예제 #1
        private List <MinMaxDouble> CalculateImprintingBonus(Species species, double imprintingBonusRounded, double imprintingBonusMultiplier, double torpor, double food)
            List <MinMaxDouble> imprintingBonusList = new List <MinMaxDouble>();

            if (species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue == 0 || species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel == 0)
                return(imprintingBonusList);                                                                                                                        // invalid species-data
            // classic way to calculate the ImprintingBonus, this is the most exact value, but will not work if the imprinting-gain was different (e.g. events, mods (S+Nanny))
            double imprintingBonusFromGainPerCuddle = 0;

            if (species.breeding != null)
                double imprintingGainPerCuddle = Utils.ImprintingGainPerCuddle(species.breeding.maturationTimeAdjusted);
                imprintingBonusFromGainPerCuddle = Math.Round(imprintingBonusRounded / imprintingGainPerCuddle) * imprintingGainPerCuddle;

            double[] statImprintMultipliers = species.StatImprintMultipliers;

            MinMaxInt wildLevelsFromImprintedTorpor = new MinMaxInt(
                (int)Math.Round(((((torpor / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].MultAffinity)) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed) / ((1 + (imprintingBonusRounded + 0.005) * statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Torpidity] * imprintingBonusMultiplier) * species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue)) - 1) / species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel),
                (int)Math.Round(((((torpor / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].MultAffinity)) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed) / ((1 + (imprintingBonusRounded - 0.005) * statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Torpidity] * imprintingBonusMultiplier) * species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue)) - 1) / species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel));

            // assuming food has no dom-levels, extract the exact imprinting from this stat. If the range is in the range of the torpor-dependent IB, take this more precise value for the imprinting. (food has higher values and yields more precise results)
            MinMaxInt wildLevelsFromImprintedFood = new MinMaxInt(
                (int)Math.Round(((((food / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].MultAffinity)) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].AddWhenTamed) / ((1 + (imprintingBonusRounded + 0.005) * statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Food] * imprintingBonusMultiplier) * species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].BaseValue)) - 1) / species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].IncPerWildLevel),
                (int)Math.Round(((((food / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].MultAffinity)) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].AddWhenTamed) / ((1 + (imprintingBonusRounded - 0.005) * statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Food] * imprintingBonusMultiplier) * species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].BaseValue)) - 1) / species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].IncPerWildLevel));

            List <int> otherStatsSupportIB = new List <int>(); // the number of other stats that support this IB-range

            // for high-level creatures the bonus from imprinting is so high, that a displayed and rounded value of the imprinting bonus can be possible with multiple torpor-levels, i.e. 1 %point IB results in a larger change than a level in torpor.
            for (int torporLevel = wildLevelsFromImprintedTorpor.Min; torporLevel <= wildLevelsFromImprintedTorpor.Max; torporLevel++)
                int    support = 0;
                double imprintingProductTorpor = statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Torpidity] * imprintingBonusMultiplier;
                double imprintingProductFood   = statImprintMultipliers[(int)StatNames.Food] * imprintingBonusMultiplier;
                if (imprintingProductTorpor == 0 || imprintingProductFood == 0)
                MinMaxDouble imprintingBonusRange = new MinMaxDouble(
                    (((torpor - 0.05) / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].MultAffinity) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed) / StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Torpidity, torporLevel, 0, false, 0, 0) - 1) / imprintingProductTorpor,
                    (((torpor + 0.05) / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].MultAffinity) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed) / StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Torpidity, torporLevel, 0, false, 0, 0) - 1) / imprintingProductTorpor);

                // check for each possible food-level the IB-range and if it can narrow down the range derived from the torpor (deriving from food is more precise, due to the higher values)
                for (int foodLevel = wildLevelsFromImprintedFood.Min; foodLevel <= wildLevelsFromImprintedFood.Max; foodLevel++)
                    MinMaxDouble imprintingBonusFromFood = new MinMaxDouble(
                        (((food - 0.05) / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].MultAffinity) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].AddWhenTamed) / StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Food, foodLevel, 0, false, 0, 0) - 1) / imprintingProductFood,
                        (((food + 0.05) / (1 + species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].MultAffinity) - species.stats[(int)StatNames.Food].AddWhenTamed) / StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Food, foodLevel, 0, false, 0, 0) - 1) / imprintingProductFood);

                    // NOTE: it's assumed if the IB-food is in the range of IB-torpor, the values are correct. This doesn't have to be true, but is very probable. If extraction-issues appear, this assumption could be the reason.
                    //if (imprintingBonusFromTorpor.Includes(imprintingBonusFromFood)
                    if (imprintingBonusRange.Overlaps(imprintingBonusFromFood))
                        MinMaxDouble intersectionIB = new MinMaxDouble(imprintingBonusRange);
                        if (StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Torpidity, torporLevel, 0, true, 1, intersectionIB.Min) <= torpor &&
                            StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Torpidity, torporLevel, 0, true, 1, intersectionIB.Max) >= torpor)
                            //imprintingBonusFromTorpor = imprintingBonusFromFood;

                // if classic method results in value in the possible range, take this, probably most exact value
                if (imprintingBonusRange.Includes(imprintingBonusFromGainPerCuddle) &&
                    StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, (int)StatNames.Torpidity, torporLevel, 0, true, 1, imprintingBonusFromGainPerCuddle) == torpor)
                    imprintingBonusRange.MinMax = imprintingBonusFromGainPerCuddle;

                // TODO check if this range has already been added to avoid double loops in the extraction. if existent, update support

            // sort IB according to the support they got by other stats, then return the distinct means of the possible ranges.
            return(imprintingBonusList.OrderByDescending(i => otherStatsSupportIB[imprintingBonusList.IndexOf(i)]).ToList());