public GroundItem(int id, int amount, Location location, Player owner) : base(id, amount) { this.location = location; this.owner = owner; respawn = false; this.dropTime = Environment.TickCount; if (owner != null) { ownerId = owner.getIndex(); } }
public static void enterCave(Player p) { AreaEvent enterCaveAreaEvent = new AreaEvent(p, 2438, 5168, 2439, 5168); enterCaveAreaEvent.setAction(() => { /* * Fight cave is 20k squares from the original place, then another (200 * playerIndex) squares west. */ Location instanceLocation = new Location((20000 + 2413) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 20000 + 5116, 0); p.teleport(instanceLocation); p.setFightCave(new FightCaveSession(p)); Event caveNpcEvent = new Event(600); caveNpcEvent.setAction(() => { caveNpcEvent.stop(); p.getPackets().sendNPCHead(2617, 242, 1); p.getPackets().modifyText("TzHaar-Mej-Jal", 242, 3); p.getPackets().modifyText("You're on your own now, JalYt.", 242, 4); p.getPackets().modifyText("Pepare to fight for your life!", 242, 5); p.getPackets().animateInterface(9827, 242, 1); p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface2(242); }); Server.registerEvent(caveNpcEvent); }); Server.registerCoordinateEvent(enterCaveAreaEvent); }
private static void summonJadHealers(Player p, Npc jad) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Npc npc = new Npc(2746); Location minCoords = new Location((20000 + 2363) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 25502, 0); Location maxCoords = new Location((20000 + 2430) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 25123, 0); npc.setMinimumCoords(minCoords); npc.setMaximumCoords(maxCoords); npc.setLocation(new Location((20000 + 2387) + (200 * p.getIndex()) + misc.random(22), 20000 + 5069 + misc.random(33), 0)); npc.setEntityFocus(jad.getClientIndex()); npc.setOwner(p); npc.getFollow().setFollowing(jad); npc.setTarget(null); Server.getNpcList().Add(npc); Event jadHealerEvent = new Event(2000); jadHealerEvent.setAction(() => { if (npc.isDead() || !npc.isVisible() || npc.isDestroyed()) { jadHealerEvent.stop(); return; } if (npc.getLocation().withinDistance(jad.getLocation(), 2) && !npc.inCombat()) { if (misc.random(7) == 0) { jad.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(444)); npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(9254)); int jadMaxHp = jad.getMaxHp(); jad.heal((int) (jadMaxHp * 0.5)); } } }); Server.registerEvent(jadHealerEvent); } }