public virtual void Reward(PlayerMobile player, CollectionItem reward, int hue) { Item item = QuestHelper.Construct(reward.Type) as Item; if (item != null && player.AddToBackpack(item)) { if (hue > 0) { item.Hue = hue; } player.AddCollectionPoints(this.CollectionID, (int)reward.Points * -1); player.SendLocalizedMessage(1073621); // Your reward has been placed in your backpack. player.PlaySound(0x5A7); if (reward.QuestItem) { CollectionsObtainObjective.CheckReward(player, item); } } else if (item != null) { player.SendLocalizedMessage(1074361); // The reward could not be given. Make sure you have room in your pack. item.Delete(); } reward.OnGiveReward(player, this, hue); player.CloseGump(typeof(ComunityCollectionGump)); player.SendGump(new ComunityCollectionGump(player, this, this.Location)); }
public virtual void Donate(PlayerMobile player, CollectionItem item, int amount) { int points = (int)(amount * item.Points); player.AddCollectionPoints(this.CollectionID, points); player.SendLocalizedMessage(1072816); // Thank you for your donation! player.SendLocalizedMessage(1072817, points.ToString()); // You have earned ~1_POINTS~ reward points for this donation. player.SendLocalizedMessage(1072818, points.ToString()); // The Collection has been awarded ~1_POINTS~ points this.Points += points; this.InvalidateProperties(); }
public override void OnGiveReward(PlayerMobile to, IComunityCollection collection, int hue) { if (to.AddCollectionTitle(m_Title)) { if (m_Title is int) { to.SendLocalizedMessage(1073625, "#" + (int)m_Title); // The title "~1_TITLE~" has been bestowed upon you. } else if (m_Title is string) { to.SendLocalizedMessage(1073625, (string)m_Title); // The title "~1_TITLE~" has been bestowed upon you. } to.AddCollectionPoints(collection.CollectionID, (int)Points * -1); } else { to.SendLocalizedMessage(1073626); // You already have that title! } }