public void MainMenu() { Console.WriteLine("Please type in the number of the menu item you would like to select.\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("1: Rules\n\n2: Weather\n\n3: Check Wallet\n\n4: Run to the store\n\n5: Check inventory\n\n6: Check recipe and make Lemonade.\n\n7: Set price and play game"); string value = Console.ReadLine(); switch (value) { //Rules case "1": Console.Clear(); DisplayRules(); break; //Weather case "2": Console.Clear();;; Console.WriteLine("please hit [enter] to go to the main meun."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); MainMenu(); break; //Wallet case "3": Console.Clear(); player.wallet.DisplayBalance(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); MainMenu(); break; //store case "4": Console.Clear(); store.Restock(player); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); MainMenu(); break; //inventory case "5": Console.Clear(); player.inventory.ShowAllProductInventory(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); MainMenu(); break; //pitchers case "6": Console.Clear(); player.inventory.ShowAllProductInventory(); player.recipe.ChooseRecipe(); player.inventory.RemoveItemAfterLemonadeWasMade(player); Console.WriteLine("You now have {0} cups of lemonade!!", (player.recipe.numberOfPitchers * player.recipe.cupsForRecipe)); day.CalculatingWhenToStopSelling(player); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); MainMenu(); break; //Set price and Play Game case "7": Console.Clear(); day.PriceOfCup(); for (int d = 1; d <= 7; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < day.stopSelling; i++) { day.customers[i].DeterminesCustomerBuys(, day, randomValue); } day.SellLemonade(player); MainMenu(); } player.wallet.thisWeeksEarnings(); Console.ReadLine(); RestartGame(); Console.Clear(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that we don't have an option for that.\n\n"); MainMenu(); break; } }