コード例 #1
        public static void ServicesGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count)
            if (db.Services.Any())

            var customersCount = db.Customers.Count();
            var employeesCount = db.Employees.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var date       = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-randObj.Next(500));
                var price      = randObj.Next(1, 250);
                var customerId = randObj.Next(1, customersCount + 1);
                var employeeId = randObj.Next(1, employeesCount + 1);

                db.Services.Add(new Service()
                    Date       = date,
                    Price      = price,
                    CustomerId = customerId,
                    EmployeeId = employeeId
コード例 #2
        public static void Initialize(MarriageAgencyContext db)

            int employeeCount = 50;
            int clientCount   = 50;
            int serviceCount  = 100;

            EmployeesGenerate(db, employeeCount);
            CustomersGenerate(db, clientCount);
            ServicesGenerate(db, serviceCount);
コード例 #3
        public static void RelationshipGenerator(MarriageAgencyContext db)
            if (db.Relationships.Any())

            db.Relationships.AddRange(new Relationship[]
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Codependent Relationships",
                    Desctiption = "A codependent relationship means that one (or more likely both) of you are reliant on the other to function."
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Independent Relationships",
                    Desctiption = "The flip side of the codependent relationship is the independent relationship."
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Dominant/Submissive Relationships",
                    Desctiption = "The unhealthy version of our first two entries takes the negative sides of both to an extreme. One person in the relationship exerts total control over the other."
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Open Relationships",
                    Desctiption = "An open relationship is another version of an independent relationship."
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Long Distance Relationships ",
                    Desctiption = "This one stands out as unique on the list."
                new Relationship()
                    Name        = "Toxic Relationships ",
                    Desctiption = "The complete opposite of a healthy relationship is a toxic one."
コード例 #4
        public static void EmployeesGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count)
            if (db.Customers.Any())
            string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            string[] fullNamesVoc = { "Zhmailik A.V.", "Setko A.I.",     "Semenov D.S.",    "Davidchik A.E.",  "Piskun E.A.",
                                      "Drakula V.A.",  "Yastrebov A.A.", "Steponenko Y.A.", "Basharimov Y.I.", "Karkozov V.V.", "Lipsky D.Y." };

            string[] addressVoc = { "Mozyr, per.Zaslonova, ", "Gomel, st.Gastelo, ",          "Minsk, st.Poleskay, ",
                                    "Grodno, pr.Rechetski, ", "Vitebsk, st, International, ",
                                    "Brest, pr.October, ",    "Minsk, st.Basseinaya, ",       "Mozyr, boulevard Youth, " };

            string[] sexVoc = { "Male", "Female" };

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var fullName    = fullNamesVoc[randObj.Next(fullNamesVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count);
                var age         = randObj.Next(18, 60);
                var sex         = sexVoc[randObj.Next(sexVoc.GetLength(0))];
                var address     = addressVoc[randObj.Next(addressVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count);
                var phoneNumber = "+375 (29) " + randObj.Next(100, 999) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99) +
                                  "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99);
                var passportData = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, 2)
                                              .Select(s => s[randObj.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()).ToUpper() + randObj.Next(100000, 999999);
                db.Employees.Add(new Employee()
                    FullName     = fullName,
                    Age          = age,
                    Sex          = sex,
                    Address      = address,
                    PhoneNumber  = phoneNumber,
                    PassportData = passportData
コード例 #5
 public static void NationalityGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db)
     if (db.Nationalities.Any())
     db.Nationalities.AddRange(new Nationality[]
         new Nationality()
             Name = "Ukrainians",
             Note = "Love lard"
         new Nationality()
             Name = "Belarusians",
             Note = "Love potatoes"
         new Nationality()
             Name = "Moldovans",
             Note = "Roman-speaking people in Southeast Europe."
         new Nationality()
             Name = "Jews",
             Note = "People of semitic origin."
         new Nationality()
             Name = "Gypsies",
             Note = "One of the largest ethnic minorities in Europe"
コード例 #6
        public static void Initialize(MarriageAgencyContext context)

            if (context.ZodiacSigns.Any())

            var zodiacsigns = new ZodiacSign[]
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Козерог", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //1
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Водолей", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                 //2
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Рыбы", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //3
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Овен", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //4
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Телец", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //5
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Близнецы", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                  //6
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Рак", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //7
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Лев", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //8
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Дева", Description = "Земной знак"
                },                                                                 //9
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Весы", Description = "Воздушный знак"
                },                                                                 //10
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Скорпион", Description = "Водный знак"
                },                                                                 //11
                new ZodiacSign {
                    Name = "Стрелец", Description = "Огненый знак"
                },                                                                 //12

            foreach (ZodiacSign c in zodiacsigns)

            if (context.Relations.Any())

            var relations = new Relation[]
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Холост", Description = "В Поисках Жены"
                },                                                                   //1
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Не замужем", Description = "В Поисках Семьи"
                },                                                                   //2
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Разведен", Description = "В Поисках Спутницы"
                },                                                                    //3
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Разведена", Description = "В Поисках Мужа"
                },                                                                   //4
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Свободный", Description = "Ищет Даму"
                },                                                                   //5
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Девушка", Description = "Ищет Молодого парня"
                },                                                                    //6
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Парень", Description = "Ищет Девушку"
                },                                                                   //7
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Дама", Description = "Ищет Мужчину"
                },                                                                   //8
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Мужчина", Description = "Ищет Даму"
                },                                                                   //9
                new Relation {
                    Name = "Пенсионер", Description = "В Поиске Дамы"
                }                                                                    //10

            foreach (Relation a in relations)

            if (context.Nationalities.Any())

            var nationalities = new Nationalitie[]
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Белорус", Description = "Добрый"
                },                                                                  //1
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Белоруска", Description = "Семейная"
                },                                                                  //2
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Русский", Description = "Хозяин"
                },                                                                  //3
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Русская", Description = "Хозяйка"
                },                                                                  //4
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Украинец", Description = "Руководитель"
                },                                                                  //5
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Украинка", Description = "Госпожа"
                },                                                                  //6
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Латыш", Description = "Спокойный"
                },                                                                  //7
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Латышка", Description = "Спокойная"
                },                                                                  //8
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Татарин", Description = "Восточный"
                },                                                                  //9
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Полька", Description = "Светлая"
                },                                                                  //10
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Поляк", Description = "Добряк"
                },                                                                  //11
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Еврей", Description = "Умный"
                },                                                                  //12
                new Nationalitie {
                    Name = "Еврейка", Description = "Порядочная"
                }                                                                   //13

            foreach (Nationalitie i in nationalities)

            if (context.Clients.Any())

            var clients = new Client[]
            {                            //zodiacsigns.Single().ZodiacSignID,relations.Single().RelationID,nationalities.Single().NationalID
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Иванов Кирил Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Игроман",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Семенова Анна Ивановна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-1990"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Стройная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 2,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 55/36", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Андронов Антон Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"),
                    Height          = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Косарева. 57/36", Phone = "+375295384621", Passport = "НВ6254183"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Карпенко Марина Федоровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"),
                    Height          = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Полная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Советская. 68/12", Phone = "+375297672234", Passport = "НВ3564376"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Максимов Виктор Олегович", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-08-1983"),
                    Height          = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Победы 55/16", Phone = "+375297564329", Passport = "НВ7359456"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Полякова Татьяна Игоревна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-05-1991"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Домоседка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул. Барыкина. 44/22", Phone = "+375291125479", Passport = "НВ31258964"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Гордеева Кира Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("28-07-1995"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Домоседка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 2,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 44/33", Phone = "+375295442122", Passport = "НВ7226142"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Еловой Виктор Иванович", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-09-1987"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Шатен",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 57/36", Phone = "+375291345678", Passport = "НВ6549215"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Яблонский Сергей Витальевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1980"),
                    Height          = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 1, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 7,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Алферова Катерина Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Чехова Анфиса Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-04-1988"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Брюнетка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 28/62", Phone = "+375293365241", Passport = "НВ9412586"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Сидоров Адам Генадьевич", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-11-1952"),
                    Height          = 166, Weight = 75, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 12/20", Phone = "+375448523456", Passport = "АВ3842653"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Денисов Владимир Евгеньевич", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("14-06-1984"),
                    Height          = 168, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разработчик",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 45/27", Phone = "+375443542694", Passport = "АВ1258735"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Борисова Дана Петровна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("18-05-1992"),
                    Height          = 160, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Девушка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 44/38", Phone = "+375297456325", Passport = "АЕ6452586"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Прокопеня Дмитрий Иванович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-02-2000"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 7,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Нагорная 66/33", Phone = "+375295425582", Passport = "АВ6238412"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Белый Александр Сергеевич", Age = 33, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("12-10-1987"),
                    Height          = 185, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Женат", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Автомобиль", Description = "Блондин",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 10, RelationID = 1, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Октября. 48/21", Phone = "+375445685246", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Габдрахимова Лейла Самуиловна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("09-07-1990"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 66, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Коммисаров. 80/86", Phone = "+375295924682", Passport = "НВ7264193"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Полунин Генадий Адамович", Age = 35, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-03-1985"),
                    Height          = 178, Weight = 69, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Спиртное", Hobby = "Спорт", Description = "Инструктор",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 3, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 5,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Косарева. 41/32", Phone = "+375297384626", Passport = "НВ92434573"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кириенко Лизавета Петровна", Age = 26, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-02-1994"),
                    Height          = 163, Weight = 58, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 2, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Советская. 38/19", Phone = "+375297315798", Passport = "НВ31499273"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ермолаев Виктор Андреевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("4-07-1983"),
                    Height          = 175, Weight = 75, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холост", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Плавание", Description = "Спортсмен",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 8, RelationID = 9, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Замковая 52/76", Phone = "+3752976648852", Passport = "НВ9547632"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Михайлова Наталья Петровна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("16-05-1991"),
                    Height          = 165, Weight = 58, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Шитье", Description = "Умная",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 4,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул. 60 Лет БССР. 140/63", Phone = "+375291625274", Passport = "НВ19843514"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Фаддеева Сара Ивановна", Age = 25, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("25-07-1995"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Вязание", Description = "Молодая",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 7, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Космонавтов. 55/47", Phone = "+375295442843", Passport = "НВ16835468"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Сухоруков Виктор Иванович", Age = 39, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("06-09-1981"),
                    Height          = 180, Weight = 77, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Алкоголь", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 9, RelationID = 5, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Юбилейная. 94/26", Phone = "+375291259874", Passport = "НВ5732159"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ивус Артем Витальевич", Age = 28, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("22-01-1992"),
                    Height          = 182, Weight = 78, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Холостой", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Замкнутый",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 1, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 11,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Лениена. 102/28", Phone = "+375447458943", Passport = "АВ3645218"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Самойлова Тамара Федоровна", Age = 56, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("8-12-1964"),
                    Height          = 167, Weight = 78, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Вдова", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 12, RelationID = 8, NationalID = 13,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Некрасова. 51/58", Phone = "+375258956432", Passport = "АН6452371"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Морозова Елена Петровна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("10-04-1988"),
                    Height          = 164, Weight = 62, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Не замужем", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Готовить", Description = "Кулинарка",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 4, RelationID = 2, NationalID = 6,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Крестьянская. 68/42", Phone = "+375259126524", Passport = "НВ6432576"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Горохов Евгений Олегович", Age = 68, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("01-11-1952"),
                    Height          = 162, Weight = 79, Children = 2,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Рыбалка", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 11, RelationID = 10, NationalID = 9,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. Пр-т Победителей. 61/25", Phone = "+375256721985", Passport = "АВ1687878"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Борисенко Владимир Викторович", Age = 36, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("11-06-1984"),
                    Height          = 169, Weight = 78, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведен", BadHabits = "Курение", Hobby = "Электроника", Description = "Разрабртчик",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 6, RelationID = 3, NationalID = 1,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 75/23", Phone = "+37544321473", Passport = "АВ3548526"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ларусис Диана Анатольевна", Age = 28, Gender = "Жен", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("17-05-1992"),
                    Height          = 168, Weight = 60, Children = 1,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Разведена", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Книги", Description = "Эрудирована",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 5, RelationID = 6, NationalID = 8,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Полесская. 64/27", Phone = "+375293354625", Passport = "АЕ7995426"
                new Client {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Адамов Дмитрий Абрамович", Age = 20, Gender = "Муж", DateofBirth = DateTime.Parse("6-07-2000"),
                    Height          = 172, Weight = 60, Children = 0,
                    MaritalStatus   = "Парень", BadHabits = "Нет", Hobby = "Программинг", Description = "Отсутствует",
                    ZodiacSignID    = 8, RelationID = 7, NationalID = 12,
                    Addres          = "Гомель. ул.Подгорная 99/33", Phone = "+375294125882", Passport = "АН6268492"
            };  //30

            foreach (Client s in clients)

            if (context.Positions.Any())

            var positions = new Position[]
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Менеджер", Salary = 1000, Responsibilitie = "Связи Клиентов", Requirement = "Психология"
                },                                                                                                                              //1  1-5
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Стилист", Salary = 800, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Образа", Requirement = "Профессионализм"
                },                                                                                                                              //2  6
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Фотограф", Salary = 900, Responsibilitie = "Фото и Видео", Requirement = "Профессионализм"
                },                                                                                                                              //3  7,8
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Администратор", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Документация", Requirement = "Диплом Юриста"
                },                                                                                                                              //4  9
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Бухгалтер", Salary = 600, Responsibilitie = "Бух-учет", Requirement = "Знание финансов"
                },                                                                                                                              //5  10,11
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Директор", Salary = 2600, Responsibilitie = "Руководить", Requirement = "Быть Главным"
                },                                                                                                                              //6  12
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Психолог", Salary = 1200, Responsibilitie = "Подбор Клиентов", Requirement = "Коммуникабельность"
                },                                                                                                                               //7  13,14
                new Position {
                    NamePosition = "Программист", Salary = 1600, Responsibilitie = "Пр. Обеспечение", Requirement = "C#,1C,Phyton"
                } //8   15
            };    //8

            foreach (Position n in positions)

            if (context.Employees.Any())

            var employees = new Employee[]
            {                                                        //positions.Single().PositionID
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Петров Федор Сергеевич", Age = 37, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 96/44",
                    Phone           = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Козлов Алексей Леонидович", Age = 41, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Плеханова. 88/32",
                    Phone           = "+375336785216", Passport = "НВ3256494", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Змеев Андрей Аркадьевич", Age = 44, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 12/37",
                    Phone           = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6529542", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Емелеин Олег Сергеевич", Age = 40, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 188/33",
                    Phone           = "+37533763168", Passport = "НВ16871353", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Загоруев Андрей Максимович", Age = 45, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Дынды. 17/57",
                    Phone           = "+375259613357", Passport = "НВ6942516", PositionID = 1
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Худякова Инна Сергевна", Age = 33, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Советская. 82/13",
                    Phone           = "+375298631254", Passport = "НВ6215478", PositionID = 2
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Смирнов Иван Абрамович", Age = 47, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 100/51",
                    Phone           = "+375296598732", Passport = "НВ6652712", PositionID = 3
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Томилин Адам Абрамович", Age = 46, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Песина. 102/58",
                    Phone           = "+37529128645", Passport = "НВ7321561", PositionID = 3
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Ефимова Светлана Андреевна", Age = 30, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Б.Хмельницкого 196/53",
                    Phone           = "+375256341258", Passport = "НВ7214596", PositionID = 4
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Гурская Елена Константиновна", Age = 45, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Барыкина. 34/41",
                    Phone           = "+375293254197", Passport = "НВ5643281", PositionID = 5
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Грошева Светлана Андреевна", Age = 47, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Бондарева. 35/41",
                    Phone           = "+375297459855", Passport = "НВ7995413", PositionID = 5
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Артемов Василий Иванович", Age = 59, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Зои-Космодемьянской. 196/106",
                    Phone           = "+375298523121", Passport = "НВ2384521", PositionID = 6
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кудинова Алла Сергевна", Age = 32, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Севастопольская. 80/16",
                    Phone           = "+37529816498", Passport = "НВ8552661", PositionID = 7
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Курагина Светлана Викторовна", Age = 29, Gender = "Жен", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Гер.Подпольщиков 16/50",
                    Phone           = "+375258526347", Passport = "НВ4569237", PositionID = 7
                new Employee {
                    FirsLastMidName = "Кондратович Иван Иванович", Age = 27, Gender = "Муж", Addres = "Гомель. ул.Кожара. 106/67",
                    Phone           = "+375299823913", Passport = "НВ17985852", PositionID = 8
            };  //15

            foreach (Employee e in employees)

            if (context.Services.Any())

            var servise = new Service[]
            {                                     //employees.Single().EmployeeID//clients.Single().ClientID,
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 160, ClientID = 27, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-05-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-05-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 8, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 360, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 10, ClientID = 18, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("11-07-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 210, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("10-07-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 290, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-08-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-08-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-08-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 200, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-08-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 15, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 75, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 12
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 11
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 30, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("26-09-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 26, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("24-09-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("25-09-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 12, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 70, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-10-2019"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-10-2019"), Cost = 40, ClientID = 10, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("11-10-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 11, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 25, ClientID = 14, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 13, EmployeeID = 13
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("12-10-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 28, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 21, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 140, ClientID = 5, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 1, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 7, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 55, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 14
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-11-2019"), Cost = 180, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-11-2019"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 320, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 9
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("20-11-2019"), Cost = 60, ClientID = 4, EmployeeID = 6
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 6, EmployeeID = 8
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-11-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 2, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 9, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("18-12-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-12-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-12-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("15-12-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 5
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 29, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("14-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("13-01-2020"), Cost = 100, ClientID = 19, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 350, ClientID = 23, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 90, ClientID = 22, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 150, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 1
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 280, ClientID = 20, EmployeeID = 15
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("28-01-2020"), Cost = 130, ClientID = 16, EmployeeID = 10
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 35, ClientID = 17, EmployeeID = 7
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("17-02-2019"), Cost = 20, ClientID = 3, EmployeeID = 4
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 80, ClientID = 30, EmployeeID = 2
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 220, ClientID = 25, EmployeeID = 3
                new Service {
                    Date = DateTime.Parse("16-02-2019"), Cost = 110, ClientID = 24, EmployeeID = 6
            };  //72

            foreach (Service d in servise)
コード例 #7
        public static void ZodiacSignGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db)
            if (db.ZodiacSigns.Any())

            db.ZodiacSigns.AddRange(new ZodiacSign[]
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Aries",
                    Description = "Aries loves to be number one," +
                                  " so it’s no surprise that these audacious rams are the first " +
                                  "sign of the zodiac."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Taurus",
                    Description = "Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull." +
                                  " Like their celestial spirit animal, Taureans enjoy relaxing in" +
                                  " serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sounds, soothing" +
                                  " aromas, and succulent flavorsc."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Gemini",
                    Description = "Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could " +
                                  "clone yourself just to get everything done? That’s the Gemini experience " +
                                  "in a nutshell."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Cancer",
                    Description = "Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Represented by the crab, this crustacean seamlessly weaves between the sea and shore representing Cancer’s ability to exist in both emotional and material realms."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Leo",
                    Description = "Roll out the red carpet because Leo has arrived. Leo is represented by the lion and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Virgo",
                    Description = "Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Libra",
                    Description = "Libra is an air sign represented by the scales (interestingly, the only inanimate object of the zodiac), an association that reflects Libra's fixation on balance and harmony."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Scorpio",
                    Description = "Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. "
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Sagittarius",
                    Description = "Represented by the archer, Sagittarians are always on a quest for knowledge."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Capricorn",
                    Description = "The last earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is represented by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish."
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Aquarius",
                    Description = "Despite the “aqua” in its name, Aquarius is actually the last air sign of the zodiac. "
                new ZodiacSign()
                    Name        = "Pisces",
                    Description = "Pisces, a water sign, is the last constellation of the zodiac. It's symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces' attention between fantasy and reality. "
コード例 #8
        public static void CustomersGenerate(MarriageAgencyContext db, int count)
            if (db.Customers.Any())

            string chars      = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz  ";
            string upperChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            var zodiacSignCount   = db.ZodiacSigns.Count();
            var relationshipCount = db.Relationships.Count();
            var nationalityCount  = db.Nationalities.Count();

            string[] fullNamesVoc =
                "Lipsky D.Y.",     "Stolny S.D.",    "Semenov D.S.",    "Deker M.A.",
                "Ropot I.V.",      "Butkovski Y.V.",
                "Stepanenko Y.V.", "Moiseikov R.A.", "Rogolevich N.V.", "Gerosimenko M.A.",
                "Galetskiy A.A.",  "Zankevich K.A."

            string[] addressVoc = { "Mozyr, per.Zaslonova, ", "Gomel, st.Gastelo, ",          "Minsk, st.Poleskay, ",
                                    "Grodno, pr.Rechetski, ", "Vitebsk, st, International, ",
                                    "Brest, pr.October, ",    "Minsk, st.Basseinaya, ",       "Mozyr, boulevard Youth, " };

            string[] sexVoc = { "Male", "Female" };

            string[] maritalStatusVoc = { "Married", "Single" };

            string[] badHabitsVoc = { "Smoking", "Binge" };

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var fullName       = fullNamesVoc[randObj.Next(fullNamesVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count);
                var sex            = sexVoc[randObj.Next(sexVoc.GetLength(0))];
                var birthdayDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-randObj.Next(5000));
                var age            = (DateTime.Now - birthdayDate).Days;
                var height         = randObj.Next(160, 210);
                var weight         = randObj.Next(50, 120);
                var childrenCount  = randObj.Next(3);
                var martialStatus  = maritalStatusVoc[randObj.Next(maritalStatusVoc.GetLength(0))];
                var badHabits      = badHabitsVoc[randObj.Next(badHabitsVoc.GetLength(0))];
                var hobby          = GetRandStr(chars, 15);
                var description    = GetRandStr(chars, 25);
                var zodicaSignId   = randObj.Next(1, zodiacSignCount + 1);
                var relationshipId = randObj.Next(1, relationshipCount + 1);
                var nationalityId  = randObj.Next(1, nationalityCount + 1);
                var address        = addressVoc[randObj.Next(addressVoc.GetLength(0))] + randObj.Next(count);
                var phoneNumber    = "+375 (29) " + randObj.Next(100, 999) + "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99) +
                                     "-" + randObj.Next(10, 99);
                var passportData = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(upperChars, 2)
                                              .Select(s => s[randObj.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()).ToUpper() + randObj.Next(100000, 999999);

                db.Customers.Add(new Customer()
                    FullName       = fullName,
                    Sex            = sex,
                    BirthdayDate   = birthdayDate,
                    Age            = age,
                    Height         = height,
                    Weight         = weight,
                    ChildrenCount  = childrenCount,
                    MaritalStatus  = martialStatus,
                    BadHadits      = badHabits,
                    Hobby          = hobby,
                    Description    = description,
                    ZodiacSignId   = zodicaSignId,
                    RelationshipId = relationshipId,
                    NationalityId  = nationalityId,
                    Address        = address,
                    PhoneNumber    = phoneNumber,
                    PassportData   = passportData