public static void ServicesGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count) { if (db.Services.Any()) { return; } var customersCount = db.Customers.Count(); var employeesCount = db.Employees.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-randObj.Next(500)); var price = randObj.Next(1, 250); var customerId = randObj.Next(1, customersCount + 1); var employeeId = randObj.Next(1, employeesCount + 1); db.Services.Add(new Service() { Date = date, Price = price, CustomerId = customerId, EmployeeId = employeeId }); } db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void Initialize(MarriageAgencyContext db) { db.Database.EnsureCreated(); int employeeCount = 50; int clientCount = 50; int serviceCount = 100; ZodiacSignGenerate(db); RelationshipGenerator(db); NationalityGenerate(db); EmployeesGenerate(db, employeeCount); CustomersGenerate(db, clientCount); ServicesGenerate(db, serviceCount); }
public static void RelationshipGenerator(MarriageAgencyContext db) { if (db.Relationships.Any()) { return; } db.Relationships.AddRange(new Relationship[] { new Relationship() { Name = "Codependent Relationships", Desctiption = "A codependent relationship means that one (or more likely both) of you are reliant on the other to function." }, new Relationship() { Name = "Independent Relationships", Desctiption = "The flip side of the codependent relationship is the independent relationship." }, new Relationship() { Name = "Dominant/Submissive Relationships", Desctiption = "The unhealthy version of our first two entries takes the negative sides of both to an extreme. One person in the relationship exerts total control over the other." }, new Relationship() { Name = "Open Relationships", Desctiption = "An open relationship is another version of an independent relationship." }, new Relationship() { Name = "Long Distance Relationships ", Desctiption = "This one stands out as unique on the list." }, new Relationship() { Name = "Toxic Relationships ", Desctiption = "The complete opposite of a healthy relationship is a toxic one." } }); db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void EmployeesGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count) { if (db.Customers.Any()) { return; } string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; string[] fullNamesVoc = { "Zhmailik A.V.", "Setko A.I.", "Semenov D.S.", "Davidchik A.E.", "Piskun E.A.", "Drakula V.A.", "Yastrebov A.A.", "Steponenko Y.A.", "Basharimov Y.I.", "Karkozov V.V.", "Lipsky D.Y." }; string[] addressVoc = { "Mozyr, per.Zaslonova, ", "Gomel, st.Gastelo, ", "Minsk, st.Poleskay, ", "Grodno, pr.Rechetski, ", "Vitebsk, st, International, ", "Brest, pr.October, ", "Minsk, st.Basseinaya, ", "Mozyr, boulevard Youth, " }; string[] sexVoc = { "Male", "Female" }; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var fullName = fullNamesVoc[randObj.Next(fullNamesVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count); var age = randObj.Next(18, 60); var sex = sexVoc[randObj.Next(sexVoc.GetLength(0))]; var address = addressVoc[randObj.Next(addressVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count); var phoneNumber = "+375 (29) " + randObj.Next(100, 999) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99); var passportData = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 2) .Select(s => s[randObj.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()).ToUpper() + randObj.Next(100000, 999999); db.Employees.Add(new Employee() { FullName = fullName, Age = age, Sex = sex, Address = address, PhoneNumber = phoneNumber, PassportData = passportData }); } db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void NationalityGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db) { if (db.Nationalities.Any()) { return; } db.Nationalities.AddRange(new Nationality[] { new Nationality() { Name = "Ukrainians", Note = "Love lard" }, new Nationality() { Name = "Belarusians", Note = "Love potatoes" }, new Nationality() { Name = "Moldovans", Note = "Roman-speaking people in Southeast Europe." }, new Nationality() { Name = "Jews", Note = "People of semitic origin." }, new Nationality() { Name = "Gypsies", Note = "One of the largest ethnic minorities in Europe" }, }); db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void Initialize(MarriageAgencyContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.ZodiacSigns.Any()) { return; } var zodiacsigns = new ZodiacSign[] { new ZodiacSign { Name = "Козерог", Description = "Земной знак" }, //1 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Водолей", Description = "Воздушный знак" }, //2 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Рыбы", Description = "Водный знак" }, //3 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Овен", Description = "Огненый знак" }, //4 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Телец", Description = "Земной знак" }, //5 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Близнецы", Description = "Воздушный знак" }, //6 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Рак", Description = "Водный знак" }, //7 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Лев", Description = "Огненый знак" }, //8 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Дева", Description = "Земной знак" }, //9 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Весы", Description = "Воздушный знак" }, //10 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Скорпион", Description = "Водный знак" }, //11 new ZodiacSign { Name = "Стрелец", Description = "Огненый знак" }, //12 }; foreach (ZodiacSign c in zodiacsigns) { context.ZodiacSigns.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Relations.Any()) { return; } var relations = new Relation[] { new Relation { Name = "Холост", Description = "В Поисках Жены" }, //1 new Relation { Name = "Не замужем", Description = "В Поисках Семьи" }, //2 new Relation { Name = "Разведен", Description = "В Поисках Спутницы" }, //3 new Relation { Name = "Разведена", Description = "В Поисках Мужа" }, //4 new Relation { Name = "Свободный", Description = "Ищет Даму" }, //5 new Relation { Name = "Девушка", Description = "Ищет Молодого парня" }, //6 new Relation { Name = "Парень", Description = "Ищет Девушку" }, //7 new Relation { Name = "Дама", Description = "Ищет Мужчину" }, //8 new Relation { Name = "Мужчина", Description = "Ищет Даму" }, //9 new Relation { Name = "Пенсионер", Description = "В Поиске Дамы" } //10 }; foreach (Relation a in relations) { context.Relations.Add(a); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Nationalities.Any()) { return; } var nationalities = new Nationalitie[] { new Nationalitie { Name = "Белорус", Description = "Добрый" }, //1 new Nationalitie { Name = "Белоруска", Description = "Семейная" }, //2 new Nationalitie { Name = "Русский", Description = "Хозяин" }, //3 new Nationalitie { Name = "Русская", Description = "Хозяйка" }, //4 new Nationalitie { Name = "Украинец", Description = "Руководитель" }, //5 new Nationalitie { Name = "Украинка", Description = "Госпожа" }, //6 new Nationalitie { Name = "Латыш", Description = "Спокойный" }, //7 new Nationalitie { Name = "Латышка", Description = "Спокойная" }, //8 new Nationalitie { Name = "Татарин", Description = "Восточный" }, //9 new Nationalitie { Name = "Полька", Description = "Светлая" }, //10 new Nationalitie { Name = "Поляк", Description = "Добряк" }, //11 new Nationalitie { Name = "Еврей", Description = "Умный" }, //12 new Nationalitie { Name = "Еврейка", Description = "Порядочная" } //13 }; foreach (Nationalitie i in nationalities) { context.Nationalities.Add(i); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Clients.Any()) { return; } var clients = new Client[] { //zodiacsigns.Single().ZodiacSignID,relations.Single().RelationID,nationalities.Single().NationalID new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Иванов Кирил Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"), Height = 180, Weight = 75, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Холост", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Игроман", ZodiacSignID = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Семенова Анна Ивановна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-1990"), Height = 165, Weight = 60, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Стройная", ZodiacSignID = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 2, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 55/36", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Андронов Антон Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"), Height = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5, Addres = "Гомель. Косарева. 57/36", Phone = "+375295384621", Passport = "НВ6254183" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Карпенко Марина Федоровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"), Height = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Полная", ZodiacSignID = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4, Addres = "Гомель. Советская. 68/12", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Максимов Виктор Олегович", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-08-1983"), Height = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 7, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Победы 55/16", Phone = "+375297564329", Passport = "НВ7359456" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Полякова Татьяна Игоревна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-05-1991"), Height = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Домоседка", ZodiacSignID = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4, Addres = "Гомель. ул. Барыкина. 44/22", Phone = "+375291125479", Passport = "НВ31258964" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Гордеева Кира Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("28-07-1995"), Height = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Домоседка", ZodiacSignID = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 2, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 44/33", Phone = "+375295442122", Passport = "НВ7226142" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Еловой Виктор Иванович", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-09-1987"), Height = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Шатен", ZodiacSignID = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 57/36", Phone = "+375291345678", Passport = "НВ6549215" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Яблонский Сергей Витальевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1980"), Height = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 1, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 7, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Алферова Катерина Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"), Height = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2, MaritalStatus = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 4, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Чехова Анфиса Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-04-1988"), Height = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Брюнетка", ZodiacSignID = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 28/62", Phone = "+375293365241", Passport = "НВ9412586" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Сидоров Адам Генадьевич", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-11-1952"), Height = 166, Weight = 75, Children = 2, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 5, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 12/20", Phone = "+375448523456", Passport = "АВ3842653" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Денисов Владимир Евгеньевич", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("14-06-1984"), Height = 168, Weight = 78, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разработчик", ZodiacSignID = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 45/27", Phone = "+375443542694", Passport = "АВ1258735" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Борисова Дана Петровна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-05-1992"), Height = 160, Weight = 62, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Девушка", ZodiacSignID = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 44/38", Phone = "+375297456325", Passport = "АЕ6452586" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Прокопеня Дмитрий Иванович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-02-2000"), Height = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 2, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 7, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Нагорная 66/33", Phone = "+375295425582", Passport = "АВ6238412" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Белый Александр Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"), Height = 185, Weight = 78, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Женат", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Автомобиль", Description = "Блондин", ZodiacSignID = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Габдрахимова Лейла Самуиловна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("09-07-1990"), Height = 172, Weight = 66, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 13, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 80/86", Phone = "+375295924682", Passport = "НВ7264193" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Полунин Генадий Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"), Height = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Инструктор", ZodiacSignID = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5, Addres = "Гомель. Косарева. 41/32", Phone = "+375297384626", Passport = "НВ92434573" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Кириенко Лизавета Петровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"), Height = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 2, MaritalStatus = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4, Addres = "Гомель. Советская. 38/19", Phone = "+375297315798", Passport = "НВ31499273" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Ермолаев Виктор Андреевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-07-1983"), Height = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Плавание", Description = "Спортсмен", ZodiacSignID = 8, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Замковая 52/76", Phone = "+3752976648852", Passport = "НВ9547632" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Михайлова Наталья Петровна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-05-1991"), Height = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Умная", ZodiacSignID = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4, Addres = "Гомель. ул. 60 Лет БССР. 140/63", Phone = "+375291625274", Passport = "НВ19843514" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Фаддеева Сара Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("25-07-1995"), Height = 167, Weight = 62, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Молодая", ZodiacSignID = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 13, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 55/47", Phone = "+375295442843", Passport = "НВ16835468" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Сухоруков Виктор Иванович", Age = 39, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("06-09-1981"), Height = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 94/26", Phone = "+375291259874", Passport = "НВ5732159" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Ивус Артем Витальевич", Age = 28, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1992"), Height = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Холостой", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Замкнутый", ZodiacSignID = 1, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 11, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Самойлова Тамара Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"), Height = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2, MaritalStatus = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 13, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Морозова Елена Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("10-04-1988"), Height = 164, Weight = 62, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Кулинарка", ZodiacSignID = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 68/42", Phone = "+375259126524", Passport = "НВ6432576" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Горохов Евгений Олегович", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("01-11-1952"), Height = 162, Weight = 79, Children = 2, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 9, Addres = "Гомель. Пр-т Победителей. 61/25", Phone = "+375256721985", Passport = "АВ1687878" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Борисенко Владимир Викторович", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("11-06-1984"), Height = 169, Weight = 78, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разрабртчик", ZodiacSignID = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 75/23", Phone = "+37544321473", Passport = "АВ3548526" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Ларусис Диана Анатольевна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("17-05-1992"), Height = 168, Weight = 60, Children = 1, MaritalStatus = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Эрудирована", ZodiacSignID = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Полесская. 64/27", Phone = "+375293354625", Passport = "АЕ7995426" }, new Client { FirsLastMidName = "Адамов Дмитрий Абрамович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-2000"), Height = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0, MaritalStatus = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует", ZodiacSignID = 8, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 12, Addres = "Гомель. ул.Подгорная 99/33", Phone = "+375294125882", Passport = "АН6268492" } }; //30 foreach (Client s in clients) { context.Clients.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Positions.Any()) { return; } var positions = new Position[] { new Position { NamePosition = "Менеджер", Salary = 1000, Responsibilitie = "Связи Клиентов", Requirement = "Психология" }, //1 1-5 new Position { NamePosition = "Стилист", Salary = 800, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Образа", Requirement = "Профессионализм" }, //2 6 new Position { NamePosition = "Фотограф", Salary = 900, Responsibilitie = "Фото и Видео", Requirement = "Профессионализм" }, //3 7,8 new Position { NamePosition = "Администратор", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Документация", Requirement = "Диплом Юриста" }, //4 9 new Position { NamePosition = "Бухгалтер", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Бух-учет", Requirement = "Знание финансов" }, //5 10,11 new Position { NamePosition = "Директор", Salary = 2600, Responsibilitie = "Руководить", Requirement = "Быть Главным" }, //6 12 new Position { NamePosition = "Психолог", Salary = 1200, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Клиентов", Requirement = "Коммуникабельность" }, //7 13,14 new Position { NamePosition = "Программист", Salary = 1600, Responsibilitie = "Пр. Обеспечение", Requirement = "C#,1C,Phyton" } //8 15 }; //8 foreach (Position n in positions) { context.Positions.Add(n); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Employees.Any()) { return; } var employees = new Employee[] { //positions.Single().PositionID new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Петров Федор Сергеевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 96/44", Phone = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 1 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Козлов Алексей Леонидович", Age = 41, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 88/32", Phone = "+375336785216", Passport = "НВ3256494", PositionID = 1 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Змеев Андрей Аркадьевич", Age = 44, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 12/37", Phone = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6529542", PositionID = 1 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Емелеин Олег Сергеевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 188/33", Phone = "+37533763168", Passport = "НВ16871353", PositionID = 1 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Загоруев Андрей Максимович", Age = 45, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 17/57", Phone = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6942516", PositionID = 1 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Худякова Инна Сергевна", Age = 33, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Советская. 82/13", Phone = "+375298631254", Passport = "НВ6215478", PositionID = 2 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Смирнов Иван Абрамович", Age = 47, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 100/51", Phone = "+375296598732", Passport = "НВ6652712", PositionID = 3 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Томилин Адам Абрамович", Age = 46, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 102/58", Phone = "+37529128645", Passport = "НВ7321561", PositionID = 3 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Ефимова Светлана Андреевна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Б.Хмельницкого 196/53", Phone = "+375256341258", Passport = "НВ7214596", PositionID = 4 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Гурская Елена Константиновна", Age = 45, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 34/41", Phone = "+375293254197", Passport = "НВ5643281", PositionID = 5 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Грошева Светлана Андреевна", Age = 47, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Бондарева. 35/41", Phone = "+375297459855", Passport = "НВ7995413", PositionID = 5 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Артемов Василий Иванович", Age = 59, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Зои-Космодемьянской. 196/106", Phone = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 6 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Кудинова Алла Сергевна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Севастопольская. 80/16", Phone = "+37529816498", Passport = "НВ8552661", PositionID = 7 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Курагина Светлана Викторовна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Гер.Подпольщиков 16/50", Phone = "+375258526347", Passport = "НВ4569237", PositionID = 7 }, new Employee { FirsLastMidName = "Кондратович Иван Иванович", Age = 27, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 106/67", Phone = "+375299823913", Passport = "НВ17985852", PositionID = 8 } }; //15 foreach (Employee e in employees) { context.Employees.Add(e); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Services.Any()) { return; } var servise = new Service[] { //employees.Single().EmployeeID//clients.Single().ClientID, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 14 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 12 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 9 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 160, ClientID = 27, EmployeeID = 10 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 14 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 8, EmployeeID = 12 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 360, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 9 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("11-07-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 290, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 12 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 9 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-08-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-08-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 13 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 200, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 75, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 12 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 11 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 30, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("24-09-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 12, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-10-2019"), Cost = 40, ClientID = 10, EmployeeID = 6 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("11-10-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 11, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 25, ClientID = 14, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 13 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 28, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 21, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 6 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 9 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 55, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 14 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("17-11-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-11-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 9 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 6 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 2 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("18-12-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-12-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-12-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 5 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("17-02-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 4 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 2 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 3 }, new Service { Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 6 } }; //72 foreach (Service d in servise) { context.Services.Add(d); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public static void ZodiacSignGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db) { if (db.ZodiacSigns.Any()) { return; } db.ZodiacSigns.AddRange(new ZodiacSign[] { new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Aries", Description = "Aries loves to be number one," + " so it’s no surprise that these audacious rams are the first " + "sign of the zodiac." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Taurus", Description = "Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull." + " Like their celestial spirit animal, Taureans enjoy relaxing in" + " serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sounds, soothing" + " aromas, and succulent flavorsc." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Gemini", Description = "Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could " + "clone yourself just to get everything done? That’s the Gemini experience " + "in a nutshell." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Cancer", Description = "Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Represented by the crab, this crustacean seamlessly weaves between the sea and shore representing Cancer’s ability to exist in both emotional and material realms." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Leo", Description = "Roll out the red carpet because Leo has arrived. Leo is represented by the lion and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Virgo", Description = "Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Libra", Description = "Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra's fixation on balance and harmony." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Scorpio", Description = "Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. " }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Sagittarius", Description = "Represented by the archer, Sagittarians are always on a quest for knowledge." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Capricorn", Description = "The last earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is represented by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish." }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Aquarius", Description = "Despite the “aqua” in its name, Aquarius is actually the last air sign of the zodiac. " }, new ZodiacSign() { Name = "Pisces", Description = "Pisces, a water sign, is the last constellation of the zodiac. It's symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces' attention between fantasy and reality. " }, }); db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void CustomersGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count) { if (db.Customers.Any()) { return; } string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "; string upperChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var zodiacSignCount = db.ZodiacSigns.Count(); var relationshipCount = db.Relationships.Count(); var nationalityCount = db.Nationalities.Count(); string[] fullNamesVoc = { "Lipsky D.Y.", "Stolny S.D.", "Semenov D.S.", "Deker M.A.", "Ropot I.V.", "Butkovski Y.V.", "Stepanenko Y.V.", "Moiseikov R.A.", "Rogolevich N.V.", "Gerosimenko M.A.", "Galetskiy A.A.", "Zankevich K.A." }; string[] addressVoc = { "Mozyr, per.Zaslonova, ", "Gomel, st.Gastelo, ", "Minsk, st.Poleskay, ", "Grodno, pr.Rechetski, ", "Vitebsk, st, International, ", "Brest, pr.October, ", "Minsk, st.Basseinaya, ", "Mozyr, boulevard Youth, " }; string[] sexVoc = { "Male", "Female" }; string[] maritalStatusVoc = { "Married", "Single" }; string[] badHabitsVoc = { "Smoking", "Binge" }; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var fullName = fullNamesVoc[randObj.Next(fullNamesVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count); var sex = sexVoc[randObj.Next(sexVoc.GetLength(0))]; var birthdayDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-randObj.Next(5000)); var age = (DateTime.Now - birthdayDate).Days; var height = randObj.Next(160, 210); var weight = randObj.Next(50, 120); var childrenCount = randObj.Next(3); var martialStatus = maritalStatusVoc[randObj.Next(maritalStatusVoc.GetLength(0))]; var badHabits = badHabitsVoc[randObj.Next(badHabitsVoc.GetLength(0))]; var hobby = GetRandStr(chars, 15); var description = GetRandStr(chars, 25); var zodicaSignId = randObj.Next(1, zodiacSignCount + 1); var relationshipId = randObj.Next(1, relationshipCount + 1); var nationalityId = randObj.Next(1, nationalityCount + 1); var address = addressVoc[randObj.Next(addressVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count); var phoneNumber = "+375 (29) " + randObj.Next(100, 999) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99); var passportData = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(upperChars, 2) .Select(s => s[randObj.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()).ToUpper() + randObj.Next(100000, 999999); db.Customers.Add(new Customer() { FullName = fullName, Sex = sex, BirthdayDate = birthdayDate, Age = age, Height = height, Weight = weight, ChildrenCount = childrenCount, MaritalStatus = martialStatus, BadHadits = badHabits, Hobby = hobby, Description = description, ZodiacSignId = zodicaSignId, RelationshipId = relationshipId, NationalityId = nationalityId, Address = address, PhoneNumber = phoneNumber, PassportData = passportData }); } db.SaveChanges(); }