private void initStuff() { InitializeComponent(); multSetter = new MultiplierSetting[] { multiplierSettingHP, multiplierSettingSt, multiplierSettingOx, multiplierSettingFo, multiplierSettingWe, multiplierSettingDm, multiplierSettingSp, multiplierSettingTo }; int[] serverStatIndices = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 2 }; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { multSetter[s].StatName = Utils.statName(s) + " [" + serverStatIndices[s].ToString() + "]"; } customSCStarving.Title = "Starving: "; customSCWakeup.Title = "Wakeup: "; customSCBirth.Title = "Birth: "; // Tooltips tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownAutosaveMinutes, "To disable set to 0"); tt.SetToolTip(chkExperimentalOCR, "Experimental! Works well for 1920 and mostly for 1680. May not work for other resolutions at all."); tt.SetToolTip(chkCollectionSync, "If checked, the tool automatically reloads the library if it was changed. Use if multiple persons editing the file, e.g. via a shared folder.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Save\""); tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxAutoSave, "If checked, the library is saved after each change automatically.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Update Collection File\""); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownMaxChartLevel, "This number defines the level that is shown as maximum in the charts.\nUsually it's good to set this value to one third of the max wild level."); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameAdd, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Add"); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameAff, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Affinity"); tt.SetToolTip(labelWildLevel, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed"); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameLevel, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoWild"); tt.SetToolTip(chkbSpeechRecognition, "If the overlay is enabled, you can ask via the microphone for taming-infos,\ne.g.\"Argentavis level 30\" to display basic taming-infos in the overlay"); tt.SetToolTip(labelBabyFoodConsumptionSpeed, "BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier"); tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxOxygenForAll, "Enable if you have the oxygen-values of all creatures, e.g. by using a mod."); }
public StatPotential(int stat, bool percent) { InitializeComponent(); statIndex = stat; this.percent = percent; label1.Text = Utils.statName(stat, true); }
public StatsMultiplierTesting() { InitializeComponent(); statControls = new List <StatMultiplierTestingControl>(); for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { var sc = new StatMultiplierTestingControl(); sc.StatName = Utils.statName(s, true); sc.OnLevelChanged += Sc_OnLevelChanged; sc.OnValueChangedTE += setTE; sc.OnValueChangedIB += setIB; sc.OnValueChangedIBM += setIBM; flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(sc); flowLayoutPanel1.SetFlowBreak(sc, true); statControls.Add(sc); } // set level-control to last flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(gbLevel); statControls[5].Percent = true; statControls[6].Percent = true; statControls[1].NoIB = true; statControls[2].NoIB = true; fineAdjustmentRange = new MinMaxDouble(0); rbTamed.Checked = true; gbFineAdjustment.Hide(); }
private void initializeVars() { InitializeComponent(); this.creature = null; stats = new StatDisplay[] { statDisplayHP, statDisplaySt, statDisplayOx, statDisplayFo, statDisplayWe, statDisplayDm, statDisplaySp, statDisplayTo }; numUDLevelsDom = new NumericUpDown[] { numericUpDown1, numericUpDown2, numericUpDown3, numericUpDown4, numericUpDown5, numericUpDown6, numericUpDown7 }; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { stats[s].Title = Utils.statName(s, true); } stats[5].Percent = true; stats[6].Percent = true; statDisplayTo.ShowBars = false; parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = "- Mother n/a"; parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = "- Father n/a"; regionColorChooser1.RegionColorChosen += RegionColorChooser1_RegionColorChosen; // tooltips tt.SetToolTip(labelHeaderDomLevelSet, "Set the spend domesticated Levels here"); tt.SetToolTip(labelSex, "Sex of the Creature"); tt.SetToolTip(labelStatHeader, "Wild-levels, Domesticated-levels, Value that is inherited, Current Value of the Creature"); tt.SetToolTip(buttonEdit, "Edit"); tt.SetToolTip(labelM, "Mother"); tt.SetToolTip(labelF, "Father"); tt.SetToolTip(textBoxNote, "Note"); tt.SetToolTip(labelParents, "Mother and Father (if bred and choosen)"); tt.SetToolTip(buttonSex, "Sex"); tt.SetToolTip(buttonStatus, "Status: Available, Unavailable, Dead"); }
public void setCreature(Creature creature) { this.creature = creature; groupBox1.Text = (!onlyLevels && creature.status != CreatureStatus.Available ? "(" + Utils.statusSymbol(creature.status) + ") " : "") + + " (" + creature.levelHatched + (totalLevelUnknown ? "+" : "") + ")"; if (!onlyLevels && creature.status == CreatureStatus.Dead) { groupBox1.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; tt.SetToolTip(groupBox1, "Creature has passed away"); } else if (!onlyLevels && creature.status == CreatureStatus.Unavailable) { groupBox1.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; tt.SetToolTip(groupBox1, "Creature is currently not available"); } for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++) { if (creature.levelsWild[s] < 0) { labels[s].Text = "?"; labels[s].BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; labels[s].ForeColor = Color.LightGray; } else { labels[s].Text = creature.levelsWild[s].ToString(); labels[s].BackColor = Utils.getColorFromPercent((int)(creature.levelsWild[s] * 2.5), (creature.topBreedingStats[s] ? 0.2 : 0.7)); labels[s].ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; tt.SetToolTip(labels[s], Utils.statName(s) + ": " + (creature.valuesBreeding[s] * (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? 100 : 1)).ToString() + (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? "%" : "")); } labels[s].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, (creature.topBreedingStats[s] ? System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold : System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } if (onlyLevels) { labelSex.Visible = false; pictureBox1.Visible = false; plainTextcurrentValuesToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; aRKChatcurrentValuesToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } else { labelSex.Visible = true; labelSex.Text = Utils.sexSymbol(creature.gender); labelSex.BackColor = creature.neutered ? SystemColors.GrayText : Utils.sexColor(creature.gender); // creature Colors pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(creature.colors, "", enabledColorRegions, 24, 22, true); labelSex.Visible = true; pictureBox1.Visible = true; plainTextcurrentValuesToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; aRKChatcurrentValuesToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; } labelMutations.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 192, 255); labelMutations.Text = creature.mutationCounter.ToString(); labelMutations.Visible = creature.mutationCounter > 0; contextMenuAvailable = true; }
private void initStuff() { InitializeComponent(); multSetter = new MultiplierSetting[] { multiplierSettingHP, multiplierSettingSt, multiplierSettingOx, multiplierSettingFo, multiplierSettingWe, multiplierSettingDm, multiplierSettingSp, multiplierSettingTo }; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { multSetter[s].StatName = Utils.statName(s); } // Tooltips ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownAutosaveMinutes, "To disable set to 0"); tt.SetToolTip(chkExperimentalOCR, "Experimental! Works well for 1920 and mostly for 1680. May not work for other resolutions at all."); }
private void initStuff() { InitializeComponent(); multSetter = new MultiplierSetting[] { multiplierSettingHP, multiplierSettingSt, multiplierSettingOx, multiplierSettingFo, multiplierSettingWe, multiplierSettingDm, multiplierSettingSp, multiplierSettingTo }; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { multSetter[s].StatName = Utils.statName(s); } // Tooltips ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownAutosaveMinutes, "To disable set to 0"); tt.SetToolTip(chkExperimentalOCR, "Experimental! Works well for 1920 and mostly for 1680. May not work for other resolutions at all."); tt.SetToolTip(chkCollectionSync, "If checked, the tool automatically reloads the library if it was changed. Use if multiple persons editing the file, e.g. via a shared folder.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Save\""); tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxAutoSave, "If checked, the library is saved after each change automatically.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Update Collection File\""); }
public void setCreature(Creature creature) { Clear(); this.creature = creature; regionColorChooser1.setCreature(creature.species, creature.colors); colorRegionUseds = regionColorChooser1.ColorRegionsUseds; bool glowSpecies = Values.V.glowSpecies.Contains(creature.species); for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { stats[s].Title = Utils.statName(s, true, glowSpecies); } updateLabel(); renewLargeImage = true; }
private void InitC() { InitializeComponent(); tt.InitialDelay = 100; tt.SetToolTip(labelHP, Utils.statName(StatNames.Health)); tt.SetToolTip(labelSt, Utils.statName(StatNames.Stamina)); tt.SetToolTip(labelOx, Utils.statName(StatNames.Oxygen)); tt.SetToolTip(labelFo, Utils.statName(StatNames.Food)); tt.SetToolTip(labelWe, Utils.statName(StatNames.Weight)); tt.SetToolTip(labelDm, Utils.statName(StatNames.MeleeDamageMultiplier)); tt.SetToolTip(labelSp, Utils.statName(StatNames.SpeedMultiplier)); tt.SetToolTip(labelCr, Utils.statName(StatNames.CraftingSpeedMultiplier)); tt.SetToolTip(labelSex, "Sex"); tt.SetToolTip(labelMutations, "Mutation-Counter"); labels = new List <Label> { labelHP, labelSt, labelOx, labelFo, labelWe, labelDm, labelSp, labelCr }; SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); Disposed += PedigreeCreature_Disposed; }
private void initStuff() { InitializeComponent(); multSetter = new MultiplierSetting[] { multiplierSettingHP, multiplierSettingSt, multiplierSettingOx, multiplierSettingFo, multiplierSettingWe, multiplierSettingDm, multiplierSettingSp, multiplierSettingTo }; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { multSetter[s].StatName = Utils.statName(s); } // Tooltips ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownAutosaveMinutes, "To disable set to 0"); tt.SetToolTip(chkExperimentalOCR, "Experimental! Works well for 1920 and mostly for 1680. May not work for other resolutions at all."); tt.SetToolTip(chkCollectionSync, "If checked, the tool automatically reloads the library if it was changed. Use if multiple persons editing the file, e.g. via a shared folder.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Save\""); tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxAutoSave, "If checked, the library is saved after each change automatically.\nIt's recommened to check this along with \"Auto Update Collection File\""); tt.SetToolTip(numericUpDownMaxChartLevel, "This number defines the level that is shown as maximum in the charts.\nUsually it's good to set this value to one third of the max wild level."); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameAdd, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Add"); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameAff, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Affinity"); tt.SetToolTip(labelWildLevel, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed"); tt.SetToolTip(labelTameLevel, "PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoWild"); }
private void setLocalizations(bool init = true) { if (init) { initLocalization(); } // menu Loc.ControlText(fileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(newToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(loadToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(loadAndAddToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(saveToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(saveAsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importingFromSavegameToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importingFromSavegameEmptyToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionAndImportFileToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(importCreatedJsonfileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importExportedCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionAndImportFileToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(runDefaultExtractionToolStripMenuItem); //Loc.ControlText(importCreatedJsonfileToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(modValueManagerToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(settingsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(openSettingsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(quitToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(editToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(exportValuesToClipboardToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(importValuesFromClipboardToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(setStatusToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(multiSetterToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(deleteSelectedToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(findDuplicatesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(copyCreatureToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(pasteCreatureToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(viewToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(deadCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(unavailableCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(obeliskCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(neuteredCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(mutatedCreaturesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(femalesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(malesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(helpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(aboutToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(onlinehelpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(BreedingPlanHelpToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(extractionIssuesToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(checkForUpdatedStatsToolStripMenuItem); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonCopy2Tester); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonCopy2Extractor); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonClear); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonAddNote); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonRemoveNote); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonDeleteExpiredIncubationTimers); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonSaveCreatureValuesTemp); Loc.ControlText(toolStripButtonDeleteTempCreature); Loc.ControlText(tsBtAddAsExtractionTest); Loc.ControlText(copyToMultiplierTesterToolStripButton); // top bar Loc.ControlText(cbGuessSpecies, tt); Loc.ControlText(btReadValuesFromArk, tt); Loc.ControlText(btImportLastExported, tt); Loc.ControlText(cbToggleOverlay); // tester Loc.ControlText(tabPageStatTesting, "statTesting"); Loc.ControlText(rbWildTester, "wild"); Loc.ControlText(rbTamedTester, "tamed"); Loc.ControlText(rbBredTester, "bred"); Loc.ControlText(lbTesterWildLevel, "wildLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbTesterDomLevel, "domLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentValue, "currentValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbBreedingValueTester, "breedingValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbNotYetTamed); Loc.ControlText(gpPreviewEdit); Loc.ControlText(lbTestingInfo); Loc.ControlText(gbStatChart, "statChart"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentCreature, "CurrentCreature"); Loc.setToolTip(lbImprintedCount, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbTesterDomLevel, "domLevelExplanation", tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbTesterWildLevel, "wildLevelExplanation", tt); // extractor Loc.ControlText(tabPageExtractor, "extractor"); Loc.ControlText(lbCurrentStatEx, "currentStatValue"); Loc.ControlText(lbExtractorWildLevel, "wildLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbExtractorDomLevel, "domLvl"); Loc.ControlText(lbSum); Loc.ControlText(lbShouldBe); Loc.ControlText(lbImprintingFailInfo); Loc.ControlText(cbExactlyImprinting, tt); Loc.ControlText(btExtractLevels); Loc.ControlText(cbQuickWildCheck, tt); Loc.ControlText(rbWildExtractor, "wild"); Loc.ControlText(rbTamedExtractor, "tamed"); Loc.ControlText(rbBredExtractor, "bred"); Loc.setToolTip(lbImprintingCuddleCountExtractor, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbSumWild, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbSumDom, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbSumDomSB, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbListening, tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbExtractorDomLevel, "domLevelExplanation", tt); Loc.setToolTip(lbExtractorWildLevel, "wildLevelExplanation", tt); // library Loc.ControlText(tabPageLibrary, "library"); columnHeaderName.Text = Loc.s("Name"); columnHeaderOwner.Text = Loc.s("Owner"); columnHeaderNote.Text = Loc.s("Note"); columnHeaderServer.Text = Loc.s("Server"); columnHeaderHP.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Health, true); columnHeaderSt.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Stamina, true); columnHeaderOx.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Oxygen, true); columnHeaderFo.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Food, true); columnHeaderWe.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Weight, true); columnHeaderDm.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.MeleeDamageMultiplier, true); columnHeaderSp.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.SpeedMultiplier, true); columnHeaderTo.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Torpidity, true); columnHeaderWa.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.CraftingSpeedMultiplier, true); columnHeaderTemp.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Temperature, true); columnHeaderCr.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.Water, true); columnHeaderFr.Text = Utils.statName(StatNames.TemperatureFortitude, true); columnHeaderTopStatsNr.Text = Loc.s("Top"); columnHeaderTopness.Text = Loc.s("topPercentage"); columnHeaderGen.Text = Loc.s("Generation_Abb"); columnHeaderLW.Text = Loc.s("LevelWild_Abb"); columnHeaderMutations.Text = Loc.s("Mutations_Abb"); columnHeaderAdded.Text = Loc.s("added"); columnHeaderCooldown.Text = Loc.s("cooldownGrowing"); columnHeaderColor0.Text = Loc.s("C0"); columnHeaderColor1.Text = Loc.s("C1"); columnHeaderColor2.Text = Loc.s("C2"); columnHeaderColor3.Text = Loc.s("C3"); columnHeaderColor4.Text = Loc.s("C4"); columnHeaderColor5.Text = Loc.s("C5"); // other tabs Loc.ControlText(tabPagePedigree, "pedigree"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageTaming, "Taming"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageBreedingPlan, "BreedingPlan"); Loc.ControlText(tabPageRaising, "Raising"); Loc.ControlText(tabPagePlayerTribes, "Player"); // other controls creatureInfoInputTester.SetLocalizations(); creatureInfoInputExtractor.SetLocalizations(); pedigree1.SetLocalizations(); tamingControl1.SetLocalizations(); breedingPlan1.SetLocalizations(); }
private void CopyExtractionToClipboard() { bool header = true; bool table = MessageBox.Show("Results can be copied as own table or as a long table-row. Should it be copied as own table?", "Copy as own table?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes; if (extractor.validResults && speciesSelector1.SelectedSpecies != null) { List <string> tsv = new List <string>(); string rowLevel = + "\t\t", rowValues = ""; // if taming effectiveness is unique, display it, too string effString = ""; double eff = extractor.UniqueTE(); if (eff >= 0) { effString = "\tTamingEff:\t" + (100 * eff) + "%"; } // headerrow if (table || header) { if (table) { tsv.Add( + "\tLevel " + numericUpDownLevel.Value + effString); tsv.Add("Stat\tWildLevel\tDomLevel\tBreedingValue"); } else { tsv.Add("Species\tName\tSex\tHP-Level\tSt-Level\tOx-Level\tFo-Level\tWe-Level\tDm-Level\tSp-Level\tTo-Level\tHP-Value\tSt-Value\tOx-Value\tFo-Value\tWe-Value\tDm-Value\tSp-Value\tTo-Value"); } } for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++) { if (extractor.chosenResults[s] < extractor.results[s].Count) { string breedingV = ""; if (activeStats[s]) { breedingV = statIOs[s].BreedingValue.ToString(); } if (table) { tsv.Add(Utils.statName(s) + "\t" + (statIOs[s].LevelWild >= 0 ? statIOs[s].LevelWild.ToString() : "") + "\t" + (statIOs[s].LevelWild >= 0 ? statIOs[s].LevelWild.ToString() : "") + "\t" + breedingV); } else { rowLevel += "\t" + (activeStats[s] ? statIOs[s].LevelWild.ToString() : ""); rowValues += "\t" + breedingV; } } else { return; } } if (!table) { tsv.Add(rowLevel + rowValues); } Clipboard.SetText(string.Join("\n", tsv)); } }
public void setLevels(int[] levels) { if (levels != null && levels.Length > 6 && maxR > 5) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; double angleSeven = Math.PI / 3.5; double offset = Math.PI / 2; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++) { if (levels[s] != oldLevels[s]) { oldLevels[s] = levels[s]; int r = levels[s] * maxR / maxLevel; if (r < 0) { r = 0; } if (r > maxR) { r = maxR; } double angle = angleSeven * s - offset; ps[s] = new Point(xm + (int)(r * Math.Cos(angle)), ym + (int)(r * Math.Sin(angle))); } } g.FillEllipse(grBrushBG, xm - maxR, ym - maxR, 2 * maxR + 1, 2 * maxR + 1); Pen penL = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)); g.FillPolygon(grBrushFG, ps.ToArray()); g.DrawPolygon(penL, ps.ToArray()); double stepFactor = (double)step / maxLevel; for (int r = 0; r < 5; r++) { g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Utils.getColorFromPercent((int)(100 * r * stepFactor), -0.4)), (int)(xm - maxR * r * stepFactor), (int)(ym - maxR * r * stepFactor), (int)(2 * maxR * r * stepFactor + 1), (int)(2 * maxR * r * stepFactor + 1)); } g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Utils.getColorFromPercent(100, -0.4)), xm - maxR, ym - maxR, 2 * maxR + 1, 2 * maxR + 1); Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black); for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++) { pen.Width = 1; pen.Color = Color.Gray; g.DrawLine(pen, xm, ym, maxPs[s].X, maxPs[s].Y); Color cl = Utils.getColorFromPercent(100 * levels[s] / maxLevel); pen.Color = cl; pen.Width = 3; g.DrawLine(pen, xm, ym, ps[s].X, ps[s].Y); Brush b = new SolidBrush(cl); g.FillEllipse(b, ps[s].X - 4, ps[s].Y - 4, 8, 8); g.DrawEllipse(penL, ps[s].X - 4, ps[s].Y - 4, 8, 8); b.Dispose(); } for (int r = 1; r < 5; r++) { g.DrawString((step * r).ToString("N0"), new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8f), new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(190, 255, 255, 255)), xm - 8, ym - 6 + r * maxR / 5); } g.DrawString((maxLevel).ToString("N0"), new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8f), new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(190, 255, 255, 255)), xm - 8, ym - 11 + maxR); g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++) { double angle = angleSeven * s - offset; g.DrawString(Utils.statName(s, true), new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8f), new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Black), xm - 9 + (int)((maxR + 10) * Math.Cos(angle)), ym - 5 + (int)((maxR + 10) * Math.Sin(angle))); } g.Dispose(); Image = bmp; } }