예제 #1
        public ItemRepackageEntry GetItemToRepackage(int itemID, int ownerID, int locationID)
            MySqlConnection connection = null;
            MySqlDataReader reader     = Database.PrepareQuery(ref connection,
                                                               $"SELECT invItems.singleton, invItems.nodeID, IF(valueInt IS NULL, valueFloat, valueInt) AS damage, insuranceID, invItems.typeID, upgrades.itemID, invItems.locationID AS hasUpgrades FROM invItems LEFT JOIN invItems upgrades ON upgrades.locationID = invItems.itemID AND upgrades.flag >= {(int) Flags.RigSlot0} AND upgrades.flag <= {(int) Flags.RigSlot7} LEFT JOIN chrShipInsurances ON shipID = invItems.itemID LEFT JOIN invItemsAttributes ON invItemsAttributes.itemID = invItems.itemID AND invItemsAttributes.attributeID = @damageAttributeID WHERE invItems.itemID = @itemID AND invItems.locationID = @locationID AND invItems.ownerID = @ownerID",
                                                               new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "@locationID", locationID },
                { "@ownerID", ownerID },
                { "@itemID", itemID },
                { "@damageAttributeID", (int)Attributes.damage }

            using (connection)
                using (reader)
                    if (reader.Read() == false)

                    return(new ItemRepackageEntry()
                        ItemID = itemID,
                        NodeID = reader.GetInt32(1),
                        Singleton = reader.GetBoolean(0),
                        Damage = reader.GetDoubleOrDefault(2),
                        HasContract = reader.IsDBNull(3) == false,
                        TypeID = reader.GetInt32(4),
                        HasUpgrades = reader.IsDBNull(5) == false,
                        LocationID = reader.GetInt32(6)
예제 #2
        public Dictionary <int, ItemQuantityEntry> PrepareItemForOrder(MySqlConnection connection, int typeID, int locationID1, int locationID2, int quantity, int ownerID1)
            MySqlDataReader reader = Database.PrepareQuery(ref connection,
                                                           "SELECT invItems.itemID, quantity, singleton, nodeID, IF(valueInt IS NULL, valueFloat, valueInt) AS damage FROM invItems LEFT JOIN invItemsAttributes ON invItemsAttributes.itemID = invItems.itemID AND invItemsAttributes.attributeID = @damageAttributeID WHERE typeID = @typeID AND (locationID = @locationID1 OR locationID = @locationID2) AND ownerID = @ownerID1",
                                                           new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "@locationID1", locationID1 },
                { "@locationID2", locationID2 },
                { "@ownerID1", ownerID1 },
                { "@typeID", typeID },
                { "@damageAttributeID", (int)Attributes.damage }

            Dictionary <int, ItemQuantityEntry> itemIDToQuantityLeft = new Dictionary <int, ItemQuantityEntry>();
            int quantityLeft = quantity;

            using (reader)
                while (reader.Read() == true)
                    int itemID       = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    int itemQuantity = reader.GetInt32(1);

                    // singletons cannot be sold
                    if (reader.GetBoolean(2) == true)

                    ItemQuantityEntry entry = new ItemQuantityEntry()
                        ItemID           = itemID,
                        OriginalQuantity = itemQuantity,
                        Quantity         = itemQuantity - Math.Min(itemQuantity, quantityLeft),
                        NodeID           = reader.GetInt32(3),
                        Damage           = reader.GetDoubleOrDefault(4)

                    itemIDToQuantityLeft[itemID] = entry;

                    quantityLeft -= Math.Min(itemQuantity, quantityLeft);

                    if (quantityLeft == 0)

            if (quantityLeft > 0)
                // there's not enough items for this sale!!

            // preeliminary check, are items damaged?
            foreach ((int _, ItemQuantityEntry entry) in itemIDToQuantityLeft)
                if (entry.Damage > 0)
                    throw new RepairBeforeSelling(this.TypeManager[typeID]);

            // now iterate all the itemIDs, the ones that have a quantity of 0 must be moved to the correct container
            foreach ((int itemID, ItemQuantityEntry entry) in itemIDToQuantityLeft)
                // if the item is loaded in any node do not update the item
                // that's the responsibility of the other node
                if (entry.NodeID != 0)

                // the item is just gone, remove it
                if (entry.Quantity == 0)
                    Database.PrepareQuery(ref connection, "DELETE FROM invItems WHERE itemID = @itemID",
                                          new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "@itemID", itemID }
                    // reduce the item quantity available
                    Database.PrepareQuery(ref connection,
                                          "UPDATE invItems SET quantity = @quantity WHERE itemID = @itemID",
                                          new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "@itemID", itemID },
                        { "@quantity", entry.Quantity }

            // everything should be up to date, return the list of changes done so the market can notify the required nodes