AddCurveToPoint() 공개 메소드

public AddCurveToPoint ( float cp1x, float cp1y, float cp2x, float cp2y, float x, float y ) : void
cp1x float
cp1y float
cp2x float
cp2y float
x float
y float
리턴 void
         * Based on the algorithm described in
        static void make_arc(CGContext graphics, bool start, float x, float y, float width,
			         float height, float startAngle, float endAngle, bool antialiasing, bool isPieSlice)
            float delta, bcp;
            double sin_alpha, sin_beta, cos_alpha, cos_beta;
            float PI = (float)Math.PI;

            float rx = width / 2;
            float ry = height / 2;

            /* center */
            float cx = x + rx;
            float cy = y + ry;

            /* angles in radians */
            float alpha = startAngle * PI / 180;
            float beta = endAngle * PI / 180;

            /* adjust angles for ellipses */
            alpha = (float)Math.Atan2(rx * Math.Sin(alpha), ry * Math.Cos(alpha));
            beta = (float)Math.Atan2(rx * Math.Sin(beta), ry * Math.Cos(beta));

            if (Math.Abs(beta - alpha) > PI)
                if (beta > alpha)
                    beta -= 2 * PI;
                    alpha -= 2 * PI;

            delta = beta - alpha;
            bcp = (float)(4.0 / 3.0 * (1 - Math.Cos(delta / 2)) / Math.Sin(delta / 2));

            sin_alpha = Math.Sin(alpha);
            sin_beta = Math.Sin(beta);
            cos_alpha = Math.Cos(alpha);
            cos_beta = Math.Cos(beta);

            /* don't move to starting point if we're continuing an existing curve */
            if (start)
                /* starting point */
                double sx = cx + rx * cos_alpha;
                double sy = cy + ry * sin_alpha;
                if (isPieSlice)

            graphics.AddCurveToPoint(cx + rx * (float)(cos_alpha - bcp * sin_alpha),
                                    cy + ry * (float)(sin_alpha + bcp * cos_alpha),
                                    cx + rx * (float)(cos_beta + bcp * sin_beta),
                                    cy + ry * (float)(sin_beta - bcp * cos_beta),
                                    cx + rx * (float)cos_beta, cy + ry * (float)sin_beta);