protected ServiceBase(string accessKey, string secretKey, string associateTag) { AccessKey = accessKey; AssociateTag = associateTag; var binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport) { MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue }; client = new AWSECommerceServicePortTypeClient( binding, new EndpointAddress("")); client.ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add( new AmazonSigningEndpointBehavior(accessKey, secretKey)); Merchant = Merchants.All; SetupUSBrowserNodes(); }
public void TestFor_ValidDisplayOfServicesAndGoods() { //Arrange Merchants merchants = new Merchants() { MerchantsId = 1, MerchantsName = "Mar", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Mobile = 9876554345 }; //Actions var allServices = _merchantService.DisplayServices(merchants.MerchantsId); var allGoods = _merchantService.DisplayAllGoods(merchants.MerchantsId); //Assert Assert.NotNull(allServices); Assert.NotNull(allGoods); Assert.NotEmpty(allServices); Assert.NotEmpty(allGoods); }
public void ExceptionTestFor_ValidUserName_InvalidPassword() { Users user = new Users() { UserId = 1, UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", }; Merchants merchants = new Merchants() { MerchantsId = 1, MerchantsName = "Mary", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Mobile = 9876554345 }; //Assert var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidCredentialsExceptions>(() => _userService.SignIn(user.UserName, user.Password)); var exc = Assert.Throws <InvalidCredentialsExceptions>(() => _merchantService.SignIn(merchants.MerchantsName, merchants.Password)); Assert.Equal("Please enter valid usename & password", ex.Messages); Assert.Equal("Please enter valid usename & password", exc.Messages); }
public void ExceptionTestFor_UserNotFound() { //Assert Users user = new Users() { UserId = random.Next(100, 10000000), UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", }; Merchants merchants = new Merchants() { MerchantsId = random.Next(100, 10000000), MerchantsName = "Mary", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Mobile = 9876554345 }; var ex = Assert.Throws <UserNotFoundException>(() => _userService.SignIn(user.UserName, user.Password)); var exc = Assert.Throws <UserNotFoundException>(() => _merchantService.SignIn(merchants.MerchantsName, merchants.Password)); Assert.Equal("User Not Found ", ex.Messages); Assert.Equal("User Not Found ", exc.Messages); }
public void SummingUpYear() { Age++; Merchants.Sort((a, b) => b.Gold.CompareTo(a.Gold)); Console.WriteLine("All merchants and they gold:"); PrintAllMerchants(); Console.WriteLine("20% of the most unsuccessful merchants, who will be excluded:"); Int32 toDelete = Merchants.Count / 5; Int32 eightyPercent = Merchants.Count - toDelete; for (int i = Merchants.Count - 1; i >= eightyPercent; i--) { Console.WriteLine("\tPlace #" + (i + 1) + " " + Merchants[i].Name + " with " + Merchants[i].Gold + " gold"); Merchants.RemoveAt(i); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("New merchants:"); for (int i = 0; i < toDelete; i++) { MerchantTypes type = Merchants[i].OwnType; switch (type) { case MerchantTypes.altruist: { Merchants.Add(new Altruist("Altruist_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } case MerchantTypes.quirky: { Merchants.Add(new Quirky("Quirky_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } case MerchantTypes.resentful: { Merchants.Add(new Resentful("Resentful_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } case MerchantTypes.slyboots: { Merchants.Add(new Slyboots("Slyboots_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } case MerchantTypes.swindler: { Merchants.Add(new Swindler("Swindler_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } case MerchantTypes.unpredictable: { Merchants.Add(new Unpredictable("Unpredictable_" + Age + "_" + i, this)); break; } } Console.WriteLine("\t" + Merchants.Last().Name); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in Merchants) { item.NullifyGold(); } Deals = new List <Deal>(); IsSummedUp = true; }
public void AddMerchant(Merchant merchant) { Merchants.Add(merchant); }
public Response Put([FromBody] Merchants value) { return(repo.Update(value)); }
public bool MakePayment(Merchants merchant, Payment payment) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ItemSearchResponse ItemSearch(SearchIndex index, string keywords, int page, List <ResponseGroup> responseGroups, Merchants merchant, int maxPrice, int minPrice) { return(ItemSearch(index, keywords, page, responseGroups, merchant, maxPrice, minPrice, null)); }
public void LoadMerchants() { Merchants.Add(EfMerchantRepository.CreateMerchant_Amazon()); Merchants.Add(EfMerchantRepository.CreateMerchant_Apple()); }
public Merchant GetMerchant(Guid merchantID) { return(Merchants.Where(m => m.MerchantID == merchantID).FirstOrDefault()); }
private ItemSearchRequest RequestBuilder(SearchIndex index, string keywords, int page, IEnumerable<ResponseGroup> responseGroups, Merchants merchant, int? maximumPrice, int? minimumPrice, int? percentageOff) { var request = new ItemSearchRequest { SearchIndex = index.ToString(), Keywords = keywords, MaximumPrice = maximumPrice != null ? maximumPrice.ToString() : null, MinimumPrice = minimumPrice != null ? minimumPrice.ToString() : null, MerchantId = merchant.ToString(), MinPercentageOff = percentageOff != null ? percentageOff.ToString() : null, ItemPage = page.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ResponseGroup = new[] { String.Join(",", responseGroups.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()), } }; return request; }
public ItemSearchResponse ItemSearch(SearchIndex index, string keywords, int page, List<ResponseGroup> responseGroups, Merchants merchant, int? maxPrice, int? minPrice, int? minPercentageOff) { var request = RequestBuilder(index, keywords, page, responseGroups, merchant, maxPrice, minPrice, minPercentageOff); var itemSearch = SearchRequest(request); var response = client.ItemSearch(itemSearch); return response; }
public ItemSearchResponse ItemSearch(SearchIndex index, string keywords, int page, List<ResponseGroup> responseGroups, Merchants merchant, int maxPrice, int minPrice) { return ItemSearch(index, keywords, page, responseGroups, merchant, maxPrice, minPrice, null); }
public Merchants SignUp(Merchants merchant) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool CreateWebsitPage(Merchants merchant) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }