private void OnSceneChanged(SceneType sceneType, Scene scene) { Interface.Oxide.LogDebug($"Scene changed to {} ({scene.buildIndex})."); if (sceneType == SceneType.Game) { RemotePlayer.CreatePlayerPrefab(); localPlayer = GameObject.Find("Player") ?? throw new NotImplementedException("Could not find local player"); localPlayerControl = localPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerControl>() ?? throw new NotImplementedException("Could not find PlayerControl on local player"); localPoseControl = localPlayer.transform.Find("dude/mixamorig:Hips").GetComponent <PoseControl>() ?? throw new NotImplementedException("Could not find PoseControl on local player"); localPlayerBase = localPlayer.AddComponent <LocalPlayer>(); InitSpectator(); InitUI(); InitClient(); } else if (sceneType == SceneType.Menu) { InitMenuUI(); if (firstLaunch) { firstLaunch = false; // Don't connect to server automatically if an update is available or if this is the first ever launch. if (firstEverLaunch) { menuUi.ShowFirstLaunch(); return; } if (updateAvailable) { menuUi.ShowUpdateAvailable(); return; } } else { return; } var launchArguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < launchArguments.Length; i += 2) { string argument = launchArguments[i].ToLower(); string value = i < launchArguments.Length - 1 ? launchArguments[i + 1].ToLower() : null; if (argument == "--goimp-connect") { string[] ipPort = value.Split(':'); string ipString = ipPort[0]; string portString = ipPort[1]; IPAddress ipAddress; short port; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ipString, out ipAddress)) { Interface.Oxide.LogError($"Launch arguments contained invalid ip: {ipString}"); return; } if (!short.TryParse(portString, out port)) { Interface.Oxide.LogError($"Launch arguments contained invalid port: {portString}"); return; } launchEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); // Wait for game to finish loading then continue game. var loader = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Loader>(); var loadingFinishedField = typeof(Loader).GetField("loadFinished", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); Timer.TimerInstance timerInstance = null; Action timerCallback = () => { bool loadingFinished = (bool)loadingFinishedField.GetValue(loader); if (loadingFinished) { loader.ContinueGame(); timerInstance.Destroy(); } }; timerInstance = Timer.Repeat(0, -1, timerCallback, this); } } } if (sceneType != SceneType.Game) { DestroyClient(); DestroyUI(); DestroySpectator(); if (ListenServer.Running) { ListenServer.Stop(); } } else if (sceneType != SceneType.Menu) { DestroyMenuUI(); } }