예제 #1
    void Update()
        // if stop == true, halt behaviour.
        if (stop)

        // If there isn't a current target then stop firing.
        if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex > targets.Length || targets[targetIndex] == null)
            // If there are no targets, try find one (or more) again.
            if (targets.Length == 0)
                targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(TargetTag);

            // Hide muzzle flash.

            // Randomly pick a new target from the possible targets. (done 50 times in the case the target is null)
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                if (targets.Length == 0)

                targetIndex = Random.Range(0, targets.Length);

                // If a target is found, check to see if the AI (self) can see the target.
                if (targets[targetIndex] != null)
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    if (Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, targets[targetIndex].transform.position - this.transform.position, out hit, _SightRange))
                        if (hit.transform.tag == TargetTag)

            // If no target is found, stop behaviour.
            if (targets.Length > 0 && targets[targetIndex] == null)
                stop = true;

            // The target is not spotted by default.
            SpottedPlayer = false;


        // "Look" (aim gun) towards the player.
        this.transform.LookAt(targets[targetIndex].transform.position, transform.up);

        // If waitFor is true (in the case of reaction time), hault behaviour.
        if (waitFor)

        // Create 3 different rays (so that the AI has can spot targets in obscure postions such as crouched)

        RaycastHit hitBottom;      // Lowest ray hit (stores hit data)
        RaycastHit hitMid;         // Medium ray hit (stores hit data)
        RaycastHit hitTop;         // Top ray hit (stores hit data)

        #region Debugging
        // hitTop
        Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, (this.transform.forward + (this.transform.up * 0.075f)) * _SightRange, Color.green);
        // hitMid
        Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, (this.transform.forward + (this.transform.up * 0.05f)) * _SightRange, Color.green);
        // hitBottom
        Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward * _SightRange, Color.green);

        // Has the ray hit an object?
        bool hitMidBool    = Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, (this.transform.forward + (this.transform.up * 0.05f)), out hitMid, _SightRange);
        bool hitTopBool    = Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, (this.transform.forward + (this.transform.up * 0.075f)), out hitTop, _SightRange);
        bool hitBottomBool = Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward, out hitBottom, _SightRange);

        // If none of the rays have hit an object, return and hide the muzzle flash (stopped firing).
        if (!hitBottomBool && !hitMidBool && !hitTopBool)
        // Else if ANY of the three rays have hit the player/a target.
        else if (hitTop.transform != null && (hitTop.transform.tag == TargetTag || (hitTop.transform.GetComponent <Destructable> () && SpottedPlayer)) ||
                 hitBottom.transform != null && (hitBottom.transform.tag == TargetTag || (hitBottom.transform.GetComponent <Destructable> () && SpottedPlayer)) ||
                 hitMid.transform != null && (hitMid.transform.tag == TargetTag || (hitMid.transform.GetComponent <Destructable> () && SpottedPlayer)))
            // If the player hasn't already been spotted.
            if (SpottedPlayer == false)
                // React (wait for a moment of time).
                SpottedPlayer = true;
        // Else if another object  (not a player/target) return and hide the muzzle flash (stopped firing).


        // If the Muzzle Flash is not playing then activate it.
        if (!_CurrentWeapon.GetMuzzleFlashPS().isPlaying)
            _CurrentWeapon.GetMuzzleFlashPS().enableEmission = true;

        // If the weapon's clip is empty.
        if (_CurrentWeapon.GetClip() <= 0)
            // If there is Ammo left then reload.
            if (_CurrentWeapon.AIGetAmmo() > 0)
                // Play Reload sound.
                if (_AudioSource)
                    _AudioSource.clip = ReloadSound;

                    if (_AudioSource.isPlaying == false)
                        if (_AudioSource.enabled == true)

                //Reload weapon.

            // Activate/show Muzzle flash.

        // If no animation is playing (weapon is idle/not being used)
        if (this.GetComponent <Animation> ().isPlaying == false)
            // Recoil effect implemented using random vector to be used as an offset.
            Vector3 randomVector = new Vector3(Random.Range(-_RandomVectorRange, _RandomVectorRange), Random.Range(-_RandomVectorRange, _RandomVectorRange), Random.Range(-_RandomVectorRange, _RandomVectorRange));

            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position + this.transform.up * 0.5f, (this.transform.forward + randomVector) * _SightRange, Color.blue);

            // If the ray (bullet) has hit an object.
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward + randomVector, out hit, _SightRange))
                // Play recoil animation
                this.GetComponent <Animation> ().Play("recoil");

                // Play shoot/fire sound.
                if (_AudioSource)
                    _AudioSource.clip = AssaultRifleFireSound;

                    if (_AudioSource.enabled == true)

                // Activate/Show muzzle flash.

                // Reduce clip size by 1 bullet.

                // Apply force to the hit object (if it has a Rigidbody component).
                if (hit.transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ())
                    hit.transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddForce(this.transform.forward * 10000f * Time.deltaTime);

                // Reduce object's health by 1 (if it has a Destructable component).
                if (hit.transform.GetComponent <Destructable> ())
                    hit.transform.GetComponent <Destructable> ().ManipulateHealth(_CurrentWeapon.GetDamage());