private void button62_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedAnimation.texFileLoc.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please select base texture file."); OpenFileDialog openTex = new OpenFileDialog(); openTex.Title = "Open texture file"; if (Game1.bIsDebug) { openTex.Filter = "Texture File|*.jpg;*.png;*.jpeg;*.xnb"; openTex.InitialDirectory = Game1.rootContent; } else { openTex.Filter = "Texture File|*.jpg;*.png;*.jpeg"; openTex.InitialDirectory = Game1.rootContentExtra; } bool bDone = false; while (!bDone) { DialogResult dia = openTex.ShowDialog(); if (dia == DialogResult.OK && openTex.FileName.Contains(openTex.InitialDirectory)) { selectedAnimation.texFileLoc = openTex.FileName.Replace(Game1.rootContent, "").Substring(0, openTex.FileName.Replace(Game1.rootContent, "").LastIndexOf(".")); Console.WriteLine("Successful item texture selection"); bDone = true; } else if (!openTex.FileName.Contains(openTex.InitialDirectory)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please select a file within the application folder under Content\Mods and it's subfolders"); } else if (dia == DialogResult.Cancel) { bDone = true; } } } try { selectedAnimation.ReloadTexture(); FrameSelector.StartComplex(selectedAnimation, (int)frameWidth.Value, (int)frameHeight.Value, (int)-xOffSet.Value, (int)yOffSet.Value); } catch { } }
public StartScreen() { BattleGUI.InitializeResources(); bIsRunning = true; r2d = new RenderTarget2D(, 1366, 768); bg.texFileLoc = @"Graphics\StartScreen\StartBG"; bg.animationFrames.Add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1366, 768)); bg.ReloadTexture(); sf = Game1.contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test48"); //testSF = Game1.contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test"); //testSF20 = Game1.contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test20"); //testSF25 = Game1.contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test25"); //testSF32 = Game1.contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test32"); //testSF48 = Game1.contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>(@"Fonts\Design\BGUI\test48"); int width = 800; int deltaH = 28; int height = (400 - deltaH * 5) / 4; Rectangle b = new Rectangle((1366 - width) / 2, 400, 800, height); mButtons.Add(new SCButton(b, sf, "New Game")); b.Y += height + deltaH; mButtons.Add(new SCButton(b, sf, "Load Game")); b.Y += height + deltaH; mButtons.Add(new SCButton(b, sf, "Settings")); b.Y += height + deltaH; mButtons.Add(new SCButton(b, sf, "Exit Game")); sc = this; Utilities.Control.Player.PlayerController.InitializeStartScreenControls(this); }
public void ReloadTexture() { try { abilityIcon.ReloadTexture(); } catch { } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (seoColl != null && sheetTex != null) { generatedSources = new List <TileSource>(); generatedObjects = new List <BaseSprite>(); foreach (var item in seoColl.lseo) { if (item.spriteObjectType == SpriteExportObject.spriteType.Tile) { TileSource ts = new TileSource(); ts.tileName =; ts.tileAnimation = new ShapeAnimation(); ts.tileAnimation.texFileLoc = texLoc; ts.tileAnimation.animationFrames = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>(item.animationFrames); ts.tileAnimation.ReloadTexture(); generatedSources.Add(ts); } if (item.spriteObjectType == SpriteExportObject.spriteType.Object) { BaseSprite ts = new BaseSprite(); ts.shapeName =; ShapeAnimation temp = new ShapeAnimation(); temp.texFileLoc = texLoc; temp.animationFrames = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle>(item.animationFrames); temp.ReloadTexture(); ts.baseAnimations.Add(temp); ts.spriteGameSize = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, item.width, item.height); generatedObjects.Add(ts); MapBuilder.gcDB.AddObject(ts); } } foreach (var item in generatedSources) { MapBuilder.gcDB.AddTile(item); } this.Close(); } }
public void ReloadTextures() { tileAnimation.ReloadTexture(); ResetAnimation(); }
public void ReloadTexture() { itemTexAndAnimation.texFileLoc = itemTexLoc; itemTexAndAnimation.ReloadTexture(); }
public override void ReloadTextures() { base.ReloadTextures(); lightOffAnim.ReloadTexture(); lightMask.ReloadTexture(); }