CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ICC_833t); //Water Elemental public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice) { p.setNewHeroPower(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ICC_833h, ownplay); // Icy Touch if (ownplay) { p.ownHero.armor += 5; } else { p.enemyHero.armor += 5; } int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, ownplay); }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_623); //6/6 Temple Enforcer public override void onTurnEndsTrigger(Playfield p, Minion triggerEffectMinion, bool turnEndOfOwner) { if (triggerEffectMinion.own == turnEndOfOwner) { int pos = (triggerEffectMinion.own) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, triggerEffectMinion.own, false); if (triggerEffectMinion.own) { p.ownDeckSize--; } else { p.enemyDeckSize--; } } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ICC_900t); //Ghoul 2/2 public override void onMinionDiedTrigger(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion diedMinion) { int diedMinions = (m.own) ? p.tempTrigger.ownMinionsDied : p.tempTrigger.enemyMinionsDied; if (diedMinions == 0) { return; } int residual = (p.pID == m.pID) ? diedMinions - m.extraParam2 : diedMinions; m.pID = p.pID; m.extraParam2 = diedMinions; for (int i = 0; i < residual; i++) { p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); } }
/// <summary> /// Battlecry: For each spell in your hand, summon a random minion of the same Cost. /// 战吼:你手牌中每有一张法术牌,便召唤一个法力值消耗与法术牌相同的随机随从。 /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="own"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="choice"></param> public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice) { if (own.own) { foreach (Handmanager.Handcard hc in p.owncards) { if (hc.card.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL) { p.CallKid(p.getRandomCardForManaMinion(hc.manacost), p.ownMinions.Count, own.own); } if (p.ownMinions.Count == 7) { break; } } } }
// Deathrattle: Summon a minion from your deck with less Attack than this minion. public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m) { CardDB.cardIDEnum cId = CardDB.cardIDEnum.None; for (int i = m.Attack - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cId = p.prozis.getDeckCardsForCost(i); if (cId != CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) { break; } } if (cId != CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) { CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(cId); p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos - 1, m.own); } }
public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, Handmanager.Handcard hc, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion) { if (triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && hc.card.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL) { CardDB.Card kid; int otherTotems = 0; bool wrath = false; foreach (Minion m in (wasOwnCard) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions) { switch ( { case CardDB.cardName.searingtotem: otherTotems++; continue; case CardDB.cardName.stoneclawtotem: otherTotems++; continue; case CardDB.cardName.healingtotem: otherTotems++; continue; case CardDB.cardName.wrathofairtotem: wrath = true; continue; } } if (p.isLethalCheck) { if (otherTotems == 3 && !wrath) { kid = wrathofair; } else { kid = healing; } } else { if (!wrath) { kid = wrathofair; } else { kid = searing; } } p.CallKid(kid, triggerEffectMinion.zonepos, wasOwnCard); } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.LOOT_357l); //Treasure Chest public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { int pos = (m.own) ? p.enemyMinions.Count : p.ownMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, !m.own); if (pos < 7) { if (m.own) { p.evaluatePenality -= 40; } else { p.evaluatePenality += 40; } } }
// Battlecry: Summon a Jade Golem. Give it Taunt. public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { p.CallKid(p.getNextJadeGolem(m.own), m.zonepos, m.own); Minion mnn = m.own ? p.ownMinions[m.zonepos] : p.enemyMinions[m.zonepos]; if (mnn.playedThisTurn && !mnn.taunt) { mnn.taunt = true; if (mnn.own) { p.anzOwnTaunt++; } else { p.anzEnemyTaunt++; } } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ICC_085t); //Ghoul Infestor public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice) { int dmg = (ownplay) ? p.getSpellDamageDamage(5) : p.getEnemySpellDamageDamage(5); p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, dmg); p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, ownplay); p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, ownplay); p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, ownplay); p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, ownplay); p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, ownplay); p.minionGetArmor(ownplay ? p.ownHero : p.enemyHero, 5); int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, ownplay); }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BOT_224); //Ë«ÉúС¹í public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); List <Minion> temp = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; int count = 0; foreach (Minion mnn in temp) { if ( == CardDB.cardName.doublingimp && m.entitiyID != mnn.entitiyID && mnn.playedThisTurn) { mnn.setMinionToMinion(m); count++; if (count >= 1) { break; } } } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.AT_106); //Light's Champion public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { List <Minion> list = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; int anz = list.Count; p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); if (anz < 7 && !list[m.zonepos].taunt) { list[m.zonepos].taunt = true; if (m.own) { p.anzOwnTaunt++; } else { p.anzEnemyTaunt++; } } }
public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { int count = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; for (int i = 7; i > count; i--) { p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); } List <Minion> temp = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; foreach (Minion mnn in temp) { if ( == CardDB.cardName.hireekthebat && m.entitiyID != mnn.entitiyID && mnn.playedThisTurn) { mnn.setMinionToMinion(m); } } }
/// <summary> /// Battlecry: Summon a random 2-Cost minion. /// 战吼:随机召唤一个法力值消耗为2点的随从。 /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="m"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="choice"></param> public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.CS2_121); List <Minion> list = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; int anz = list.Count; p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); if (anz < 7 && !list[m.zonepos].taunt) { list[m.zonepos].taunt = true; if (m.own) { p.anzOwnTaunt++; } else { p.anzEnemyTaunt++; } } }
// Choose One - Summon a Jade Golem; or Shuffle 3 copies of this card into your deck. public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice) { if (choice == 1 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay)) { int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(p.getNextJadeGolem(ownplay), pos, ownplay); } if (choice == 2 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay)) { if (ownplay) { p.ownDeckSize += 3; p.evaluatePenality -= 11; } else { p.enemyDeckSize += 3; } } }
//Secret: When one of your minions dies, return it to life with 1 Health. public override void onSecretPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, int number) { CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(ownplay ? p.revivingOwnMinion : p.revivingEnemyMinion); List <Minion> tmp = ownplay ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; int pos = tmp.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, ownplay, true, true); if (tmp.Count >= 1) { Minion summonedMinion = tmp[pos]; if (summonedMinion.handcard.card.cardIDenum == kid.cardIDenum) { summonedMinion.HealthPoints = 1; summonedMinion.wounded = false; if (summonedMinion.HealthPoints < summonedMinion.maxHp) { summonedMinion.wounded = true; } } } }
public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice) { if (choice == 2 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && own.own)) { if (own.own) { if (p.ownMaxMana > 8) { p.evaluatePenality += 15; } p.ownMaxMana = Math.Min(10, p.ownMaxMana + 1); } else { p.enemyMaxMana = Math.Min(10, p.enemyMaxMana + 1); } } if (choice == 1 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && own.own)) { p.CallKid(kid, own.zonepos, own.own); } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_160t); //panther public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice) { if (choice == 1 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay)) { p.minionGetBuffed(target, 2, 4); if (!target.taunt) { target.taunt = true; if (target.own) { p.anzOwnTaunt++; } else { p.anzEnemyTaunt++; } } } if (choice == 2 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay)) { int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, ownplay, false); } }
public override void onTurnStartTrigger(Playfield p, Minion triggerEffectMinion, bool turnStartOfOwner) { if (turnStartOfOwner != triggerEffectMinion.own) { return; } List <Minion> temp = (turnStartOfOwner) ? p.ownMinions : p.enemyMinions; int anz = 0; foreach (Minion m in temp) { if ((TAG_RACE)m.handcard.card.race == TAG_RACE.MECHANICAL && m.HealthPoints >= 1) { anz++; } } if (anz >= 3) { anz = 0; foreach (Minion m in temp) { if ((TAG_RACE)m.handcard.card.race == TAG_RACE.MECHANICAL) { p.minionGetDestroyed(m); anz++; if (anz == 3) { break; } } } int pos = (triggerEffectMinion.own) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, triggerEffectMinion.own, false, true); // we allow to summon one minion more (because 3 are destroyed) } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.EX1_066); //acidicswampooze public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { int zonepos = (m.own) ? p.enemyMinions.Count : p.ownMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, zonepos, !m.own); }
public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m) { p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos - 1, m.own); }
//Deathrattle: Summon a random minion you discarded this game. public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.KAR_205), m.zonepos - 1, m.own); //Silverware Golem. }
private void doSomeBasicEnemyAi(Playfield p) { if (p.enemyHeroName == HeroEnum.mage) { if (Probabilitymaker.Instance.enemyCardsOut.ContainsKey(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_561)) { p.ownHero.HealthPoints = Math.Max(5, p.ownHero.HealthPoints - 7); } } //play some cards (to not overdraw) if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 8) { p.enemyAnzCards--; p.triggerCardsChanged(false); } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 4) { p.enemyAnzCards--; p.triggerCardsChanged(false); } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { p.enemyAnzCards--; p.triggerCardsChanged(false); } int buffn = 0;//只buff一只 if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2 && p.enemyMinions.Count > 2) { foreach (Minion m in p.enemyMinions.ToArray()) { if (m.silenced) { continue; } int anz = 0; int nm = 0; int nm2 = 0; int prob1 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_122, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); /*prob1 =p.ProbRd(prob1); * if(p.enemyAnzCards >= 2 &&p.enemyMinions.Count>2)p.minionGetBuffed(m, prob1, prob1); * * if (p.enemyHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.PALADIN && buffn <1) * { * buffn++; * if(p.enemyHeroPowerCostLessOnce==0||p.enemyHeroAblility.manacost!=1)//buff随从 * { * prob1 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_092, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); * //nm = (int)(prob1/100+0.5); * nm =p.ProbRd(prob1); * if(p.enemyMaxMana>=4) p.minionGetBuffed(m, 4*nm, 4*nm);//王者祝福 * if(p.enemyMaxMana>=6) //剑龙骑术 * { * //p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2*nm, 6*nm); * m.taunt=true; * } * } * else * { * prob1 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_087, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); * nm = (int)(prob1/100+0.5); * p.minionGetBuffed(m, 3*nm, 0);//力量祝福 * } * }*/ if (p.enemyHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.SHAMAN)//防萨满突变 进化 { //if(m.own && +=2;//Mogu Fleshshaper魔古血肉塑造者 //else if(m.own && +=2; int minionvalue = m.HealthPoints * 2 + m.Attack; if (m.divineshild) { minionvalue = minionvalue * 3 / 2; } minionvalue += p.prozis.penman.getValueOfUsefulNeedKeepPriority(; CardDB.Card cofm = p.getRandomCardForManaMinion(m.handcard.card.cost); int cvalue = cofm.Health * 2 + cofm.Attack; if (cofm.Shield) { cvalue = cvalue * 3 / 2; } cvalue += p.prozis.penman.getValueOfUsefulNeedKeepPriority(; if (minionvalue - cvalue > 7) { p.evaluatePenality += 1; } if (minionvalue - cvalue > 12) { p.evaluatePenality += 1; } } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2 && ( == CardDB.cardName.gadgetzanauctioneer || == CardDB.cardName.starvingbuzzard)) { if (p.enemyDeckSize >= 1) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } } switch ( { //****************************************heal case CardDB.cardName.northshirecleric: anz = 0; foreach (Minion mnn in p.enemyMinions) { if (mnn.wounded) { anz++; } } anz = Math.Min(anz, 3); for (int i = 0; i < anz; i++) { if (p.enemyDeckSize >= 1) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.crystalsmithkangor://水晶工匠坎格尔 p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(p.enemyHero, -4); continue; case CardDB.cardName.devilsauregg: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_tk29), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.scavenginghyena://食腐土狼 nm = p.enemyMinions.Count - 1; prob1 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_538, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); int prob2 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.TRL_348, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); int prob3 = Probabilitymaker.Instance.getProbOfEnemyHavingCardInHand(CardDB.cardIDEnum.TRL_348t, p.enemyAnzCards, p.enemyDeckSize); if (p.enemyMaxMana < 4) { nm2 = (p.ownMinions.Count) * prob1 > 2 * prob2 + prob3 ? (int)((p.ownMinions.Count) * prob1 / 100 + 0.5):(int)(2 * prob2 / 100 + prob3 / 100 + 0.5); } else { nm2 = (int)((p.ownMinions.Count) * prob1 / 100 + 2 * prob2 / 100 + prob3 / 100 + 0.5); } if (nm2 < 1 && nm == 0) { nm2 = 1; } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2 * nm2, nm2); } p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2 * nm, nm); continue; case CardDB.cardName.shadowboxer: anz = 0; foreach (Minion mnn in p.enemyMinions) { if (mnn.wounded) { anz++; } } if (anz > 0) { anz = Math.Min(anz, 3); Minion target = p.ownHero; for (; anz > 0; anz--) { if (p.ownMinions.Count > 0) { target = p.searchRandomMinion(p.ownMinions, searchmode.searchLowestHP); } if (target == null) { target = p.ownHero; } p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 1); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.lightwarden: anz = 0; foreach (Minion mnn in p.enemyMinions) { if (mnn.wounded) { anz++; } } if (p.enemyHero.wounded) { anz++; } if (anz >= 2) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2, 0); } continue; //**************************************** //****************************************spell case CardDB.cardName.manaaddict: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.minionGetTempBuff(m, 2, 0); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.minionGetTempBuff(m, 2, 0); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.manawyrm: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 0); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 0); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.dragonkinsorcerer: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.minionGetTempBuff(m, 1, 1); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 1); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.violetteacher: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.NEW1_026t), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.NEW1_026t), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.warsongcommander: p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_165t1), p.enemyMinions.Count, false, false); continue; case CardDB.cardName.gadgetzanauctioneer: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.archmageantonidas: if (p.ownMinions.Count < 1) { p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(p.ownHero, 6); } else { Minion target = new Minion(); foreach (Minion mnn in p.ownMinions) { if (mnn.HealthPoints <= 6 && (mnn.HealthPoints + mnn.Attack) > (target.HealthPoints + target.Attack)) { target = mnn; } } p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 6); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.gazlowe: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.flamewaker: anz = 0; if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { anz++; } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { anz++; } if (anz > 0) { Minion target = p.ownHero; anz = anz * 2 - 1; p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 1); for (; anz > 0; anz--) { if (p.ownMinions.Count > 0) { target = p.searchRandomMinion(p.ownMinions, searchmode.searchLowestHP); } if (target == null) { target = p.ownHero; } p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 1); } } continue; //**************************************** //****************************************secret case CardDB.cardName.secretkeeper: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 1); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.etherealarcanist: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 || p.enemySecretCount > 0) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2, 2); } continue; //**************************************** //****************************************play case CardDB.cardName.illidanstormrage: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.CallKid(flame, p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.questingadventurer: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 1) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 1); if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && p.enemyMaxMana >= 5) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 1); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.unboundelemental: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 1); } continue; //**************************************** //****************************************turn //****************************************armor case CardDB.cardName.siegeengine: anz = 0; foreach (Minion mnn in p.enemyMinions) { if ( == CardDB.cardName.armorsmith) { anz++; } } if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { anz++; } if (anz > 0) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, anz, 0); } continue; //****************************************summon case CardDB.cardName.murloctidecaller: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 0); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.undertaker: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 0); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.starvingbuzzard: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.cobaltguardian: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { m.divineshild = true; } continue; case CardDB.cardName.knifejuggler: anz = Math.Min(p.enemyAnzCards, (int)p.enemyMaxMana / 2); if (anz > 0) { Minion target = p.ownHero; for (; anz > 0; anz--) { if (p.ownMinions.Count > 0) { target = p.searchRandomMinion(p.ownMinions, searchmode.searchLowestHP); } if (target == null) { target = p.ownHero; } p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 1); } } continue; case CardDB.cardName.shipscannon: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 2) { Minion target = p.ownHero; if (p.ownMinions.Count > 0) { target = p.searchRandomMinion(p.ownMinions, searchmode.searchLowestHP); } if (target == null) { target = p.ownHero; } p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, 1); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.tundrarhino: p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_125), p.enemyMinions.Count, false, true, true); continue; case CardDB.cardName.houndmastershaw://驯犬大师肖尔 p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_125), p.enemyMinions.Count, false, true, true); continue; //**************************************** //****************************************damage case CardDB.cardName.frothingberserker: nm = p.ownMinions.Count > p.enemyMinions.Count - 1 ? p.enemyMinions.Count - 1:p.ownMinions.Count; nm2 = (int)((p.ownMinions.Count + p.enemyMinions.Count) * 0.2 + 0.5); if (m.HealthPoints >= 2 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3 && nm == 0) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, nm2, 0); } else { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2 * nm, 0); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.gurubashiberserker: if (m.HealthPoints >= 4 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 3, 0); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.floatingwatcher: if (p.enemyMaxMana >= p.enemyAnzCards * 2) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, 2, 2); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.armorsmith: if (p.enemyMinions.Count >= 3) { p.minionGetArmor(p.enemyHero, 1); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.gahzrilla: if (m.HealthPoints >= 4 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.minionGetBuffed(m, m.Attack * 2, 0); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.acolyteofpain: if (m.HealthPoints >= 3 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.mechbearcat: if (m.HealthPoints >= 3 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.drawACard(CardDB.cardName.unknown, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.grimpatron: if (m.HealthPoints >= 3 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BRM_019), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.dragonegg: if (p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BRM_022t), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.impgangboss: if (m.HealthPoints >= 3 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BRM_006t), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.axeflinger: if (m.HealthPoints >= 3 && p.enemyAnzCards >= 3) { p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(p.ownHero, 2); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.brannbronzebeard: p.minionGetBuffed(m, 0, 6); continue; case CardDB.cardName.obsidiandestroyer: if (p.enemyMinions.Count < 6) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.LOE_009t), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; case CardDB.cardName.tunneltrogg: p.minionGetBuffed(m, 1, 0); continue; case CardDB.cardName.summoningstone: if (p.enemyMinions.Count < 6) { p.CallKid(CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.LOE_017), p.enemyMinions.Count, false); } continue; //**************************************** //****************************************dies (rough approximation) //**************************************** } } } p.doDmgTriggers(); }
public void simulateEnemysTurn(Playfield rootfield, bool simulateTwoTurns, bool playaround, bool print, int pprob, int pprob2) { if (rootfield.bestEnemyPlay == null) { bool havedonesomething = true; posmoves.Clear(); posmoves.Add(new Playfield(rootfield)); posmoves[0].isLethalCheck = false; posmoves[0].startTurn(); rootfield.guessingHeroHP = posmoves[0].guessingHeroHP; List <Playfield> temp = new List <Playfield>(); int deep = 0; int enemMana = Math.Min(rootfield.enemyMaxMana + 1, 10); if (playaround && !rootfield.loatheb) { float oldval = Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(posmoves[0]); posmoves[0].value = int.MinValue; enemMana = posmoves[0].EnemyCardPlaying(rootfield.enemyHeroStartClass, enemMana, rootfield.enemyAnzCards, pprob, pprob2); if (posmoves[0].wehaveCounterspell > 1) { posmoves[0].ownSecretsIDList.Remove(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_287); posmoves[0].evaluatePenality -= 7; } float newval = Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(posmoves[0]); posmoves[0].value = int.MinValue; posmoves[0].enemyAnzCards--; posmoves[0].triggerCardsChanged(false); if (oldval < newval) { posmoves.Clear(); posmoves.Add(new Playfield(rootfield)); posmoves[0].startTurn(); } } if (posmoves[0].ownHeroHasDirectLethal()) { if (posmoves[0].value >= -2000000) { rootfield.value -= 10000; } else { rootfield.value = -10000; } return; } doSomeBasicEnemyAi(posmoves[0]); //play ability! if (rootfield.enemyHeroPowerCostLessOnce <= 0 && posmoves[0].enemyAbilityReady && enemMana >= rootfield.enemyHeroAblility.manacost && posmoves[0].enemyHeroAblility.card.canplayCard(posmoves[0], 0, false) && !rootfield.loatheb) { int abilityPenality = 0; List <Minion> trgts = posmoves[0].enemyHeroAblility.card.getTargetsForHeroPower(posmoves[0], false); foreach (Minion trgt in trgts) { Action a = new Action(actionEnum.useHeroPower, posmoves[0].enemyHeroAblility, null, 0, trgt, abilityPenality, 0); Playfield pf = new Playfield(posmoves[0]); pf.doAction(a); posmoves.Add(pf); } } int boardcount = 0; //movegen... int i = 0; int count = 0; Playfield p = null; Playfield bestold = null; havedonesomething = true; float bestoldval = int.MaxValue; while (havedonesomething) { temp.Clear(); temp.AddRange(posmoves); havedonesomething = false; count = temp.Count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = temp[i]; if (p.complete) { continue; } List <Action> actions = movegen.GetMoveList(p, false, true, false); foreach (Action a in actions) { havedonesomething = true; Playfield pf = new Playfield(p); pf.doAction(a); posmoves.Add(pf); boardcount++; } p.endTurn(); p.complete = true; p.guessingHeroHP = rootfield.guessingHeroHP; if (Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(p) < bestoldval) // want the best enemy-play-> worst for us { bestoldval = Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(p); bestold = p; } posmoves.Remove(p); if (boardcount >= maxwide) { break; } } cuttingposibilitiesET(); deep++; if (boardcount >= maxwide) { break; } } posmoves.Add(bestold); float bestval = int.MaxValue; Playfield bestplay = bestold; count = posmoves.Count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = posmoves[i]; if (!p.complete) { p.endTurn(); p.complete = true; } p.guessingHeroHP = rootfield.guessingHeroHP; float val = Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(p); if (p.enemyMinions.Count > 6) { val += 12; } if (bestval > val)// we search the worst value { bestplay = p; bestval = val; } } if (bestplay.enemyMinions.Count < 7) { if (bestplay.enemyAnzCards > 0) { if (bestplay.enemyMaxMana > 5) { bestplay.CallKid(this.spellbreaker43, bestplay.enemyMinions.Count, false, false); } else { bestplay.CallKid(this.flame, bestplay.enemyMinions.Count, false, false); } int tmp = bestplay.enemyMinions.Count; bestplay.simulateTrapsEndEnemyTurn(); if (tmp == bestplay.enemyMinions.Count) { int bval = 1; if (bestplay.enemyMaxMana > 4) { bval = 2; } if (bestplay.enemyMaxMana > 7) { bval = 3; } if (bestplay.enemyMinions.Count >= 1) { bestplay.minionGetBuffed(bestplay.enemyMinions[bestplay.enemyMinions.Count - 1], bval - 1, bval); } } } } bestplay.startTurn(); bestplay.ownAbilityReady = false; bestplay.owncarddraw = rootfield.owncarddraw; bestplay.complete = true; bestplay.isLethalCheck = rootfield.isLethalCheck; Ai.Instance.botBase.getPlayfieldValue(bestplay); bestval = bestplay.value; rootfield.value = bestplay.value; if (twotsamount > 0 || (rootfield.isLethalCheck && berserkIfCanFinishNextTour > 0)) { rootfield.bestEnemyPlay = new Playfield(bestplay); rootfield.bestEnemyPlay.value = bestval; } } if ((simulateTwoTurns || (rootfield.isLethalCheck && berserkIfCanFinishNextTour > 0)) && rootfield.bestEnemyPlay != null && rootfield.bestEnemyPlay.value > -1000) { float bestval = rootfield.bestEnemyPlay.value; rootfield.bestEnemyPlay.complete = false; rootfield.bestEnemyPlay.value = int.MinValue; rootfield.value = Settings.Instance.firstweight * bestval + Settings.Instance.secondweight * Ai.Instance.nextTurnSimulator[this.thread].doallmoves(rootfield.bestEnemyPlay, print); } }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_125); //Ironfur Grizzly public override void onSecretPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, int number) { int place = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, place, ownplay); }
// Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem. public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { p.CallKid(p.getNextJadeGolem(m.own), m.zonepos, m.own); }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.BRMA02_2t); //Dark Iron Spectator public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice) { int place = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, place, ownplay, false); }
public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m) { int pos = (m.own) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count; p.CallKid(kid, pos, m.own, false); }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CFM_648t); //6/6 Ogre public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion m, Minion target, int choice) { p.CallKid(kid, m.zonepos, m.own); }
CardDB.Card c = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_612);//kirintormage public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m) { int place = (m.own) ? p.enemyMinions.Count : p.ownMinions.Count; p.CallKid(c, place, !m.own, false); }
CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ICC_838t); //Frozen Champion public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice) { p.CallKid(kid, own.zonepos - 1, own.own); //1st left p.CallKid(kid, own.zonepos, own.own); }