public void doAction(string input) { Console.WriteLine(); try { if (Barkeeper.Isalive == false) { OutdoorArea.Available = true; } if (input == "n" || input == "north") { if (Player.Location.Northexit != null && (Player.Location.Northexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Northexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "e" || input == "east") { if (Player.Location.Eastexit != null && (Player.Location.Eastexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Eastexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "s" || input == "south") { if (Player.Location.Southexit != null && (Player.Location.Southexit.Available = true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Southexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "w" || input == "west") { if (Player.Location.Westexit != null && (Player.Location.Westexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Westexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "help" || input == "h") { Console.WriteLine("'l' or 'look': Shows you the room and its exits"); Console.WriteLine("'lookat X': Gives you information about a specific Character"); Console.WriteLine("'t' or 'take' <item>: Attempts to pick up an item."); Console.WriteLine("'d' or 'drop': Attemps to drop an item."); Console.WriteLine("'use '<item>: Attempts to use an item."); Console.WriteLine("'i' or 'inventory': Allows you to see the items in your inventory."); Console.WriteLine("'q' or 'quit': Quits the game."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Directions can be input as either the full word, or the abbriviation, e.g. 'north or n'"); return; } if (input == "i" || input == "inventory") { if (Player.Characterinventory.Count() > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Your inventory contains the following Items: "); Character.getCharacterinventory(Player); Console.WriteLine(); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Your inventory contains no Items."); } } if (input.StartsWith("t ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(2, input.Length - 2); Character.take(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("take ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(5, input.Length - 5); Character.take(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("d ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(2, input.Length - 2); Character.drop(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("drop ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(5, input.Length - 5); Character.drop(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input == "t" || input == "take") { Console.Write("Choose the Item you want to pick up : 't' or 'take' <item>"); } if (input == "l" || input == "look") { Console.WriteLine(Player.Location.Describtion); Console.WriteLine("You see:"); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); Room.getExitDescribtion(Player); } if (input.StartsWith("use ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(4, input.Length - 4); Character.use(Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("attack ")) { string choosedcharacter = input.Substring(7, input.Length - 7); Character.attack(Player, choosedcharacter); } if (input.StartsWith("talkto ")) { string choosedcharacter = input.Substring(7, input.Length - 7); Character.talkto(Player, choosedcharacter); } if (input.StartsWith("lookat ")) { string choosedcharacter = input.Substring(7, input.Length - 7); Character.lookat(Player, choosedcharacter); } } catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command. Type 'h' or 'help to get the command list."); } }
public void doAction(string input) { Console.WriteLine(); if (Lady.Dialougeline > 1) { Random rnd = new Random(); Ladysboyfriend.IsAgressive = true; //Ladysboyfriend.Location.CharacterList.Remove(Ladysboyfriend); //Roomlist[rnd.Next(Roomlist.Count)].CharacterList.Add(Ladysboyfriend); } if (Penn.Dialougeline > 0) { Penn.IsAgressive = true; } if (Man.Isalive == false) { Growroom.Available = true; } foreach (var item in Player.Characterinventory) { if (item.Name == "Herbs") { Wayhome.Available = true; } } foreach (var character in Player.Location.CharacterList) { if (character.IsAgressive == true) { Character.getattack(Player, character); } } try { string pattern = @"([a-zA-Z]+) "; Match firststring = Regex.Match(input, pattern); if (input == "n" || input == "north") { if (Player.Location.Northexit != null && (Player.Location.Northexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Northexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "e" || input == "east") { if (Player.Location.Eastexit != null && (Player.Location.Eastexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Eastexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "s" || input == "south") { if (Player.Location.Southexit != null && (Player.Location.Southexit.Available = true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Southexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "w" || input == "west") { if (Player.Location.Westexit != null && (Player.Location.Westexit.Available == true)) { Player.Location = Player.Location.Westexit; Character.getCharacterLocation(Player); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no way! Choose another one!"); } } if (input == "help" || input == "h") { Console.WriteLine("'l' or 'look' ---------> Shows you the room and its exits"); Console.WriteLine("'t' or 'take' <item>: -> Attempts to pick up an item."); Console.WriteLine("'d' or 'drop': --------> Attempts to drop an item."); Console.WriteLine("'u' or 'use' <item>: --> Attempts to use an item."); Console.WriteLine("'i' or 'inventory': ---> Allows you to see the items in your inventory."); Console.WriteLine("'q' or 'quit': --------> Quits the game."); Console.WriteLine("'a' or 'attack' <char>: Attempts to attack a character"); Console.WriteLine("'lookat' <x>: ---------> Gives you information about a specific item in your inventory or your current room,\n " + " either more information about a character in your current room. ( <x> = <char> or <item> )"); Console.WriteLine("'talkto' <character> --> Attempts you to talk to characters."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Directions can be input as either the full word, or the abbriviation, e.g. 'north' or 'n'"); return; } if (input == "i" || input == "inventory") { if (Player.Characterinventory.Count() > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Your inventory contains the following Items: "); Character.getCharacterinventory(Player); Console.WriteLine(); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Your inventory contains no Items."); } } //if (input.StartsWith("a ")) if (input.StartsWith("t ") || input.StartsWith("take ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length); Character.take(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("d ") || input.StartsWith("drop ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length); Character.drop(Player.Location, Player, chooseditem); } if (input == "t" || input == "take") { Console.Write("Choose the Item you want to pick up: 't' or 'take' <item>"); } if (input == "l" || input == "look") { Console.Write(Player.Location.Name + ": "); Console.WriteLine(Player.Location.Describtion); Room.getExitDescribtion(Player); Console.WriteLine("You see"); Room.getCharacterlist(Player.Location); Room.getRoominventory(Player.Location); } if (input.StartsWith("use ") || input.StartsWith("u ")) { string chooseditem = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length);; Character.use(Player, chooseditem); } if (input.StartsWith("a ") || input.StartsWith("attack ")) { string choosedcharacter = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length); Character.attack(Player, choosedcharacter); } if (input.StartsWith("lookat ")) { string choice = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length); Character.lookat(Player, choice); } if (input.StartsWith("talkto ")) { string choosedcharacter = input.Substring(firststring.Value.Length, input.Length - firststring.Value.Length); Character.talkto(Player, choosedcharacter); } } //if (Player.Location) catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command. Type 'h' or 'help to get the command list."); } }