // GJK result is invalid for penetration.
                foreach (var contact in contactSet)


            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3 rayScale    = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3 convexScale = convexObject.Scale;
            Pose    convexPose  = convexObject.Pose;
            Pose    rayPose     = rayObject.Pose;

            // See Raycasting paper of van den Bergen or Bullet.
            // Note: Compute in local space of convex (object B).

            // Scale ray and transform ray to local space of convex.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);  // Scale ray.
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose); // Transform ray to world space.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref convexPose); // Transform ray to local space of convex.

            var simplex = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();

                Vector3 s = ray.Origin;                 // source
                Vector3 r = ray.Direction * ray.Length; // ray
                float   λ = 0;                          // ray parameter
                Vector3 x = s;                          // hit spot (on ray)
                Vector3 n = new Vector3();              // normal
                Vector3 v = x - convexShape.GetSupportPoint(ray.Direction, convexScale);
                // v = x - arbitrary point. Vector used for support mapping.
                float distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared(); // ||v||²
                int   iterationCount  = 0;

                while (distanceSquared > Numeric.EpsilonF && iterationCount < MaxNumberOfIterations)
                    Vector3 p = convexShape.GetSupportPoint(v, convexScale); // point on convex
                    Vector3 w = x - p;                                       // simplex/Minkowski difference point

                    float vDotW = Vector3.Dot(v, w);                         // v∙w
                    if (vDotW > 0)
                        float vDotR = Vector3.Dot(v, r); // v∙r
                        if (vDotR >= 0)                  // TODO: vDotR >= - Epsilon^2 ?
                            return;                      // No Hit.
                        λ = λ - vDotW / vDotR;
                        x = s + λ * r;
                        simplex.Clear(); // Configuration space obstacle (CSO) is translated whenever x is updated.
                        w = x - p;
                        n = v;

                    simplex.Add(w, x, p);
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;
                    distanceSquared = (simplex.IsValid && !simplex.IsFull) ? v.LengthSquared() : 0;

                // We have a contact if the hit is inside the ray length.
                contactSet.HaveContact = (0 <= λ && λ <= 1);

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                    // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                    // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

                float penetrationDepth = λ * ray.Length;

                Debug.Assert(contactSet.HaveContact, "Separation was not detected by GJK above.");

                // Convert back to world space.
                Vector3 position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                n = convexPose.ToWorldDirection(n);
                if (!n.TryNormalize())
                    n = Vector3.UnitY;

                if (swapped)
                    n = -n;

                // Update contact set.
                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, -n, penetrationDepth, true);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Invoke GJK for closest points.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                throw new GeometryException("This collision algorithm cannot handle closest-point queries. Use GJK instead.");

            //if (UseMpr)
            //  if (_mpr == null)
            //    _mpr = new MinkowskiPortalRefinement(CollisionDetection);

            //  _mpr.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
            //  return;

            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            TriangleShape    triangleShapeA   = geometricObjectA.Shape as TriangleShape;
            TriangleShape    triangleShapeB   = geometricObjectB.Shape as TriangleShape;

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (triangleShapeA == null || triangleShapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain triangle shapes.", "contactSet");

            Vector3F scaleA = Vector3F.Absolute(geometricObjectA.Scale);
            Vector3F scaleB = Vector3F.Absolute(geometricObjectB.Scale);
            Pose     poseA  = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose     poseB  = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            // Get triangles in world space.
            Triangle triangleA;

            triangleA.Vertex0 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeA.Vertex0 * scaleA);
            triangleA.Vertex1 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeA.Vertex1 * scaleA);
            triangleA.Vertex2 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeA.Vertex2 * scaleA);
            Triangle triangleB;

            triangleB.Vertex0 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeB.Vertex0 * scaleB);
            triangleB.Vertex1 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeB.Vertex1 * scaleB);
            triangleB.Vertex2 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleShapeB.Vertex2 * scaleB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                contactSet.HaveContact = GeometryHelper.HaveContact(ref triangleA, ref triangleB);

            Debug.Assert(type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts, "TriangleTriangleAlgorithm cannot handle closest point queries.");

            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            Vector3F position, normal;
            float    penetrationDepth;

            if (!GetContact(ref triangleA, ref triangleB, false, false, out position, out normal, out penetrationDepth))

            contactSet.HaveContact = true;

            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);