internal static void OnSubmitted(Task task) { var winsChange = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(WindowChange)) as WindowChange[]; if (winsChange.Length == 0) { return; // user closed submit window before submit finished. Just ignore the status callback. } var win = winsChange[0]; win.assetList = task.assetList; win.submitResultCode = task.resultCode; win.submitErrorMessage = null; if ((task.resultCode & (int)SubmitResult.Error) != 0) { string delim = ""; foreach (Message msg in task.messages) { if (msg.severity == Message.Severity.Error) { win.submitErrorMessage += delim + msg.message; } } } if ((task.resultCode & ((int)SubmitResult.OK | (int)SubmitResult.Error)) != 0) { WindowPending.UpdateAllWindows(); bool isNewChangeSet = win.changeSet == null; if (isNewChangeSet) { // When change list becomes empty we open it to make "delete empty changessets" button visible Task flushTask = Provider.Status(""); // Make a dummy task and wait for it since that will guarantee up to date lists flushTask.Wait(); WindowPending.ExpandLatestChangeSet(); } } if ((task.resultCode & (int)SubmitResult.OK) != 0) { win.ResetAndClose(); } else { WindowResolve.Open(win.assetList); win.ResetAndClose(); } }
internal static void OnSubmitted(Task task) { WindowChange[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(WindowChange)) as WindowChange[]; if (array.Length == 0) { return; } WindowChange windowChange = array[0]; windowChange.assetList = task.assetList; windowChange.submitResultCode = task.resultCode; windowChange.submitErrorMessage = null; if ((task.resultCode & 2) != 0) { string empty = string.Empty; Message[] messages = task.messages; for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++) { Message message = messages[i]; if (message.severity == Message.Severity.Error) { WindowChange expr_77 = windowChange; expr_77.submitErrorMessage = expr_77.submitErrorMessage + empty + message.message; } } } if ((task.resultCode & 3) != 0) { WindowPending.UpdateAllWindows(); bool flag = windowChange.changeSet == null; if (flag) { Task task2 = Provider.Status(string.Empty); task2.Wait(); WindowPending.ExpandLatestChangeSet(); } } if ((task.resultCode & 1) != 0) { windowChange.ResetAndClose(); } else { windowChange.RefreshList(); } }
internal static void OnSubmitted(Task task) { WindowChange[] objectsOfTypeAll = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(WindowChange)) as WindowChange[]; if (objectsOfTypeAll.Length == 0) { return; } WindowChange windowChange1 = objectsOfTypeAll[0]; windowChange1.assetList = task.assetList; windowChange1.submitResultCode = task.resultCode; windowChange1.submitErrorMessage = (string)null; if ((task.resultCode & 2) != 0) { string empty = string.Empty; foreach (Message message in task.messages) { if (message.severity == Message.Severity.Error) { WindowChange windowChange2 = windowChange1; string str = windowChange2.submitErrorMessage + empty + message.message; windowChange2.submitErrorMessage = str; } } } if ((task.resultCode & 3) != 0) { WindowPending.UpdateAllWindows(); if (windowChange1.changeSet == null) { Provider.Status(string.Empty).Wait(); WindowPending.ExpandLatestChangeSet(); } } if ((task.resultCode & 1) != 0) { windowChange1.ResetAndClose(); } else { windowChange1.RefreshList(); } }
internal static void OnSubmitted(Task task) { WindowChange[] changeArray = UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(WindowChange)) as WindowChange[]; if (changeArray.Length != 0) { WindowChange change = changeArray[0]; change.assetList = task.assetList; change.submitResultCode = task.resultCode; change.submitErrorMessage = null; if ((task.resultCode & 2) != 0) { string str = ""; foreach (Message message in task.messages) { if (message.severity == Message.Severity.Error) { change.submitErrorMessage = change.submitErrorMessage + str + message.message; } } } if ((task.resultCode & 3) != 0) { WindowPending.UpdateAllWindows(); if (change.changeSet == null) { Provider.Status("").Wait(); WindowPending.ExpandLatestChangeSet(); } } if ((task.resultCode & 1) != 0) { change.ResetAndClose(); } else { change.RefreshList(); } } }