internal static void RealmBuild(Player player, Command cmd, string worldName, string name, string nameIfRankIsName) { // Print information about the current realm if (worldName == null) { player.Message(player.World == null ? "When calling /wbuild from console, you must specify a realm name." : player.World.BuildSecurity.GetDescription(player.World, "realm", "modified")); return; } // Find a realm by name World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (realm == null) { return; } if (name == null) { player.Message(realm.BuildSecurity.GetDescription(realm, "realm", "modified")); return; } bool changesWereMade = false; do { if (name.Length < 2) { continue; } // Whitelisting individuals if (name.StartsWith("+")) { if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out var info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } else if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.Allowed) { player.Message("{0}&S is already allowed to build in {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) { target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages } switch (realm.BuildSecurity.Include(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: if (realm.BuildSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer barred from building in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You can now build in realm {0}&S (removed from blacklist by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("{0}&S was removed from the build blacklist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still NOT allowed to build (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You were removed from the build blacklist of realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still NOT allowed to build (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the build blacklist of {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now allowed to build in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You can now build in realm {0}&S (whitelisted by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the build whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: player.Message("{0}&S is already on the build whitelist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; } // Blacklisting individuals } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out var info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh || realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow) { player.Message("{0}&S is already barred from building in {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) { target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages } switch (realm.BuildSecurity.Exclude(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: player.Message("{0}&S is already on build blacklist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now barred from building in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("&WYou were barred by {0}&W from building in realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the build blacklist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: if (realm.BuildSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer on the build whitelist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still allowed to build (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You were removed from the build whitelist of realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still allowed to build (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer allowed to build in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("&WYou can no longer build in realm {0}&W (removed from whitelist by {1}&W).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the build whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; } // Setting minimum rank } else { Rank rank = RankManager.FindRank(name); if (rank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(name); } else if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention && realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank > rank && realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank > player.Info.Rank) { player.Message("&WYou must be ranked {0}&W+ to lower build restrictions for realm {1}", realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { // list players who are redundantly blacklisted var exceptionList = realm.BuildSecurity.ExceptionList; PlayerInfo[] noLongerExcluded = exceptionList.Excluded.Where(excludedPlayer => excludedPlayer.Rank < rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerExcluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be blacklisted on realm {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerExcluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // list players who are redundantly whitelisted PlayerInfo[] noLongerIncluded = exceptionList.Included.Where(includedPlayer => includedPlayer.Rank >= rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerIncluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be whitelisted on realm {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerIncluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // apply changes realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank = rank; changesWereMade = true; if (realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank == RankManager.LowestRank) { Server.Message("{0}&S allowed anyone to build on realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { Server.Message("{0}&S allowed only {1}+&S to build in realm {2}", player.ClassyName, realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} set build rank for realm {1} to {2}+", player.Name, realm.Name, realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.Name); } } } while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null); if (changesWereMade) { WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } }
internal static void RealmAccess(Player player, Command cmd, string worldName, string name) { // Print information about the current realm if (worldName == null) { player.Message(player.World == null ? "Error." : player.World.AccessSecurity.GetDescription(player.World, "realm", "accessed")); return; } // Find a realm by name World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (realm == null) { return; } if (name == null) { player.Message(realm.AccessSecurity.GetDescription(realm, "realm", "accessed")); return; } if (realm == WorldManager.MainWorld) { player.Message("The main realm cannot have access restrictions."); return; } bool changesWereMade = false; do { if (name.Length < 2) { continue; } // Whitelisting individuals if (name.StartsWith("+")) { if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out var info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } // prevent players from whitelisting themselves to bypass protection if (realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.Allowed) { player.Message("{0}&S is already allowed to access {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) { target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages } switch (realm.AccessSecurity.Include(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: if (realm.AccessSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is unbanned from Realm {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You are now unbanned from Realm {0}&S (removed from blacklist by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("{0}&S was unbanned from Realm {1}&S. " + "Player is still NOT allowed to join (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You were Unbanned from Realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still NOT allowed to join (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the access blacklist of {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now allowed to access {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You can now access realm {0}&S (whitelisted by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the access whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: player.Message("{0}&S is already on the access whitelist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; } // Blacklisting individuals } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out var info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh || realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow) { player.Message("{0}&S is already barred from accessing {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) { target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages } switch (realm.AccessSecurity.Exclude(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: player.Message("{0}&S is already banned from Realm {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now banned from accessing {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("&WYou were banned by {0}&W from accessing realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the access blacklist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: if (realm.AccessSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer on the access whitelist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still allowed to join (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("You were banned from Realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still allowed to join (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer allowed to access {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); target?.Message("&WYou were banned from Realm {0}&W (Banned by {1}&W).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the access whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; } // Setting minimum rank } else { Rank rank = RankManager.FindRank(name); if (rank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(name); } else { // list players who are redundantly blacklisted var exceptionList = realm.AccessSecurity.ExceptionList; PlayerInfo[] noLongerExcluded = exceptionList.Excluded.Where(excludedPlayer => excludedPlayer.Rank < rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerExcluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be blacklisted to be barred from {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerExcluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // list players who are redundantly whitelisted PlayerInfo[] noLongerIncluded = exceptionList.Included.Where(includedPlayer => includedPlayer.Rank >= rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerIncluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be whitelisted to access {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerIncluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // apply changes realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank = rank; changesWereMade = true; if (realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank == RankManager.LowestRank) { Server.Message("{0}&S made the realm {1}&S accessible to everyone.", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { Server.Message("{0}&S made the realm {1}&S accessible only by {2}+", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName, realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} set access rank for realm {1} to {2}+", player.Name, realm.Name, realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank.Name); } } } while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null); if (!changesWereMade) { return; } var playersWhoCantStay = realm.Players.Where(p => !p.CanJoin(realm)); foreach (Player p in playersWhoCantStay) { p.Message("&WYou are no longer allowed to join realm {0}", realm.ClassyName); p.JoinWorld(WorldManager.MainWorld, WorldChangeReason.PermissionChanged); } WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); }