private void resetVariables(Player p) { p.setSkullCycles(0); p.getSpecialAttack().resetSpecial(); p.setLastkiller(null); p.setDead(false); p.setEntityFocus(65535); p.setPoisonAmount(0); p.clearKillersHits(); p.setLastVengeanceTime(0); p.setVengeance(false); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("willDie"); p.setFrozen(false); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("unmovable"); p.setAntifireCycles(0); p.setSuperAntipoisonCycles(0); p.setTeleblockTime(0); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("teleblocked"); p.setTarget(null); p.setAttacker(null); foreach (Skills.SKILL skill in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Skills.SKILL))) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(skill, p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(skill)); p.getPackets().sendSkillLevels(); Prayer.deactivateAllPrayers(p); if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("cantDoAnything") != null) { p.getAppearance().setInvisible(false); p.getUpdateFlags().setAppearanceUpdateRequired(true); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("cantDoAnything"); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("unmovable"); teleportToWaitingRoom(p, false); p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); p.getPackets().setMinimapStatus(0); p.getPackets().clearMapFlag(); } }
private static void drinkPotion(Player p, int i, int j, int slot) { //TODO antipoisons/antifire int lastPotion = -1; int delay = 500; long lastDrink = 0; if (p.isDead() || p.getTemporaryAttribute("willDie") != null) { return; } if (p.getDuel() != null) { if (p.getDuel().ruleEnabled(DuelSession.RULE.NO_DRINKS)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("Drinks have been disabled for this duel!"); return; } } if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastDrankPotion") != null) { lastPotion = (int) p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastDrankPotion"); } if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("drinkPotionTimer") != null) { lastDrink = (int) p.getTemporaryAttribute("drinkPotionTimer"); } int time = (j == lastPotion) ? 1000 : 500; if (Environment.TickCount - lastDrink < time) { return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); p.setTemporaryAttribute("drinkPotionTimer", Environment.TickCount); p.setTemporaryAttribute("lastDrankPotion", j); p.setTarget(null); p.resetCombatTurns(); p.setEntityFocus(65535); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("autoCasting"); Event drinkPotionEvent = new Event(delay); drinkPotionEvent.setAction(() => { drinkPotionEvent.stop(); if (p.isDead() || p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS) <= 0) { return; } int item = i != 0 && POTIONS[i - 1][j] != -1 ? POTIONS[i - 1][j] : 229; if (!p.getInventory().replaceItemSlot(POTIONS[i][j], item, slot)) { return; } string drinkPotion = ItemData.forId(POTIONS[0][j]).getName().Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("3", "").Replace("2", "").Replace("1", "").ToLower(); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You drink some of your " + drinkPotion + "."); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You have " + (i == 0 ? "no" : i.ToString()) + " doses of potion left."); switch(j) { case 0: //Attack potion [+3 and 10% of max attack] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 0.10, 3, false); break; case 1: //Antipoison potion p.setPoisonAmount(0); break; case 2: //Strength potion [+3 and 10% of max strength] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.10, 3, false); break; case 3: //Restore potion [restores randomly between 10-39 points] restorePotion(p, Skills.SKILL.DEFENCE, 10, 39); restorePotion(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 10, 39); restorePotion(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 10, 39); restorePotion(p, Skills.SKILL.RANGE, 10, 39); restorePotion(p, Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS, 10, 39); break; case 4: //Energy potion [restores 20% energy] double newEnergy = p.getRunEnergy() * 0.20; p.setRunEnergy(((p.getRunEnergy() + (int)newEnergy >= 100) ? 100 : (p.getRunEnergy() + (int)newEnergy))); break; case 5: //Defence potion [Should be +3 and 10% of max defence] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.DEFENCE, 0.10, 3, false); break; case 6: //Agility potion [restores 2 or 3 agility points] int newAgility = misc.random(2, 3) + p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY); if (newAgility < p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.AGILITY, newAgility); break; case 7: //Combat potion [Should be 10% of attack+strength and +3 to each]. statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 0.10, 3, false); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.10, 3, false); break; case 8: //Prayer potion, [heals 7-31, formula = 7+floor(prayerlevel/4)] int newPrayer = 7 + (int)Math.Floor((double)(p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER) / 4)) + p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER); if (newPrayer < p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.PRAYER, newPrayer); checkOverdose(p, Skills.SKILL.PRAYER); break; case 9: //Summoning potion [25% of players summoning + 7] int newSummoning = (7 + (int)((double)p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.SUMMONING) * 0.25)) + p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.SUMMONING); if (newSummoning < p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.SUMMONING)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.SUMMONING, newSummoning); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.10, 3, false); break; case 10: //Super attack potion [15% of players attack + 5] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 0.15, 5, false); break; case 11: // super antipoison p.setPoisonAmount(0); p.setSuperAntipoisonCycles(20); break; case 12: //Fishing potion [fishing +3] if (p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING) < (p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING) + 3)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING, p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING) + 3); break; case 13: p.setRunEnergy(p.getRunEnergy() + 20); if (p.getRunEnergy() >= 100) { p.setRunEnergy(100); } break; case 14: //Hunter potion [hunting + 3] if (p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.HUNTER) < (p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.HUNTER) + 3)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.HUNTER, p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.HUNTER) + 3); break; case 15: //Super strength [strength 15% +5] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.15, 5, false); break; case 16: //restores all skills by 33%. foreach (Skills.SKILL skill in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Skills.SKILL))) superRestorePotion(p, skill, 0.33); break; case 17://Super defence [defence 15% +5] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.DEFENCE, 0.15, 5, false); break; case 18: // Antifire potion p.setAntifireCycles(20); break; case 19: //Ranging potions statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.RANGE, 0.10, 4, false); break; case 20: //Magic potion. if (p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.MAGIC) < (p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.MAGIC) + 4)) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.MAGIC, p.getSkills().getCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.MAGIC) + 4); break; case 21: //Zamorak brew potion. [Attack %20+2][Strength %12 +2][Defense -10% + -2][hitpoints -10% + 20] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 0.20, 2, false); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.12, 2, false); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.DEFENCE, 0.10, 2, true); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS, 0.10, 20, true); break; case 22: //Saradomin brew potion. [Hitpoints +%15][Defense +25%][Strength, Attack, Magic and Ranged -10%] statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS, 0.15, 0, false); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.DEFENCE, 0.25, 0, false); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.STRENGTH, 0.10, 0, true); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.ATTACK, 0.10, 0, true); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.MAGIC, 0.10, 0, true); statBoost(p, Skills.SKILL.RANGE, 0.10, 0, true); break; } p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(829)); p.getPackets().sendSkillLevels(); }); Server.registerEvent(drinkPotionEvent); }