private static void OrientationChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            int oldRowSpan = TileGrid.GetRowSpan(sender);
            int oldColSpan = TileGrid.GetColumnSpan(sender);

            TileGrid.SetColumnSpan(sender, oldRowSpan);
            TileGrid.SetRowSpan(sender, oldColSpan);
            HorizontalAlignment oldHAlign = (sender as NumberSlider).s.HorizontalAlignment;
            VerticalAlignment   oldVAlign = (sender as NumberSlider).s.VerticalAlignment;

            (sender as NumberSlider).s.HorizontalAlignment =
                oldHAlign == HorizontalAlignment.Center ? HorizontalAlignment.Stretch : HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            (sender as NumberSlider).s.VerticalAlignment =
                oldVAlign == VerticalAlignment.Center ? VerticalAlignment.Stretch : VerticalAlignment.Center;
 private void PopulateControlPreviewWrapPanel(WrapPanel wp, IEnumerable <Type> controlTypes)
     foreach (Type controlType in controlTypes)
         //do some fancy arranging. what we need:
         //size-to-fit border (plus some extra space) with transparent background to register the hits.
         //label the extra space with the name of the control
         SourcedControl c = (SourcedControl)controlType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null);
         c.IsEnabled = false;
         double   expectedWidth  = TileGrid.GetColumnSpan(c) * 50;
         double   expectedHeight = TileGrid.GetRowSpan(c) * 50;
         TileGrid container      = new TileGrid()
             ShowGridlines  = false,
             IsEditable     = false,
             TileSizingMode = TileSizingMode.Uniform,
             Width          = expectedWidth,
             Height         = expectedHeight,
             Background     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent)
         Border outline = new Border()
             Background      = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
             BorderBrush     = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
             BorderThickness = new Thickness(1),
             Margin          = new Thickness(5)
         StackPanel p = new StackPanel();
         outline.Child = p;
         TextBlock label = new TextBlock()
             Text   = Util.ToTitleCase(controlType.Name),
             Margin = new Thickness(2)
         p.Children.Add(new Separator());
        private void PlaceAtDropPoint(SourcedControl c, DragEventArgs e)
            Point dropPoint = e.GetPosition(dashboardRoot);
            //centering. goal: if there span is even, we want to center on nearest line,
            //if span is odd, center the nearest full tile
            //for even, rounding works because the division causes the control to tend towards the left
            int    colSpan    = TileGrid.GetColumnSpan(c);
            int    rowSpan    = TileGrid.GetRowSpan(c);
            double preciseCol = dropPoint.X / dashboardRoot.GetColumnWidth();
            double preciseRow = dropPoint.Y / dashboardRoot.GetRowHeight();
            int    col        = colSpan % 2 == 0 ? (int)Math.Round(preciseCol) : (int)Math.Floor(preciseCol);
            int    row        = rowSpan % 2 == 0 ? (int)Math.Round(preciseRow) : (int)Math.Floor(preciseRow);
            int    colOffset  = colSpan / 2;
            int    rowOffset  = rowSpan / 2;

            col = Math.Max(col - colOffset, 0);
            row = Math.Max(row - rowOffset, 0);
            TileGrid.SetColumn(c, col);
            TileGrid.SetRow(c, row);