예제 #1
        ///	 <summary> * set the phone number of this, if this is a valid phone url, "tel:" or
        ///	 * "fax:" is prepended, if it is not yet there
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <param name="phone">
        ///	 *            the phone number string </param>
        ///	 * <param name="replaceForBlank">
        ///	 *            the replacement char for non-leading blanks , typically "." or
        ///	 *            null are a good idea </param>
        ///	 * <param name="channelType">
        ///	 *            the channelType - must be either Fax or Phone </param>
        ///	 * <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">
        ///	 *             if phone is not a valid phone number
        ///	 *  </exception>
        public virtual void setPhoneNumber(string phone, string replaceForBlank, EnumChannelType channelType)
            string phoneLocal = phone;

            if (!EnumChannelType.Fax.Equals(channelType) && !EnumChannelType.Phone.Equals(channelType))
                throw new ArgumentException("illegal channelType: " + channelType);

            if (phoneLocal != null)
                phoneLocal = phoneLocal.Trim();

            phoneLocal = StringUtil.replaceCharSet(phoneLocal, " ", replaceForBlank, 0);
            if (phoneLocal == null || !StringUtil.matches(phoneLocal, JDFConstants.REGEXP_PHONE))
                throw new ArgumentException("illegal phone number:" + phoneLocal);

            if (!phoneLocal.ToLower().StartsWith(TEL))
                phoneLocal = TEL + phoneLocal;

예제 #2
        ///	 <summary> * get the phone number of this, if this is a valid phone address, else null
        ///	 * any "tel:" or "fax:" is stripped
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <param name="stripNonNumerical">
        ///	 *            if true, remove any valid brackets, . / etc. so that a purely
        ///	 *            numerical code (except for an optional "+" for international)
        ///	 *            is returned </param>
        ///	 * <returns> the phone number </returns>
        public virtual string getPhoneNumber(bool stripNonNumerical)
            EnumChannelType channelType = getChannelType();

            if (!EnumChannelType.Fax.Equals(channelType) && !EnumChannelType.Phone.Equals(channelType))
            string locator = getLocator();

            if (!StringUtil.matchesIgnoreCase(locator, JDFConstants.REGEXP_PHONE))
            locator = StringUtil.stripPrefix(locator, TEL, true);
            if (stripNonNumerical)
                locator = StringUtil.stripNot(locator, "+0123456789");
예제 #3
 static JDFAutoComChannel()
     atrInfoTable[0] = new AtrInfoTable(AttributeName.CHANNELTYPE, 0x22222222, AttributeInfo.EnumAttributeType.enumeration, EnumChannelType.getEnum(0), null);
     atrInfoTable[1] = new AtrInfoTable(AttributeName.LOCATOR, 0x22222222, AttributeInfo.EnumAttributeType.string_, null, null);
     atrInfoTable[2] = new AtrInfoTable(AttributeName.CHANNELTYPEDETAILS, 0x33333311, AttributeInfo.EnumAttributeType.NMTOKEN, null, null);
     atrInfoTable[3] = new AtrInfoTable(AttributeName.CHANNELUSAGE, 0x33333311, AttributeInfo.EnumAttributeType.NMTOKENS, null, null);
예제 #4
 ///          <summary> * (9) get attribute ChannelType </summary>
 ///          * <returns> the value of the attribute </returns>
 public virtual EnumChannelType getChannelType()
     return(EnumChannelType.getEnum(getAttribute(AttributeName.CHANNELTYPE, null, null)));
예제 #5
        // ************************************************************************
        // * Attribute getter / setter
        // * ************************************************************************

        //         ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        //        Methods for Attribute ChannelType
        //        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        ///          <summary> * (5) set attribute ChannelType </summary>
        ///          * <param name="enumVar">: the enumVar to set the attribute to </param>
        public virtual void setChannelType(EnumChannelType enumVar)
            setAttribute(AttributeName.CHANNELTYPE, enumVar == null ? null : enumVar.getName(), null);