/// <summary> Checks for any new events that have come in from the SenseGloveCs library. </summary>
 /// <remarks> Events are queued and fired here so that they are Unity-Safe: They could be fired from asynchronous worker threads,
 /// and certain Unity functions are only accessible from this main thread. </remarks>
 private void CheckEventQueue()
     //New gloves detected since the last Update
     if (this.queuedGloves.Count > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < this.queuedGloves.Count; i++)
             SenseGlove detectedGlove = this.queuedGloves[i]; //keep a refrence here, since the RemoveAt may make it go out of scope.
             Debug.Log("Found a new unattended Glove: " + detectedGlove.DeviceID());
         this.queuedGloves.Clear(); //clear after we're done(?)
    /// <summary> Attempt to link a new glove to one of our assigned SenseGlove_Objects. Fire a GloveDetected event afterwards.? </summary>
    /// <param name="glove"></param>
    private void AssignNewGlove(SenseGlove glove)
        if (GetGloveIndex(glove.DeviceID()) < 0)   //It is a new glove

            int  index   = detectedGloves.Count - 1;
            bool linked  = false;
            bool isRight = glove.IsRight();

            //attempt to assign it to existing SenseGlove_Objects?
            for (int i = 0; i < this.senseGloves.Count; i++)
                if (this.senseGloves[i] != null)
                    if (!this.senseGloves[i].IsLinked && SenseGlove_Object.MatchesConnection(isRight, senseGloves[i].connectionMethod))
                    {   //This Sense Glove is elligible for a connection and is not already connected.
                        bool succesfullLink = this.senseGloves[i].LinkToGlove(index);
                        if (succesfullLink)
                        {                                                       //only when it is actually assigned do we break.
                            SenseGlove_DeviceManager.gloveLinked[index] = true; //we linked the glove at Index.
                            linked = true;
                {   //Warn devs when their SenseGlove_Objects have not been assigned.
                    Debug.LogError("NullRefrence exception occured in " + this.name + ". You likely haven't assigned it via the inspector.");

            if (!linked)
                this.OnGloveDetected(glove, index); //only fire event if the glove was not assigned.
            Debug.LogWarning("GloveDetected event was fired twice for the same device. Most likely you have two instances of DeviceManager running. "
                             + "We reccommend removing duplicate instances.");