예제 #1
        // This loads the image
        protected override void LocalLoadImage()
            // Checks
            if (this.IsImageLoaded || width == 0 || height == 0)

            Graphics g = null;

            lock (this)
                // Create texture bitmap
                    if (bitmap != null)
                    bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    BitmapData  bitmapdata = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    PixelColor *pixels     = (PixelColor *)bitmapdata.Scan0.ToPointer();
                    General.ZeroMemory(new IntPtr(pixels), width * height * sizeof(PixelColor));
                    g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Unable to make bitmap
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to load texture image \"" + this.Name + "\". " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message);
                    loadfailed = true;

                int missingpatches = 0;                //mxd
                if (patches.Count == 0)                //mxd
                    //mxd. Empty image will suffice here, I suppose...
                    if (nulltexture)

                    // No patches!
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "No patches are defined for texture \"" + this.Name + "\"");
                    loadfailed = true;
                else if (!loadfailed)
                    // Go for all patches
                    foreach (TexturePatch p in patches)
                        //mxd. Some patches (like "TNT1A0") should be skipped
                        if (p.Skip)

                        // Get the patch data stream
                        string patchlocation = string.Empty;                         //mxd
                        Stream patchdata     = General.Map.Data.GetPatchData(p.LumpName, p.HasLongName, ref patchlocation);
                        if (patchdata != null)
                            // Copy patch data to memory
                            byte[] membytes = new byte[(int)patchdata.Length];

                            lock (patchdata)                            //mxd
                                patchdata.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                patchdata.Read(membytes, 0, (int)patchdata.Length);

                            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(membytes);
                            mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            // Get a reader for the data
                            IImageReader reader = ImageDataFormat.GetImageReader(mem, ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, General.Map.Data.Palette);
                            if (reader is UnknownImageReader)
                                //mxd. Probably that's a flat?..
                                if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                                    reader = ImageDataFormat.GetImageReader(mem, ImageDataFormat.DOOMFLAT, General.Map.Data.Palette);

                                if (reader is UnknownImageReader)
                                    // Data is in an unknown format!
                                    if (!nulltexture)
                                        General.ErrorLogger.Add((optional ? ErrorType.Warning : ErrorType.Error), "Patch lump \"" + Path.Combine(patchlocation, p.LumpName) + "\" data format could not be read, while loading texture \"" + this.Name + "\"");
                                    missingpatches++;                                     //mxd

                            if (!(reader is UnknownImageReader))
                                // Get the patch
                                mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                Bitmap patchbmp = null;
                                try { patchbmp = reader.ReadAsBitmap(mem); }
                                catch (InvalidDataException)
                                    // Data cannot be read!
                                    if (!nulltexture)
                                        General.ErrorLogger.Add((optional ? ErrorType.Warning : ErrorType.Error), "Patch lump \"" + p.LumpName + "\" data format could not be read, while loading texture \"" + this.Name + "\"");
                                    missingpatches++;                                     //mxd

                                if (patchbmp != null)
                                    //mxd. Apply transformations from TexturePatch
                                    patchbmp = TransformPatch(p, patchbmp);

                                    // Draw the patch on the texture image
                                    Rectangle tgtrect = new Rectangle(p.X, p.Y, patchbmp.Size.Width, patchbmp.Size.Height);
                                    g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(patchbmp, tgtrect);

                            // Done
                            //mxd. ZDoom can use any known graphic as patch
                            if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                                ImageData img = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(p.LumpName);
                                if (!(img is UnknownImage) && img != this)
                                    if (!img.IsImageLoaded)

                                    //mxd. Apply transformations from TexturePatch. We don't want to modify the original bitmap here, so make a copy
                                    Bitmap patchbmp = TransformPatch(p, new Bitmap(img.GetBitmap()));

                                    // Draw the patch on the texture image
                                    Rectangle tgtrect = new Rectangle(p.X, p.Y, patchbmp.Size.Width, patchbmp.Size.Height);
                                    g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(patchbmp, tgtrect);


                            // Missing a patch lump!
                            if (!nulltexture)
                                General.ErrorLogger.Add((optional ? ErrorType.Warning : ErrorType.Error), "Missing patch lump \"" + p.LumpName + "\" while loading texture \"" + this.Name + "\"");
                            missingpatches++;                             //mxd

                // Dispose bitmap if load failed
                if (!nulltexture && (bitmap != null) && (loadfailed || missingpatches >= patches.Count))                //mxd. We can still display texture if at least one of the patches was loaded
                    bitmap     = null;
                    loadfailed = true;

                // Pass on to base