protected void g_ItemCheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)sender; DataGridItem item = (DataGridItem)cb.Parent.Parent; long id = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(item.Cells[6].Text, 0); DAL.Tables.T_StationSMS T_StationSMS = new DAL.Tables.T_StationSMS(); T_StationSMS.isShow.Value = cb.Checked; if (T_StationSMS.Update("ID = " + id.ToString()) < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_StationSMSList"); return; } }
private void BindDataForLottery(int LotteryID) { string CacheKey = "dtLotteriesUseLotteryList"; DataTable dtLotteries = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey); if (dtLotteries == null) { dtLotteries = new DAL.Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name], [Code]", "[ID] in(" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ")", "[ID]"); if (dtLotteries == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-39)"); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dtLotteries, 6000); } if (dtLotteries == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-49)"); return; } ddlLotteries.Items.Clear(); ddlLotteries.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部彩种", "-1")); foreach (DataRow dr in dtLotteries.Rows) { string strLotteryName = dr["Name"].ToString(); if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "61") { strLotteryName = strLotteryName.Replace("江西", ""); } ddlLotteries.Items.Add(new ListItem(strLotteryName, dr["ID"].ToString())); } if (ddlLotteries.Items.FindByValue(LotteryID.ToString()) != null) { ddlLotteries.SelectedValue = LotteryID.ToString(); } ddlLotteries_SelectedIndexChanged(ddlLotteries, new EventArgs()); }
private void BindData() { if (this.ddlYear.Items.Count != 0) { if (this.tbID.Text == "") { this.tbID.Text = Utility.GetRequest("id"); if (this.tbID.Text == "") { return; } } long userID = _Convert.StrToLong(this.tbID.Text, -1L); if (userID < 0L) { PF.GoError(1, "参数错误", "Admin_UserAccountDetail"); } else { if (this.tbUserName.Text.Trim() == "") { Users users = new Users(base._Site.ID)[base._Site.ID, userID]; if (users == null) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "用户名不存在。"); return; } this.tbUserName.Text = users.Name; } int returnValue = -1; string returnDescription = ""; if (Procedures.P_GetUserAccountDetail(ref this.ds, base._Site.ID, userID, int.Parse(this.ddlYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(this.ddlMonth.SelectedValue), int.Parse(this.ddlDay.SelectedValue), ref returnValue, ref returnDescription) < 0) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().FullName); } else if ((this.ds == null) || (this.ds.Tables.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_UserAccountDetail"); } else { PF.DataGridBindData(this.g, this.ds.Tables[0], this.gPager); } } } }
protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlIsuse.Items.Count < 1) { return; } if (MSSQL.ExecuteNonQuery("update T_Isuses set OpenAffiche = @p1 where [ID] = " + ddlIsuse.SelectedValue, new Shove.Database.MSSQL.Parameter("p1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, tbOpenAffiche.Value)) < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_InputOpenAffiche"); return; } Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "数据保存成功。"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { this.lbUserName.Text = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utility.GetRequest("FollowUserName")); int num = _Convert.StrToInt(Utility.GetRequest("ID"), -1); if ((num < 0) || (this.lbUserName.Text == "")) { PF.GoError(1, "参数错误,系统异常。", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { this.HidID.Value = num.ToString(); this.BindData(); } } }
protected void g_ItemCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { long TryID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(e.Item.Cells[9].Text, -1); switch (e.CommandName) { case "HandleTry": //处理申请 { Response.Redirect("CpsTryHandle.aspx?id=" + TryID.ToString()); } break; case "NoAccept": { long ReturnValue = -1; string ReturnDescription = ""; int Result = DAL.Procedures.P_CpsTryHandle(_Site.ID, TryID, _User.ID, (short)-1, 0, false, false, ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescription); if (Result < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().FullName); return; } if (ReturnValue < 0) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, ReturnDescription); return; } Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "代理商申请已经拒绝。"); } break; case "Deletes": { DAL.Tables.T_CpsTrys cps = new DAL.Tables.T_CpsTrys(); cps.Delete("ID=" + TryID.ToString()); } break; } Shove._Web.Cache.ClearCache("Cps_Administrator_CpsTry"); BindData(); }
private void BindData() { this.ddlImage.Items.Clear(); this.ddlImage.Items.Add("--选择图片--"); string path = base.Server.MapPath("../Private/" + base._Site.ID.ToString() + "/FriendshipLinks"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } else { string[] fileList = Shove._IO.File.GetFileList(path); if (fileList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++) { this.ddlImage.Items.Add(fileList[i]); } } } long num2 = _Convert.StrToLong(Utility.GetRequest("id"), -1L); if (num2 < 0L) { PF.GoError(1, "参数错误", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { this.tbID.Text = num2.ToString(); DataTable table = new Tables.T_FriendshipLinks().Open("", "SiteID = " + base._Site.ID.ToString() + " and [ID] = " + num2.ToString(), ""); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { this.tbName.Text = table.Rows[0]["LinkName"].ToString(); this.cbisShow.Checked = _Convert.StrToBool(table.Rows[0]["isShow"].ToString(), true); this.tbOrder.Text = table.Rows[0]["Order"].ToString(); this.tbUrl.Text = table.Rows[0]["Url"].ToString(); ControlExt.SetDownListBoxText(this.ddlImage, table.Rows[0]["LogoUrl"].ToString()); } } }
private void BindUserAccount() { string request = Utility.GetRequest("dt"); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime toTime = DateTime.Now; try { now = Convert.ToDateTime(request + " 0:0:0"); toTime = now.AddDays(1.0); } catch { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "参数出错!"); return; } string key = string.Concat(new object[] { "Home_Room_MyPromotion_UserPromotionDetail_", base._User.ID, "_", now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), toTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") }); DataTable cacheAsDataTable = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { int returnValue = -1; string returnDescription = ""; DataSet ds = null; if (Procedures.P_CpsGetCommendMemberBuyDetail(ref ds, base._Site.ID, base._User.ID, -1L, now, toTime, ref returnValue, ref returnDescription) < 0) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (returnValue < 0) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, returnDescription); return; } if ((ds == null) || (ds.Tables.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } cacheAsDataTable = ds.Tables[0]; Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, cacheAsDataTable); } PF.DataGridBindData(this.g, cacheAsDataTable, this.gPager); this.gPager.Visible = this.g.PageCount > 1; }
private void BindHistoryData() { if (this.ddlIsuse.Items.Count < 0) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "请选择彩种、玩法和期号。"); } else { string condition = " [UserID] = " + base._User.ID.ToString(); if (this.ddlLottery.SelectedValue != "-1") { condition = condition + " and LotteryID=" + _Convert.StrToInt(this.ddlLottery.SelectedValue, -1).ToString(); } if (this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue == "-1") { condition = condition + " and EndTime < GetDate()"; } else { condition = condition + " and IsuseID=" + _Convert.StrToLong(this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue, -1L).ToString(); } if (this.ddlPlayType.SelectedValue != "-1") { condition = condition + " and PlayTypeID = " + _Convert.StrToInt(this.ddlPlayType.SelectedValue, -1).ToString(); } string key = "InvestHistory_" + condition; DataTable cacheAsDataTable = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { cacheAsDataTable = new Views.V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll().Open("*", condition, "[DateTime] desc, [ID]"); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, cacheAsDataTable, 60); } PF.DataGridBindData(this.gHistory, cacheAsDataTable, this.gPagerHistory); this.gPagerHistory.Visible = true; this.lblPageBuySum.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 10, true, this.gPagerHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblPageRewardSum.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 8, true, this.gPagerHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblTotalBuySum.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 10, false, this.gPagerHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblTotalRewardSum.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 8, false, this.gPagerHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); } }
private void BindData() { if (this.ddlLottery.Items.Count >= 1) { DataTable table = new Views.V_SchemeSchedules().Open("", "LotteryID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.ddlLottery.SelectedValue) + " and Schedule >= 100 and QuashStatus = 0 and Buyed = 0 and EndTime < GetDate() and not [ID] in (select SchemeID from T_SchemesSendToCenter where HandleResult <> 1)", "[Money] desc"); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { table.Columns.Add("LocateWaysAndMultiples", Type.GetType("System.String")); string buyContent = ""; string cnLocateWaysAndMultiples = ""; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { table.Rows[i]["Money"] = double.Parse(table.Rows[i]["Money"].ToString()).ToString("N"); if (new Lottery()["45"].CheckPlayType(int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["PlayTypeID"].ToString()))) { table.Rows[i]["Multiple"] = 0; try { buyContent = ""; cnLocateWaysAndMultiples = ""; if (new Lottery()["45"].GetSchemeSplit(table.Rows[i]["LotteryNumber"].ToString(), ref buyContent, ref cnLocateWaysAndMultiples)) { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = cnLocateWaysAndMultiples; } else { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = "<font color='red'>读取错误!</font>"; } } catch { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = "<font color='red'>读取错误!</font>"; } } table.AcceptChanges(); } this.g.DataSource = table; this.g.DataBind(); } } }
private void BindDataInvestHistory() { if (base._User != null) { string key = "Home_Room_Invest_BindHistoryData" + base._User.ID.ToString(); DataTable cacheAsDataTable = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("select * from (select LotteryID,LotteryName,PlayTypeID,InitiateName,PlayTypeName, ").Append("SchemeShare,a.Money,b.Share,b.DetailMoney,SchemeWinMoney, b.WinMoneyNoWithTax,a.DateTime, ").Append("b.SchemeID,QuashStatus,Buyed,AssureMoney,BuyedShare,IsOpened,c.Memo from ").Append("(select UserID,SchemeID,SUM(Share) as Share,SUM(DetailMoney) as DetailMoney, ").Append("sum(WinMoneyNoWithTax) as WinMoneyNoWithTax from V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll ").Append("where UserID = " + base._User.ID.ToString() + " and InitiateUserID = UserID group by SchemeID,UserID)b ").Append("left join (select * from V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll where UserID = " + base._User.ID.ToString() + " and ").Append("UserID = InitiateUserID and isWhenInitiate = 1)a ").Append("on a.UserID = b.UserID and ").Append("a.SchemeID = b.SchemeID left join (select SchemeID,Memo from T_UserDetails where ").Append("OperatorType = 9 and UserID = " + base._User.ID.ToString() + ") c ").Append("on b.SchemeID = c.SchemeID union select LotteryID,LotteryName,PlayTypeID,InitiateName, ").Append("PlayTypeName,SchemeShare,a.Money,Share,DetailMoney,SchemeWinMoney, WinMoneyNoWithTax, ").Append("a.DateTime,a.SchemeID,QuashStatus,Buyed,AssureMoney,BuyedShare,IsOpened,b.Memo from ").Append("(select * from V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll where UserID = " + base._User.ID.ToString() + " and UserID<>InitiateUserID) a left join (select SchemeID,Memo from T_UserDetails where ").Append("OperatorType = 9 and UserID = " + base._User.ID.ToString() + ")b on a.SchemeID = b.SchemeID)a order by DateTime desc"); cacheAsDataTable = MSSQL.Select(builder.ToString(), new MSSQL.Parameter[0]); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, cacheAsDataTable, 60); } this.gInvestHistory.DataSource = cacheAsDataTable; this.gInvestHistory.DataBind(); this.lblBuySum.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 8, false, this.gInvestHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblSumWinMoney.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 9, false, this.gInvestHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblMySumWinMoney.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(cacheAsDataTable, 10, false, this.gInvestHistory.PageSize, this.gPagerHistory.PageIndex).ToString("N"); double num10 = _Convert.StrToDouble(this.lblSumWinMoney.Text, 0.0); double num11 = _Convert.StrToDouble(this.lblBuySum.Text, 0.0); double num12 = num10 - num11; if (num12 <= 0.0) { this.lblSumWinProfitPoints.Text = "0.00"; } else { double num13 = num12 / num11; if (num13 > 1.0) { this.lblSumWinProfitPoints.Text = Math.Round(num13, 2).ToString("N") + "倍"; } else { this.lblSumWinProfitPoints.Text = ((Math.Round(num13, 2) * 100.0)).ToString("N") + "%"; } } this.lbgInvestHistoryMessage.Text = "显示 10 条,共 " + cacheAsDataTable.Rows.Count.ToString() + " 条记录 ,<span class=\"blue12_line\"><a href='InvestHistory.aspx'>[查看全部记录]</a></span>"; } }
private void BindData() { if (this.ddlIsuse.Items.Count >= 1) { DataTable table = new Views.V_Schemes().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue) + " and Buyed = 1 and SchemeIsOpened = 0", ""); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_OpenManual"); } else { table.Columns.Add("LocateWaysAndMultiples", Type.GetType("System.String")); if (this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue == "45") { string buyContent = ""; string cnLocateWaysAndMultiples = ""; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { table.Rows[i]["Money"] = double.Parse(table.Rows[i]["Money"].ToString()).ToString("N"); table.Rows[i]["Multiple"] = 0; try { buyContent = ""; cnLocateWaysAndMultiples = ""; if (new Lottery()["45"].GetSchemeSplit(table.Rows[i]["LotteryNumber"].ToString(), ref buyContent, ref cnLocateWaysAndMultiples)) { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = cnLocateWaysAndMultiples; } else { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = "<font color='red'>读取错误!</font>"; } } catch { table.Rows[i]["LocateWaysAndMultiples"] = "<font color='red'>读取错误!</font>"; } table.AcceptChanges(); } } this.g.DataSource = table.DefaultView; this.g.DataBind(); } } }
private void BindChaseComboData() { string Key = "Home_Room_ViewChase_BindChaseComboData" + _User.ID.ToString() + tbTitle.Text; DataTable dt = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(Key); if (dt == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("select a.ID,Name, DateTime,IsuseCount,IsuseCount*Multiple*Nums*Price as SumMoney,Money,QuashStatus,ExecutedCount,") .Append("IsuseCount-ExecutedCount as NoExecutedCount,Title from T_Chases a inner join T_Lotteries b ") .Append("on a.LotteryID = b.ID and a.UserID = " + _User.ID.ToString() + " "); if (tbTitle.Text != "") { sb.Append("and Title like '%" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbTitle.Text) + "%'"); } sb.Append(" left join (select ChaseID,count(SchemeID) as ExecutedCount from T_ExecutedChases group by ChaseID)c on a.ID = c.ChaseID"); dt = Shove.Database.MSSQL.Select(sb.ToString()); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(Key, dt); } PF.DataGridBindData(g2, dt, gPager2); gPager2.Visible = true; double money = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { money += Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dr["SumMoney"].ToString(), 0); } this.lblTotalMoney.Text = money.ToString("N"); }
private void BindData(int ChaseID) { DataTable dt = new Views.V_ChaseTasksTotal().Open("", "ID = " + ChaseID.ToString(), ""); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "没有追号!", "Admin_ChaseDetail"); } else { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; this.labChase_id.Text = ChaseID.ToString(); this.labTitle.Text = row["Title"].ToString().Trim(); this.Label1.Text = row["LotteryName"].ToString(); this.tbInitiateUserID.Value = row["UserID"].ToString(); this.Label3.Text = row["Description"].ToString(); double num = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["SumMoney"].ToString(), 0.0); int num2 = _Convert.StrToInt(row["SumIsuseNum"].ToString(), 0); int num3 = _Convert.StrToInt(row["BuyedIsuseNum"].ToString(), 0); int num4 = _Convert.StrToInt(row["QuashedIsuseNum"].ToString(), 0); double num5 = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["BuyedMoney"].ToString(), 0.0); double num6 = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["QuashedMoney"].ToString(), 0.0); try { double num1 = num / ((double)num2); } catch { PF.GoError(4, "投注记录有错误", "Admin_ChaseDetail"); return; } this.Label4.Text = "</font>; 共<font color='red'>" + num2.ToString() + "</font>期<font color='red'>" + num.ToString("N") + "</font>元; 已完成<font color='red'>" + num3.ToString() + "</font>期<font color='red'>" + num5.ToString("N") + "</font>元; 已取消<font color='red'>" + num4.ToString() + "</font>期<font color='red'>" + num6.ToString("N") + "</font>元。"; this.btnQuash.Enabled = num2 > (num3 + num4); dt = new Views.V_ChaseTaskDetails().Open("", "ChaseTaskID = " + ChaseID.ToString(), "[DateTime]"); if (dt != null) { this.LbPlayTypeName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["PlayTypeName"].ToString(); PF.DataGridBindData(this.g, dt); } else { PF.GoError(4, "没有追号记录", "Room_ChaseDetail"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定定制的跟单记录 /// </summary> private void BindData() { string Condition = " a.[UserID] = " + _User.ID.ToString() + " and StartTime < GetDate() "; if (ddlLottery.SelectedValue != "-1") { Condition += " and LotteryID=" + Shove._Convert.StrToInt(ddlLottery.SelectedValue, -1).ToString() + ""; } if (ddlPlayType.SelectedValue != "-1") { Condition += " and PlayTypeID = " + Shove._Convert.StrToInt(ddlPlayType.SelectedValue, -1).ToString(); } if (Condition != "") { Condition += " and isAutoFollowScheme = 1"; } else { Condition = "isAutoFollowScheme = 1"; } DataTable dt = Shove.Database.MSSQL.Select("select a.*,b.Memo from V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll a left join (select Memo,SchemeID from T_UserDetails where OperatorType = 9)b on a.SchemeID = b.SchemeID where " + Condition + " order by a.ID desc"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Room_InvestHistory"); return; } PF.DataGridBindData(g, dt, gPager); gPager.Visible = true; //本页记录 this.lblPageBuyMoney.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(dt, 10, true, gPager.PageSize, gPager.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblPageReward.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(dt, 8, true, gPager.PageSize, gPager.PageIndex).ToString("N"); //总记录 this.lblTotalBuyMoney.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(dt, 10, false, gPager.PageSize, gPager.PageIndex).ToString("N"); this.lblTotalReward.Text = PF.GetSumByColumn(dt, 8, false, gPager.PageSize, gPager.PageIndex).ToString("N"); }
private void BindDataForLottery() { this.ddlLottery.Items.Clear(); this.ddlLottery.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部彩种", "-1")); if (base._Site.UseLotteryList == "") { PF.GoError(1, "暂无玩法", base.GetType().FullName); } else { string key = "dtLotteriesUseLotteryList"; DataTable cacheAsDataTable = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { cacheAsDataTable = new Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name], [Code]", "[ID] in(" + ((base._Site.UseLotteryList == "") ? "-1" : base._Site.UseLotteryList) + ")", "[ID]"); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName + "(-46)"); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, cacheAsDataTable, 0x1770); } for (int i = 0; i < cacheAsDataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { string str2 = cacheAsDataTable.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); key = "dtVPlayTypes_" + str2.ToString(); DataTable table2 = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (table2 == null) { table2 = new Views.V_PlayTypes().Open("", "LotteryID = " + str2.ToString(), "[ID]"); if ((table2 == null) || (table2.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(7, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().FullName); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, table2, 0x1770); } this.ddlLottery.Items.Add(new ListItem(table2.Rows[0]["LotteryName"].ToString(), table2.Rows[0]["LotteryID"].ToString())); } if (this.ddlLottery.Items.Count > 0) { this.BindDataForPlayType(this.ddlLottery.Items[0].Value); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //BindData(); if (!this.IsPostBack) { labUserName.Text = _User.Name; long QuestionID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("id"), 0); if (QuestionID > 0) { DataTable dt = new DAL.Views.V_Questions().Open("", "id = " + QuestionID.ToString(), ""); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Room_QuestionList"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { labContent.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Content"].ToString(); labAnswer.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Answer"].ToString(); short AnswerStatus = Shove._Convert.StrToShort(dt.Rows[0]["AnswerStatus"].ToString(), 0); if (AnswerStatus == 0) { labAnswerDateTime.Text = "未答复"; } else if (AnswerStatus == 1) { labAnswerDateTime.Text = "处理中"; } else { labAnswerDateTime.Text = "(答复时间:" + dt.Rows[0]["AnswerDateTime"].ToString() + ")"; } } } btnType_1_Click(btnType_1, e); } }
private void PopNews() { if (_User == null) { return; } string CacheKeyName = "Get_Win_Info_" + _User.ID.ToString(); DataTable dt = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable("Get_Win_Info_" + _User.ID.ToString()); if (dt == null) { dt = new DAL.Views.V_BuyDetails().Open("top 1 LotteryName,IsuseName,WinLotteryNumber,LotteryNumber,WinMoneyNoWithTax", "IsOpened = 1 and UserID = " + _User.ID, "ID DESC"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试(537)", this.GetType().FullName); return; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKeyName, dt, 300); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(_User.Name).Append(","); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string SiteUrl = Shove._Web.Utility.GetUrl(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sb.Append(dt.Rows[i]["LotteryName"].ToString()).Append("第") .Append(dt.Rows[i]["IsuseName"].ToString()).Append("期中奖号码是 ") .Append(dt.Rows[i]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString()) .Append(" 您投注的号码是") .Append(Shove._String.Cut(dt.Rows[i]["LotteryNumber"].ToString(), 15)).Append(" ,") .Append(Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["WinMoneyNoWithTax"].ToString(), 0) > 0 ? "<font style='color:red;'>中奖了</font>,希望您再接再厉,夺得更多奖金。" : "没有中奖,希望您继续努力,祝您早日中大奖。"); } string FloatNotify = HmtlManage.GetHtml(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Home/Room/Template/FloatNotify.html"); label1.Text = FloatNotify.Replace("$FloatNotifyContent$", sb.ToString()); } }
private void BindDataForPlayType(string LotteryID) { this.ddlPlayType.Items.Clear(); this.ddlPlayType.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部玩法", "-1")); DataTable table = new Views.V_PlayTypes().Open("ID,LotteryID,Name,LotteryName,BuyFileName", "LotteryID=" + LotteryID, ""); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(1, "暂无玩法", base.GetType().FullName); } else { for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { this.ddlPlayType.Items.Add(new ListItem(table.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(), table.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定站点公告 /// </summary> private void GetSiteAffiches() { string CacheKey = "SiteAffichesIndex"; DataTable dt = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(CacheKey); if (dt == null) { dt = new DAL.Tables.T_SiteAffiches().Open("top 3 *", "SiteID = " + _Site.ID.ToString(), "[DateTime] desc"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } } RepSiteAffiches.DataSource = dt; RepSiteAffiches.DataBind(); Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(CacheKey, dt, 600); }
private void BindData(CheckBoxList list, string temp) { DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name]", "[ID] in (" + (_Site.UseLotteryList == "" ? "-1" : _Site.UseLotteryList) + ") " + temp, "[Order]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } list.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { list.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["Name"].ToString(), dr["ID"].ToString())); } }
private void BindDataForUser() { DataTable table = new Tables.T_Users().Open("[ID], [Name]", "SiteID = " + base._Site.ID.ToString() + " and [ID] in (select distinct UserID from T_CompetencesOfUsers union all select distinct UserID from T_UserInGroups)", "[ID]"); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_SchemeList"); } else { this.ddlUser.Items.Add(new ListItem("全部操作员", "-1")); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { this.ddlUser.Items.Add(new ListItem(row["Name"].ToString(), row["ID"].ToString())); } this.ddlUser.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void BindDataForLottery() { DataTable table = new Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name]", "[ID] in (" + ((base._Site.UseLotteryList == "") ? "-1" : base._Site.UseLotteryList) + ")", "[Order]"); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_ExpertsTrys"); } else { this.ddlLottery.Items.Clear(); this.ddlLottery.Items.Add(new ListItem("所有彩种", "0")); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { this.ddlLottery.Items.Add(new ListItem(row["Name"].ToString(), row["ID"].ToString())); } } }
private void BindDataForNotificationType() { DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_NotificationTypes().Open("[Name], [Code]", "", "[ID]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_NotificationTemplates"); return; } listTemplateFile.DataSource = dt; listTemplateFile.DataTextField = "Name"; listTemplateFile.DataValueField = "Code"; listTemplateFile.DataBind(); listTemplateFile.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void BindDataForLottery() { DataTable dt = new Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name]", "[ID] in (1,2,3,4,9,10,14,15,39) and [ID] <> 45", "[Order]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().FullName); } else { ControlExt.FillDropDownList(this.ddlLottery, dt, "Name", "ID"); if (this.ddlLottery.Items.Count < 1) { this.btnGO.Enabled = false; this.tbWinNumber.Enabled = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExpertsCommendID = Shove._Convert.StrToLong(Shove._Web.Utility.GetRequest("id"), 0); if (ExpertsCommendID <= 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.Unknow, "您访问的数据不存在,可能是参数错误或者内容已经被删除!", "Home_Room_ShowExpertsCommend"); return; } tbExpertsCommendID.Text = ExpertsCommendID.ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); } }
protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ddlIsuse.Items.Count >= 1) { if ((this.fileVideo.Value != "") && (File.UploadFile(this.Page, this.fileVideo, "../Images/Video/", this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue + ".avi", true, "video") < 0)) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "文件上传错误。"); } else if (MSSQL.ExecuteNonQuery("update T_Isuses set OpenAffiche = @p1 where [ID] = " + this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue, new MSSQL.Parameter[] { new MSSQL.Parameter("p1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, this.tbOpenAffiche.Text) }) < 0) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().FullName); } else { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "数据保存成功。"); } } }
private void BindDataForLottery() { DataTable dt = new Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name]", "[ID] in (" + ((base._Site.UseLotteryListRestrictions == "") ? "-1" : base._Site.UseLotteryListRestrictions) + ") and [ID] <> 45", "[Order]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_InputWinNumber"); } else { ControlExt.FillDropDownList(this.ddlLottery, dt, "Name", "ID"); if (this.ddlLottery.Items.Count < 1) { this.btnGO.Enabled = false; this.tbWinNumber.Enabled = false; } } }
private void BindDataForLottery() { DataTable dt = new Tables.T_Lotteries().Open("[ID], [Name]", "[ID] in (1,2,3,4,9,10,14,15,39)", "[Order]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { ControlExt.FillDropDownList(this.ddlLottery, dt, "Name", "ID"); string request = Utility.GetRequest("LotteryID"); if (request != "") { ControlExt.SetDownListBoxTextFromValue(this.ddlLottery, request); } } }
private void BindSchemesFormulae() { DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_SchemesFormulae().Open("", "LotteryID=" + HidLotteryID.Value, ""); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", "Admin_SchemesFormulaeSet"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } lbContent.Text = " 1、 方案金额大于等于" + Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Money"].ToString(), 0).ToString("N") + "元<br />2、 进度或者进度+保底大于等于" + dt.Rows[0]["Schedule"].ToString() + "%<br />3、 进度不少于方案总金额的" + dt.Rows[0]["MinMoney"].ToString() + "%"; }