예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The log-likelihood of the Weibull distribution on censored and uncensored arrays
        /// with features.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">The matrix of parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="fSamples">The features corresponding to the organic recoveries.
        /// Number of rows should be same as this.OrganicRecoveryDurations.Length</param>
        /// <param name="fCensored">The features corresponding to the reboots.
        /// Number of rows should be the same as this.InorganicRecoveryDurations.Length</param>
        /// <returns>The log-likelihood of the data along with features.</returns>
        public double LogLikelihood(Matrix <double> w, Matrix <double> fSamples,
                                    Matrix <double> fCensored)
            List <double> t      = this.OrganicRecoveryDurations;
            List <double> x      = this.InorganicRecoveryDurations;
            double        lik    = 0;
            Sigmoid       sShape = new Sigmoid(this.ShapeUpperBound);
            Sigmoid       sScale = new Sigmoid(this.ScaleUpperBound);

            for (int i = 0; i < fSamples.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow = fSamples.Row(i);
                Vector <double> theta      = w.Multiply(currentRow);
                double          shape      = sShape.Transform(theta[0]);
                double          scale      = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                lik += this.LogPdf(t.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);

            for (int i = 0; i < fCensored.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow = fCensored.Row(i);
                Vector <double> theta      = w.Multiply(currentRow);
                double          shape      = sShape.Transform(theta[0]);
                double          scale      = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                lik += this.LogSurvival(x.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);

예제 #2
        public void TestLogLogisticWFeatures()
            DataGen dg = new DataGen();


            double shapeMax = 5.0;
            double scaleMax = 500.0;

            double[]        arr  = new double[] { 1.0, 150.0 };
            Vector <double> init = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(arr);

            LogLogistic modelLogLogistic = new LogLogistic(dg.organicRecoveryDurations,


            Console.WriteLine("LL without features is " +
                              modelLogLogistic.LogLikelihood(modelLogLogistic.Kappa, modelLogLogistic.Lambda) +
                              " with Kappa " + modelLogLogistic.Kappa + " and Lambda " + modelLogLogistic.Lambda);

            double[,] warr = new double[2, dg.fCensored.ColumnCount];
            warr[0, 0]     = Sigmoid.InverseSigmoid(modelLogLogistic.Kappa, shapeMax);
            warr[1, 0]     = Sigmoid.InverseSigmoid(modelLogLogistic.Lambda, scaleMax);
            Matrix <double> w = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(warr);

            LogLogistic modelLogLogisticFeatured = new LogLogistic(dg.organicRecoveryDurations,
                                                                   dg.fSamples, dg.fCensored);

            modelLogLogisticFeatured.ShapeUpperBound = shapeMax;
            modelLogLogisticFeatured.ScaleUpperBound = scaleMax;
            Matrix <double> logLogisticParameters = modelLogLogisticFeatured.GradientDescent(w, 2001);
            Vector <double> frstSample            = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(
                new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 });

            Vector <double> scndSample = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(
                new double[] { 1.0, 4.0, 2.0 });

            Vector <double> res         = logLogisticParameters.Multiply(frstSample);
            var             alpha_shape = res[0];
            var             shape       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_shape, shapeMax);
            var             alpha_scale = res[1];
            var             scale       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_scale, scaleMax);

            res         = logLogisticParameters.Multiply(scndSample);
            alpha_shape = res[0];
            shape       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_shape, shapeMax);
            alpha_scale = res[1];
            scale       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_scale, scaleMax);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(scale - 80.0) < 2.0);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the gradient of the log-likelihood function for Weibull with features.
        /// Provided below is the derivation in Latex. Paste it into an online
        /// Latex editor like https://www.overleaf.com/7650945xdjrrdzrmsdd#/26769609/
        /// to read and and understand where the formulas came from.
        /// Let $f_i$ be the vector of features for the $i^{th}$ data point and $x_i$ be the duration it took to recover.
        /// Then, the Likelihood and log-likelihood functions are given by -
        /// \[L = \prod_{i=1}^n \log(pdf(x_i, W.f_i)) \]
        /// \[ll = \sum_{i=1}^n \log(pdf(x_i, W.f_i))\]
        /// \[\frac{\partial(ll)}{\partial W} = \frac{1}{pdf(x_i, W.f_i)} f_i(\partial \theta_i)^T \]
        /// Where,
        /// \[\theta_i = W.f_i  = [\kappa, \lambda]\] here $\kappa$, once the sigmoid is applied to it
        /// to ensure it being positive, is the shape paramter of the Weibull and $\lambda$ once the
        /// sigmoid is applied is the scale parameter.
        /// \[\partial \theta_i = \frac{\partial(pdf(x,\theta_i))}{\partial(\theta_i)}\]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">The matrix of parameters (2 x # of features)</param>
        /// <param name="fSamples">The features corresponding to the organic recoveries.
        /// Number of rows should be same as this.OrganicRecoveryDurations.Length</param>
        /// <param name="fCensored">The features corresponding to the reboots.
        /// Number of rows should be the same as this.InorganicRecoveryDurations.Length</param>
        /// <param name="eps">Since we divide by the PDF and survival functions, we need to make sure
        /// they don't get lower than a threshold or the gradients blow up.
        /// This parameter is a lower bound on them.</param>
        /// <param name="bailOutSurvivalValue">The value to turn to for survival when gradients start blowing up.</param>
        /// <returns>The gradient of the log-likelihood with the matrix of parameters, w</returns>
        public Matrix <double> GradLL(Matrix <double> w, Matrix <double> fSamples, Matrix <double> fCensored, double eps = 1e-8, double bailOutSurvivalValue = 10.0)
            IReadOnlyCollection <double> t = this.OrganicRecoveryDurations;
            IReadOnlyCollection <double> x = this.InorganicRecoveryDurations;
            Matrix <double> gradW          = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(w.RowCount, w.ColumnCount);

            Sigmoid sShape = new Sigmoid(this.ShapeUpperBound);
            Sigmoid sScale = new Sigmoid(this.ScaleUpperBound);

            for (int i = 0; i < fSamples.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow  = fSamples.Row(i);
                Vector <double> theta       = w.Multiply(currentRow);     // A 2 dim vector that will be converted to the 2 Weibull params.
                double          shape       = sShape.Transform(theta[0]); // To prevent the parameters from becoming negative, we use sigmoids.
                double          scale       = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                double          pdf         = this.PDF(t.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);
                Vector <double> pdfGrad     = this.GradPDF(t.ElementAt(i), shape, scale, pdf);
                Vector <double> sigmoidGrad = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { sShape.Grad(theta[0]), sScale.Grad(theta[1]) });

                Vector <double> delTheta = pdfGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad); // Since we used the sigmoids, the product rule dictates that we point-wise multiply the derivatives.

                // Since we are dividing the matrix by the pdf, we need to be careful it doesn't blow up.
                if (pdf > eps)
                    gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(pdf)); // del/del(W) log(lik(x,W.f)) = 1/lik(x,W.f) * f. (del(lik(x))/del(W.f))^T
                    double          survival     = this.Survival(bailOutSurvivalValue, shape, scale);
                    Vector <double> survivalGrad = this.GradSurvival(bailOutSurvivalValue, shape, scale, survival);
                    delTheta = survivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);
                    gradW    = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(survival));

            for (int i = 0; i < fCensored.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow   = fCensored.Row(i);
                Vector <double> theta        = w.Multiply(currentRow);
                double          shape        = sShape.Transform(theta[0]);
                double          scale        = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                double          survival     = this.Survival(x.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);
                Vector <double> survivalGrad = this.GradSurvival(x.ElementAt(i), shape, scale, survival);
                Vector <double> sigmoidGrad  = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { sShape.Grad(theta[0]), sScale.Grad(theta[1]) });

                Vector <double> delTheta = survivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);

                // Since we are dividing the matrix by the survival, we need to be careful it doesn't blow up.
                if (survival > eps)
                    gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(survival));
                    survival     = this.Survival(bailOutSurvivalValue, shape, scale);
                    survivalGrad = this.GradSurvival(bailOutSurvivalValue, shape, scale, survival);
                    delTheta     = survivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);
                    gradW        = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(survival));

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculating gradient of the loglikelihood using GradLPDF and GradLSurvival.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">The current weight where we want to evaluate the gradient.</param>
        /// <param name="fSamples">Organic recover time data.</param>
        /// <param name="fCensored">Inorganic recover time data.</param>
        /// <param name="eps">Threshold for small pdf.</param>
        /// <param name="bailOutSurvivalValue">Threshold for small survival function.</param>
        /// <returns>The gradient of the log-likelihood function with respect to w (the weights).
        /// </returns>
        public Matrix <double> GradLL2(Matrix <double> w, Matrix <double> fSamples,
                                       Matrix <double> fCensored,
                                       double eps = 1e-8, double bailOutSurvivalValue = 10.0)
            List <double>   t     = this.OrganicRecoveryDurations;
            List <double>   x     = this.InorganicRecoveryDurations;
            Matrix <double> gradW = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(w.RowCount, w.ColumnCount);

            Sigmoid sShape = new Sigmoid(this.ShapeUpperBound);
            Sigmoid sScale = new Sigmoid(this.ScaleUpperBound);

            for (int i = 0; i < fSamples.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow = fSamples.Row(i);
                // A 2 dim vector that will be converted to the 2 Weibull params.
                Vector <double> theta = w.Multiply(currentRow);
                // To prevent the parameters from becoming negative, we use sigmoids.
                double shape = sShape.Transform(theta[0]);
                double scale = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                //// double pdf = this.PDF(t.ElementAt(i), kappa, lambda);

                Vector <double> lpdfGrad = this.GradLPDF(t.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);
                Vector <double> sigmoidGrad
                    = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new double[] { sShape.Grad(theta[0]),
                                                                         sScale.Grad(theta[1]) });

                // Since we used the sigmoids, the product rule dictates that
                // we point-wise multiply the derivatives.
                Vector <double> delTheta = lpdfGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);

                // currentRow is just feature vector.
                gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow));

                if (double.IsNaN(gradW[0, 0]) || double.IsPositiveInfinity(gradW[0, 0]) ||
                    double.IsNegativeInfinity(gradW[0, 0]))
                    // Hopefully, we will never enter this code path.
                    throw new Exception("The moment we feared has arrived, gradient has blown" +
                                        "up due to samples data." +
                                        "First, try tightening the upper bounds for the shape and scale parameters" +
                                        "and if that doesn't work, add a break point here. My suspicion in delTheta");

                /* Since we are dividing the matrix by the pdf, we need to be
                 * careful it doesn't blow up.
                 * if (pdf > eps)
                 * {
                 *  gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(pdf));
                 *  // del/del(W) log(lik(x,W.f)) = 1/lik(x,W.f) * f. (del(lik(x))/del(W.f))^T
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  double survival = this.Survival(bailOutSurvivalValue, kappa, lambda);
                 *  Vector<double> survivalGrad = this.GradSurvival(bailOutSurvivalValue,
                 *                  kappa, lambda, survival);
                 *  delTheta = survivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);
                 *  gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(survival));
                 * }

            for (int i = 0; i < fCensored.RowCount; i++)
                Vector <double> currentRow = fCensored.Row(i);
                Vector <double> theta      = w.Multiply(currentRow);
                // To prevent the parameters from becoming negative, we use sigmoids.
                double shape = sShape.Transform(theta[0]);
                double scale = sScale.Transform(theta[1]);
                //// double survival = this.Survival(t.ElementAt(i), kappa, lambda);

                Vector <double> lsurvivalGrad = this.GradLSurvival(x.ElementAt(i), shape, scale);
                Vector <double> sigmoidGrad   =
                    Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(
                        new double[] { sShape.Grad(theta[0]), sScale.Grad(theta[1]) });

                Vector <double> delTheta = lsurvivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);

                gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow));

                if (double.IsNaN(gradW[0, 0]) || double.IsPositiveInfinity(gradW[0, 0]) ||
                    double.IsNegativeInfinity(gradW[0, 0]))
                    throw new Exception("The moment we feared has arrived, gradient has blown" +
                                        "up due to censored data." +
                                        "First, try tightening the upper bounds for the shape and scale parameters" +
                                        "and if that doesn't work, add a break point here. My suspicion in delTheta");

                 * Since we are dividing the matrix by the survival, we need to be
                 * careful it doesn't blow up.
                 * if (survival > eps)
                 * {
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  survival = this.Survival(bailOutSurvivalValue, kappa, lambda);
                 *  survivalGrad = this.GradSurvival(bailOutSurvivalValue, kappa, lambda, survival);
                 *  delTheta = survivalGrad.PointwiseMultiply(sigmoidGrad);
                 *  gradW = gradW.Add(delTheta.OuterProduct(currentRow).Divide(survival));
                 * }
