public MainMenuScreen(OnScreenChanged screenChanged) : base(screenChanged) { UserInterfaceLoader uiLoader = UserInterfaceLoader.GetInstance(); TileLoader tileLoader = TileLoader.GetInstance(); tileBrick1Sprite = tileLoader.Get("brick1"); titleSprite = uiLoader.Get("title"); newGameSprite = uiLoader.Get("newGame"); loadGameSprite = uiLoader.Get("loadGame"); sandboxSprite = uiLoader.Get("sandbox"); adventureSprite = uiLoader.Get("adventure"); title = new StaticEntity("Title Card", new Vector2(GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE * 2), titleSprite); newGameButton = new StaticEntity("New Game Button", new Vector2(GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE * 11 / 2), newGameSprite); loadGameButton = new StaticEntity("Load Game Button", new Vector2(GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE * 8), loadGameSprite); sandboxButton = new StaticEntity("Sandbox Button", new Vector2(GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE * 21 / 2), sandboxSprite); adventureButton = new StaticEntity("Achievements Button", new Vector2(GameConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE * 13), adventureSprite); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants.TILES_WIDE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GameConstants.TILES_HIGH + 1; j++) //The +1 allows us to cover the action bar { Vector2 tileLocation = new Vector2(i * GameConstants.TILE_SIZE + GameConstants.TILE_SIZE / 2, j * GameConstants.TILE_SIZE + GameConstants.TILE_SIZE / 2); GridEntity newTile = new GridEntity("Tile", i, j, 0, tileLocation, GameConstants.TILE_SIZE, tileBrick1Sprite); menuBackground.Add(newTile); } } }