protected internal override void OnPurchase(Player p, string msg) { if (msg.Length == 0) { PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(, ""); p.Message("&aYour logout message was removed for free."); return; } if (!CheckPrice(p)) { return; } if (msg == PlayerDB.GetLogoutMessage(p)) { p.Message("&WYou already have that logout message."); return; } if (msg.Length > NetUtils.StringSize) { p.Message("&WLogin message must be 64 characters or less."); return; } UseCommand(p, "LogoutMessage", "-own " + msg); Economy.MakePurchase(p, Price, "%3LogoutMessage: %f" + msg); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } string[] args = message.Split(trimChars, 2); if (args.Length < 2) { Help(p); return; } Player target = PlayerInfo.Find(args[0]); string name = target != null ? : args[0]; if (target == null && PlayerInfo.FindOfflineName(name) == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no player with the given name."); return; } PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(name, args[1]); string fullName = target != null ? target.ColoredName : name; Player.SendMessage(p, "The logout message of " + fullName + " %Shas been changed to: " + args[1]); string changer = p == null ? "(console)" :; Server.s.Log(changer + " changed " + name + "'s logout message to:"); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string msg) { PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(target, msg); if (msg.Length == 0) { p.Message("Logout message of {0} %Swas removed.", p.FormatNick(target)); } else { p.Message("Logout message of {0} %Swas changed to: {1}", p.FormatNick(target), msg); } }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, Player who, string msg) { PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(, msg); if (msg.Length == 0) { p.Message("Logout message of {0} %Swas removed.", who.ColoredName); } else { p.Message("Logout message of {0} %Swas changed to: {1}", who.ColoredName, msg); } }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, Player who, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 1) { string path = PlayerDB.LogoutPath(; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } Player.Message(p, "The logout message of {0} %Shas been removed.", who.ColoredName); } else { PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(, args[1]); Player.Message(p, "The logout message of {0} %Shas been changed to: {1}", who.ColoredName, args[1]); } }
protected override void DoPurchase(Player p, string message, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 1) { PlayerDB.SetLogoutMessage(, ""); p.Message("&aYour logout message was removed for free."); return; } string msg = message.SplitSpaces(2)[1]; // keep spaces this way if (msg == PlayerDB.GetLogoutMessage(p)) { p.Message("%WYou already have that logout message."); return; } if (msg.Length > NetUtils.StringSize) { p.Message("%WLogin message must be 64 characters or less."); return; } UseCommand(p, "LogoutMessage", "-own " + msg); Economy.MakePurchase(p, Price, "%3LogoutMessage: %f" + msg); }