/// <summary> 서버에서주는 채팅 응답 </summary> public void OnReciveChat(NetData.ChatData chatData, ChatType type) { string miniMsg = null; if (!chatData.Msg.Contains("[url=Item/")) { miniMsg = string.Format("{0} : {1}", chatData.UserName, chatData.Msg); } else { miniMsg = chatData.Msg; } if (type == ChatType.System) { char[] AlertArr = SceneManager.instance.optionData.OffAlram.ToCharArray(); //알림 if (AlertArr[3] == '2') { return; } chatData.Msg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(913), chatData.Msg); miniMsg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(913), miniMsg); } else if (type == ChatType.Guild) { chatData.Msg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(910), chatData.Msg); miniMsg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(910), miniMsg); } else if (type == ChatType.Whisper) { char[] WhisperArr = SceneManager.instance.optionData.BlockWhisper.ToCharArray(); //귓말 if (!chatData.UserName.Equals(NetData.instance.Nickname) && WhisperArr[0] == '2') { return; } chatData.Msg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(911), chatData.Msg); miniMsg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(911), miniMsg); } else if (type == ChatType.World) { chatData.Msg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(912), chatData.Msg); miniMsg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(912), miniMsg); } else if (type == ChatType.Map) { chatData.Msg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(961), chatData.Msg); miniMsg = string.Format(_LowDataMgr.instance.GetStringCommon(961), miniMsg); } if (IsMyChat)//나의 채팅 { InputMsg.value = ""; IsMyChat = false; } MiniTextList.Add(miniMsg); AddChatData(chatData, type); }
public void realize() { me.api_healthHint.text = ((float)Program.I().ocgcore.life_0 > 0 ? Program.I().ocgcore.life_0 : 0).ToString(); opponent.api_healthHint.text = ((float)Program.I().ocgcore.life_1 > 0 ? Program.I().ocgcore.life_1 : 0).ToString(); me.api_name.text = Program.I().ocgcore.name_0_c; opponent.api_name.text = Program.I().ocgcore.name_1_c; me.api_face.mainTexture = UIHelper.getFace(Program.I().ocgcore.name_0_c); opponent.api_face.mainTexture = UIHelper.getFace(Program.I().ocgcore.name_1_c); iTween.MoveToLocal(me.api_healthBar.gameObject, new Vector3( (float)(me.api_healthBar.width) - getRealLife(Program.I().ocgcore.life_0) / ((float)Program.I().ocgcore.lpLimit) * (float)(me.api_healthBar.width), me.api_healthBar.gameObject.transform.localPosition.y, me.api_healthBar.gameObject.transform.localPosition.z), 1f); iTween.MoveToLocal(opponent.api_healthBar.gameObject, new Vector3( (float)(opponent.api_healthBar.width) - getRealLife(Program.I().ocgcore.life_1) / ((float)Program.I().ocgcore.lpLimit) * (float)(opponent.api_healthBar.width), opponent.api_healthBar.gameObject.transform.localPosition.y, opponent.api_healthBar.gameObject.transform.localPosition.z), 1f); instance_lab.Clear(); if (Program.I().ocgcore.confirmedCards.Count > 0) { instance_lab.Add(GameStringHelper.yijingqueren); } foreach (var item in Program.I().ocgcore.confirmedCards) { instance_lab.Add(item); } }
private void apply(YGOSharp.Card card, Texture2D def, string tail) { if (card == null) { return; } string smallstr = ""; if (card.Id != 0) { smallstr = GameStringHelper.getName(card) + GameStringHelper.getSmall(card); smallstr += "\n"; } if (tail == "") { description.Clear(); description.Add(smallstr + card.Desc); } else { description.Clear(); description.Add(smallstr + "[FFD700]" + tail + "[-]" + card.Desc); } picLoader.code = card.Id; picLoader.defaults = def; picLoader.loaded_code = -1; currentCard = card; shiftCardShower(true); Program.go(50, () => { shiftCardShower(true); }); }
private void ShowMessage(DataChat message) { if (message.Content.IndexOf(EMOTICON_CODE) != 0) { data.datas.Add(message); string msg = "[00ff00]" + message.Sender.userName + " : [-]" + message.Content; chatArea.Add(msg); } }
public void Log(object message) { logData.Add(message.ToString()); logContent.Add(combineColor(normalToken) + message.ToString()); Debug.Log(message); if (logData.Count >= lineMax) { logData.RemoveAt(0); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { UITextList mytext = GetComponent <UITextList>(); mytext.Add(contentTitle); // mytext.Add ("\n\t"); mytext.Add(contents); mytext.Add(contents); }
private void Start() { mInput = GetComponent <UIInput>(); if (fillWithDummyData && textList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { textList.Add(((i % 2 != 0) ? "[AAAAAA]" : "[FFFFFF]") + "This is an example paragraph for the text list, testing line " + i + "[-]"); } } }
void Start() { _Input = GetComponent <UIInput>(); _Input.label.maxLineCount = 1; if (GameManager.oldChat.Count > 0) { foreach (string s in GameManager.oldChat) { textList.Add(s); } } }
/// <summary> /// Add some dummy text to the text list. /// </summary> void Start() { mInput = GetComponent <UIInput>(); mInput.label.maxLineCount = 1; if (fillWithDummyData && textList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { textList.Add(((i % 2 == 0) ? "[FFFFFF]" : "[AAAAAA]") + "This is an example paragraph for the text list, testing line " + i + "[-]"); } } }
private void OnSubmit() { if (textList != null) { var str = NGUITools.StripSymbols(mInput.text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { textList.Add(str); mInput.text = string.Empty; mInput.selected = false; } } mIgnoreNextEnter = true; }
/// <summary> /// Submit notification is sent by UIInput when 'enter' is pressed or iOS/Android keyboard finalizes input. /// </summary> public void OnSubmit() { if (textList != null) { // It's a good idea to strip out all symbols as we don't want user input to alter colors, add new lines, etc string text = NGUIText.StripSymbols(mInput.value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { textList.Add("[FF0000]" + player.Handle + ": " + "[000000]" + text); photonView.RPC("recieveMessage", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, "[0000FF]" + player.Handle + ": " + "[000000]" + text); mInput.value = ""; } } }
public void UpdateNoticeDate() { if (m_BaseWndObject == null || m_BaseWndObject.activeSelf != true) { return; } if (PlayerRole.Instance.RoleAnnouncement.GetAllAnnouncementList() == null) { return; } m_NoticeLabel.Clear(); List <AnnouncementOnce> pNoticeList = PlayerRole.Instance.RoleAnnouncement.GetAllAnnouncementList(); for (byte i = 0; i < pNoticeList.Count; ++i) { if (FishConfig.Instance.m_ShopInfo.ShopMap[pNoticeList[i].ShopID].ShopItemStrMap.ContainsKey(pNoticeList[i].ShopOnlyID) == false) { continue; } //m_NoticeLabel.Add("[ffcc00]Enter[-]" + i.ToString()); string strName = FishConfig.Instance.m_ShopInfo.ShopMap[pNoticeList[i].ShopID].ShopItemStrMap[pNoticeList[i].ShopOnlyID].ItemName; string StrText = string.Format(StringTable.GetString("GlobalShop_Exchange_Notice"), pNoticeList[i].NickName, strName); m_NoticeLabel.Add(StrText); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化. /// </summary> internal void Init() { UnityEngine.Screen.showCursor = true; SSGameWXPayDataManage payDataManage = new SSGameWXPayDataManage(); SSGameWXPayData[] payDataArray = payDataManage.GetGamePayDataInfo(); if (m_TextList != null) { int revenues = 0; int rebates = 0; string head = ""; string info = ""; for (int i = 0; i < payDataArray.Length; ++i) { head = (i % 2 == 0) ? "[FFFFFF]" : "[000000]"; info = head + payDataArray[i].Time + GetSpaceInfo(payDataArray[i].Revenue) + payDataArray[i].Revenue + GetSpaceInfo(payDataArray[i].Rebate) + payDataArray[i].Rebate + "[-]"; m_TextList.Add(info); revenues += System.Convert.ToInt32(payDataArray[i].Revenue); rebates += System.Convert.ToInt32(payDataArray[i].Rebate); } m_TotalRevenue.text = revenues + "元"; m_TotalRebate.text = rebates + "元"; } }
public void showChatMessage(string text) { if (chatMessageList != null) { chatMessageList.Add(text); } }
IEnumerator fill() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); TouZhuNeiRong.Clear(); TouZhuNeiRong.Add(orderValue); }
public void OnSubmitClick() { string submit = uiInput.value; textList.Add(submit); uiInput.value = ""; }
public void OnChatSubmit() { string chatMessage = input.value; ChatList.Add("Player1:" + chatMessage); input.value = null; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { textList.Add("www.wangjunedu.com" + number++); } }
private void OnChatSubmit() { string chat = uiInput.value; textList.Add(chat); uiInput.value = ""; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (qMsg.Count > 0) { textList.Add(qMsg.Dequeue()); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { text.Add("jinzhongzhizhuwannsui!!!"); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown("x")) { textList.Add("If you want it, work for it. line:" + lineNum++); } }
public override void OnBeforeShow(params object[] pArgs) { Single.Coroutine.NextUpdate(() => { m_pLabelTitle.text = (string)pArgs[0]; //m_pLabelBody.text = (string)pArgs[1]; m_pTextListBody.Clear(); m_pTextListBody.textLabel.pivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Center; m_pTextListBody.Add((string)pArgs[1]); switch ((eAlertButtonType)pArgs[2]) { case eAlertButtonType.NoButton: m_pOneButton.SetActive(false); m_pTwoButton.SetActive(false); break; case eAlertButtonType.OneButton: m_pOneButton.SetActive(true); m_pTwoButton.SetActive(false); break; case eAlertButtonType.TwoButton: m_pOneButton.SetActive(false); m_pTwoButton.SetActive(true); break; } m_pCallback = (Action <eAlertButtonAction>)pArgs[3]; }); }
void OnClick() { GameObject input_Label = GameObject.Find("Input_Label"); string text_str = "[8bddfc]Some say:[-] " + input_Label.GetComponent <UILabel> ().text; textList.Add(text_str); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Num++; textList.Add("dsadasdsadsadsadsadasdsasdgjkhdfgkjahkfjdgkadgadhjvhjdvbsahfahjgfhdagfhja" + Num); } }
void OnClick() { GameObject input_Label = GameObject.Find("Input_Label"); string text_str = "[FF0000FF]玩家:[-]" + input_Label.GetComponent <UILabel>().text; textList.Add(text_str); input_Label.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = ""; }
private void Update() { if (message != "!!!@@@###$$$%%%") { textList.Add(message.Trim()); message = "!!!@@@###$$$%%%"; } }
// Update is called once per frame public void SendButtonClick() { string currentName = names[Random.Range(0, 3)]; chatString = InputuILabel.value; textList.Add(currentName + ":" + chatString); InputuILabel.value = ""; }
public void Ontextchange() { string message = input.value; string name = names[Random.Range(0, 3)]; text.Add(name + message); input.value = ""; }
void Start() { GSApi = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameSparks)) as GameSparks; //GSApi.listChallengeDetails(GameGlobals.relevantID); GSApi.GSMessageReceived += (GS, args) => { Debug.Log("message recieved"); if (args.Message.ContainsKey("challenge")) { Debug.Log("adding line"); if ((string)(((Hashtable)args.Message["challenge"])["challengeId"]) == GameGlobals.relevantID) { Debug.Log((string)args.Message["who"]); Debug.Log((string)args.Message["message"]); callbackString = (whiteGreySwitch ? "[FFFFFF]" : "[AAAAAA]") + (string)args.Message["who"] + ": " + (string)args.Message["message"]; whiteGreySwitch = !whiteGreySwitch; } } }; mInput = GetComponent <UIInput>(); ArrayList messages = GSApi.GetMessages()["messageList"] as ArrayList; if (messages != null) { foreach (Hashtable message in messages) { if (((string)message["@class"] == ".ChallengeChatMessage")) { if (((string)((Hashtable)message["challenge"])["challengeId"]) == GameGlobals.relevantID) { Debug.Log(message["message"]); textList.Add((whiteGreySwitch ? "[FFFFFF]" : "[AAAAAA]") + ((string)message["who"]) + ": " + ((string)message["message"])); whiteGreySwitch = !whiteGreySwitch; } } } } }