        // Draw image and clip it

        private static void DrawTitle()
            // define local image resources as 200ppi and 100% quality
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 200;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 100;
            // Get image from embedded local resource
            Image    BocTitle   = Properties.Resources.BocTitleBitmap;
            PdfImage titleImage = new PdfImage(document, BocTitle, ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // set coordinate
            Contents.Translate(1.3, 26.8);

            // set image size
            PdfRectangle size = titleImage.ImageSizePosition(18.39, 1.85, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawRectangle(size.Left, size.Bottom, size.Width, size.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(titleImage, size.Left, size.Bottom, size.Width, size.Height);

            // restore graphics state
예제 #2
        private void DrawLogImage()
            // define local image resources
            // resolution 96 pixels per inch, image quality 100%
            PdfImageControl ImageControl = new PdfImageControl();

            ImageControl.Resolution   = 96.0;
            ImageControl.ImageQuality = 100;


            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "temps/" + pk.Logo.Filename, ImageControl);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            Contents.Translate(0, 10);

            // adjust image size an preserve aspect ratio
            PdfRectangle NewSize = Image1.ImageSizePosition(3, 1.1, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawOval(NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height, PaintOp.Fill);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, NewSize.Left, NewSize.Bottom, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
        // Draw image of a flower and clip it

        private void DrawFlower
            PdfDocument Document,
            PdfContents Contents
            // define local image resources
            PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "flower.jpg");

            // image size will be limited to 1.4" by 1.4"
            SizeD ImageSize = Image1.ImageSize(1.4, 1.4);

            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture
            Contents.Translate(3.36, 5.7);

            // clipping path
            Contents.DrawOval(-ImageSize.Width / 2, -ImageSize.Height / 2, ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor);

            // draw image
            Contents.DrawImage(Image1, -ImageSize.Width / 2, -ImageSize.Height / 2, ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height);

            // restore graphics state
예제 #4
        // Draw Happy Face

        private void DrawHappyFace()
            // save graphics state

            // translate coordinate origin to the center of the happy face
            Contents.Translate(4.25, 7.5);

            // change nonstroking (fill) color to yellow

            // draw happy face yellow oval
            Contents.DrawOval(-1.5, -1.0, 3.0, 2.0, PaintOp.Fill);

            // set line width to 0.2" this is the black circle around the eye

            // eye color is white with black outline circle

            // draw eyes
            Contents.DrawOval(-0.75, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke);
            Contents.DrawOval(0.25, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke);

            // mouth color is black

            // draw mouth by creating a path made of one line and one Bezier curve
            Contents.MoveTo(-0.6, -0.4);
            Contents.LineTo(0.6, -0.4);
            Contents.DrawBezier(0.0, -0.8, 0, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4);

            // fill the path with black color

            // restore graphics sate
예제 #5
        // Draw example of a text box
        private static void DrawTextBox(PdfDocument document, PdfPage page)
            PdfContents zContents = new PdfContents(page);

            PdfFont zArialNormal = new PdfFont(document, "Arial", FontStyle.Regular, true);

            zArialNormal.CharSubstitution(945, 950, 161);

            // Save graphics state:

            // translate origin to PosX=1.1" and PosY=1.1" this is the bottom left corner of the text box example
            zContents.Translate(1.1, 1.1);

            // Define constants
            // Box width 3.25"
            // Box height is 3.65"
            // Normal font size is 9.0 points.
            const Double Width    = 3.15;
            const Double Height   = 3.65;
            const Double FontSize = 9.0;

            // Create text box object width 3.25"
            // First line indent of 0.25"
            TextBox Box = new TextBox(Width, 0.25);

            // add text to the text box
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "This area is an example of displaying text that is too long to fit within a fixed width " +
                        "area. The text is displayed justified to right edge. You define a text box with the required " +
                        "width and first line indent. You add text to this box. The box will divide the text into " +
                        "lines. Each line is made of segments of text. For each segment, you define font, font " +
                        "size, drawing style and color. After loading all the text, the program will draw the formatted text.\n");

            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize - 2.0, "Arial size 7, ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize - 1.0, "size 8, ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "size 9, ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize + 1.0, "size 10. ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Underline, "Underline, ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Strikeout, "Strikeout. ");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "Subscript H");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Subscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "O. Superscript A");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "+B");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "=C");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "\n");

            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize, "\n");

            // Draw the text box
            // Text left edge is at zero (note: origin was translated to 1.1")
            // The top text base line is at Height less first line ascent.
            // Text drawing is limited to vertical coordinate of zero.
            // First line to be drawn is line zero.
            // After each line add extra 0.015".
            // After each paragraph add extra 0.05"
            // Stretch all lines to make smooth right edge at box width of 3.15"
            // After all lines are drawn, PosY will be set to the next text line after the box's last paragraph
            Double PosY = Height;

            zContents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.FitToWidth, Box);

            // Create text box object width 3.25"
            // No first line indent
            Box = new TextBox(Width);

            // Add text as before.
            // No extra line spacing.
            // No right edge adjustment
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "In the examples above this area the text box was set for first line indent of " +
                        "0.25 inches. This paragraph has zero first line indent and no right justify.");
            zContents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, Box);

            // Create text box object width 2.75
            // First line hanging indent of 0.5"
            Box = new TextBox(Width - 0.5, -0.5);

            // Add text
            Box.AddText(zArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "This paragraph is set to first line hanging indent of 0.5 inches. " +
                        "The left margin of this paragraph is 0.5 inches.");

            // Draw the text
            // left edge at 0.5"
            zContents.DrawText(0.5, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, Box);

            // restore graphics state
        // Draw example of order form

        private void DrawBookOrderForm
            PdfContents Contents
            // Order form simulation
            // Define constants to make the code readable
            // Define constants
            const Double Width        = 3.05;
            const Double Height       = 3.65;
            const Double Margin       = 0.04;
            const Double FontSize     = 9.0;
            Double       LineSpacing  = ArialNormal.LineSpacing(FontSize);
            Double       Descent      = ArialNormal.Descent(FontSize);
            Double       ColWidth1    = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "9999.99") + 2 * Margin;
            Double       ColWidth2    = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "Qty") + 2 * Margin;
            Double       Col4LinePosX = Width - ColWidth1;
            Double       Col3LinePosX = Col4LinePosX - ColWidth2;
            Double       Col2LinePosX = Col3LinePosX - ColWidth1;
            Double       Col1TextPosX = Margin;
            Double       Col2TextPosX = Col3LinePosX - Margin;
            Double       Col3TextPosX = Col4LinePosX - Margin;
            Double       Col4TextPosX = Width - Margin;

            // save graphics state

            // form line width 0.01"

            // Initial vertical position for contents
            Double PosY1 = Height - LineSpacing - 2 * Margin;

            // bottom of the contents area of the form
            Double PosY2 = 2 * Margin + 3 * LineSpacing;

            // shift origin, bottom left of the form to X=4.35" and Y=1.1"
            Contents.Translate(4.35, 1.1);

            // draw outline rectangle
            Contents.DrawRectangle(0.0, 0.0, Width, Height, PaintOp.CloseStroke);

            // draw two horizontal lines. under table heading and above total
            Contents.DrawLine(0, PosY1, Width, PosY1);
            Contents.DrawLine(0, PosY2, Width, PosY2);

            // draw three vertical lines separating the columns
            Contents.DrawLine(Col2LinePosX, Height, Col2LinePosX, PosY2);
            Contents.DrawLine(Col3LinePosX, Height, Col3LinePosX, PosY2);
            Contents.DrawLine(Col4LinePosX, Height, Col4LinePosX, 0);

            // draw table heading
            Double PosY = PosY1 + Margin + Descent;

            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col1TextPosX, PosY, "Description");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col2TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Price");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Qty");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total");

            // reset order total
            Double Total = 0;

            // define text box for book title and author
            TextBox Box = new TextBox(Col2LinePosX - 2 * Margin);

            // initial vertical position
            PosY = PosY1 - Margin;

            // loop for all items in the order
            // Order class is a atabase simulation for this example
            foreach (Order Book in Order.OrderList)
                // clear the text box

                // add book title and authors to the box
                Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Book.Title);
                Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, ". By: ");
                Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Book.Authors);

                // draw the title and authors.
                // on exit, PosY will be for next line
                Contents.DrawText(Col1TextPosX, ref PosY, PosY2, 0, Box);

                // move PosY up to allow drawing cost on the same line as the last text line of the box
                PosY += Descent;

                // draw price quantity and item's total
                Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col2TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Price.ToString("#.00"));
                Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Qty.ToString());
                Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Book.Total.ToString("#.00"));

                // update PosY for next item
                PosY -= Descent + 0.5 * LineSpacing;

                // accumulate total
                Total += Book.Total;

            // draw total before tax
            PosY = PosY2 - Margin - ArialNormal.Ascent(FontSize);
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total before tax");
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));

            // draw tax (Ontario Canada HST)
            PosY -= LineSpacing;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Tax (13%)");
            Double Tax = Math.Round(0.13 * Total, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Tax.ToString("#.00"));

            // draw final total
            PosY -= LineSpacing;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col3TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total payable");
            Total += Tax;
            Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Col4TextPosX, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));

            // restore graphics state
        // Draw example of a text box

        private void DrawTextBox
            PdfContents Contents
            // save graphics state

            // translate origin to PosX=1.1" and PosY=1.1" this is the bottom left corner of the text box example
            Contents.Translate(1.1, 1.1);
//		Contents.TranslateScaleRotate(7.4, 1.1, 1.0, Math.PI / 2);

            // Define constants
            // Box width 3.25"
            // Box height is 3.65"
            // Normal font size is 9.0 points.
            const Double Width    = 3.15;
            const Double Height   = 3.65;
            const Double FontSize = 9.0;

            // Create text box object width 3.25"
            // First line indent of 0.25"
            TextBox Box = new TextBox(Width, 0.25);

            // add text to the text box
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "This area is an example of displaying text that is too long to fit within a fixed width " +
                        "area. The text is displayed justified to right edge. You define a text box with the required " +
                        "width and first line indent. You add text to this box. The box will divide the text into " +
                        "lines. Each line is made of segments of text. For each segment, you define font, font " +
                        "size, drawing style and color. After loading all the text, the program will draw the formatted text.\n");
            Box.AddText(TimesNormal, FontSize + 1.0, "Example of multiple fonts: Times New Roman, ");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, "Comic Sans MS, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Example of regular, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialBold, FontSize, "bold, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialItalic, FontSize, "italic, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialBoldItalic, FontSize, "bold plus italic. ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize - 2.0, "Arial size 7, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize - 1.0, "size 8, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "size 9, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize + 1.0, "size 10. ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Underline, "Underline, ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Strikeout, "Strikeout. ");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Subscript H");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Subscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "O. Superscript A");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "+B");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "=C");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2");
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "\n");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Red, "Lets add some color, ");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Green, "green, ");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Blue, "blue, ");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Orange, "orange, ");
            Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, DrawStyle.Underline, Color.Purple, "and purple.\n");

            // Draw the text box
            // Text left edge is at zero (note: origin was translated to 1.1")
            // The top text base line is at Height less first line ascent.
            // Text drawing is limited to vertical coordinate of zero.
            // First line to be drawn is line zero.
            // After each line add extra 0.015".
            // After each paragraph add extra 0.05"
            // Stretch all lines to make smooth right edge at box width of 3.15"
            // After all lines are drawn, PosY will be set to the next text line after the box's last paragraph
            Double PosY = Height;

            Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, true, Box);

            // Create text box object width 3.25"
            // No first line indent
            Box = new TextBox(Width);

            // Add text as before.
            // No extra line spacing.
            // No right edge adjustment
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "In the examples above this area the text box was set for first line indent of " +
                        "0.25 inches. This paragraph has zero first line indent and no right justify.");
            Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, false, Box);

            // Create text box object width 2.75
            // First line hanging indent of 0.5"
            Box = new TextBox(Width - 0.5, -0.5);

            // Add text
            Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize,
                        "This paragraph is set to first line hanging indent of 0.5 inches. " +
                        "The left margin of this paragraph is 0.5 inches.");

            // Draw the text
            // left edge at 0.5"
            Contents.DrawText(0.5, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, false, Box);

            // restore graphics state