예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Active Player at same node as Npc ->  interacts (can't happen if Npc in Invisible mode)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="npc"></param>
    private bool ProcessNpcInteract(Npc npc)
        bool isSuccess = false;

        if (npc.CheckIfInvisibleMode() == false)
            //Player interacts with Npc
            if (GameManager.i.playerScript.status == ActorStatus.Active)
                //good effects
                string effectText       = ProcessEffects(npc, true);
                string textTopString    = string.Format("You {0}{1}{2} the {3}{4}{5}", colourAlert, npc.action.tag, colourEnd, colourAlert, npc.tag, colourEnd);
                string textBottomString = string.Format("The {0} {1} at {2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}", npc.tag, npc.action.outcome, colourAlert, npc.currentNode.nodeName, colourEnd, "\n", "\n", effectText);
                //pipeline msg
                ModalOutcomeDetails outcomeDetails = new ModalOutcomeDetails
                    textTop    = textTopString,
                    textBottom = textBottomString,
                    sprite     = npc.sprite,
                    isAction   = false,
                    side       = GameManager.i.globalScript.sideResistance,
                    type       = MsgPipelineType.Npc
                if (GameManager.i.guiScript.InfoPipelineAdd(outcomeDetails) == false)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("Npc interacts with Player InfoPipeline message FAILED to be added to dictOfPipeline");
                //messages (need to be BEFORE depart)
                Debug.LogFormat("[Npc] MissionManager.cs -> UpdateActiveNpc: Player INTERACTS with Npc \"{0}\" at {1}, {2}, ID {3}{4}", npc.tag, npc.currentNode.nodeName, npc.currentNode.Arc.name,
                                npc.currentNode.nodeID, "\n");
                GameManager.i.messageScript.NpcInteract("Npc interacted with", npc);
                GameManager.i.dataScript.AddHistoryPlayer(new HistoryActor()
                    text = string.Format("You {0} the {1}", npc.action.tag, npc.tag), district = npc.currentNode.nodeName
                //Npc departs map
                ProcessNpcDepart(npc, true);
                isSuccess = true;
            Debug.LogFormat("[Npc] MissionManager.cs -> ProcessNpcInteract: Npc in Invisible Mode, {0}, {1}, nodeID {2}{3}", npc.currentNode.nodeName, npc.currentNode.Arc.name, npc.currentNode.nodeID, "\n");
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// SubMethod to determine if tracer present and if so, does it spot npc? (automatic spotting but no if orgInfo active or npc in Invisible Mode). Generates message if so.
 /// </summary>
 private void CheckIfTracerSpotsNpc(Npc npc)
     if (npc.currentNode.isTracer == true)
         //OrgInfo not involved
         if (GameManager.i.dataScript.CheckOrgInfoType(OrgInfoType.Npc) == false)
             if (npc.CheckIfInvisibleMode() == false)
                 GameManager.i.messageScript.TracerNpcSpotted("Npc Spotted", npc);
                 Debug.LogFormat("[Npc] MissionManager.cs -> CheckNpcActive: Npc in Invisible Mode and MISSED by Tracer at {0}, {1}, nodeID {2}{3}",
                                 npc.currentNode.nodeName, npc.currentNode.Arc.name, npc.currentNode.nodeID, "\n");
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if Npc spotted by contact (can't happen if Npc in Invisible mode)
 /// </summary>
 private void ProcessContactInteraction(Npc npc)
     if (npc.CheckIfInvisibleMode() == false)
         Actor      actor;
         Contact    contact;
         List <int> listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode = GameManager.i.dataScript.CheckContactResistanceAtNode(npc.currentNode.nodeID);
         if (listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode != null)
             int numOfActors = listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode.Count;
             if (numOfActors > 0)
                 //Npc stealthRating
                 int stealthRating = npc.stealthRating;
                 //loop actors with contacts
                 for (int i = 0; i < numOfActors; i++)
                     actor = GameManager.i.dataScript.GetActor(listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode[i]);
                     if (actor != null)
                         //only active actors can work their contact network
                         if (actor.Status == ActorStatus.Active)
                             contact = actor.GetContact(npc.currentNode.nodeID);
                             if (contact != null)
                                 //contact active
                                 if (contact.status == ContactStatus.Active)
                                     //check Npc stealth rating vs. contact effectiveness
                                     if (contact.effectiveness >= stealthRating)
                                         Node node = npc.currentNode;
                                         //contact spots Npc
                                         string text = string.Format("Npc {0} has been spotted by Contact {1} {2}, {3}, at node {4}, id {5}", npc.tag, contact.nameFirst, contact.nameLast,
                                                                     contact.job, node.nodeName, node.nodeID);
                                         Debug.LogFormat("[Cnt] MissionManager.cs -> ProcessContactInteraction: Contact {0}, effectiveness {1}, SPOTS Npc {2}, StealthRating {3} at node {4}, id {5}{6}",
                                                         contact.nameFirst, contact.effectiveness, npc.tag, stealthRating, node.nodeName, node.nodeID, "\n");
                                         GameManager.i.messageScript.ContactNpcSpotted(text, actor, node, contact, npc);
                                         //contact stats
                                         //no need to check anymore as one sighting is enough
                                         //contact Fails to spot Npc
                                         Debug.LogFormat("[Cnt] MissionManager.cs -> ProcessContactInteraction: Contact {0}, effectiveness {1}, FAILS to spot Npc {2}, adj StealthRating {3} at nodeID {4}{5}",
                                                         contact.nameFirst, contact.effectiveness, npc.tag, stealthRating, npc.currentNode.nodeID, "\n");
                                 Debug.LogFormat("Invalid contact (Null) for actor {0}, id {1} at node {2}, {3}, id {4}", actor.actorName, actor.actorID, npc.currentNode.nodeName,
                                                 npc.currentNode.Arc.name, npc.currentNode.nodeID);
                             Debug.LogFormat("[Cnt] MissionManager.cs -> ProcessContactInteraction: Actor {0}, {1}, id {2}, is INACTIVE and can't access their contacts{3}", actor.actorName,
                                             actor.arc.name, actor.actorID, "\n");
                         Debug.LogWarningFormat("Invalid actor (Null) for actorID {0}", listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode[i]);
                 Debug.LogWarning("Invalid listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode (Empty)");
         /*else { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid listOfActorsWithContactsAtNode (Null)"); }  Edit -> if no contacts at node this will trigger. No need for warning */
         Debug.LogFormat("[Npc] MissionManager.cs -> ProcessContactInteraction: Npc in Invisible Mode, {0}, {1}, nodeID {2}{3}", npc.currentNode.nodeName, npc.currentNode.Arc.name, npc.currentNode.nodeID, "\n");