public void GenerateTrack() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songDataJsonString) || !audioSource.clip) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("NOT ALL FILES PRESENT", "ERROR"); return; } //songPixelSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(audioSource.clip.length * secondInPixels); songPixelSize = Mathf.CeilToInt(audioSource.clip.length * TimetrackerPanelCtrl.SECOND_IN_PIXELS); int numOfChuncks = Mathf.CeilToInt(audioSource.clip.length / secondsPerWavImage); int samplesInChunk = (int)sampleRate * secondsPerWavImage; //int chunkPixelSize = secondsPerWavImage * secondInPixels; int chunkPixelSize = secondsPerWavImage * TimetrackerPanelCtrl.SECOND_IN_PIXELS; int startSample = 0; int endSample = 0; RawImage wavImageGO; for (int c = 0; c < numOfChuncks; c++) { startSample = samplesInChunk * c; endSample = Mathf.Min(samplesInChunk * (c + 1), audioSource.clip.samples); //chunkPixelSize = Mathf.FloorToInt((endSample - startSample) / (sampleRate / secondInPixels)); chunkPixelSize = Mathf.FloorToInt((endSample - startSample) / (sampleRate / TimetrackerPanelCtrl.SECOND_IN_PIXELS)); wavImageGO = Instantiate(wavImagePrefab, wavimagesPanel.transform, false) as RawImage; wavImageGO.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(chunkPixelSize, wavImageHeight); wavImageGO.texture = AudioDrawer.CreateAudioTexturePiece(audioSource.clip, chunkPixelSize, wavImageHeight, Color.grey, startSample, endSample); } //wavImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(songPixelSize, wavImageHeight); //wavImage.texture = AudioDrawer.CreateAudioTexture(audioSource.clip, songPixelSize, wavImageHeight, Color.grey); // wavImage.texture = AudioDrawer.CreateAudioTexturePiece(audioSource.clip, songPixelSize, wavImageHeight, Color.grey, 0, audioSource.clip.samples); float pozX = 0; float pozY = 0; int numOfwords = songDataFromJson.wordsList.Length; Image wordGO; Button btn; WordButton wordButtonCls; for (int i = 0; i < numOfwords; i++) { // pozX = float.Parse(songDataFromJson.wordsList[i].time) * secondInPixels; pozX = float.Parse(songDataFromJson.wordsList[i].time) * TimetrackerPanelCtrl.SECOND_IN_PIXELS; wordGO = Instantiate(wordPrefabClickable, wordsHolder.transform, false); btn = wordGO.transform.GetComponent <Button>(); wordButtonCls = wordGO.transform.GetComponent <WordButton>(); wordButtonCls.SetWordData(songDataFromJson.wordsList[i]); wordButtonCls.SetDurrationMarker(TimetrackerPanelCtrl.SECOND_IN_PIXELS); //wordButtonCls.wordData = songDataFromJson.wordsList[i]; //wordButtonCls.label.text = wordButtonCls.wordData.text.ToString(); = string.Format("{0}_{1}", songDataFromJson.wordsList[i].text, songDataFromJson.wordsList[i].time); pozY = (150) + ((i % 3) * 20); wordGO.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(pozX, pozY, 0); wordGO.tag = "word"; } }
IEnumerator ShowSaveDialogCoroutine(string jsonToSaveString) { yield return(FileBrowser.WaitForSaveDialog(false, null)); if (FileBrowser.Success) { File.WriteAllText(FileBrowser.Result, jsonToSaveString); UIEventManager.FireAlert("Saved to: " + FileBrowser.Result, "SAVE SUCCESS"); } }
// SAVING SONG public void OpenSaveDialog() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songDataJsonString)) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("NO DATA TO SAVE", "SAVE ERROR"); return; } FileBrowser.SetDefaultFilter(".json"); StartCoroutine(ShowSaveDialogCoroutine()); }
public void PreviewSong() { if (songDataFromJson != null && audioSource.clip != null) { songPlayer.PreviewSong(audioSource, songDataFromJson, float.Parse(speedField.text)); } else { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Load JSON and WAV!", "ERROR"); } }
public void OnGenerateTrackButton() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songDataJsonString) || !audioSource.clip) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("NOT ALL FILES PRESENT", "ERROR"); return; } // Clear the visual representatives for words and wav ResetTrack(); GenerateTrack(); }
IEnumerator ShowLoadDialogCoroutine(string fileType) { yield return(FileBrowser.WaitForLoadDialog(false, null, "Open " + fileType, "Load")); if (FileBrowser.Success) { StartCoroutine(LoadFile(FileBrowser.Result, fileType)); } else { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Error opening file", "ERROR"); ResetFields(); } }
public void CreateTracker() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songDataJsonString) || !audioSource.clip) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("NOT ALL FILES PRESENT", "ERROR"); return; } trackView.SetActive(true); beatSynchroniser.bpm = (float)songDataFromJson.bpm; beatSynchroniser.startDelay = 1; beatCounter.beatValue = SynchronizerData.BeatValue.SixteenthBeat; sixteenNoteToSecondsSize = (60f / (float)songDataFromJson.bpm) / 4f; onePixelToSeconds = sixteenNoteToSecondsSize / sixteenNoteToPixelSize; Debug.Log("sixteenNoteToSecondsSize " + sixteenNoteToSecondsSize); Debug.Log("onePixelToSeconds " + onePixelToSeconds); //populate words //float pozX; //int numOfwords = songDataFromJson.words.Length; //for(int i = 0; i< numOfwords; i++) //{ // pozX = float.Parse(songDataFromJson.timestamps[i]) / onePixelToSeconds; // Debug.Log(pozX); // Instantiate(wordPrefab, wordsHolder.transform, false); // wordPrefab.text = songDataFromJson.words[i].ToString(); // wordPrefab.rectTransform.anchoredPosition= new Vector3(pozX, 0, 0); //} beatCounter.StartCountingBeats(); beatSynchroniser.StartSynchronisedMusic(); rawImg.texture = AudioWaveForm(audioSource.clip, (int)Mathf.Floor(rawImg.rectTransform.rect.width), (int)Mathf.Floor(rawImg.rectTransform.rect.height), new Color(210, 210, 210)); debugString = string.Empty; //float samplesPerQuarterNote = ((float)songDataFromJson.bpm / 60) * 44100; float samplesPerQuarterNote = Mathf.CeilToInt(44100 / ((float)songDataFromJson.bpm / 60)); float samplesPerBar = samplesPerQuarterNote * 4; float barInSong = Mathf.Ceil((float)audioSource.clip.samples / (float)samplesPerBar); debugString = string.Format("Song name: {0} \nSong BPM: {1} \nTotal Samples: {2} \nSamlpes per 1/4 note: {3} \nSamples per bar: {4} \nTotal Bar Count: {5} \nSong Time: {6} sec", songDataFromJson.songname, songDataFromJson.bpm, audioSource.clip.samples, samplesPerQuarterNote, samplesPerBar, barInSong, audioSource.clip.length); debugText.text = debugString; }
// SAVING SONG public void OpenSaveDialog() { if (wordsHolder.transform.childCount < 1 || wavimagesPanel.transform.childCount < 1) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Generate track first", "SAVE ERROR"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songDataJsonString)) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("NO DATA TO SAVE", "SAVE ERROR"); return; } FileBrowser.SetDefaultFilter(".json"); StartCoroutine(ShowSaveDialogCoroutine()); }
IEnumerator ShowSaveDialogCoroutine() { // Show a load file dialog and wait for a response from user // Load file/folder: file, Initial path: default (Documents), Title: "Load File", submit button text: "Load" yield return(FileBrowser.WaitForSaveDialog(false, null)); // Dialog is closed // Print whether a file is chosen (FileBrowser.Success) // and the path to the selected file (FileBrowser.Result) (null, if FileBrowser.Success is false) //Debug.Log(FileBrowser.Success + " " + FileBrowser.Result); if (FileBrowser.Success) { string jsonToSave = JsonMapper.ToJson(songDataFromJson); //jsonOutputTxt.text = jsonToSave; string pathToSave = (IsStringEndsWith(FileBrowser.Result, ".json")) ? FileBrowser.Result : FileBrowser.Result + ".json"; File.WriteAllText(FileBrowser.Result, jsonToSave.ToString()); UIEventManager.FireAlert("Saved to: " + FileBrowser.Result, "SAVE SUCCESS"); } }
// SAVING PART public void SaveToJson() { if (matchWords.Count < 1 || matchTimestamps.Count < 1) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Please merge lyrics with text first", "NO LYRICS OR TIMESTAMPS"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songNameTxt.text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(songArtist.text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(songBPMTxt.text)) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Please populate song name, artist and BPM", "NO SONG INFO FOUND"); return; } SongData song = new SongData(); song.songname = songNameTxt.text; song.bpm = int.Parse(songBPMTxt.text); song.artist = songArtist.text; song.mp3dealy = 0; song.timeOnScreen = 1; //song.words = songWords; //song.timestamps = songTimestamps; song.wordsList = wordsList; string jsonToSave = JsonMapper.ToJson(song); jsonOutputTxt.text = jsonToSave; FileBrowser.SetDefaultFilter(".json"); StartCoroutine(ShowSaveDialogCoroutine(jsonToSave.ToString())); //File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + song.artist + "_" + song.songname+".json", jsonToSave.ToString()); //UIEventManager.FireAlert("File Saved to " + Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + song.artist + "_" + song.songname + ".json", "SUCCESS"); }
public void MergeLyricsAndTimes() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lyricsString)) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Not all files prsent !", "ALERT"); return; } // remove first 5 lines and the last one; string[] remN = lyricsString.Split('\n'); List <string> strLst = new List <string>(remN); strLst.RemoveRange(0, 5); strLst.RemoveRange(strLst.Count - 2, 2); string strFromLst = String.Join(" ", strLst.ToArray()); // remove line breaks string stringOneLine = Regex.Replace(strFromLst, @"\r\n?|\n", String.Empty); // replace < and > for [ and ] and add one "[" at the end string strClean = StringExtention.clean(stringOneLine) + "["; jsonOutputTxt.text = strClean; // pull out all the timestamps from string patternTimestamps = @"\d\:\d{1,2}.\d{1,2}"; matchTimestamps = Regex.Matches(strClean, patternTimestamps); // pull the words between ] and [ string patternWords = @"\](.*?)\["; matchWords = Regex.Matches(strClean, patternWords); if (matchWords.Count != matchTimestamps.Count) { UIEventManager.FireAlert("Count doesn't match \n" + "lyrics lines: " + matchWords.Count + " - vs - " + "timestamps lines: " + matchTimestamps.Count, "WORD COUNT MISSMATCH"); return; } //Debug.Log("All is OK... proceed"); //songWords = new string[matchWords.Count]; int i = 0; int w = matchWords.Count; // for (i = 0; i < w; i++) //{ //songWords[i] = matchWords[i].ToString().TrimStart(']', ' ').TrimEnd('['); // } //songTimestamps = new string[matchTimestamps.Count]; // int n = matchTimestamps.Count; //for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //{ //songTimestamps[i] = formatTimeToSeconds(matchTimestamps[i].ToString()); //} WordData word; string clearedStr; string trimedStr; wordsList = new WordData[matchWords.Count]; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { word = new WordData(); clearedStr = matchWords[i].ToString().TrimStart(']', ' ').TrimEnd('['); trimedStr = clearedStr.TrimEnd(); word.text = trimedStr; word.time = formatTimeToSeconds(matchTimestamps[i].ToString()); word.index = i; wordsList[i] = word; } //// Proceed to Save SaveToJson(); }