// Code to run when used by a player public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message != "") { Player target = Player.Find(message); if (target != null) { if (target.Rank == GroupEnum.Banned) { target.Loading = true; ushort x = p.pos[0]; ushort y = p.pos[1]; ushort z = p.pos[2]; byte rotX = p.rot[0]; byte rotY = p.rot[1]; //who.SendMotd(); who.SendMap(); target.ClearBlockchange(); target.BlockAction = 0; target.SendMotd(); target.SendMap(); unchecked { target.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, rotX, rotY); } target.SendMessage("Oops, looks like all your greifing was for nothing!"); p.SendMessage("Map revealed for: " + target.color + target.name); Player.GlobalMessageOps("-" + p.color + p.name + "&e just revealed the map to: " + target.color + target.name); target.Loading = false; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } else { p.SendMessage("Player is not banned!"); } } else { p.SendMessage("There is no player \"" + message + "\"!"); } } else { Help(p); } }