예제 #1
        public static DijkstraPath GetDijkstraPath(DirectionalGraph graph, int startId, int destinationId)
            var nodes       = graph.Nodes;
            var start       = NodeUtil.GetNodeWithId(nodes, startId);
            var destination = NodeUtil.GetNodeWithId(nodes, destinationId);

            if (start == null || destination == null)

            var accumulativeDistance = 0;
            var cur = start;

            cur.LowestDistance = 0;

                //3. For ea connected
                cur.Edges.ForEach(edge =>
                    // set distanceFromCurrent = accumulative length + length to node
                    var distanceFromCurrent = accumulativeDistance + edge.Value;
                    //4. If node has no distance marked, or distanceFromCurrent<marked node distance...
                    var connectedNode = NodeUtil.GetNodeWithId(nodes, edge.NodeId);
                    if (!connectedNode.LowestDistance.HasValue || distanceFromCurrent < connectedNode.LowestDistance.Value)
                        // set marked node distance to distanceFromCurrent
                        connectedNode.LowestDistance = distanceFromCurrent;

                //4. Once all nodes marked, mark current node as visited
                cur.Visited = true;
                //5. Stop if at destination node
                if (cur == destination)
                //6. Else goto the unvisited node with lowest value
                cur = GetPrevNodeForPath(nodes);
                //7. Set accumulativeDistance = node value
                if (!cur.LowestDistance.HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Tried to get lowestDistance value for a Node, but there was none");
                accumulativeDistance = cur.LowestDistance.Value;
                //8. repeat from 3.
            } while (cur != null);

            // Get path
            return(new DijkstraPath(nodes, start, destination));

            // then make it multi-threaded
예제 #2
        static Node GetPrevWithLowestValue(List <Node> nodes, Node fromNode)
            // For ea prev
            Node nodeWithLowestValue = null;
            var  edges = fromNode.Edges;

            for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++)
                var connectedNodeId = edges[e].NodeId;
                var connectedNode   = NodeUtil.GetNodeWithId(nodes, connectedNodeId);
                var prevNodeValue   = connectedNode.LowestDistance;
                if (nodeWithLowestValue == null || (prevNodeValue.HasValue && prevNodeValue.Value < nodeWithLowestValue.LowestDistance))
                    nodeWithLowestValue = connectedNode;

            // Return one with lowest val