public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (dropdownGUIStyle == null) { dropdownGUIStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.popup) { fixedHeight = 16f, margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 4, 0) }; } if (m_profile != null) { Transform transform = m_profile.gameObject.transform; transform.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable; if (m_profile.m_mainCamera == null) { m_profile.m_mainCamera = GaiaUtils.GetCamera(); } } //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (m_gaiaSettings == null) { m_gaiaSettings = GaiaUtils.GetGaiaSettings(); } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettingsPanel, false, true, true); }
public void OnGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Width(position.width), GUILayout.Height(position.height)); //Set up the box style if (m_boxStyle == null) { m_boxStyle = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = }, fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold, alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft }; } if (m_profile == null) { m_profile = GetLocationSystem(); } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalPanel, true); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (m_profile != null) { //Monitor for changes EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (m_gaiaSettings == null) { m_gaiaSettings = GaiaUtils.GetGaiaSettings(); } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, false, true, true); //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(m_profile, "Made changes"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_profile); } } else { if (GaiaGlobal.Instance != null) { m_profile = GaiaGlobal.Instance.SceneProfile; } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (redStyle == null || redStyle.normal.background == null || greenStyle == null || greenStyle.normal.background == null) { redStyle = new GUIStyle(); redStyle.normal.background = GaiaUtils.GetBGTexture(, m_tempTextureList); greenStyle = new GUIStyle(); greenStyle.normal.background = GaiaUtils.GetBGTexture(, m_tempTextureList); } //Init editor utils if (m_editorUtils == null) { // Get editor utils for this m_editorUtils = PWApp.GetEditorUtils(this); } m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (GaiaUtils.HasDynamicLoadedTerrains()) { m_editorUtils.Panel("GeneralSettings", DrawGeneralSettings, true); m_editorUtils.Panel("LoaderPanel", DrawLoaders, false); m_editorUtils.Panel("PlaceholderPanel", DrawTerrains, false); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(m_editorUtils.GetTextValue("NoTerrainLoadingMessage"), MessageType.Info); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (m_profile == null) { //Get GaiaHierarchyUtils Profile object m_profile = (GaiaHierarchyUtils)target; } //Monitor for changes EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, true); //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(m_profile, "Made changes"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_profile); m_profile.SetupHideInHierarchy(); m_settingsChangedInfo = true; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_editorUtils.Panel("SimpleLayerCulling", SimpleLayerCulling, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, false, true, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_profile = (PWSkyPostProcessingManager)target; m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_worldMap = (WorldMap)target; serializedObject.Update(); if (m_worldMap.m_worldMapTerrain == null) { m_editorUtils.Panel("CreateWorldMap", CreateWorldMap, true); } else { m_editorUtils.Panel("CreateWorldMap", CreateWorldMap, false); m_editorUtils.Panel("EditWorldMap", DrawEditWorldMap, true); m_editorUtils.Panel("SyncHeightmap", DrawSyncHeightmap, true); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); if (m_bufferManager == null) { m_bufferManager = (CommandBufferManager)target; } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalPanel, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_profile.GetResolutionPatches(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Version: " + m_version); m_editorUtils.Panel("DetailDistanceSettings", DetailTerrainDistance, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (m_profile == null) { m_profile = (ReflectionMasker)target; } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! if (m_profile == null) { m_profile = (DisableUnderwaterFXTrigger)target; } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalPanel, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_biomePreset = (BiomePreset)target; serializedObject.Update(); m_editorUtils.Panel("BiomeSettings", DrawBiomeSettings, true); if (GUILayout.Button(m_editorUtils.GetContent("AddToScene"))) { BiomeController newBiome = m_biomePreset.CreateBiome(true); Selection.activeGameObject = newBiome.gameObject; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettings, true); //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(m_profile, "Made changes"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_profile); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_scanner = (Scanner)target; m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! //Set up the box style if (m_boxStyle == null) { m_boxStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox) { normal = { textColor = }, fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold, fontSize =, alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft }; } if (m_dropBoxStyle == null) { m_dropBoxStyle = new GUIStyle( { fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }; } //Setup the wrap style if (m_wrapStyle == null) { m_wrapStyle = new GUIStyle( { fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, wordWrap = true }; } m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalPanel, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_manager = (GaiaSessionManager)target; serializedObject.Update(); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationCreateWorldStyle, "3FC1C9ff", "297e83ff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationFlattenTerrainStyle, "C46564ff", "804241ff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationClearSpawnsStyle, "F0E999ff", "9d9864ff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationStampStyle, "B8C99Dff", "788367ff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationStampUndoRedoStyle, "d1a6a3ff", "896c6bff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationSpawnStyle, "EEB15Bff", "9c743bff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationRemoveNonBiomeResourcesStyle, "ba7fcdff", "7a5386ff", m_tempTextureList); SetupOperationHeaderColor(ref m_operationMaskMapExportStyle, "9e955bff", "635D39ff", m_tempTextureList); if (m_operationCheckboxStyle == null) { m_operationCheckboxStyle = new GUIStyle(; m_operationCheckboxStyle.fixedWidth = 15; m_operationCheckboxStyle.margin = new RectOffset(5, 0, 0, 0); m_operationCheckboxStyle.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 5); } if (m_operationFoldOutStyle == null) { m_operationFoldOutStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout); m_operationFoldOutStyle.margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); } //m_scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_scrollPosition, false, false); m_editorUtils.Panel("Summary", DrawSummary, true); m_editorUtils.Panel("Operations", DrawOperations, true); //End scroll //GUILayout.EndScrollView(); #region OLD CODE ////Set up the box style //if (m_boxStyle == null) //{ // m_boxStyle = new GUIStyle(; // m_boxStyle.normal.textColor =; // m_boxStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; // m_boxStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; //} ////Setup the wrap style //if (m_wrapStyle == null) //{ // m_wrapStyle = new GUIStyle(; // m_wrapStyle.wordWrap = true; //} ////Set up the description wrap style //if (m_descWrapStyle == null) //{ // m_descWrapStyle = new GUIStyle(; // m_descWrapStyle.wordWrap = true; //} ////Scroll ////Create a nice text intro //GUILayout.BeginVertical("Gaia Session Manager", m_boxStyle); //GUILayout.Space(20); //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Track and control session creation and playback.", m_wrapStyle); //GUILayout.Space(4); //EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //m_manager.m_session = (GaiaSession)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(GetLabel("Session"), m_manager.m_session, typeof(GaiaSession), false); //if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("New"), GUILayout.Width(45))) //{ // m_manager.CreateSession(); //} //EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //GUILayout.EndVertical(); //if (m_manager.m_session == null) //{ // GUILayout.EndScrollView(); // return; //} ////Track changes ////EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); ////Make some space //GUILayout.Space(4); ////Wrap it up in a box ////Display the basic details //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name"); //if (m_manager.IsLocked()) //{ // GUI.enabled = false; //} //string name = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(m_manager.m_session.m_name, m_descWrapStyle, GUILayout.MinHeight(15)); //GUI.enabled = true; //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Description"); //if (m_manager.IsLocked()) //{ // GUI.enabled = false; //} //string description = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(m_manager.m_session.m_description, m_descWrapStyle, GUILayout.MinHeight(45)); //Texture2D previewImage = m_manager.GetPreviewImage(); //if (!m_manager.IsLocked()) //{ // previewImage = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(GetLabel("Preview Image"), m_manager.m_session.m_previewImage, typeof(Texture2D), false, GUILayout.MaxHeight(15f)); //} ////Detect change in session and handle changes to preview image //float width, height; //if (m_manager.m_session.GetInstanceID() != m_lastSessionID) //{ // m_lastPreviewImgName = ""; // m_lastSessionID = m_manager.m_session.GetInstanceID(); // if (m_manager.HasPreviewImage()) // { // previewImage = m_manager.GetPreviewImage(); // m_lastPreviewImgName =; // } //} //else //Process changes to preview image //{ // if (previewImage == null) // { // if (m_manager.IsLocked()) //Undo change if locked // { // if (m_manager.HasPreviewImage()) // { // previewImage = m_manager.GetPreviewImage(); // m_lastPreviewImgName =; // Debug.LogWarning("You can not change the image on a locked session"); // } // } // else // { // if (m_manager.HasPreviewImage()) // { // m_manager.RemovePreviewImage(); // m_lastPreviewImgName = ""; // } // } // } // else // { // //Handle changes to preview image // if ( != m_lastPreviewImgName) // { // if (m_manager.IsLocked()) //Revert // { // if (m_manager.HasPreviewImage()) // { // previewImage = m_manager.GetPreviewImage(); // m_lastPreviewImgName =; // Debug.LogWarning("You can not change the image on a locked session"); // } // else // { // previewImage = null; // m_lastPreviewImgName = ""; // } // } // else // { // //Make it readable // Gaia.GaiaUtils.MakeTextureReadable(previewImage); // //Make a new texture from it // Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(previewImage.width, previewImage.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); // = m_manager.m_session.m_name; // newTexture.SetPixels(previewImage.GetPixels(0)); // newTexture.Apply(); // //Resize and scale it // width = 320; // height = previewImage.height * (width / previewImage.width); // Gaia.ScaleTexture.Bilinear(newTexture, (int)width, (int)height); // //Compress it // //newTexture.Compress(true); // //And store its content // m_manager.AddPreviewImage(newTexture); // //Assign back to the texture for the scene // previewImage = newTexture; // m_lastPreviewImgName =; // } // } // } //} //GUI.enabled = true; //In response to locked above //if (previewImage != null) //{ // //Get aspect ratio and available space and display the image // width = Screen.width - 43f; // height = previewImage.height * (width / previewImage.width); // GUILayout.Label(previewImage, GUILayout.MaxWidth(width), GUILayout.MaxHeight(height)); //} //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Created", m_manager.m_session.m_dateCreated); //EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Dimensions", string.Format("w{0} d{1} h{2}", m_manager.m_session.m_terrainWidth, m_manager.m_session.m_terrainDepth, m_manager.m_session.m_terrainHeight)); //if (m_manager.IsLocked()) //{ // GUI.enabled = false; //} //m_manager.m_session.m_seaLevel = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Sea Level"), m_manager.m_session.m_seaLevel, 0f, m_manager.m_session.m_terrainDepth); //GUI.enabled = true; //In response to locked above //bool locked = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(GetLabel("Locked"), m_manager.m_session.m_isLocked); //GUILayout.EndVertical(); ////Iterate through the operations //GUILayout.BeginVertical("Operations:", m_boxStyle); //GUILayout.Space(20); //if (m_manager.m_session.m_operations.Count == 0) //{ // GUILayout.Space(5); // GUILayout.Label("No operations yet..."); // GUILayout.Space(5); //} //else //{ // GaiaOperation op; // EditorGUI.indentLevel++; // for (int opIdx = 0; opIdx < m_manager.m_session.m_operations.Count; opIdx++) // { // op = m_manager.m_session.m_operations[opIdx]; // if (op.m_isActive) // { // op.m_isFoldedOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(op.m_isFoldedOut, op.m_description, true); // } // else // { // op.m_isFoldedOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(op.m_isFoldedOut, op.m_description + " [inactive]", true); // } // if (op.m_isFoldedOut) // { // EditorGUI.indentLevel++; // EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Description", op.m_description, m_wrapStyle); // EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Created", op.m_operationDateTime); // if (m_manager.m_session.m_isLocked) // { // GUI.enabled = false; // } // op.m_isActive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(GetLabel("Active"), op.m_isActive); // GUI.enabled = true; // int dataLength = 0; // for (int idx = 0; idx < op.m_operationDataJson.GetLength(0); idx++) // { // dataLength += op.m_operationDataJson[idx].Length; // } // EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Data", dataLength.ToString() + " bytes"); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // if (m_manager.m_session.m_isLocked) // { // GUI.enabled = false; // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Delete"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Operation ?", "Are you sure you want to delete this operation ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // m_manager.RemoveOperation(opIdx); // } // } // GUI.enabled = true; // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Apply"))) // { // //m_manager.Apply(opIdx); // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Play"))) // { // m_manager.PlayOperation(opIdx); // } // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // EditorGUI.indentLevel--; // } // //EditorGUILayout.Space(); // } // EditorGUI.indentLevel--; //} //GUILayout.EndVertical(); ////Create a nice text intro //if (!m_manager.m_session.m_isLocked) //{ // GUILayout.BeginVertical(m_boxStyle); // m_manager.m_genShowRandomGenerator = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(GetLabel(" Random Terrain Generator"), m_manager.m_genShowRandomGenerator); // if (m_manager.m_genShowRandomGenerator) // { // m_manager.m_useRandomSeed = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Random Seed", m_manager.m_useRandomSeed); // if (!m_manager.m_useRandomSeed) // { // m_manager.m_randomSeed = EditorGUILayout.IntField(GetLabel("Random Seed"), m_manager.m_randomSeed); // } // m_manager.m_genGridSize = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(GetLabel("Stamp Grid"), m_manager.m_genGridSize, 1, 5); // if (m_manager.m_genGridSize == 1) // { // m_manager.m_genNumStampsToGenerate = 1; // } // else // { // m_manager.m_genNumStampsToGenerate = (m_manager.m_genGridSize * m_manager.m_genGridSize) + 1; // } // EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Stamps Generated"), new GUIContent(m_manager.m_genNumStampsToGenerate.ToString())); // //m_manager.m_genNumStampsToGenerate = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(GetLabel("Stamps"), m_manager.m_genNumStampsToGenerate, 1, 26); // m_manager.m_genScaleWidth = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Width Scale"), m_manager.m_genScaleWidth, 0.5f, 100f); // m_manager.m_genScaleHeight = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Height Scale"), m_manager.m_genScaleHeight, 0.5f, 100f); // m_manager.m_genBorderStyle = (Gaia.GaiaConstants.GeneratorBorderStyle)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(GetLabel("Border Style"), m_manager.m_genBorderStyle); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfHills = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Hill Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfHills, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfIslands = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Island Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfIslands, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfLakes = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Lake Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfLakes, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfMesas = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Mesa Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfMesas, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfMountains = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Mountain Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfMountains, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfPlains = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Plains Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfPlains, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfRivers = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("River Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfRivers, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfValleys = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Valley Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfValleys, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfVillages = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Village Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfVillages, 0f, 1f); // m_manager.m_genChanceOfWaterfalls = EditorGUILayout.Slider(GetLabel("Waterfall Chance"), m_manager.m_genChanceOfWaterfalls, 0f, 1f); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Reset Session"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Reset Session ?", "Are you sure you want to reset your session - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // m_manager.ResetSession(); // } // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Add Stamps"))) // { // m_manager.RandomiseStamps(); // } // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // } // EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); // GUILayout.EndVertical(); //} ////Create a nice text intro //GUILayout.BeginVertical(m_boxStyle); //m_manager.m_genShowTerrainHelper = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(GetLabel(" Terrain Helper"), m_manager.m_genShowTerrainHelper); //if (m_manager.m_genShowTerrainHelper) //{ // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Flatten Terrain"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Flatten Terrain?", "Are you sure you want to flatten your terrain - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // GaiaWorldManager wm = new GaiaWorldManager(Terrain.activeTerrains); // wm.FlattenWorld(); // } // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Smooth Terrain"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Smooth Terrain?", "Are you sure you want to smooth your terrain - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // GaiaWorldManager wm = new GaiaWorldManager(Terrain.activeTerrains); // wm.SmoothWorld(); // } // } // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Clear Trees"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Clear Trees?", "Are you sure you want to clear your trees - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // TerrainHelper.ClearTrees(ClearSpawnFor.AllTerrains,ClearSpawnFrom.AnySource); // } // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Clear Details"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Clear Details?", "Are you sure you want to clear your details / grass - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // TerrainHelper.ClearDetails(ClearSpawnFor.AllTerrains,ClearSpawnFrom.AnySource); // } // } // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //} //EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); //GUILayout.EndVertical(); //GUILayout.BeginVertical("Session Controller", m_boxStyle); //GUILayout.Space(20); //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //bool focusSceneView = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(GetLabel("Focus Scene View"), m_manager.m_focusSceneView); //GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //GUILayout.Space(5); //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //if (m_manager.m_updateSessionCoroutine == null && m_manager.m_updateOperationCoroutine == null) //{ // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Play Session"))) // { // if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Playback Session ?", "Are you sure you want to playback your session - this can not be undone ?", "Yes", "No")) // { // m_manager.PlaySession(); // } // } // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Export Resources"))) // { // //m_manager.ExportSessionResources(); // } //} //else //{ // if (GUILayout.Button(GetLabel("Cancel"))) // { // m_manager.CancelPlayback(); // } //} //GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //GUILayout.Space(5); ////Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty //if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) //{ // Undo.RecordObject(m_manager, "Made changes"); // m_manager.m_session.m_name = name; // m_manager.m_session.m_description = description; // m_manager.m_session.m_isLocked = locked; // m_manager.m_session.m_previewImage = previewImage; // m_manager.m_focusSceneView = focusSceneView; // EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_manager.m_session); // EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_manager); //} ////Debug.Log(m_manager.m_lastUpdateDateTime); ////Draw the various spawner progress bars //if (m_manager.m_currentStamper != null) //{ // if (m_manager.m_currentStamper.IsStamping()) // { // ProgressBar(string.Format("{0}:{1} ({2:0.0}%)",,, m_manager.m_currentStamper.m_stampProgress * 100f), m_manager.m_currentStamper.m_stampProgress); // } //} //if (m_manager.m_currentSpawner != null) //{ // if (m_manager.m_currentSpawner.IsSpawning()) // { // ProgressBar(string.Format("{0} ({1:0.0}%)",, m_manager.m_currentSpawner.m_spawnProgress * 100f), m_manager.m_currentSpawner.m_spawnProgress); // } //} //GUILayout.EndVertical(); //GUILayout.EndVertical(); #endregion }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! m_editorUtils.Panel("UserFiles", DrawUserFiles, true); }
void OnGUI() { m_editorUtils.Initialize(); m_editorUtils.Panel("SelectStampPanel", SelectStampPanel, true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //Initialization m_editorUtils.Initialize(); // Do not remove this! //Monitor for changes EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); defaultBackground = GUI.backgroundColor; if (m_gaiaSettings == null) { m_gaiaSettings = GaiaUtils.GetGaiaSettings(); } if (m_renderPipeline != m_gaiaSettings.m_pipelineProfile.m_activePipelineInstalled) { m_renderPipeline = m_gaiaSettings.m_pipelineProfile.m_activePipelineInstalled; } if (m_profile.m_selectedLightingProfileValuesIndex > m_profile.m_lightingProfiles.Count - 1) { m_profile.m_selectedLightingProfileValuesIndex = 0; } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Profile Version: " + m_version); if (enableEditMode) { m_profile.m_editSettings = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Use Procedural Worlds Editor Settings", m_profile.m_editSettings); } else { m_profile.m_editSettings = false; } if (m_profile.m_editSettings) { m_editorUtils.Panel("UpdateSettings", RealtimeUpdateEnabled); m_editorUtils.Panel("GlobalSettings", GlobalSettingsEnabled); m_editorUtils.Panel("LightingProfileSettings", LightingProfileSettingsEnabled); DrawDefaultInspector(); } //Check for changes, make undo record, make changes and let editor know we are dirty if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(m_profile, "Made changes"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_profile); if (m_profile.m_updateInRealtime) { if (m_profile.m_selectedLightingProfileValuesIndex != -99) { GaiaUtils.GetRuntimeSceneObject(); if (GaiaGlobal.Instance != null) { //GaiaLighting.GetProfile(m_profile, m_gaiaSettings.m_pipelineProfile, m_gaiaSettings.m_pipelineProfile.m_activePipelineInstalled); } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_profile); } } }