public POReturnItemDetails Details(long DebitMemoItemID) { try { string SQL = SQLSelect() + "WHERE DebitMemoItemID = @DebitMemoItemID;"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = SQL; MySqlParameter prmPOReturnItemID = new MySqlParameter("@DebitMemoItemID", MySqlDbType.Int64); prmPOReturnItemID.Value = DebitMemoItemID; cmd.Parameters.Add(prmPOReturnItemID); MySqlDataReader myReader = base.ExecuteReader(cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleResult); POReturnItemDetails Details = new POReturnItemDetails(); while (myReader.Read()) { Details.DebitMemoItemID = DebitMemoItemID; Details.DebitMemoID = myReader.GetInt64("DebitMemoID"); Details.ProductID = myReader.GetInt64("ProductID"); Details.ProductCode = "" + myReader["ProductCode"].ToString(); Details.BarCode = "" + myReader["BarCode"].ToString(); Details.Description = "" + myReader["Description"].ToString(); Details.ProductUnitID = myReader.GetInt16("ProductUnitID"); Details.ProductUnitCode = "" + myReader["ProductUnitCode"].ToString(); Details.Quantity = myReader.GetDecimal("Quantity"); Details.UnitCost = myReader.GetDecimal("UnitCost"); Details.Discount = myReader.GetDecimal("Discount"); Details.DiscountApplied = myReader.GetDecimal("DiscountApplied"); Details.DiscountType = (DiscountTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(DiscountTypes), myReader.GetString("DiscountType")); Details.Amount = myReader.GetDecimal("Amount"); Details.VAT = myReader.GetDecimal("VAT"); Details.VatableAmount = myReader.GetDecimal("VatableAmount"); Details.EVAT = myReader.GetDecimal("EVAT"); Details.EVatableAmount = myReader.GetDecimal("EVatableAmount"); Details.LocalTax = myReader.GetDecimal("LocalTax"); Details.isVATInclusive = myReader.GetBoolean("isVATInclusive"); Details.VariationMatrixID = myReader.GetInt64("VariationMatrixID"); Details.MatrixDescription = "" + myReader["MatrixDescription"].ToString(); Details.ProductGroup = "" + myReader["ProductGroup"].ToString(); Details.ProductSubGroup = "" + myReader["ProductSubGroup"].ToString(); Details.ItemStatus = (POReturnItemStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(POReturnItemStatus), myReader.GetString("ItemStatus")); if (myReader["IsVatable"].ToString() == "1") { Details.IsVatable = true; } Details.Remarks = "" + myReader["Remarks"].ToString(); } myReader.Close(); return(Details); } catch (Exception ex) { throw base.ThrowException(ex); } }
private void okBtn_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { indx = driveListView.SelectedIndices[0]; if (allDrives[indx].IsReady) { // Disable other UI startBtn.Enabled = false; closeBtn.Enabled = false; refreshBtn.Enabled = false; try { // Create a sql command sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(); sqlCmd.Connection = Program.dbConnection; // Get the tco value from table counter sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT tco FROM counter"; MySqlDataReader sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); sqlReader.Read(); tco = sqlReader.GetInt16(0); sqlReader.Close(); // Increment the tco ++tco; // Prepare the progress bar catalogingProg.Value = 0; catalogingProg.Maximum = 100; totSize = (allDrives[indx].TotalSize - allDrives[indx].TotalFreeSpace); accSize = 0; // Prepare archive information archiveInfo.totDirs = 0; archiveInfo.totFiles = 0; archiveInfo.accessDenied = 0; // Initialize stopFlag to false (Don't stop archiving) stopFlag = false; // Prepare the insert sql query for files_info table cmdStr = "INSERT INTO files_info (storage_id, path, name, extension, size, attributes, creation_date, creation_time, modification_date, modification_time) VALUES(" + tco + ", "; path = allDrives[indx].RootDirectory.ToString(); //path = "D:\\ebooks"; // Initialize a new thread for crawling files of the specified storage unit crawler = new Thread(this.findAllFiles); crawler.Start(); // Record the start time sto = DateTime.Now; // Update the form UI while (crawler.IsAlive) { totDirsTxt.Text = archiveInfo.totDirs.ToString(); totFilesTxt.Text = archiveInfo.totFiles.ToString(); catalogingProg.Value = Convert.ToInt32(accSize * 100 / totSize); Application.DoEvents(); } // Record the stop time eto = DateTime.Now; // Save the storage unit info in to table main cmdStr = "INSERT INTO main (storage_id, storage_type, label, file_system_type, total_size, used_size, total_dirs_archived, total_files_archived) Values(" + tco + ", "; cmdStr += "'" + allDrives[indx].DriveType + "', "; cmdStr += "'" + labelTxt.Text + "', "; cmdStr += "'" + allDrives[indx].DriveFormat + "', "; cmdStr += allDrives[indx].TotalSize + ", "; cmdStr += (allDrives[indx].TotalSize - allDrives[indx].TotalFreeSpace) + ", "; cmdStr += archiveInfo.totDirs + ", "; cmdStr += archiveInfo.totFiles; cmdStr += ")"; sqlCmd.CommandText = cmdStr; sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Update the table counter tco value sqlCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE counter SET tco=" + tco; sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Display the results including // time consumed in the process // number of archived directories // number of archived files // number of access denied errors // Note: change this msgboxes to form for displaying results, and could be on same form by using // a hidden controls TimeSpan ts = eto.Subtract(sto); MessageBox.Show("Finished Successfult \n- Time consumed is-> M: " + ts.Minutes + " S: " + ts.Seconds + " MS: " + ts.Milliseconds); MessageBox.Show("Number of archived directories: " + archiveInfo.totDirs + " Number of archived files: " + archiveInfo.totFiles + " Number of access-denied: " + archiveInfo.accessDenied); // Reset the progress bar catalogingProg.Value = 0; } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " - " + tmpStr); } catch (MySqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " - " + tmpStr); } // Enable other UI startBtn.Enabled = true; closeBtn.Enabled = true; refreshBtn.Enabled = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Drive Not Ready"); } }
private Event getEventRow(int proj_id, int sch_no, int event_id) { Event evnt = new Event(); try { MySqlDataReader reader = DBConnection.getData("select e.event_id, e.proj_id, e.visit_type_id, e.to_date_time, e.from_date_time, e.sch_no,, e.Other, e.to_do_list, e.resource, e.check_list, e.travelling_mode, e.accommodation_mode, e.meals, p.client_id " + " from event e, project p " + " where e.proj_id = p.proj_id and e.event_id = " + event_id + " and e.proj_id = " + proj_id + " and e.sch_no = " + sch_no + ";"); if (reader.Read()) { evnt.EventId = event_id; evnt.EventProject = new Project(proj_id, reader.GetInt16("client_id")); evnt.ScheduleId = new Schedule(sch_no); evnt.Type = new EventType(reader.GetInt16("visit_type_id")); evnt.From = reader.GetDateTime("from_date_time"); evnt.To = reader.GetDateTime("to_date_time"); evnt.Feedback = reader.GetString("feedback"); evnt.Other = reader.GetString("other"); evnt.TodoList = reader.GetString("to_do_list"); //evnt.Resource = reader.GetString("resource"); evnt.Checklist = reader.GetString("check_list"); evnt.TravelMode = reader.GetString("travelling_mode"); evnt.AccommodationMode = reader.GetString("accommodation_mode"); evnt.Meals = reader.GetString("meals"); reader.Close(); MySqlDataReader reader1 = DBConnection.getData("select s.staff_id, s.first_name, s.last_name,, ett.task " + "from event_technicians et, event_technician_task ett, staff s " + "where (ett.event_tech_id = et.event_staff_id) and (s.staff_id = et.staff_id) and et.event_id = " + event_id + " and et.proj_id = " + proj_id + " and et.sch_no = " + sch_no + ";"); ArrayList serEng = new ArrayList(); while (reader1.Read()) { EventTechnician et = new EventTechnician(); et.Technician = new Staff(reader1.GetInt16("staff_id"), reader1.GetString("first_name"), reader1.GetString("last_name")); et.Task = reader1.GetString("task"); et.Feedback = reader1.GetString("feedback"); serEng.Add(et); } evnt.ServEngineer = serEng; reader1.Close(); ArrayList resoArray = new ArrayList(); MySqlDataReader reader3 = DBConnection.getData("select sr.resource_id, sr.qty, from event_resources sr, resource r where (sr.event_id = " + event_id + " and sr.sch_no =" + sch_no + " and sr.proj_id = " + proj_id + ") and (sr.resource_id = r.resource_id);"); while (reader3.Read()) { Resource reso = new Resource(); reso.ResourceId = int.Parse(reader3.GetString("resource_id")); reso.Name = reader3.GetString("name"); reso.TotalQty = int.Parse(reader3.GetString("qty")); resoArray.Add(reso); } evnt.ResoArray = resoArray; reader3.Close(); } else { evnt = null; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong!"); throw; } return(evnt); }
public Usuario buscarXId(int idUsuario, ref string mensaje) { Usuario usuario = null; MySqlCommand cmd = null; MySqlDataReader data = null; try { cmd = this.conf.EjecutarSQL("usuario_consultar"); cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?opcion", 2); cmd.Parameters["?opcion"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?id_usuarioi", idUsuario); cmd.Parameters["?id_usuarioi"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?nombrei", string.Empty); cmd.Parameters["?nombrei"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?cedulai", string.Empty); cmd.Parameters["?cedulai"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?idRoli", -1); cmd.Parameters["?idRoli"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; data = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (data.Read()) { usuario = new Usuario(); usuario.Idtbl_usuario = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("id")))?0:data.GetInt16("id"); usuario.Id_Rol = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("idRol"))) ? 0 : data.GetInt16("idRol"); usuario.Cedula_Empleado = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("cedula"))) ? "" : data.GetString("cedula"); usuario.Nombre_Empleado = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("nombre"))) ? "" : data.GetString("nombre"); usuario.User = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("usuario"))) ? "" : data.GetString("usuario"); usuario.Password = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("password"))) ? "" : data.GetString("password"); usuario.Estado = (data.IsDBNull(data.GetOrdinal("estado"))) ? false: data.GetBoolean("estado"); } } catch (Exception e) { mensaje = e.Message; } finally { if (data != null) { data.Dispose(); } if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); } this.conf.cerrar(); } return(usuario); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string constr = ""; if (textBox1.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Plesae enter Login ID;"); textBox1.Focus(); return; } if (textBox2.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Plesae enter Password;"); textBox2.Focus(); return; } int pass = 0; constr = constring(); if (constr.Equals("")) { return; } MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(constr); string query = @"SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt,, pu.port_id,p.port_name,p.port_alias, p.Operator_description,p.port_add1 FROM users AS u JOIN port_user AS pu ON JOIN ports AS p ON = pu.port_id WHERE u.username='******' AND u.password1=SHA1('" + textBox2.Text.Trim() + "') "; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, con); con.Open(); MySqlDataReader mred = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (mred.Read()) { //pass = mred.GetString("cnt"); pass = mred.GetInt16("cnt"); if (pass == 1) { //utility.UserId = mred.GetUInt16("id"); //utility.UserName = textBox1.Text; //utility.PortId= mred.GetString("port_id"); //utility.PortName = mred.GetString("port_name"); //utility.PortAdress= mred.GetString("port_add1"); //MessageBox.Show(utility.UserName); ReportViewForm rvForm = new ReportViewForm(); rvForm.username = textBox1.Text; usr = textBox1.Text; int userId = mred.GetUInt16("id"); WeighbridgeEntry frm = new WeighbridgeEntry(); this.Hide(); frm.userName = textBox1.Text; frm.userID = userId; frm.portName = mred.GetString("port_name"); frm.portId = mred.GetString("port_id"); frm.portAdress = mred.GetString("port_add1"); frm.constr = constr; frm.Show();// this.Dispose(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password;"); textBox2.Focus(); con.Close(); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Plesae enter Correct Login ID;"); textBox1.Focus(); con.Close(); return; } con.Close(); }
public void project() { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(_connString); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); string sql_count = " select" + " sum(a.count)" + " from" + " ( select count(*) as count from project union all " + " select count(*) as count from project_category union all " + " select count(*) as count from project_task ) a "; conn.Open(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sql_count; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); conn.Close(); int value = 0; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => projectMaximum.Text = count.ToString())); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => projectValue.Text = value.ToString())); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => progProject.Maximum = count)); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => progProject.Value = value)); string sql_proj_category = " SELECT * FROM project_category;"; conn.Open(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sql_proj_category; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader category_reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (category_reader.Read()) { using (db db = new db()) { project_template project_template = new project_template(); = category_reader.GetString("category"); project_template.is_active = true; db.project_template.Add(project_template); db.SaveChanges(); value += 1; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => progProject.Value = value)); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => projectValue.Text = value.ToString())); } } conn.Close(); string sql_template = " SELECT project_template.*, project_category.category, item_sku.product FROM project_template " + " INNER JOIN project_category ON project_template.id_category =" + " INNER JOIN item_sku ON project_template.id_sku =;"; conn.Open(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sql_template; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader template_reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (template_reader.Read()) { using (db db = new db()) { project_template_detail project_template_detail = new project_template_detail(); string category = template_reader.GetString("category"); project_template_detail.id_project_template = db.project_template.Where(i => == category).FirstOrDefault().id_project_template; project_template_detail.code = template_reader.GetString("task_number"); project_template_detail.item_description = template_reader.GetString("product"); if (db.items.Where(i => == project_template_detail.item_description).FirstOrDefault() != null) { project_template_detail.id_item = db.items.Where(i => == project_template_detail.item_description).FirstOrDefault().id_item; if (template_reader.GetInt16("id_task_rel") == 0) { //no parent. do nothing } else { //has parent string code = template_reader.GetString("task_number"); int pos = code.LastIndexOf('.'); if (pos >= 0) { code = code.Substring(0, pos); } project_template_detail.parent = db.project_template_detail.Where(p => p.code == code && p.id_project_template == project_template_detail.id_project_template) .FirstOrDefault(); } //Insert into Context & Save db.project_template_detail.Add(project_template_detail); db.SaveChanges(); } } } conn.Close(); string sql_proj = " SELECT * FROM project"; conn.Open(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sql_proj; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader proj_reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (proj_reader.Read()) { using (db db = new db()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; project project = new project(); project.id_project = proj_reader.GetInt32("id"); project.est_start_date = proj_reader.GetDateTime("begin_date"); if (proj_reader["id_contact"] is DBNull) { value += 1; continue; } else { project.id_contact = proj_reader.GetInt32("id_contact"); } = proj_reader.GetString("project"); if (project.Error == null) { db.projects.Add(project); db.SaveChanges(); value += 1; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => progProject.Value = value)); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => projectValue.Text = value.ToString())); } } } conn.Close(); string sql_proj_task = " SELECT project_task.*, project.project, item_sku.product,app_status.status FROM project_task " + " INNER JOIN project ON project_task.id_project =" + " INNER JOIN item_sku ON project_task.id_sku =" + " INNER JOIN app_status ON project_task.id_status ="; conn.Open(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = sql_proj_task; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader proj_task_reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (proj_task_reader.Read()) { using (db db = new db()) { project_task project_task = new project_task(); string project = proj_task_reader.GetString("project"); project_task.id_project = db.projects.Where(i => == project).FirstOrDefault().id_project; project_task.code = proj_task_reader.GetString("task_number"); string product = proj_task_reader.GetString("product"); if (db.items.Where(i => == product).FirstOrDefault() != null) { project_task.item_description = db.items.Where(i => == product).FirstOrDefault().name; project_task.id_item = db.items.Where(i => == product).FirstOrDefault().id_item; if (proj_task_reader.GetString("status") == "Aprobado") { project_task.status = Status.Project.Approved; } else if (proj_task_reader.GetString("status") == "Pendiente") { project_task.status = Status.Project.Pending; } if (!(proj_task_reader["qty"] is DBNull)) { project_task.quantity_est = proj_task_reader.GetInt16("qty"); } if (proj_task_reader.GetInt16("id_task_rel") == 0) { //no parent. do nothing } else { //has parent string code = proj_task_reader.GetString("task_number"); //logic to have children if (project_task.quantity_est == null) { var pos = code.LastIndexOf('.'); if (pos >= 0) { code = code.Substring(0, pos); project_task.parent = db.project_task.Where(p => p.code == code && p.id_project == project_task.id_project ).FirstOrDefault(); } } else { project_task.parent = db.project_task.Where(p => p.code == code && p.id_project == project_task.id_project ).FirstOrDefault(); } } //if (project_task.Error == null) //{ db.project_task.Add(project_task); //} } else { } string sql_task = "SELECT * FROM project_task_dimension inner join app_dimension on inner join project_task on where id_task=" + proj_task_reader.GetInt32("id"); try { MySqlConnection conntask = new MySqlConnection(_connString); MySqlCommand cmdtask = new MySqlCommand(); conntask.Open(); cmdtask.Connection = conntask; cmdtask.CommandText = sql_task; cmdtask.CommandType = CommandType.Text; MySqlDataReader task_reader = cmdtask.ExecuteReader(); while (task_reader.Read()) { project_task_dimension project_task_dimension = new project_task_dimension(); string name = task_reader.GetString("dimension"); if (db.app_dimension.Where(x => == name).FirstOrDefault() != null) { project_task_dimension.id_dimension = db.app_dimension.Where(x => == name).FirstOrDefault().id_dimension; project_task_dimension.project_task = project_task; project_task_dimension.value = task_reader.GetInt32("value"); project_task_dimension.id_measurement = db.app_measurement.FirstOrDefault().id_measurement; if (project_task_dimension.Error == null) { db.project_task_dimension.Add(project_task_dimension); } } } task_reader.Close(); cmdtask.Dispose(); conntask.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } IEnumerable <DbEntityValidationResult> validationresult = db.GetValidationErrors(); if (validationresult.Count() == 0) { try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } value += 1; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => progProject.Value = value)); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => projectValue.Text = value.ToString())); } } } cmd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); }
// to change name to button public details(String str) { InitializeComponent(); // new name to button button2.Text = "Click to Buy More"; //MessageBox.Show("sdfdsf"); to verify working of constructor String connString = "Server=" + variables.server + ";Port=" + variables.port + ";Database=" + variables.database + ";Uid=" + variables.user + ";password="******";"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connString); MySqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(); // FEtching consumed quantities of user string tt =; string[] pur = tt.Split('~'); try { conn.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Connection Problem. Please check the details of database"); } // FOR RICE command.CommandText = " Select * from items where item = 'rice'"; MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { textBox4.Text = reader.GetInt16("Quota").ToString(); textBox5.Text = pur[0]; textBox6.Text = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Unit")); textBox7.Text = reader.GetInt16("Price").ToString(); // variables.quota += textBox4.Text + "~"; } textBox3.Text = "" + variables.ricebuy; r = int.Parse(textBox3.Text) * int.Parse(textBox7.Text); textBox22.Text = "Rs. " + (r); reader.Close(); // FOR Wheat command.CommandText = " Select * from items where item = 'wheat'"; MySqlDataReader reader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader1.Read()) { textBox9.Text = reader1.GetInt16("Quota").ToString(); textBox10.Text = pur[1]; textBox11.Text = reader1.GetString(reader1.GetOrdinal("Unit")); textBox12.Text = reader1.GetInt16("Price").ToString(); //variables.quota += textBox9.Text + "~"; } textBox18.Text = "" + variables.wheatbuy; w = int.Parse(textBox18.Text) * int.Parse(textBox12.Text); textBox21.Text = "Rs. " + (w); reader1.Close(); // FOR Kesoscen command.CommandText = " Select * from items where item = 'kerosene'"; MySqlDataReader reader2 = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader2.Read()) { textBox14.Text = reader2.GetInt16("Quota").ToString(); textBox15.Text = pur[2]; textBox16.Text = reader2.GetString(reader2.GetOrdinal("Unit")); textBox17.Text = reader2.GetInt16("Price").ToString(); //variables.quota += textBox14.Text; } textBox20.Text = "" + variables.kerosenebuy; k = int.Parse(textBox17.Text) * int.Parse(textBox20.Text); textBox23.Text = "Rs. " + (k); reader2.Close(); textBox19.Text = "Rs. " + (r + k + w); textBox2.Text = variables.uname; textBox1.Text = variables.rationno; //conn.Close(); //estimating the weights purchased from purchase textboxes variables.ricew = int.Parse(textBox3.Text); variables.wheatw = int.Parse(textBox18.Text); variables.kerosenew = int.Parse(textBox20.Text); }
public void CreateReceipt(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { con.Open(); MySqlCommand com = new MySqlCommand("SELECT sales_id AS 'ID', drug_name AS 'DRUG NAME',quantity AS 'QUANTITY',price AS 'PRICE', pfno AS 'SERVED BY',sales_date AS 'DATE SOLD',unit AS 'UNITS', serial AS 'RECEIPT NUMBER' FROM sales ORDER BY sales_date ASC", con); MySqlDataReader results = com.ExecuteReader(); //create a new instance of drugprint class printSales newSalesPrint = new printSales(); //print the report Graphics graphic = e.Graphics; System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 12); //must use a mono spaced font as the spaces need to line up float fontHeight = font.GetHeight(); int startX = 10; int startY = 10; int offset = 150; System.Drawing.Image headerImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:\\PMS\\Resources\\faith2.png"); graphic.DrawImage(headerImage, startX, startY, 830, 150); string headerText = "Sales Report".PadLeft(35); graphic.DrawString(headerText, new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 16), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight; //make the spacing consistent graphic.DrawString("----------------------------------".PadLeft(55), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight + 7; //make the spacing consistent graphic.DrawString("Drug Name |".PadRight(5) + " Qty |".PadRight(5) + " Price |".PadRight(5) + " Served By |".PadRight(5) + " Units |".PadRight(5) + " Receipt No. |".PadRight(5) + " Date".PadRight(5), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight + 5; //make the spacing consistent graphic.DrawString("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight + 5; //make the spacing consistent while (results.Read()) { try { newSalesPrint.sales_id = results.GetInt16(0); newSalesPrint.drug_name = results.GetString(1); newSalesPrint.quantity = results.GetString(2); newSalesPrint.price = results.GetString(3); newSalesPrint.pfno = results.GetString(4); newSalesPrint.sales_date = results.GetString(5); newSalesPrint.unit = results.GetString(6); newSalesPrint.serial = results.GetString(7); graphic.DrawString(newSalesPrint.drug_name.PadRight(12) + newSalesPrint.quantity.PadRight(5) + newSalesPrint.price.PadRight(9) + newSalesPrint.pfno.PadRight(13) + newSalesPrint.unit.PadRight(7) + newSalesPrint.serial.PadRight(13) + newSalesPrint.sales_date.PadRight(7), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight; //make the spacing consistent graphic.DrawString("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + offset); offset = offset + (int)fontHeight + 5; //make the spacing consistent } catch (InvalidCastException er) { MessageBox.Show(er.Message); } } con.Close(); offset = offset + 20; //make some room so that the footer stands out. graphic.DrawString("Pharmacy Name".PadLeft(70), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + 1040); offset = offset + 15; graphic.DrawString("CopyRight @ 2015".PadLeft(72), font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), startX, startY + 1040 + 20); }
private void btn_set_mounters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { char a = Form1.Instance.index_Haut.Connection_User.Text[14]; this.pnl_week_orders_forMounter.Controls.Clear(); Orders = new Dictionary <Model_Bike, Client>(); MySqlDataReader reader = null; String sql = "SELECT * from bikes, command,customer where bikes.id_command = command.id_command and customer.id_customer = command.id_customer order by bikes.production_order"; MySqlConnection connectionDB = Connection.connection(); connectionDB.Open(); try { MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand(sql, connectionDB); reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { Model_Bike bike = new Model_Bike(reader.GetString("colour"), reader.GetString("type_bike"), reader.GetString("size"), 1, 1); bike.set_id(reader.GetInt16("id_bike")); bike.set_order(reader.GetInt16("production_order")); bike.set_status(reader.GetString("Status")); bike.set_mounter(reader.GetInt16("Id_mounter").ToString()); Orders.Add(bike, new Client(reader.GetString("firstname"), reader.GetString("lastname"), reader.GetString("email"), reader.GetString("adress"), int.Parse(reader.GetString("postalcode")), reader.GetString("city"), reader.GetString("business_name"))); } } else { MessageBox.Show("NoOrderWasfound"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Searching error" + ex.Message); } finally { connectionDB.Close(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <Model_Bike, Client> elt in Orders) { MounterOrder order = new MounterOrder(elt.Key.id_bike.ToString(), elt.Key.type, elt.Key.colour, elt.Key.size, elt.Value.last_name, elt.Value.business_name, elt.Key.order.ToString(), elt.Key.status); if (Form1.Instance.index_Haut.Connection_User.Text[14] == elt.Key.mounter[0] && order.Status_bike.Text != "Done") { order.Status_bike.Enabled = true; } else if (order.Status_bike.Text == "Waiting") { order.Status_bike.Enabled = true; } else { order.Status_bike.Enabled = false; } Form1.Instance.MounteurControl.pnl_week_orders_forMounter.Controls.Add(order); } }
public short GetInt16(int i) { return(reader.GetInt16(i)); }
//obtiene las variables del sitio operativo public static void ExtractAndLoad(OperationalVariable variable) { DateTime initTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime finishTime = DateTime.Now; //conexion al central para saber el estado del storage y si es necesario crearlo MySqlConnection connCentralEDR = new MySqlConnection(centralEDRconnStr); try { Console.WriteLine("Extracting... " + variable.StorageName); connCentralEDR.Open(); connCentralEDR.ChangeDatabase(DefaultCentralSchema); string EXISTE_STORAGE = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count " + "FROM information_schema.tables " + "WHERE table_schema = '{0}' " + "AND table_name = '{1}'"; EXISTE_STORAGE = string.Format(EXISTE_STORAGE, DefaultCentralSchema, variable.StorageName); string CREATE_STORAGE = "CREATE TABLE {0}( " + "id_site int(11) DEFAULT NULL, " + "id_variable int(11) DEFAULT NULL," + "value smallint(4) DEFAULT NULL," + "ts timestamp(6) ," + "mts smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL" + ")" + "ENGINE = INNODB," + "CHARACTER SET utf8," + "COLLATE utf8_spanish_ci," + "COMMENT = 'Tabla para la variable {0}'" + "PARTITION BY KEY(id_site)" + "(" + "PARTITION partitionby_site ENGINE = INNODB" + ");" + "ALTER TABLE {0} " + "ADD INDEX UK_{0}(id_site);"; CREATE_STORAGE = string.Format(CREATE_STORAGE, variable.StorageName); //configuramos la sentencia de Extraccion de datos del Site Remoto string EXTRACT_QUERY = "SELECT DISTINCT value, ts, mts FROM {0}.{1} WHERE ts > '{2}' ORDER BY ts ASC LIMIT 20000"; EXTRACT_QUERY = string.Format(EXTRACT_QUERY , SiteConf.SiteSchema , variable.StorageName , variable.StringLastSync); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(EXISTE_STORAGE, connCentralEDR); MySqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); bool existeStorage = false; if (rdr.Read()) { existeStorage = rdr.GetInt16("count") == 1; } Console.WriteLine("Existe Storage? " + existeStorage.ToString()); rdr.Close(); if (!existeStorage) { cmd.CommandText = string.Format(CREATE_STORAGE, variable.StorageName); Console.WriteLine("CREATE_STORAGE... " + CREATE_STORAGE); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("CREATE_STORAGE... Ok"); } //ahora nos conectamos al sitio remoto para extraer los datos MySqlConnection connOnSite = new MySqlConnection(onSiteEDRconnStr); DataTable tblOrigen = new DataTable(); DateTime? LastTimeStamp = variable.LastSync; string remark = string.Empty; try { connOnSite.Open(); tblOrigen = GetDataTableLayout(variable.StorageName, connOnSite); tblOrigen.Columns.Add("id_site"); //tblOrigen.NewRow(); Console.WriteLine("EXTRACT_QUERY..."); MySqlCommand cmdExtract = new MySqlCommand(EXTRACT_QUERY, connOnSite); MySqlDataReader etlReader = cmdExtract.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("EXTRACT_QUERY...Ok"); while (etlReader.Read()) { var r = tblOrigen.NewRow(); r["id_site"] = SiteConf.IdSite; r["id_variable"] = 0; r["value"] = etlReader.GetFloat("value"); r["ts"] = etlReader.GetDateTime("ts"); r["mts"] = etlReader.GetFloat("mts"); tblOrigen.Rows.Add(r); //Console.WriteLine(r["value"].ToString() + " | " + r["ts"].ToString()); r = null; rowExtractCount++; LastTimeStamp = etlReader.GetDateTime("ts"); //guardamos el valor del time stamp para obtener el ultimo para la siguiente actualización incremental } if (rowExtractCount == 0) { remark = "-No hay datos desde la última sincronización"; } } catch (Exception innerEx) { Console.WriteLine(innerEx.ToString()); } finally { if (connOnSite.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connOnSite.Close(); } } Console.WriteLine("Loading... " + variable.StorageName); currentVariable = variable.StorageName; rowInsertedCount = BulkInsertMySQL(tblOrigen, variable.StorageName, connCentralEDR); remark = "Ok" + remark; //update delta string UPDATE_DELTA = "UPDATE delta " + "SET row_count_source = {0} " + ", row_count_destiny = '{1}' " + ", row_last_timestamp = '{2}' " + ", finish_date = NOW() " + ", remark = '{3}' " + "WHERE id_delta = {4}"; UPDATE_DELTA = string.Format(UPDATE_DELTA , rowExtractCount //número de filas recuperadas , rowInsertedCount //nùmero de filas insertadas , ETLHelper.ConvertDateToYYYMMDD(LastTimeStamp) , remark , variable.DeltaID ); MySqlCommand cmdUpdateDelta = new MySqlCommand(UPDATE_DELTA, connCentralEDR); cmdUpdateDelta.ExecuteNonQuery(); connCentralEDR.Close(); finishTime = DateTime.Now; long elapsedTime = finishTime.Ticks - initTime.Ticks; TimeSpan elapsedSpan = new TimeSpan(elapsedTime); Console.WriteLine("ETL " + variable.StorageName + " - Start: " + initTime.ToString() + " Finish:" + finishTime.ToString() + " Elapsed time: " + elapsedSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Row count: " + rowCount.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { if (connCentralEDR.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connCentralEDR.Close(); } } }