// Set up inventory for the day. private void GetDayInventory() { do { UserInterface.DisplayDayHeader("Inventory", player.name, currentDay, days.Count, days[currentDay].weather, days[currentDay].weather.ForcastWeather()); days[currentDay].moneySpent += player.inventory.PurchaseItems(store, player); } while (UserInterface.AskUserYesOrNo("Everything okay") != true); }
// Set up recipe and price for the day. private void GetDayRecipeAndPrice() { do { UserInterface.DisplayDayHeader("Recipe and Price", player.name, currentDay, days.Count, days[currentDay].weather, days[currentDay].weather.ForcastWeather()); player.recipe.SetRecipeAndPrice(store); } while (UserInterface.AskUserYesOrNo("Everything okay") != true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Game lemonadeStand = new Game(); do { lemonadeStand.RunGame(); if (UserInterface.AskUserYesOrNo("Would you like to play again") != true) { break; } }while (true); }