public List <Programs> FindAll() { List <Programs> allPrograms = new List <Programs>(); try { using (connection = Database.GetConnection()) { using (command = new MySqlCommand(Views.ALLPrograms, connection)) { command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; connection.Open(); using (reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Programs Programs = new Programs { Id = reader.GetInt32("id"), Department = new Departments() { Id = reader.GetInt32("department_id") }, Name = reader.GetString("Name"), CreditHour = reader.GetFloat("creditHour"), Durations = reader.GetString("duration") }; allPrograms.Add(Programs); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex); } return(allPrograms); }
public void LoadCases() { Connection.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT City, PostalCode, Zone, PriceFactor FROM AreaPrices", Connection); MySqlDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { Estimations _estimator = new Estimations(Connection) { City = Reader.GetString(0), PostalCode = Reader.GetUInt32(1), Zone = Reader.GetUInt32(2), PriceFactor = Reader.GetFloat(3) }; EstimatorList.Add(_estimator); } Reader.Close(); Connection.Close(); }
public static List <Servicio> Buscar(string nombre) { List <Servicio> _lista = new List <Servicio>(); ConexBD cnx = new ConexBD(); cnx.Conectar(); MySqlCommand _comando = new MySqlCommand(String.Format( "SELECT * FROM Servicio where nombreServicio like '%{0}%' ", nombre), cnx.ObtenerConexion()); MySqlDataReader _reader = _comando.ExecuteReader(); while (_reader.Read()) { Servicio servicio = new Servicio(); servicio.idServicio = _reader.GetInt32(0); servicio.NombreServicio = _reader.GetString(1); servicio.precioServicio = _reader.GetFloat(2); _lista.Add(servicio); } _comando.Connection.Close(); cnx.cerrarConexion(); return(_lista); }
private List <Insulin> ReadInsulinsFromReader(MySqlDataReader insulinsReader) { List <Insulin> insulins = new List <Insulin>(); if (insulinsReader.HasRows) { while (insulinsReader.Read()) { insulins.Add(new Insulin(insulinsReader.GetInt32("_id"), HelperMethods.DateTimeStringToTimestamp(insulinsReader.GetString("timestamp")), insulinsReader.GetFloat("value"), insulinsReader.GetInt16("dayDosage") == 1 )); } } else { LOG.Info("No rows found."); } return(insulins); }
internal float getMaxAverageTasksPerListOutOfAllProjects() { float maxAverageTasksPerListOutOfAllProjects = 0; mySqlConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(subQuery.averageTasksOnList) " + "FROM (SELECT AVG(subSubQuery.numTasksOnList) as averageTasksOnList " + "FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) as numTasksOnList, projectId " + "FROM Tasks GROUP BY listId, projectId) as subSubQuery " + "GROUP BY projectId) as subQuery"; MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { maxAverageTasksPerListOutOfAllProjects = reader.GetFloat(0); } mySqlConnection.Close(); return(maxAverageTasksPerListOutOfAllProjects); }
// Вивести СЛУЖБИ ДОСТАВКИ public static List <Courier> getCouriers() { List <Courier> list = new List <Courier>(); try { MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM fruitsvegetables.couriers", connect); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Courier x = new Courier(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetFloat(3)); list.Add(x); } reader.Close(); } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return(list); }
public List <ViewConsultaFliperama> ListarVendasFliperama() { string query = "select * from vw_consulta_fliperama"; ProjetoDataBase database = new ProjetoDataBase(); MySqlDataReader reader = database.ExecuteSelect(query); List <ViewConsultaFliperama> itens = new List <ViewConsultaFliperama>(); while (reader.Read()) { ViewConsultaFliperama flip = new ViewConsultaFliperama(); flip.Cpf = reader.GetString("ds_cpf"); flip.ValorUnitario = reader.GetFloat("vl_preco"); flip.DataDaCompra = reader.GetDateTime("dt_compra"); flip.QuantidadeDeFixas = reader.GetInt32("nr_fixas"); itens.Add(flip); } reader.Close(); return(itens); }
public ActionResult Index(string data1, string data2) { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); List <StockPrice> data = new List <StockPrice>(); connection.Open(); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM prices WHERE date BETWEEN " + "'" + data1 + "'" + " AND " + "'" + data2 + "'"; MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { StockPrice one = new StockPrice { date = reader.GetDateTime(0), price = reader.GetFloat(1) }; data.Add(one); } reader.Close(); connection.Close(); ArrayList dataChart = new ArrayList(); ArrayList header = new ArrayList { "data", "wartość" }; dataChart.Add(header); foreach (StockPrice s in data) { ArrayList elem = new ArrayList {"yyyy/MM/dd"), s.price }; dataChart.Add(elem); } string dataStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataChart, Formatting.None); ViewBag.Data = new HtmlString(dataStr); return(View(data)); }
private T fillReadedObject(MySqlDataReader reader) { T newObj = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++) { string typeName = properties[i].PropertyType.ToString(); if (typeName.Contains("Int")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetInt32(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("Double")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetDouble(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("Decimal")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetDecimal(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("Float")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetFloat(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("String")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetString(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("Boolean")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetBoolean(i)); } else if (typeName.Contains("DateTime")) { properties[i].SetValue(newObj, reader.GetDateTime(i)); } } return(newObj); }
public static void getRabbitRodK(MySqlConnection sql, ref RabbitGen rabbit) { if (rabbit.Sex == Rabbit.SexType.FEMALE) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(String.Format(@"SELECT COALESCE((sum(f_children)-sum(f_killed)+sum(f_added))/(sum(f_children)+sum(f_added)),0) k FROM f***s WHERE f_rabid={0:d};", rabbit.ID), sql); MySqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rd.Read()) { rabbit.RodK = rd.GetFloat("k"); } rd.Close(); } if (rabbit.Sex == Rabbit.SexType.MALE) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(String.Format(@"SELECT (SELECT COUNT(f_state) FROM f***s WHERE f_partner={0:d} AND f_state='okrol' AND f_times=1) o, (SELECT COUNT(f_state) FROM f***s WHERE f_partner={0:d} AND f_state='proholost' AND f_times=1) p;" , rabbit.ID), sql ); MySqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rd.Read()) { float o = rd.GetFloat("o"); float p = rd.GetFloat("p"); if (p + 0 == 0) { rabbit.RodK = 0; } else { rabbit.RodK = o / (o + p); } } rd.Close(); } }
public List <delivery> getDeliveryList() { List <delivery> delivList = new List <delivery>(); delivery deliv = new delivery(); MySqlConnection conn = null; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(); using (conn = new MySqlConnection(db.getConnString())) { conn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "select location as 'Delivery Area', price as 'Initial Charge' from deliveryrates order by 'Delivery Area'; "; using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { deliv = new delivery(); deliv.location = reader.GetString(0); deliv.price = reader.GetFloat(1); deliv.priceStr = String.Concat("Php ", (string.Format("{0:N2}", deliv.price))); delivList.Add(deliv); } if (!reader.HasRows) { deliv = null; } } } } return(delivList); }
public List <Bedroom> ChargerAllBedroomToClean() { List <Bedroom> list = new List <Bedroom>(); if (OpenConnection() == false) { return(list); } string req = "UPDATE bedroom LEFT JOIN link_reservationbedroomoptions ON = link_reservationbedroomoptions.id_Bedroom LEFT JOIN reservation ON link_reservationbedroomoptions.id_Reservation = SET bedroom.state = 'Non nettoyé' WHERE(TO_DAYS(now()) - TO_DAYS(bedroom.date_last_clean)) > 3 OR reservation.dateEnd = NOW(); " + "SELECT, bedroom.number, bedroom.state, bedroom.date_last_clean, AS typeId,, typebedroom.price FROM bedroom JOIN typebedroom ON bedroom.id_TypeBedroom = WHERE bedroom.state = 'Non nettoyé' ;"; MySqlCommand mySqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(req, mySqlConnection); MySqlDataReader reader2 = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader2.Read()) { Bedroom bedroom = new Bedroom { Id = reader2.GetInt32("id"), Number = reader2.GetInt32("number"), State = reader2.GetString("state"), DateLastClean = reader2.GetDateTime("date_last_clean"), TypeBedroom = new TypeBedroom { Id = reader2.GetInt32("typeId"), Name = reader2.GetString("name"), Price = reader2.GetFloat("price") } }; list.Add(bedroom); } CloseConnection(); return(list); }
public static List <Country> SortByAmerica() { List <Country> allCountries = new List <Country> { }; MySqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand() as MySqlCommand; cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM country WHERE code = 'USA';"; MySqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() as MySqlDataReader; while (rdr.Read()) { string countryName = rdr.GetString(1); string countryCode = rdr.GetString(0); int countryPopulation = rdr.GetInt32(6); int countryIndependenceYear = 0; if (!rdr.IsDBNull(5)) { countryIndependenceYear = rdr.GetInt32(5); } float countryLifeExpectancy = 0; if (!rdr.IsDBNull(7)) { countryLifeExpectancy = rdr.GetFloat(7); } string countryFormOfGov = rdr.GetString(11); Country newCountry = new Country(countryName, countryCode, countryPopulation, countryIndependenceYear, countryLifeExpectancy, countryFormOfGov); allCountries.Add(newCountry); } conn.Close(); if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); } return(allCountries); }
public Goods GetGoods(int goods_id) { string sql = "select * from goods join sell_goods where goods_id=@goods_id and goods_id=sell_goods_id"; var result = new Goods(); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring)) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@goods_id", goods_id)); try { conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { result = new Goods() { goods_id = goods_id, goods_name = reader.GetString("goods_name"), goods_price = reader.GetFloat("goods_price"), goods_details = reader.GetString("goods_detail"), goods_img_path = reader.GetString("goods_img_path"), goods_stock = reader.GetInt32("sell_stock"), goods_volume = reader.GetInt32("sell_volume"), seller_phone = reader.GetString("seller_phone"), goods_tag = reader.GetString("goods_tag"), }; } reader.Close(); } catch { } finally { conn.Close(); } } return(result); }
internal List <Apuesta> RetrieveById_mercadoandEmail_Usuario(string user, int id) { CultureInfo culInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"); culInfo.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; culInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; culInfo.NumberFormat.PercentDecimalSeparator = "."; culInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culInfo; MySqlConnection con = Connect(); MySqlCommand command = con.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT mercados.Over_Under,apuestas.Tipo,apuestas.Cuota,apuestas.Dinero_apostado FROM apuestas,mercados WHERE Email_Usuario = '@user' AND ID_Mercado = '@id'"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", user); try { con.Open(); MySqlDataReader res = command.ExecuteReader(); Apuesta a = null; List <Apuesta> apuestas = new List <Apuesta>(); while (res.Read()) { Debug.WriteLine("recuperamos2: " + res.GetInt32(0) + " " + res.GetString(1) + " " + res.GetInt32(2) + " " + res.GetString(3) + " " + res.GetFloat(4) + " " + res.GetInt32(5) + " " + res.GetDateTime(6)); a = new Apuesta(res.GetInt32(0), res.GetString(1), res.GetInt32(2), res.GetString(3), res.GetFloat(4), res.GetInt32(5), res.GetDateTime(6)); apuestas.Add(a); } con.Close(); return(apuestas); } catch (MySqlException e) { Debug.WriteLine("se ha producido un error de conexión"); return(null); } }
public static CharacterModel LoadCharacterByName(string characterName, string playername, string ip) { CharacterModel character = new CharacterModel(); using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); // Обновление последнего IP. command.CommandText = "UPDATE accounts SET lastIp = @lastIp WHERE login = @login LIMIT 1"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastIp", ip); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@login", playername); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM characterlist WHERE characterName = @characterName LIMIT 1"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@characterName", characterName); using (MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); = reader.GetInt32("id"); character.characterName = reader.GetString("characterName"); = reader.GetInt32("sex"); character.posX = reader.GetFloat("posX"); character.posY = reader.GetFloat("posY"); character.posZ = reader.GetFloat("posZ"); character.rotation = reader.GetFloat("rotation"); character.adminRank = reader.GetInt32("adminRank"); = reader.GetInt32("money"); = reader.GetInt32("bank"); = reader.GetInt32("health"); character.armor = reader.GetInt32("armor"); character.played = reader.GetInt32("played"); character.xp = reader.GetInt32("xp"); character.lvl = reader.GetInt32("lvl"); character.hunger = reader.GetFloat("hunger"); character.thirst = reader.GetFloat("thirst"); } } } return(character); }
//Function: void getAllQuotes(name) //Purpose: retrieves all of the quotes from the db via customer name private void getAllQuotes(string name) { quoteList.Clear(); string query = "SELECT * FROM quote"; //connect to the db and retrieve the data if (this.connect()) { //execute the query MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { //create new quotes using the data read if ((dr["custName"] + "").Contains(name) && dr.GetFloat(6) != 1) { quoteList.Add(new Quote(dr.GetInt32(9), dr["name"] + "", dr["custName"] + "", dr["email"] + "", dr.GetInt32(3), dr.GetFloat(4), dr.GetFloat(5), dr.GetFloat(6))); } } dr.Close(); } this.stopConnection(); }
public static IList <DAOMovimientos> Buscar(MySqlConnection con, string nombre) { List <DAOMovimientos> lista = new List <DAOMovimientos>(); MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand(string.Format("SELECT id_movimiento,nombre_movimiento,fecha_movimiento,cantidad,cliente,proveedor,total from movimientos where nombre_movimiento LIKE ('%{0}%')", nombre), con); MySqlDataReader reader = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DAOMovimientos Movimiento = new DAOMovimientos(); = reader.GetInt32(0); Movimiento.nombre_movimiento = reader.GetString(1); Movimiento.fecha = reader.GetString(2); Movimiento.cantidad = reader.GetInt32(3); Movimiento.cliente = reader.GetString(4); Movimiento.proveedor = reader.GetString(5); = reader.GetFloat(6); lista.Add(Movimiento); } return(lista); }
public static float GetFloat(string MySqlCommand, string Column) { float tmp = 0; MySqlDataReader DataReader = null; MySqlCommand Command = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommand, connection); try { DataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(); while (DataReader.Read()) { tmp = DataReader.GetFloat(Column); } } finally { if (DataReader != null) { DataReader.Close(); } } return(tmp); }
public User GetUserByEmail(string email) { User user = new User(); sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = '" + email + "'"; connection.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { user.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); user.Firstname = reader.GetString(1); user.MembershipTypeId = reader.GetInt32(6); user.Password = reader.GetString(7); user.Email = reader.GetString(3); user.Height = reader.GetFloat(5); } connection.Close(); return(user); }
public float GetAllIncome(string seller_phone) { float res = 0; string sql1 = "select sum(plist_goods_total_price) as sum from purchaselists where plist_seller_phone=@phone"; using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring)) { MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(sql1, conn); conn.Open(); cmd1.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@phone", seller_phone)); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { res = reader.GetFloat("sum"); } conn.Close(); } return(res); }
public Produto Detalhes(int id) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Produto WHERE idProduto = @id"; conexao.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, conexao); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", id); MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); Produto produto = new Produto(); reader.Read(); = reader.GetInt32("idProduto"); if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("nome"))) { produto.nome = reader.GetString("nome"); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("saborPrincipal"))) { produto.saborPrincipal = reader.GetString("saborPrincipal"); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("descricao"))) { produto.descricao = reader.GetString("descricao"); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("preco"))) { produto.preco = reader.GetFloat("preco"); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("dataCadastro"))) { produto.dataCadastro = reader.GetDateTime("dataCadastro"); } reader.Close(); conexao.Close(); return(produto); }
/** * Método: ConsultarDatosItem * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Este metodo realiza la consulta de los datos tales como cupo y monto segun * el item pasados por parametro * @param idItem: Identificador de referencia en la base de datos * @param cupo: cupo del juego a consultar * @param monto: monto a consultar */ public int ConsultarDatosItem(int idItem, ref int cupo, ref float monto) { try { log.Debug("Método: " + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); Conectar(); string query = "SELECT CUPO, MONTO FROM TB_ITEM WHERE ID_ITEM=" + idItem; int result1 = 0, result = 0; float result2 = 0; command = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { result1 = reader.GetInt32(0); result2 = reader.GetFloat(1); } if (result1 != 0 && result2 != 0) { cupo = result1; monto = result2; result = 1; } return(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { Desconectar(); } }
public static bool SelectAllMapObjects(int map, out List <DB_WorldObject> data) { var locked = false; data = null; if (!IsConnected) { return(false); } try { using (MySqlCommand _cmd = _connection.CreateCommand()) { _cmd.CommandText = $"SELECT * FROM {tb_03_01} WHERE map = {map};"; Monitor.Enter(_connection, ref locked); using (MySqlDataReader _result = _cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (_result.HasRows) { data = new List <DB_WorldObject>(); while (_result.Read()) { data.Add(new DB_WorldObject(_result.GetInt32(0), _result.GetUInt16(1), _result.GetInt32(2), _result.GetByte(3), _result.GetByte(4), _result.GetVector3(5), _result.GetVector3(8), _result.GetFloat(11), _result.GetInt32(12), _result.GetInt32(13), _result.GetInt32(14))); } } } } return(true); } catch { return(false); } finally { if (locked) { Monitor.Exit(_connection); } } }
public List <Computer> GetAllComputers() { List <Computer> computers = new List <Computer>(); string query = "SELECT * FROM computers"; if (OpenConnection()) { using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connection)) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.GetInt32("id") == -1) { continue; } computers.Add( new Computer { ID = reader.GetInt32("id"), Name = reader.GetString("computer_name"), Price = reader.GetFloat("price"), SerialNumber = reader.GetString("serial_number"), RoomID = reader.GetInt32("room_id"), StatusID = reader.GetInt32("status"), TypeID = reader.GetInt32("type"), RoomValue = RoomSql.RoomsKeyValues[reader.GetInt32("room_id")] }); } } } CloseConnection(); } return(computers); }
// Methode retournant l'historique de transaction d'un compte en banque | utilisation de jointure entre 5 tables differents public static bool loadAccountHistory(int compte) { histories = new List <ClientHistory>(); historyResult = new List <string>(); query = "SELECT client.nom, client.prenom, client.nif, transaction.libele_transaction, historique.montant, historique.date_transaction" + " FROM client, compte_client, historique, transaction, compte" + " WHERE (compte_client.no_compte = " + compte + ") AND (historique.no_compte = " + compte + ") AND (transaction.type_transaction = historique.type_transaction) " + " AND (client.nif = compte_client.nif)"; try { connection = new MySqlConnection(@"Data Source=localhost;port=3309;Initial Catalog=mybank;User Id=root;password=''"); connection.Open(); command = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.HasRows && reader.Read()) { ClientHistory ch = new ClientHistory(); ch.Nom = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("nom")); ch.Prenom = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("prenom")); ch.Montant = reader.GetFloat(reader.GetOrdinal("montant")); ch.Nif = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("nif")); ch.Libele = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("libele_transaction")); ch.Date = reader.GetDateTime(reader.GetOrdinal("date_transaction")); histories.Add(ch); } connection.Close(); return(true); } catch (MySqlException e) { string error2 = e.Message; connection.Close(); return(false); } }
// GET Payment Call public Payment GetPayment(long id) { Payment Payment = new Payment(); MySqlDataReader mySQLReader = null; string slqCommandString = "SELECT * FROM Payments, Payments_fd WHERE(" + "Payments.CCNumber = Payments_fd.CCNumber) AND " + "Payments.PaymentID = " + id.ToString(); try { MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(slqCommandString, sqlConnection); mySQLReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (mySQLReader.Read()) { Payment.paymentID = mySQLReader.GetInt32(0); Payment.hostUserID = mySQLReader.GetInt32(1); Payment.reservationID = mySQLReader.GetInt32(2); Payment.CCNumber = mySQLReader.GetString(3); Payment.amount = mySQLReader.GetFloat(4); // 5 is CCNumber again Payment.CCType = mySQLReader.GetString(6); Payment.CCVerificationCode = mySQLReader.GetInt32(7); Payment.CCExpiryDate = mySQLReader.GetDateTime(8); mySQLReader.Close(); return(Payment); } mySQLReader.Close(); return(null); } catch (MySqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Found an error when performing a GET Payment call in PaymentPersistenceService (GetPayment): " + ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取work_package_task_list表中State=0的工单 /// </summary> public void get_info_package_from_db() { this.info_package.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;//设置DataGridView的行列为自动调整 String PackageSql = "SELECT `Ap_id`,`Total_plies`,`Total_area`,`Package_num` FROM `work_package_task_list` WHERE `State` = 0"; MySqlCommand InfoPackageCommand = getSqlCommand(PackageSql, mysql); try { mysql.Open(); MySqlDataReader InfoPackageRead = InfoPackageCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (InfoPackageRead.HasRows) { while (InfoPackageRead.Read()) { ap_id = InfoPackageRead.GetString(0); total_layer = InfoPackageRead.GetInt32(1); total_area = InfoPackageRead.GetFloat(2); total_plate = InfoPackageRead.GetInt32(3); string[] toshow = new string[] { ap_id, total_layer.ToString(), total_area.ToString(), total_plate.ToString() }; int rows = this.info_package.Rows.Add(); for (int i = 0; i < info_package.ColumnCount; i++)//把包信息显示到DataGridView里面 { info_package.Rows[rows].Cells[i].Value = toshow[i]; } } } } catch (MySqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " get_info_package_from_db()方法中MySqlException Error:" + ex.ToString()); error_flag = true; } finally { mysql.Close(); } }
public Dictionary <int, float> GetAllPrices() { Dictionary <int, float> result = new Dictionary <int, float>(); MySqlDataReader mysql_datareader = null; MySqlCommand command = null; try { string query = "SELECT id, price FROM products"; command = m_dbConnection.CreateCommand(); command.Connection.Open(); command.CommandText = query; mysql_datareader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (mysql_datareader.Read()) { int id = mysql_datareader.GetInt32(0); float price = mysql_datareader.GetFloat(1); result[id] = price; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine("\n\n**********************************************************************"); Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.Out.WriteLine(e.InnerException); Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Source); Console.Out.WriteLine("**********************************************************************\n\n"); } finally { mysql_datareader?.Close(); command?.Connection?.Close(); } return(result); }
public static List <Country> GetByContinent(string userInput) { List <Country> allCountries = new List <Country> { }; MySqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand() as MySqlCommand; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM country WHERE continent LIKE '" + userInput + "%';"; MySqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() as MySqlDataReader; while (rdr.Read()) { string countryName = rdr.GetString(1); string countryContinent = rdr.GetString(2); int countryCapital = 0; if (!rdr.IsDBNull(13)) { countryCapital = rdr.GetInt32(13); } int countryPopulation = rdr.GetInt32(6); float countryLifeExpectancy = 0; if (!rdr.IsDBNull(7)) { countryLifeExpectancy = rdr.GetFloat(7); } Country newCountry = new Country(countryName, countryContinent, countryCapital, countryPopulation, countryLifeExpectancy); allCountries.Add(newCountry); } conn.Close(); if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); } return(allCountries); }