예제 #1
    // Communication methods.

    #region Communication

    /// <summary>
    /// Extract a SenseGlove matching the parameters of this SenseGlove_Object from a list retieved by the SenseGloveCs.DeviceScanner.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="devices"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private SenseGlove ExtractSenseGlove(SenseGloveCs.IODevice[] devices)
        for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
            if (devices[i] is SenseGlove)
                SenseGlove tempGlove = ((SenseGlove)devices[i]);
                GloveData  tempData  = tempGlove.GetData(false);
                //SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Dataloaded = " + tempData.dataLoaded + ". IsUsed = " + SenseGlove_Manager.IsUsed(tempData.deviceID) + ". isRight = " + tempData.isRight);
                if (tempData.dataLoaded && !SenseGlove_Manager.IsUsed(tempData.deviceID))
                {   //the SenseGlove is done loading data AND is not already in memory
                    if ((this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextGlove) ||
                        (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextLeftHand && !tempData.isRight) ||
                        (this.connectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.FindNextRightHand && tempData.isRight))
 /// <summary> Create a new instance of the GloveDetectedArgs. </summary>
 /// <param name="glove"></param>
 public GloveDetectedArgs(SenseGlove glove, int gloveIndex)
     this.DeviceID    = glove.GetData(false).deviceID;
     this.RightHanded = glove.IsRight();
     this.DeviceIndex = gloveIndex;