Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ConvexSweepTest(ConvexShape castShape, ref IndexedMatrix convexFromWorld, ref IndexedMatrix convexToWorld, ConvexResultCallback resultCallback, float allowedCcdPenetration)
            IndexedMatrix convexFromTrans = convexFromWorld;
            IndexedMatrix convexToTrans   = convexToWorld;

            IndexedVector3 castShapeAabbMin;
            IndexedVector3 castShapeAabbMax;
            /* Compute AABB that encompasses angular movement */
            IndexedVector3 linVel, angVel;

            TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans, 1.0f, out linVel, out angVel);

            // FIXME MAN check this - should be a get/set rotation call, basis copy like this may break with scale?
            IndexedMatrix R = IndexedMatrix.Identity;


            castShape.CalculateTemporalAabb(ref R, ref linVel, ref angVel, 1.0f, out castShapeAabbMin, out castShapeAabbMax);

            /// go over all objects, and if the ray intersects their aabb + cast shape aabb,
            // do a ray-shape query using convexCaster (CCD)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_overlappingObjects.Count; i++)
                CollisionObject collisionObject = m_overlappingObjects[i];
                //only perform raycast if filterMask matches
                if (resultCallback.NeedsCollision(collisionObject.GetBroadphaseHandle()))
                    //RigidcollisionObject* collisionObject = ctrl->GetRigidcollisionObject();
                    IndexedVector3 collisionObjectAabbMin;
                    IndexedVector3 collisionObjectAabbMax;
                    IndexedMatrix  t = collisionObject.GetWorldTransform();
                    collisionObject.GetCollisionShape().GetAabb(ref t, out collisionObjectAabbMin, out collisionObjectAabbMax);
                    AabbUtil2.AabbExpand(ref collisionObjectAabbMin, ref collisionObjectAabbMax, ref castShapeAabbMin, ref castShapeAabbMax);
                    float          hitLambda = 1f; //could use resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction, but needs testing
                    IndexedVector3 hitNormal;

                    if (AabbUtil2.RayAabb(convexFromWorld._origin, convexToWorld._origin, ref collisionObjectAabbMin, ref collisionObjectAabbMax, ref hitLambda, out hitNormal))
                        IndexedMatrix wt = collisionObject.GetWorldTransform();
                        CollisionWorld.ObjectQuerySingle(castShape, ref convexFromTrans, ref convexToTrans,
                                                         ref wt,