// Code to run when used by a player public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message != "") { string who = message; int index = message.IndexOf(' '); string kickmessage = "kicked and banned by " + p.name + "! ("; if (index != -1) { who = message.Substring(0, index); kickmessage += message.Substring(index + 1) + ")"; } else { kickmessage += "Kicked + Banned!)"; } Player target = Player.Find(who); if (!Server.banned.Contains(who)) { if (p.Rank > Player.GetRank(who)) { if (target != null) { if (target != p) { target.Kick(kickmessage); Player.Ban(who); } else { p.SendMessage("You can't kickban yourself!"); } } else { Player.Ban(who); Player.GlobalMessage(target.name + " was " + kickmessage); IRCBot.Say(target.name + " was " + kickmessage); } } else { p.SendMessage("You can't kickban someone of equal or higher rank!"); } } else { p.SendMessage(who + " is already banned."); if (target != null) { target.Kick(kickmessage); } } } else { Help(p); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles a player login packet /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The login packet</param> void HandleLogin(byte[] message) { try { //byte[] message = (byte[])m; if (loggedIn) { return; } byte version = message[0]; name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(message, 1, 64).Trim(); string verify = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(message, 65, 32).Trim(); byte type = message[129]; if (Server.banned.Contains(name)) { Kick("You're banned!"); return; } if (Player.players.Count >= Properties.MaxPlayers) { Kick("Server full!"); return; } if (version != MinecraftClassicProtocolVersion) { Kick("Wrong version!"); return; } if (name.Length > 16 || !ValidName(name)) { Kick("Illegal name!"); return; } if (Properties.VerifyNames) { if (verify == "--" || verify != BitConverter.ToString( MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Server.salt + name))). Replace("-", "").ToLower().TrimStart('0')) { if (ip != "") { Kick("Login failed! Try again."); return; } } } Player old = Player.Find(name); Logger.Log(ip + " logging in as " + name + "."); if (old != null) { if (Properties.VerifyNames) { old.Kick("Someone else logged in as " + name + ". Duplicate logins are not allowed!"); } else { Kick("Already logged in!"); return; } } left.Remove(name.ToLower()); if (Properties.ServerAdministrator == name) { group = Group.Find("administrator"); } else if (Server.bot.Contains(name)) { group = Group.Find("bots"); } else if (Server.operators.Contains(name)) { group = Group.Find("operator"); } else if (Server.moderators.Contains(name)) { group = Group.Find("moderator"); } else if (Server.advbuilders.Contains(name)) { group = Group.Find("advbuilder"); } else if (Server.builders.Contains(name)) { group = Group.Find("builder"); } else { group = Group.standard; } SendMotd(); SendMap(); if (disconnected) { return; } loggedIn = true; id = FreeId(); players.Add(this); connections.Remove(this); GlobalChat(this, "&a+ " + color + name + "&e joined the game.", false); /* * if (!Server.console && Server.win != null) * Server.win.UpdateClientList(players); */ IRCBot.Say(name + " joined the game."); //Test code to show wehn people come back with different accounts on the same IP string temp = "Lately known as:"; bool found = false; if (ip != "") { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> prev in left) { if (prev.Value == ip) { found = true; temp += " " + prev.Key; } } if (found) { GlobalMessageOps(temp); Logger.Log(temp); IRCBot.Say(temp); } } ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + level.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + level.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + level.spawnz) * 32); pos = new ushort[3] { x, y, z }; rot = new byte[2] { level.rotx, level.roty }; GlobalSpawn(this, x, y, z, rot[0], rot[1], true); foreach (Player p in players) { if (p.level == level && p != this && !p.hidden) { SendSpawn(p.id, p.color + p.name, p.pos[0], p.pos[1], p.pos[2], p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } } Loading = false; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e.Message, LogType.ErrorMessage); Player.GlobalMessage("An error occurred: " + e.Message); } }
public void Blockchange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type) { try { if (x >= width || y > depth || z >= height) { p.Kick("Building outside boundaries!"); return; } if (y == depth) { return; } byte b = GetTile(x, y, z); if (Block.Convert(b) != Block.Convert(type)) //Should save bandwidth sending identical looking blocks, like air/op_air changes. { Player.GlobalBlockchange(this, x, y, z, type); } if (b == Block.sponge && physics > 0 && type != Block.sponge) { PhysSpongeRemoved(PosToInt(x, y, z)); } SetTile(x, y, z, type); //Updates server level blocks if (physics > 0) { if (Block.Physics(type)) { AddCheck(PosToInt(x, y, z)); } } changed = true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(p.name + " has triggered a block change error in Level on " + name, LogType.Error); Logger.Log(e.Message, LogType.ErrorMessage); Player.GlobalMessageOps(p.name + " has triggered a block change error in level.cs on " + name); IRCBot.Say(p.name + " has triggered a block change error in level.cs on " + name); } }